blob: af5bfd5b03c511013c573d21519883fef4854a91 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.WALActionsListener.RollRequestReason.ERROR;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.WALActionsListener.RollRequestReason.LOW_REPLICATION;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.WALActionsListener.RollRequestReason.SLOW_SYNC;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.AbstractFSWALProvider.WAL_FILE_NAME_DELIMITER;
import static;
import static;
import com.lmax.disruptor.RingBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.OptionalLong;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentNavigableMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableLong;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathFilter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Abortable;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PrivateCellUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions.TimeoutIOException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcServer;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.ServerCall;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.log.HBaseMarkers;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.MultiVersionConcurrencyControl;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.trace.TraceUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.CommonFSUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.EnvironmentEdgeManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.AbstractFSWALProvider;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WAL;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WALEdit;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WALFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WALKeyImpl;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WALPrettyPrinter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WALProvider.WriterBase;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WALSplitter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
import org.apache.htrace.core.TraceScope;
import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Implementation of {@link WAL} to go against {@link FileSystem}; i.e. keep WALs in HDFS. Only one
* WAL is ever being written at a time. When a WAL hits a configured maximum size, it is rolled.
* This is done internal to the implementation.
* <p>
* As data is flushed from the MemStore to other on-disk structures (files sorted by key, hfiles), a
* WAL becomes obsolete. We can let go of all the log edits/entries for a given HRegion-sequence id.
* A bunch of work in the below is done keeping account of these region sequence ids -- what is
* flushed out to hfiles, and what is yet in WAL and in memory only.
* <p>
* It is only practical to delete entire files. Thus, we delete an entire on-disk file
* <code>F</code> when all of the edits in <code>F</code> have a log-sequence-id that's older
* (smaller) than the most-recent flush.
* <p>
* To read an WAL, call
* {@link WALFactory#createReader(org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem, org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path)}. *
* <h2>Failure Semantic</h2> If an exception on append or sync, roll the WAL because the current WAL
* is now a lame duck; any more appends or syncs will fail also with the same original exception. If
* we have made successful appends to the WAL and we then are unable to sync them, our current
* semantic is to return error to the client that the appends failed but also to abort the current
* context, usually the hosting server. We need to replay the WALs. <br>
* TODO: Change this semantic. A roll of WAL may be sufficient as long as we have flagged client
* that the append failed. <br>
* TODO: replication may pick up these last edits though they have been marked as failed append
* (Need to keep our own file lengths, not rely on HDFS).
public abstract class AbstractFSWAL<W extends WriterBase> implements WAL {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractFSWAL.class);
private static final String SURVIVED_TOO_LONG_SEC_KEY = "hbase.regionserver.wal.too.old.sec";
private static final int SURVIVED_TOO_LONG_SEC_DEFAULT = 900;
/** Don't log blocking regions more frequently than this. */
private static final long SURVIVED_TOO_LONG_LOG_INTERVAL_NS = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toNanos(5);
protected static final String SLOW_SYNC_TIME_MS ="";
protected static final int DEFAULT_SLOW_SYNC_TIME_MS = 100; // in ms
protected static final String ROLL_ON_SYNC_TIME_MS = "";
protected static final int DEFAULT_ROLL_ON_SYNC_TIME_MS = 10000; // in ms
protected static final String SLOW_SYNC_ROLL_THRESHOLD =
protected static final int DEFAULT_SLOW_SYNC_ROLL_THRESHOLD = 100; // 100 slow sync warnings
protected static final String SLOW_SYNC_ROLL_INTERVAL_MS =
protected static final int DEFAULT_SLOW_SYNC_ROLL_INTERVAL_MS = 60 * 1000; // in ms, 1 minute
protected static final String WAL_SYNC_TIMEOUT_MS = "hbase.regionserver.wal.sync.timeout";
protected static final int DEFAULT_WAL_SYNC_TIMEOUT_MS = 5 * 60 * 1000; // in ms, 5min
public static final String WAL_ROLL_MULTIPLIER = "hbase.regionserver.logroll.multiplier";
public static final String MAX_LOGS = "hbase.regionserver.maxlogs";
public static final String RING_BUFFER_SLOT_COUNT =
* file system instance
protected final FileSystem fs;
* WAL directory, where all WAL files would be placed.
protected final Path walDir;
* dir path where old logs are kept.
protected final Path walArchiveDir;
* Matches just those wal files that belong to this wal instance.
protected final PathFilter ourFiles;
* Prefix of a WAL file, usually the region server name it is hosted on.
protected final String walFilePrefix;
* Suffix included on generated wal file names
protected final String walFileSuffix;
* Prefix used when checking for wal membership.
protected final String prefixPathStr;
protected final WALCoprocessorHost coprocessorHost;
* conf object
protected final Configuration conf;
protected final Abortable abortable;
/** Listeners that are called on WAL events. */
protected final List<WALActionsListener> listeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
* Class that does accounting of sequenceids in WAL subsystem. Holds oldest outstanding sequence
* id as yet not flushed as well as the most recent edit sequence id appended to the WAL. Has
* facility for answering questions such as "Is it safe to GC a WAL?".
