blob: 6d28e373521a7999e1d111db66663e12e7b8f304 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* MemStoreCompactionStrategy is the root of a class hierarchy which defines the strategy for
* choosing the next action to apply in an (in-memory) memstore compaction.
* Possible action are:
* - No-op - do nothing
* - Flatten - to change the segment's index from CSLM to a flat representation
* - Merge - to merge the indices of the segments in the pipeline
* - Compact - to merge the indices while removing data redundancies
* In addition while applying flat/merge actions it is possible to count the number of unique
* keys in the result segment.
public abstract class MemStoreCompactionStrategy {
protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MemStoreCompactionStrategy.class);
// The upper bound for the number of segments we store in the pipeline prior to merging.
public static final String COMPACTING_MEMSTORE_THRESHOLD_KEY =
* Types of actions to be done on the pipeline upon MemStoreCompaction invocation.
* Note that every value covers the previous ones, i.e. if MERGE is the action it implies
* that the youngest segment is going to be flatten anyway.
public enum Action {
FLATTEN, // flatten a segment in the pipeline
FLATTEN_COUNT_UNIQUE_KEYS, // flatten a segment in the pipeline and count its unique keys
MERGE, // merge all the segments in the pipeline into one
MERGE_COUNT_UNIQUE_KEYS, // merge all pipeline segments into one and count its unique keys
COMPACT // compact the data of all pipeline segments
protected final String cfName;
// The limit on the number of the segments in the pipeline
protected final int pipelineThreshold;
public MemStoreCompactionStrategy(Configuration conf, String cfName) {
this.cfName = cfName;
if(conf == null) {
} else {
pipelineThreshold = // get the limit on the number of the segments in the pipeline
public String toString() {
return getName() + ", pipelineThreshold=" + this.pipelineThreshold;
protected abstract String getName();
// get next compaction action to apply on compaction pipeline
public abstract Action getAction(VersionedSegmentsList versionedList);
// update policy stats based on the segment that replaced previous versioned list (in
// compaction pipeline)
public void updateStats(Segment replacement) {}
// resets policy stats
public void resetStats() {}
protected Action simpleMergeOrFlatten(VersionedSegmentsList versionedList, String strategy) {
int numOfSegments = versionedList.getNumOfSegments();
if (numOfSegments > pipelineThreshold) {
// to avoid too many segments, merge now
LOG.trace("Strategy={}, store={}; merging {} segments", strategy, cfName, numOfSegments);
return getMergingAction();
// just flatten a segment
LOG.trace("Strategy={}, store={}; flattening a segment", strategy, cfName);
return getFlattenAction();
protected Action getMergingAction() {
return Action.MERGE;
protected Action getFlattenAction() {
return Action.FLATTEN;
protected Action compact(VersionedSegmentsList versionedList, String strategyInfo) {
int numOfSegments = versionedList.getNumOfSegments();
LOG.trace("{} in-memory compaction for store={} compacting {} segments", strategyInfo,
cfName, numOfSegments);
return Action.COMPACT;