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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Table;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.testclassification.LargeTests;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.testclassification.RegionServerTests;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Threads;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WAL;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
* This test verifies the correctness of the Per Column Family flushing strategy
* when part of the memstores are compacted memstores
@Category({ RegionServerTests.class, LargeTests.class })
public class TestWalAndCompactingMemStoreFlush {
private static final HBaseTestingUtility TEST_UTIL = new HBaseTestingUtility();
private static final Path DIR = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDir("TestHRegion");
public static final TableName TABLENAME = TableName.valueOf("TestWalAndCompactingMemStoreFlush",
public static final byte[][] FAMILIES = { Bytes.toBytes("f1"), Bytes.toBytes("f2"),
Bytes.toBytes("f3"), Bytes.toBytes("f4"), Bytes.toBytes("f5") };
public static final byte[] FAMILY1 = FAMILIES[0];
public static final byte[] FAMILY2 = FAMILIES[1];
public static final byte[] FAMILY3 = FAMILIES[2];
private HRegion initHRegion(String callingMethod, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
int i=0;
HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(TABLENAME);
for (byte[] family : FAMILIES) {
HColumnDescriptor hcd = new HColumnDescriptor(family);
// even column families are going to have compacted memstore
if(i%2 == 0) {
} else {
HRegionInfo info = new HRegionInfo(TABLENAME, null, null, false);
Path path = new Path(DIR, callingMethod);
return HBaseTestingUtility.createRegionAndWAL(info, path, conf, htd);
// A helper function to create puts.
private Put createPut(int familyNum, int putNum) {
byte[] qf = Bytes.toBytes("q" + familyNum);
byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("row" + familyNum + "-" + putNum);
byte[] val = Bytes.toBytes("val" + familyNum + "-" + putNum);
Put p = new Put(row);
p.addColumn(FAMILIES[familyNum - 1], qf, val);
return p;
// A helper function to create double puts, so something can be compacted later.
private Put createDoublePut(int familyNum, int putNum) {
byte[] qf = Bytes.toBytes("q" + familyNum);
byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("row" + familyNum + "-" + putNum);
byte[] val = Bytes.toBytes("val" + familyNum + "-" + putNum);
Put p = new Put(row);
// add twice with different timestamps
p.addColumn(FAMILIES[familyNum - 1], qf, 10, val);
p.addColumn(FAMILIES[familyNum - 1], qf, 20, val);
return p;
// A helper function to create gets.
private Get createGet(int familyNum, int putNum) {
byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("row" + familyNum + "-" + putNum);
return new Get(row);
private void verifyInMemoryFlushSize(Region region) {
((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore)region.getStore(FAMILY1)).memstore).getInmemoryFlushSize(),
((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore)region.getStore(FAMILY3)).memstore).getInmemoryFlushSize());
// A helper function to verify edits.
void verifyEdit(int familyNum, int putNum, Table table) throws IOException {
Result r = table.get(createGet(familyNum, putNum));
byte[] family = FAMILIES[familyNum - 1];
byte[] qf = Bytes.toBytes("q" + familyNum);
byte[] val = Bytes.toBytes("val" + familyNum + "-" + putNum);
assertNotNull(("Missing Put#" + putNum + " for CF# " + familyNum), r.getFamilyMap(family));
assertNotNull(("Missing Put#" + putNum + " for CF# " + familyNum),
assertTrue(("Incorrect value for Put#" + putNum + " for CF# " + familyNum),
Arrays.equals(r.getFamilyMap(family).get(qf), val));
@Test(timeout = 180000)
public void testSelectiveFlushWithEager() throws IOException {
// Set up the configuration
Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
conf.setLong(HConstants.HREGION_MEMSTORE_FLUSH_SIZE, 300 * 1024);
conf.setLong(FlushLargeStoresPolicy.HREGION_COLUMNFAMILY_FLUSH_SIZE_LOWER_BOUND_MIN, 75 * 1024);
conf.setDouble(CompactingMemStore.IN_MEMORY_FLUSH_THRESHOLD_FACTOR_KEY, 0.5);
// set memstore to do data compaction
// Intialize the region
HRegion region = initHRegion("testSelectiveFlushWithEager", conf);
// Add 1200 entries for CF1, 100 for CF2 and 50 for CF3
for (int i = 1; i <= 1200; i++) {
region.put(createPut(1, i)); // compacted memstore, all the keys are unique
if (i <= 100) {
region.put(createPut(2, i));
if (i <= 50) {
// compacted memstore, subject for compaction due to duplications
region.put(createDoublePut(3, i));
// Now add more puts for CF2, so that we only flush CF2 (DefaultMemStore) to disk
for (int i = 100; i < 2000; i++) {
region.put(createPut(2, i));
long totalMemstoreSize = region.getMemStoreSize();
// Find the smallest LSNs for edits wrt to each CF.