protected final SequenceIdAccounting sequenceIdAccounting = new SequenceIdAccounting();
/** The slow sync will be logged; the very slow sync will cause the WAL to be rolled. */
protected final long slowSyncNs, rollOnSyncNs;
protected final int slowSyncRollThreshold;
protected final int slowSyncCheckInterval;
protected final AtomicInteger slowSyncCount = new AtomicInteger();
private final long walSyncTimeoutNs;
private final long walTooOldNs;
// If > than this size, roll the log.
protected final long logrollsize;
* Block size to use writing files.
protected final long blocksize;
* If more than this many logs, force flush of oldest region to oldest edit goes to disk. If too
* many and we crash, then will take forever replaying. Keep the number of logs tidy.
protected final int maxLogs;
protected final boolean useHsync;
* This lock makes sure only one log roll runs at a time. Should not be taken while any other lock
* is held. We don't just use synchronized because that results in bogus and tedious findbugs
* warning when it thinks synchronized controls writer thread safety. It is held when we are
* actually rolling the log. It is checked when we are looking to see if we should roll the log or
* not.
protected final ReentrantLock rollWriterLock = new ReentrantLock(true);
// The timestamp (in ms) when the log file was created.
protected final AtomicLong filenum = new AtomicLong(-1);
// Number of transactions in the current Wal.
protected final AtomicInteger numEntries = new AtomicInteger(0);
* The highest known outstanding unsync'd WALEdit transaction id. Usually, we use a queue to pass
* WALEdit to background consumer thread, and the transaction id is the sequence number of the
* corresponding entry in queue.
protected volatile long highestUnsyncedTxid = -1;
* Updated to the transaction id of the last successful sync call. This can be less than
* {@link #highestUnsyncedTxid} for case where we have an append where a sync has not yet come in
* for it.
protected final AtomicLong highestSyncedTxid = new AtomicLong(0);
* The total size of wal
protected final AtomicLong totalLogSize = new AtomicLong(0);
* Current log file.
volatile W writer;
// Last time to check low replication on hlog's pipeline
private volatile long lastTimeCheckLowReplication = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
// Last time we asked to roll the log due to a slow sync
private volatile long lastTimeCheckSlowSync = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
protected volatile boolean closed = false;
protected final AtomicBoolean shutdown = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private long nextLogTooOldNs = System.nanoTime();
* WAL Comparator; it compares the timestamp (log filenum), present in the log file name. Throws
* an IllegalArgumentException if used to compare paths from different wals.
final Comparator<Path> LOG_NAME_COMPARATOR =
(o1, o2) ->, getFileNumFromFileName(o2));
private static final class WalProps {
* Map the encoded region name to the highest sequence id.
* <p/>Contains all the regions it has an entry for.
public final Map<byte[], Long> encodedName2HighestSequenceId;
* The log file size. Notice that the size may not be accurate if we do asynchronous close in
* sub classes.
public final long logSize;
* The nanoTime of the log rolling, used to determine the time interval that has passed since.
public final long rollTimeNs;
public WalProps(Map<byte[], Long> encodedName2HighestSequenceId, long logSize) {
this.encodedName2HighestSequenceId = encodedName2HighestSequenceId;
this.logSize = logSize;
this.rollTimeNs = System.nanoTime();
* Map of WAL log file to properties. The map is sorted by the log file creation timestamp
* (contained in the log file name).
protected ConcurrentNavigableMap<Path, WalProps> walFile2Props =
new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>(LOG_NAME_COMPARATOR);
* Map of {@link SyncFuture}s owned by Thread objects. Used so we reuse SyncFutures.
* Thread local is used so JVM can GC the terminated thread for us. See HBASE-21228
* <p>
private final ThreadLocal<SyncFuture> cachedSyncFutures;
* The class name of the runtime implementation, used as prefix for logging/tracing.
* <p>
* Performance testing shows getClass().getSimpleName() might be a bottleneck so we store it here,
* refer to HBASE-17676 for more details
* </p>
protected final String implClassName;
protected final AtomicBoolean rollRequested = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private final ExecutorService logArchiveExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(
new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).setNameFormat("WAL-Archiver-%d").build());
private final int archiveRetries;
public long getFilenum() {
return this.filenum.get();
* A log file has a creation timestamp (in ms) in its file name ({@link #filenum}. This helper
* method returns the creation timestamp from a given log file. It extracts the timestamp assuming
* the filename is created with the {@link #computeFilename(long filenum)} method.
* @return timestamp, as in the log file name.
protected long getFileNumFromFileName(Path fileName) {
checkNotNull(fileName, "file name can't be null");
if (!ourFiles.accept(fileName)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The log file " + fileName + " doesn't belong to this WAL. (" + toString() + ")");
final String fileNameString = fileName.toString();
String chompedPath = fileNameString.substring(prefixPathStr.length(),
(fileNameString.length() - walFileSuffix.length()));
return Long.parseLong(chompedPath);
private int calculateMaxLogFiles(Configuration conf, long logRollSize) {
Pair<Long, MemoryType> globalMemstoreSize = MemorySizeUtil.getGlobalMemStoreSize(conf);
return (int) ((globalMemstoreSize.getFirst() * 2) / logRollSize);
// must be power of 2
protected final int getPreallocatedEventCount() {
// Preallocate objects to use on the ring buffer. The way that appends and syncs work, we will
// be stuck and make no progress if the buffer is filled with appends only and there is no
// sync. If no sync, then the handlers will be outstanding just waiting on sync completion
// before they return.
