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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication.ZKReplicationQueueStorageForMigration.ZkLastPushedSeqId;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair;
import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
* Perform read/write to the replication queue storage.
public interface ReplicationQueueStorage {
* Set the current offset for a specific WAL group in a given queue.
* @param queueId the id of the queue
* @param walGroup the group of the WAL, can be empty if multi wal is not enabled
* @param offset the current offset of replication progress
* @param lastSeqIds map with {encodedRegionName, sequenceId} pairs for serial replication.
void setOffset(ReplicationQueueId queueId, String walGroup, ReplicationGroupOffset offset,
Map<String, Long> lastSeqIds) throws ReplicationException;
* Get the current offset of all the WAL groups for a queue
* @param queueId the id of the queue
* @return a map of all offsets of the WAL groups. The key the is WAL group and the value is the
* position.
Map<String, ReplicationGroupOffset> getOffsets(ReplicationQueueId queueId)
throws ReplicationException;
* Get a list of all queues for the specific peer.
* @param peerId the id of the peer
* @return a list of queueIds
List<ReplicationQueueId> listAllQueueIds(String peerId) throws ReplicationException;
* Get a list of all queues for the specific region server.
* @param serverName the server name of the region server that owns the set of queues
* @return a list of queueIds
List<ReplicationQueueId> listAllQueueIds(ServerName serverName) throws ReplicationException;
* Get a list of all queues for the specific region server and the specific peer
* @param peerId the id of the peer
* @param serverName the server name of the region server that owns the set of queues
* @return a list of queueIds
List<ReplicationQueueId> listAllQueueIds(String peerId, ServerName serverName)
throws ReplicationException;
* Get a list of all queues and the offsets.
List<ReplicationQueueData> listAllQueues() throws ReplicationException;
* Get a list of all region servers that have outstanding replication queues. These servers could
* be alive, dead or from a previous run of the cluster.
* @return a list of server names
List<ServerName> listAllReplicators() throws ReplicationException;
* Change ownership for the queue identified by queueId and belongs to a dead region server.
* @param queueId the id of the queue
* @param targetServerName the name of the target region server
* @return the new PeerId and A SortedSet of WALs in its queue
Map<String, ReplicationGroupOffset> claimQueue(ReplicationQueueId queueId,
ServerName targetServerName) throws ReplicationException;
* Remove a replication queue
* @param queueId the id of the queue to remove
void removeQueue(ReplicationQueueId queueId) throws ReplicationException;
* Remove all the replication queues for the given peer. Usually used when removing a peer.
* @param peerId the id of the peer
void removeAllQueues(String peerId) throws ReplicationException;
* Read the max sequence id of the specific region for a given peer. For serial replication, we
* need the max sequenced id to decide whether we can push the next entries.
* @param encodedRegionName the encoded region name
* @param peerId peer id
* @return the max sequence id of the specific region for a given peer.
long getLastSequenceId(String encodedRegionName, String peerId) throws ReplicationException;
* Set the max sequence id of a bunch of regions for a given peer. Will be called when setting up
* a serial replication peer.
* @param peerId peer id
* @param lastSeqIds map with {encodedRegionName, sequenceId} pairs for serial replication.
void setLastSequenceIds(String peerId, Map<String, Long> lastSeqIds) throws ReplicationException;
* Remove all the max sequence id record for the given peer.
* @param peerId peer id
void removeLastSequenceIds(String peerId) throws ReplicationException;
* Remove the max sequence id record for the given peer and regions.
* @param peerId peer id
* @param encodedRegionNames the encoded region names
void removeLastSequenceIds(String peerId, List<String> encodedRegionNames)
throws ReplicationException;
* Remove a peer from hfile reference queue.
* @param peerId peer cluster id to be removed
void removePeerFromHFileRefs(String peerId) throws ReplicationException;
* Add new hfile references to the queue.
* @param peerId peer cluster id to which the hfiles need to be replicated
* @param pairs list of pairs of { HFile location in staging dir, HFile path in region dir which
* will be added in the queue }
* @throws ReplicationException if fails to add a hfile reference
void addHFileRefs(String peerId, List<Pair<Path, Path>> pairs) throws ReplicationException;
* Remove hfile references from the queue.
* @param peerId peer cluster id from which this hfile references needs to be removed
* @param files list of hfile references to be removed
void removeHFileRefs(String peerId, List<String> files) throws ReplicationException;
* Get list of all peers from hfile reference queue.
* @return a list of peer ids
List<String> getAllPeersFromHFileRefsQueue() throws ReplicationException;
* Get a list of all hfile references in the given peer.
* @param peerId a String that identifies the peer
* @return a list of hfile references
List<String> getReplicableHFiles(String peerId) throws ReplicationException;
* Load all hfile references in all replication queues. This method guarantees to return a
* snapshot which contains all hfile references at the start of this call. However, some newly
* created hfile references during the call may not be included.
Set<String> getAllHFileRefs() throws ReplicationException;
* Whether the replication queue table exists.
* @return Whether the replication queue table exists
boolean hasData() throws ReplicationException;
// the below 3 methods are used for migrating
* Update the replication queue datas for a given region server.
void batchUpdateQueues(ServerName serverName, List<ReplicationQueueData> datas)
throws ReplicationException;
* Update last pushed sequence id for the given regions and peers.
void batchUpdateLastSequenceIds(List<ZkLastPushedSeqId> lastPushedSeqIds)
throws ReplicationException;
* Add the given hfile refs to the given peer.
void batchUpdateHFileRefs(String peerId, List<String> hfileRefs) throws ReplicationException;
// the below method is for clean up stale data after running ReplicatoinSyncUp
* Remove all the last sequence ids and hfile references data which are written before the given
* timestamp.
* <p/>
* The data of these two types are not used by replication directly.
* <p/>
* For last sequence ids, we will check it in serial replication, to make sure that we will
* replicate all edits in order, so if there are stale data, the worst case is that we will stop
* replicating as we think we still need to finish previous ranges first, although actually we
* have already replicated them out.
* <p/>
* For hfile references, it is just used by hfile cleaner to not remove these hfiles before we
* replicate them out, so if there are stale data, the worst case is that we can not remove these
* hfiles, although actually they have already been replicated out.
* <p/>
* So it is OK for us to just bring up the cluster first, and then use this method to delete the
* stale data, i.e, the data which are written before a specific timestamp.
void removeLastSequenceIdsAndHFileRefsBefore(long ts) throws ReplicationException;