long smallestSeqCF1PhaseI = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY1);
long smallestSeqCF2PhaseI = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY2);
long smallestSeqCF3PhaseI = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY3);
// Find the sizes of the memstores of each CF.
MemStoreSize cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI = region.getStore(FAMILY1).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf2MemstoreSizePhaseI = region.getStore(FAMILY2).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI = region.getStore(FAMILY3).getMemStoreSize();
// Get the overall smallest LSN in the region's memstores.
long smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseI = getWAL(region)
String s = "\n\n----------------------------------\n"
+ "Upon initial insert and before any flush, size of CF1 is:"
+ cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI + ", is CF1 compacted memstore?:"
+ region.getStore(FAMILY1).isSloppyMemStore() + ". Size of CF2 is:"
+ cf2MemstoreSizePhaseI + ", is CF2 compacted memstore?:"
+ region.getStore(FAMILY2).isSloppyMemStore() + ". Size of CF3 is:"
+ cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI + ", is CF3 compacted memstore?:"
+ region.getStore(FAMILY3).isSloppyMemStore() + "\n";
// The overall smallest LSN in the region's memstores should be the same as
// the LSN of the smallest edit in CF1
assertEquals(smallestSeqCF1PhaseI, smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseI);
// Some other sanity checks.
assertTrue(smallestSeqCF1PhaseI < smallestSeqCF2PhaseI);
assertTrue(smallestSeqCF2PhaseI < smallestSeqCF3PhaseI);
assertTrue(cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize() > 0);
assertTrue(cf2MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize() > 0);
assertTrue(cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize() > 0);
// The total memstore size should be the same as the sum of the sizes of
// memstores of CF1, CF2 and CF3.
String msg = "totalMemstoreSize="+totalMemstoreSize +
" cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI="+cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI +
" cf2MemstoreSizePhaseI="+cf2MemstoreSizePhaseI +
" cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI="+cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI ;
assertEquals(msg, totalMemstoreSize, cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize()
+ cf2MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize() + cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize());
// Flush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// We have big compacting memstore CF1 and two small memstores:
// CF2 (not compacted) and CF3 (compacting)
// All together they are above the flush size lower bound.
// Since CF1 and CF3 should be flushed to memory (not to disk),
// CF2 is going to be flushed to disk.
// CF1 - nothing to compact (but flattening), CF3 - should be twice compacted
CompactingMemStore cms1 = (CompactingMemStore) ((HStore) region.getStore(FAMILY1)).memstore;
CompactingMemStore cms3 = (CompactingMemStore) ((HStore) region.getStore(FAMILY3)).memstore;
// Recalculate everything
MemStoreSize cf1MemstoreSizePhaseII = region.getStore(FAMILY1).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf2MemstoreSizePhaseII = region.getStore(FAMILY2).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf3MemstoreSizePhaseII = region.getStore(FAMILY3).getMemStoreSize();
long smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseII = getWAL(region)
// Find the smallest LSNs for edits wrt to each CF.