int preallocatedEventCount =
this.conf.getInt(RING_BUFFER_SLOT_COUNT, 1024 * 16);
checkArgument(preallocatedEventCount >= 0, RING_BUFFER_SLOT_COUNT + " must > 0");
int floor = Integer.highestOneBit(preallocatedEventCount);
if (floor == preallocatedEventCount) {
return floor;
// max capacity is 1 << 30
if (floor >= 1 << 29) {
return 1 << 30;
return floor << 1;
protected AbstractFSWAL(final FileSystem fs, final Path rootDir, final String logDir,
final String archiveDir, final Configuration conf, final List<WALActionsListener> listeners,
final boolean failIfWALExists, final String prefix, final String suffix)
throws FailedLogCloseException, IOException {
this(fs, null, rootDir, logDir, archiveDir, conf, listeners, failIfWALExists, prefix, suffix);
protected AbstractFSWAL(final FileSystem fs, final Abortable abortable, final Path rootDir,
final String logDir, final String archiveDir, final Configuration conf,
final List<WALActionsListener> listeners, final boolean failIfWALExists, final String prefix,
final String suffix)
throws FailedLogCloseException, IOException {
this.fs = fs;
this.walDir = new Path(rootDir, logDir);
this.walArchiveDir = new Path(rootDir, archiveDir);
this.conf = conf;
this.abortable = abortable;
if (!fs.exists(walDir) && !fs.mkdirs(walDir)) {
throw new IOException("Unable to mkdir " + walDir);
if (!fs.exists(this.walArchiveDir)) {
if (!fs.mkdirs(this.walArchiveDir)) {
throw new IOException("Unable to mkdir " + this.walArchiveDir);
// If prefix is null||empty then just name it wal
this.walFilePrefix =
prefix == null || prefix.isEmpty() ? "wal" : URLEncoder.encode(prefix, "UTF8");
// we only correctly differentiate suffices when numeric ones start with '.'
if (suffix != null && !(suffix.isEmpty()) && !(suffix.startsWith(WAL_FILE_NAME_DELIMITER))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("WAL suffix must start with '" + WAL_FILE_NAME_DELIMITER +
"' but instead was '" + suffix + "'");
// Now that it exists, set the storage policy for the entire directory of wal files related to
// this FSHLog instance
String storagePolicy =
CommonFSUtils.setStoragePolicy(fs, this.walDir, storagePolicy);
this.walFileSuffix = (suffix == null) ? "" : URLEncoder.encode(suffix, "UTF8");
this.prefixPathStr = new Path(walDir, walFilePrefix + WAL_FILE_NAME_DELIMITER).toString();
this.ourFiles = new PathFilter() {
public boolean accept(final Path fileName) {
// The path should start with dir/<prefix> and end with our suffix
final String fileNameString = fileName.toString();
if (!fileNameString.startsWith(prefixPathStr)) {
return false;
if (walFileSuffix.isEmpty()) {
// in the case of the null suffix, we need to ensure the filename ends with a timestamp.
return org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils
} else if (!fileNameString.endsWith(walFileSuffix)) {
return false;
return true;
if (failIfWALExists) {
final FileStatus[] walFiles = CommonFSUtils.listStatus(fs, walDir, ourFiles);
if (null != walFiles && 0 != walFiles.length) {
throw new IOException("Target WAL already exists within directory " + walDir);
// Register listeners. TODO: Should this exist anymore? We have CPs?
if (listeners != null) {
for (WALActionsListener i : listeners) {
this.coprocessorHost = new WALCoprocessorHost(this, conf);
// Schedule a WAL roll when the WAL is 50% of the HDFS block size. Scheduling at 50% of block
// size should make it so WAL rolls before we get to the end-of-block (Block transitions cost
// some latency). In hbase-1 we did this differently. We scheduled a roll when we hit 95% of
// the block size but experience from the field has it that this was not enough time for the
// roll to happen before end-of-block. So the new accounting makes WALs of about the same
// size as those made in hbase-1 (to prevent surprise), we now have default block size as
// 2 times the DFS default: i.e. 2 * DFS default block size rolling at 50% full will generally
// make similar size logs to 1 * DFS default block size rolling at 95% full. See HBASE-19148.
this.blocksize = WALUtil.getWALBlockSize(this.conf, this.fs, this.walDir);
float multiplier = conf.getFloat(WAL_ROLL_MULTIPLIER, 0.5f);
this.logrollsize = (long) (this.blocksize * multiplier);
this.maxLogs = conf.getInt(MAX_LOGS, Math.max(32, calculateMaxLogFiles(conf, logrollsize)));"WAL configuration: blocksize=" + StringUtils.byteDesc(blocksize) + ", rollsize=" +
StringUtils.byteDesc(this.logrollsize) + ", prefix=" + this.walFilePrefix + ", suffix=" +
walFileSuffix + ", logDir=" + this.walDir + ", archiveDir=" + this.walArchiveDir +
", maxLogs=" + this.maxLogs);
this.slowSyncNs = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(conf.getInt(SLOW_SYNC_TIME_MS,
this.rollOnSyncNs = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(conf.getInt(ROLL_ON_SYNC_TIME_MS,
this.slowSyncRollThreshold = conf.getInt(SLOW_SYNC_ROLL_THRESHOLD,
this.slowSyncCheckInterval = conf.getInt(SLOW_SYNC_ROLL_INTERVAL_MS,
this.walSyncTimeoutNs = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(conf.getLong(WAL_SYNC_TIMEOUT_MS,
this.cachedSyncFutures = new ThreadLocal<SyncFuture>() {
protected SyncFuture initialValue() {
return new SyncFuture();
this.implClassName = getClass().getSimpleName();
this.walTooOldNs = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(conf.getInt(
this.useHsync = conf.getBoolean(HRegion.WAL_HSYNC_CONF_KEY, HRegion.DEFAULT_WAL_HSYNC);
archiveRetries = this.conf.getInt("hbase.regionserver.walroll.archive.retries", 0);
* Used to initialize the WAL. Usually just call rollWriter to create the first log writer.
public void init() throws IOException {
public void registerWALActionsListener(WALActionsListener listener) {
public boolean unregisterWALActionsListener(WALActionsListener listener) {
return this.listeners.remove(listener);
public WALCoprocessorHost getCoprocessorHost() {
return coprocessorHost;
public Long startCacheFlush(byte[] encodedRegionName, Set<byte[]> families) {
return this.sequenceIdAccounting.startCacheFlush(encodedRegionName, families);
public Long startCacheFlush(byte[] encodedRegionName, Map<byte[], Long> familyToSeq) {
return this.sequenceIdAccounting.startCacheFlush(encodedRegionName, familyToSeq);
public void completeCacheFlush(byte[] encodedRegionName, long maxFlushedSeqId) {
this.sequenceIdAccounting.completeCacheFlush(encodedRegionName, maxFlushedSeqId);
public void abortCacheFlush(byte[] encodedRegionName) {
public long getEarliestMemStoreSeqNum(byte[] encodedRegionName) {
// Used by tests. Deprecated as too subtle for general usage.
return this.sequenceIdAccounting.getLowestSequenceId(encodedRegionName);
public long getEarliestMemStoreSeqNum(byte[] encodedRegionName, byte[] familyName) {
// This method is used by tests and for figuring if we should flush or not because our
// sequenceids are too old. It is also used reporting the master our oldest sequenceid for use
// figuring what edits can be skipped during log recovery. getEarliestMemStoreSequenceId
// from this.sequenceIdAccounting is looking first in flushingOldestStoreSequenceIds, the
// currently flushing sequence ids, and if anything found there, it is returning these. This is
// the right thing to do for the reporting oldest sequenceids to master; we won't skip edits if
// we crash during the flush. For figuring what to flush, we might get requeued if our sequence
// id is old even though we are currently flushing. This may mean we do too much flushing.
return this.sequenceIdAccounting.getLowestSequenceId(encodedRegionName, familyName);
public Map<byte[], List<byte[]>> rollWriter() throws FailedLogCloseException, IOException {
return rollWriter(false);
* This is a convenience method that computes a new filename with a given file-number.
* @param filenum to use
* @return Path
protected Path computeFilename(final long filenum) {
if (filenum < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("WAL file number can't be < 0");
String child = walFilePrefix + WAL_FILE_NAME_DELIMITER + filenum + walFileSuffix;
return new Path(walDir, child);
* This is a convenience method that computes a new filename with a given using the current WAL
* file-number
* @return Path
public Path getCurrentFileName() {
return computeFilename(this.filenum.get());
* retrieve the next path to use for writing. Increments the internal filenum.
private Path getNewPath() throws IOException {
Path newPath = getCurrentFileName();
while (fs.exists(newPath)) {
newPath = getCurrentFileName();
return newPath;
Path getOldPath() {
long currentFilenum = this.filenum.get();
Path oldPath = null;
if (currentFilenum > 0) {
// ComputeFilename will take care of meta wal filename
oldPath = computeFilename(currentFilenum);
} // I presume if currentFilenum is <= 0, this is first file and null for oldPath if fine?
return oldPath;
* Tell listeners about pre log roll.
private void tellListenersAboutPreLogRoll(final Path oldPath, final Path newPath)
throws IOException {
coprocessorHost.preWALRoll(oldPath, newPath);
if (!this.listeners.isEmpty()) {
for (WALActionsListener i : this.listeners) {
i.preLogRoll(oldPath, newPath);
* Tell listeners about post log roll.
private void tellListenersAboutPostLogRoll(final Path oldPath, final Path newPath)
throws IOException {
if (!this.listeners.isEmpty()) {
for (WALActionsListener i : this.listeners) {
i.postLogRoll(oldPath, newPath);
coprocessorHost.postWALRoll(oldPath, newPath);
// public only until class moves to o.a.h.h.wal
/** @return the number of rolled log files */
public int getNumRolledLogFiles() {
return walFile2Props.size();
// public only until class moves to o.a.h.h.wal
/** @return the number of log files in use */
public int getNumLogFiles() {
// +1 for current use log
return getNumRolledLogFiles() + 1;
* If the number of un-archived WAL files ('live' WALs) is greater than maximum allowed,
* check the first (oldest) WAL, and return those regions which should be flushed so that
* it can be let-go/'archived'.
* @return stores of regions (encodedRegionNames) to flush in order to archive oldest WAL file.
Map<byte[], List<byte[]>> findRegionsToForceFlush() throws IOException {
Map<byte[], List<byte[]>> regions = null;
int logCount = getNumRolledLogFiles();
if (logCount > this.maxLogs && logCount > 0) {
Map.Entry<Path, WalProps> firstWALEntry = this.walFile2Props.firstEntry();
regions =
if (regions != null) {
List<String> listForPrint = new ArrayList();
for (Map.Entry<byte[], List<byte[]>> r : regions.entrySet()) {
StringBuilder families = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < r.getValue().size(); i++) {
if (i > 0) {
listForPrint.add(Bytes.toStringBinary(r.getKey()) + "[" + families.toString() + "]");
}"Too many WALs; count=" + logCount + ", max=" + this.maxLogs +
"; forcing (partial) flush of " + regions.size() + " region(s): " +
StringUtils.join(",", listForPrint));
return regions;
* Archive old logs. A WAL is eligible for archiving if all its WALEdits have been flushed.
private void cleanOldLogs() throws IOException {
List<Pair<Path, Long>> logsToArchive = null;
long now = System.nanoTime();
boolean mayLogTooOld = nextLogTooOldNs <= now;
ArrayList<byte[]> regionsBlockingWal = null;
// For each log file, look at its Map of regions to highest sequence id; if all sequence ids
// are older than what is currently in memory, the WAL can be GC'd.
for (Map.Entry<Path, WalProps> e : this.walFile2Props.entrySet()) {
Path log = e.getKey();
ArrayList<byte[]> regionsBlockingThisWal = null;
long ageNs = now - e.getValue().rollTimeNs;
if (ageNs > walTooOldNs) {
if (mayLogTooOld && regionsBlockingWal == null) {
regionsBlockingWal = new ArrayList<>();
regionsBlockingThisWal = regionsBlockingWal;
Map<byte[], Long> sequenceNums = e.getValue().encodedName2HighestSequenceId;
if (this.sequenceIdAccounting.areAllLower(sequenceNums, regionsBlockingThisWal)) {
if (logsToArchive == null) {
logsToArchive = new ArrayList<>();
logsToArchive.add(Pair.newPair(log, e.getValue().logSize));
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("WAL file ready for archiving " + log);
} else if (regionsBlockingThisWal != null) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(log.toString()).append(" has not been archived for ")
.append(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(ageNs)).append(" seconds; blocked by: ");
boolean isFirst = true;
for (byte[] region : regionsBlockingThisWal) {
if (!isFirst) {
sb.append("; ");
isFirst = false;
if (logsToArchive != null) {
final List<Pair<Path, Long>> localLogsToArchive = logsToArchive;
// make it async
for (Pair<Path, Long> log : localLogsToArchive) {
logArchiveExecutor.execute(() -> {
protected void archive(final Pair<Path, Long> log) {
int retry = 1;
while (true) {
try {
// successful
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (retry > archiveRetries) {
LOG.error("Failed log archiving for the log {},", log.getFirst(), e);
if (this.abortable != null) {
this.abortable.abort("Failed log archiving", e);
} else {
LOG.error("Log archiving failed for the log {} - attempt {}", log.getFirst(), retry,
* only public so WALSplitter can use.
* @return archived location of a WAL file with the given path p
public static Path getWALArchivePath(Path archiveDir, Path p) {
return new Path(archiveDir, p.getName());
protected void archiveLogFile(final Path p) throws IOException {
Path newPath = getWALArchivePath(this.walArchiveDir, p);
// Tell our listeners that a log is going to be archived.
if (!this.listeners.isEmpty()) {
for (WALActionsListener i : this.listeners) {
i.preLogArchive(p, newPath);
}"Archiving " + p + " to " + newPath);
if (!CommonFSUtils.renameAndSetModifyTime(this.fs, p, newPath)) {
throw new IOException("Unable to rename " + p + " to " + newPath);
// Tell our listeners that a log has been archived.
if (!this.listeners.isEmpty()) {
for (WALActionsListener i : this.listeners) {
i.postLogArchive(p, newPath);
protected final void logRollAndSetupWalProps(Path oldPath, Path newPath, long oldFileLen) {
int oldNumEntries = this.numEntries.getAndSet(0);
String newPathString = newPath != null ? CommonFSUtils.getPath(newPath) : null;
if (oldPath != null) {
new WalProps(this.sequenceIdAccounting.resetHighest(), oldFileLen));
this.totalLogSize.addAndGet(oldFileLen);"Rolled WAL {} with entries={}, filesize={}; new WAL {}",
CommonFSUtils.getPath(oldPath), oldNumEntries, StringUtils.byteDesc(oldFileLen),
} else {"New WAL {}", newPathString);
* Cleans up current writer closing it and then puts in place the passed in {@code nextWriter}.
* <p/>
* <ul>
* <li>In the case of creating a new WAL, oldPath will be null.</li>
* <li>In the case of rolling over from one file to the next, none of the parameters will be null.
* </li>
* <li>In the case of closing out this FSHLog with no further use newPath and nextWriter will be
* null.</li>
* </ul>
* @param oldPath may be null
* @param newPath may be null
* @param nextWriter may be null
* @return the passed in <code>newPath</code>
* @throws IOException if there is a problem flushing or closing the underlying FS
Path replaceWriter(Path oldPath, Path newPath, W nextWriter) throws IOException {
try (TraceScope scope = TraceUtil.createTrace("FSHFile.replaceWriter")) {
doReplaceWriter(oldPath, newPath, nextWriter);
return newPath;
protected final void blockOnSync(SyncFuture syncFuture) throws IOException {
// Now we have published the ringbuffer, halt the current thread until we get an answer back.
try {
if (syncFuture != null) {
if (closed) {
throw new IOException("WAL has been closed");
} else {
} catch (TimeoutIOException tioe) {
// SyncFuture reuse by thread, if TimeoutIOException happens, ringbuffer
// still refer to it, so if this thread use it next time may get a wrong
// result.
throw tioe;
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
LOG.warn("Interrupted", ie);
throw convertInterruptedExceptionToIOException(ie);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
throw ensureIOException(e.getCause());
private static IOException ensureIOException(final Throwable t) {
return (t instanceof IOException) ? (IOException) t : new IOException(t);
private IOException convertInterruptedExceptionToIOException(final InterruptedException ie) {
IOException ioe = new InterruptedIOException();
return ioe;
public Map<byte[], List<byte[]>> rollWriter(boolean force) throws IOException {
try {
if (this.closed) {
throw new WALClosedException("WAL has been closed");
// Return if nothing to flush.
if (!force && this.writer != null && this.numEntries.get() <= 0) {
return null;
Map<byte[], List<byte[]>> regionsToFlush = null;
try (TraceScope scope = TraceUtil.createTrace("FSHLog.rollWriter")) {
Path oldPath = getOldPath();
Path newPath = getNewPath();
// Any exception from here on is catastrophic, non-recoverable so we currently abort.
W nextWriter = this.createWriterInstance(newPath);
tellListenersAboutPreLogRoll(oldPath, newPath);
// NewPath could be equal to oldPath if replaceWriter fails.
newPath = replaceWriter(oldPath, newPath, nextWriter);
tellListenersAboutPostLogRoll(oldPath, newPath);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Create new " + implClassName + " writer with pipeline: " +
// We got a new writer, so reset the slow sync count
lastTimeCheckSlowSync = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
// Can we delete any of the old log files?
if (getNumRolledLogFiles() > 0) {
regionsToFlush = findRegionsToForceFlush();
} catch (CommonFSUtils.StreamLacksCapabilityException exception) {
// If the underlying FileSystem can't do what we ask, treat as IO failure so
// we'll abort.
throw new IOException(
"Underlying FileSystem can't meet stream requirements. See RS log " + "for details.",
return regionsToFlush;
} finally {
// public only until class moves to o.a.h.h.wal
/** @return the size of log files in use */
public long getLogFileSize() {
return this.totalLogSize.get();
// public only until class moves to o.a.h.h.wal
public void requestLogRoll() {
* Get the backing files associated with this WAL.
* @return may be null if there are no files.
FileStatus[] getFiles() throws IOException {
return CommonFSUtils.listStatus(fs, walDir, ourFiles);
public void shutdown() throws IOException {
if (!shutdown.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
closed = true;
// Tell our listeners that the log is closing
if (!this.listeners.isEmpty()) {
for (WALActionsListener i : this.listeners) {
try {
if (logArchiveExecutor != null) {
} finally {
public void close() throws IOException {
final FileStatus[] files = getFiles();
if (null != files && 0 != files.length) {
for (FileStatus file : files) {
Path p = getWALArchivePath(this.walArchiveDir, file.getPath());
// Tell our listeners that a log is going to be archived.
if (!this.listeners.isEmpty()) {
for (WALActionsListener i : this.listeners) {
i.preLogArchive(file.getPath(), p);
if (!CommonFSUtils.renameAndSetModifyTime(fs, file.getPath(), p)) {
throw new IOException("Unable to rename " + file.getPath() + " to " + p);
// Tell our listeners that a log was archived.
if (!this.listeners.isEmpty()) {
for (WALActionsListener i : this.listeners) {
i.postLogArchive(file.getPath(), p);
"Moved " + files.length + " WAL file(s) to " + CommonFSUtils.getPath(this.walArchiveDir));
}"Closed WAL: " + toString());
* updates the sequence number of a specific store. depending on the flag: replaces current seq
* number if the given seq id is bigger, or even if it is lower than existing one
public void updateStore(byte[] encodedRegionName, byte[] familyName, Long sequenceid,
boolean onlyIfGreater) {
sequenceIdAccounting.updateStore(encodedRegionName, familyName, sequenceid, onlyIfGreater);
protected final SyncFuture getSyncFuture(long sequence, boolean forceSync) {
return cachedSyncFutures.get().reset(sequence).setForceSync(forceSync);
protected boolean isLogRollRequested() {
return rollRequested.get();
protected final void requestLogRoll(final WALActionsListener.RollRequestReason reason) {
// If we have already requested a roll, don't do it again
// And only set rollRequested to true when there is a registered listener
if (!this.listeners.isEmpty() && rollRequested.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
for (WALActionsListener i : this.listeners) {
long getUnflushedEntriesCount() {
long highestSynced = this.highestSyncedTxid.get();
long highestUnsynced = this.highestUnsyncedTxid;
return highestSynced >= highestUnsynced ? 0 : highestUnsynced - highestSynced;
boolean isUnflushedEntries() {
return getUnflushedEntriesCount() > 0;
* Exposed for testing only. Use to tricks like halt the ring buffer appending.
protected void atHeadOfRingBufferEventHandlerAppend() {
// Noop
protected final boolean appendEntry(W writer, FSWALEntry entry) throws IOException {
long start = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
byte[] encodedRegionName = entry.getKey().getEncodedRegionName();
long regionSequenceId = entry.getKey().getSequenceId();
// Edits are empty, there is nothing to append. Maybe empty when we are looking for a
// region sequence id only, a region edit/sequence id that is not associated with an actual
// edit. It has to go through all the rigmarole to be sure we have the right ordering.
if (entry.getEdit().isEmpty()) {
return false;
// Coprocessor hook.
coprocessorHost.preWALWrite(entry.getRegionInfo(), entry.getKey(), entry.getEdit());
if (!listeners.isEmpty()) {
for (WALActionsListener i : listeners) {
i.visitLogEntryBeforeWrite(entry.getKey(), entry.getEdit());
doAppend(writer, entry);
assert highestUnsyncedTxid < entry.getTxid();
highestUnsyncedTxid = entry.getTxid();
if (entry.isCloseRegion()) {
// let's clean all the records of this region
} else {
sequenceIdAccounting.update(encodedRegionName, entry.getFamilyNames(), regionSequenceId,
coprocessorHost.postWALWrite(entry.getRegionInfo(), entry.getKey(), entry.getEdit());
// Update metrics.
postAppend(entry, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime() - start);
return true;
private long postAppend(final Entry e, final long elapsedTime) throws IOException {
long len = 0;
if (!listeners.isEmpty()) {
for (Cell cell : e.getEdit().getCells()) {
len += PrivateCellUtil.estimatedSerializedSizeOf(cell);
for (WALActionsListener listener : listeners) {
listener.postAppend(len, elapsedTime, e.getKey(), e.getEdit());
return len;
protected final void postSync(long timeInNanos, int handlerSyncs) {
if (timeInNanos > this.slowSyncNs) {
String msg = new StringBuilder().append("Slow sync cost: ")
.append(" ms, current pipeline: ")
if (timeInNanos > this.rollOnSyncNs) {
// A single sync took too long.
// Elsewhere in checkSlowSync, called from checkLogRoll, we will look at cumulative
// effects. Here we have a single data point that indicates we should take immediate
// action, so do so.
LOG.warn("Requesting log roll because we exceeded slow sync threshold; time=" +
TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(timeInNanos) + " ms, threshold=" +
TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(rollOnSyncNs) + " ms, current pipeline: " +
slowSyncCount.incrementAndGet(); // it's fine to unconditionally increment this
if (!listeners.isEmpty()) {
for (WALActionsListener listener : listeners) {
listener.postSync(timeInNanos, handlerSyncs);
protected final long stampSequenceIdAndPublishToRingBuffer(RegionInfo hri, WALKeyImpl key,
WALEdit edits, boolean inMemstore, RingBuffer<RingBufferTruck> ringBuffer)
throws IOException {
if (this.closed) {
throw new IOException(
"Cannot append; log is closed, regionName = " + hri.getRegionNameAsString());
MutableLong txidHolder = new MutableLong();
MultiVersionConcurrencyControl.WriteEntry we = key.getMvcc().begin(() -> {
long txid = txidHolder.longValue();
ServerCall<?> rpcCall = RpcServer.getCurrentCall().filter(c -> c instanceof ServerCall)
.filter(c -> c.getCellScanner() != null).map(c -> (ServerCall) c).orElse(null);
try (TraceScope scope = TraceUtil.createTrace(implClassName + ".append")) {
FSWALEntry entry = new FSWALEntry(txid, key, edits, hri, inMemstore, rpcCall);
} finally {
return txid;
public String toString() {
return implClassName + " " + walFilePrefix + ":" + walFileSuffix + "(num " + filenum + ")";
* if the given {@code path} is being written currently, then return its length.
* <p>
* This is used by replication to prevent replicating unacked log entries. See
* for more details.
public OptionalLong getLogFileSizeIfBeingWritten(Path path) {
try {
Path currentPath = getOldPath();
if (path.equals(currentPath)) {
W writer = this.writer;
return writer != null ? OptionalLong.of(writer.getSyncedLength()) : OptionalLong.empty();
} else {
return OptionalLong.empty();
} finally {
public long appendData(RegionInfo info, WALKeyImpl key, WALEdit edits) throws IOException {
return append(info, key, edits, true);
public long appendMarker(RegionInfo info, WALKeyImpl key, WALEdit edits)
throws IOException {
return append(info, key, edits, false);
* Append a set of edits to the WAL.
* <p/>
* The WAL is not flushed/sync'd after this transaction completes BUT on return this edit must
* have its region edit/sequence id assigned else it messes up our unification of mvcc and
* sequenceid. On return <code>key</code> will have the region edit/sequence id filled in.
* <p/>
* NOTE: This append, at a time that is usually after this call returns, starts an mvcc
* transaction by calling 'begin' wherein which we assign this update a sequenceid. At assignment
* time, we stamp all the passed in Cells inside WALEdit with their sequenceId. You must
* 'complete' the transaction this mvcc transaction by calling
* MultiVersionConcurrencyControl#complete(...) or a variant otherwise mvcc will get stuck. Do it
* in the finally of a try/finally block within which this append lives and any subsequent
* operations like sync or update of memstore, etc. Get the WriteEntry to pass mvcc out of the
* passed in WALKey <code>walKey</code> parameter. Be warned that the WriteEntry is not
* immediately available on return from this method. It WILL be available subsequent to a sync of
* this append; otherwise, you will just have to wait on the WriteEntry to get filled in.
* @param info the regioninfo associated with append
* @param key Modified by this call; we add to it this edits region edit/sequence id.
* @param edits Edits to append. MAY CONTAIN NO EDITS for case where we want to get an edit
* sequence id that is after all currently appended edits.
* @param inMemstore Always true except for case where we are writing a region event meta
* marker edit, for example, a compaction completion record into the WAL or noting a
* Region Open event. In these cases the entry is just so we can finish an unfinished
* compaction after a crash when the new Server reads the WAL on recovery, etc. These
* transition event 'Markers' do not go via the memstore. When memstore is false,
* we presume a Marker event edit.
* @return Returns a 'transaction id' and <code>key</code> will have the region edit/sequence id
* in it.
protected abstract long append(RegionInfo info, WALKeyImpl key, WALEdit edits, boolean inMemstore)
throws IOException;
protected abstract void doAppend(W writer, FSWALEntry entry) throws IOException;
protected abstract W createWriterInstance(Path path)
throws IOException, CommonFSUtils.StreamLacksCapabilityException;
* Notice that you need to clear the {@link #rollRequested} flag in this method, as the new writer
* will begin to work before returning from this method. If we clear the flag after returning from
* this call, we may miss a roll request. The implementation class should choose a proper place to
* clear the {@link #rollRequested} flag so we do not miss a roll request, typically before you
* start writing to the new writer.
protected abstract void doReplaceWriter(Path oldPath, Path newPath, W nextWriter)
throws IOException;
protected abstract void doShutdown() throws IOException;
protected abstract boolean doCheckLogLowReplication();
* @return true if we exceeded the slow sync roll threshold over the last check
* interval
protected boolean doCheckSlowSync() {
boolean result = false;
long now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
long elapsedTime = now - lastTimeCheckSlowSync;
if (elapsedTime >= slowSyncCheckInterval) {
if (slowSyncCount.get() >= slowSyncRollThreshold) {
if (elapsedTime >= (2 * slowSyncCheckInterval)) {
// If two or more slowSyncCheckInterval have elapsed this is a corner case
// where a train of slow syncs almost triggered us but then there was a long
// interval from then until the one more that pushed us over. If so, we
// should do nothing and let the count reset.
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("checkSlowSync triggered but we decided to ignore it; " +
"count=" + slowSyncCount.get() + ", threshold=" + slowSyncRollThreshold +
", elapsedTime=" + elapsedTime + " ms, slowSyncCheckInterval=" +
slowSyncCheckInterval + " ms");
// Fall through to count reset below
} else {
LOG.warn("Requesting log roll because we exceeded slow sync threshold; count=" +
slowSyncCount.get() + ", threshold=" + slowSyncRollThreshold +
", current pipeline: " + Arrays.toString(getPipeline()));
result = true;
lastTimeCheckSlowSync = now;
return result;
public void checkLogLowReplication(long checkInterval) {
long now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
if (now - lastTimeCheckLowReplication < checkInterval) {
// Will return immediately if we are in the middle of a WAL log roll currently.
if (!rollWriterLock.tryLock()) {
try {
lastTimeCheckLowReplication = now;
if (doCheckLogLowReplication()) {
} finally {
* This method gets the pipeline for the current WAL.
abstract DatanodeInfo[] getPipeline();
* This method gets the datanode replication count for the current WAL.
abstract int getLogReplication();
private static void split(final Configuration conf, final Path p) throws IOException {
FileSystem fs = CommonFSUtils.getWALFileSystem(conf);
if (!fs.exists(p)) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(p.toString());
if (!fs.getFileStatus(p).isDirectory()) {
throw new IOException(p + " is not a directory");
final Path baseDir = CommonFSUtils.getWALRootDir(conf);
Path archiveDir = new Path(baseDir, HConstants.HREGION_OLDLOGDIR_NAME);
if (conf.getBoolean(AbstractFSWALProvider.SEPARATE_OLDLOGDIR,
archiveDir = new Path(archiveDir, p.getName());
WALSplitter.split(baseDir, p, archiveDir, fs, conf, WALFactory.getInstance(conf));
private static void usage() {
System.err.println("Usage: AbstractFSWAL <ARGS>");
System.err.println(" --dump Dump textual representation of passed one or more files");
System.err.println(" For example: " +
"AbstractFSWAL --dump hdfs://");
System.err.println(" --split Split the passed directory of WAL logs");
" For example: AbstractFSWAL --split hdfs://");
* Pass one or more log file names and it will either dump out a text version on
* <code>stdout</code> or split the specified log files.
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
if (args.length < 2) {
// either dump using the WALPrettyPrinter or split, depending on args
if (args[0].compareTo("--dump") == 0) {, 1, args.length));
} else if (args[0].compareTo("--perf") == 0) {
LOG.error(HBaseMarkers.FATAL, "Please use the WALPerformanceEvaluation tool instead. i.e.:");
"\thbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WALPerformanceEvaluation --iterations " + args[1]);
} else if (args[0].compareTo("--split") == 0) {
Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
try {
Path logPath = new Path(args[i]);
CommonFSUtils.setFsDefault(conf, logPath);
split(conf, logPath);
} catch (IOException t) {
} else {