long smallestSeqCF1PhaseII = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY1);
long smallestSeqCF2PhaseII = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY2);
long smallestSeqCF3PhaseII = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY3);
s = s + "\n----After first flush! CF1 should be flushed to memory, but not compacted.---\n"
+ "Size of CF1 is:" + cf1MemstoreSizePhaseII + ", size of CF2 is:" + cf2MemstoreSizePhaseII
+ ", size of CF3 is:" + cf3MemstoreSizePhaseII + "\n";
// CF1 was flushed to memory, but there is nothing to compact, and CF1 was flattened
assertTrue(cf1MemstoreSizePhaseII.getDataSize() == cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize());
assertTrue(cf1MemstoreSizePhaseII.getHeapSize() < cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI.getHeapSize());
// CF2 should become empty
assertEquals(0, cf2MemstoreSizePhaseII.getDataSize());
assertEquals(MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD, cf2MemstoreSizePhaseII.getHeapSize());
// verify that CF3 was flushed to memory and was compacted (this is approximation check)
assertTrue(cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize() > cf3MemstoreSizePhaseII.getDataSize());
cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI.getHeapSize() / 2 > cf3MemstoreSizePhaseII.getHeapSize());
// Now the smallest LSN in the region should be the same as the smallest
// LSN in the memstore of CF1.
assertEquals(smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseII, smallestSeqCF1PhaseI);
// Now add more puts for CF1, so that we also flush CF1 to disk instead of
// memory in next flush
for (int i = 1200; i < 3000; i++) {
region.put(createPut(1, i));
s = s + "The smallest sequence in region WAL is: " + smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseII
+ ", the smallest sequence in CF1:" + smallestSeqCF1PhaseII + ", " +
"the smallest sequence in CF2:"
+ smallestSeqCF2PhaseII +", the smallest sequence in CF3:" + smallestSeqCF3PhaseII + "\n";
// How much does the CF1 memstore occupy? Will be used later.
MemStoreSize cf1MemstoreSizePhaseIII = region.getStore(FAMILY1).getMemStoreSize();
long smallestSeqCF1PhaseIII = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY1);
s = s + "----After more puts into CF1 its size is:" + cf1MemstoreSizePhaseIII
+ ", and its sequence is:" + smallestSeqCF1PhaseIII + " ----\n" ;
// Flush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// Flush again, CF1 is flushed to disk
// CF2 is flushed to disk, because it is not in-memory compacted memstore
// CF3 is flushed empty to memory (actually nothing happens to CF3)
// Recalculate everything
MemStoreSize cf1MemstoreSizePhaseIV = region.getStore(FAMILY1).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf2MemstoreSizePhaseIV = region.getStore(FAMILY2).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf3MemstoreSizePhaseIV = region.getStore(FAMILY3).getMemStoreSize();
long smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseIV = getWAL(region)
long smallestSeqCF1PhaseIV = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY1);
long smallestSeqCF2PhaseIV = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY2);
long smallestSeqCF3PhaseIV = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY3);
s = s + "----After SECOND FLUSH, CF1 size is:" + cf1MemstoreSizePhaseIV + ", CF2 size is:"
+ cf2MemstoreSizePhaseIV + " and CF3 size is:" + cf3MemstoreSizePhaseIV
+ "\n";
s = s + "The smallest sequence in region WAL is: " + smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseIV
+ ", the smallest sequence in CF1:" + smallestSeqCF1PhaseIV + ", " +
"the smallest sequence in CF2:"
+ smallestSeqCF2PhaseIV +", the smallest sequence in CF3:" + smallestSeqCF3PhaseIV
+ "\n";
// CF1's pipeline component (inserted before first flush) should be flushed to disk
// CF2 should be flushed to disk
assertTrue(cf1MemstoreSizePhaseIII.getDataSize() > cf1MemstoreSizePhaseIV.getDataSize());
assertEquals(0, cf2MemstoreSizePhaseIV.getDataSize());
assertEquals(MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD, cf2MemstoreSizePhaseIV.getHeapSize());
// CF3 shouldn't have been touched.
assertEquals(cf3MemstoreSizePhaseIV, cf3MemstoreSizePhaseII);
// the smallest LSN of CF3 shouldn't change
assertEquals(smallestSeqCF3PhaseII, smallestSeqCF3PhaseIV);
// CF3 should be bottleneck for WAL
assertEquals(s, smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseIV, smallestSeqCF3PhaseIV);
// Flush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// Trying to clean the existing memstores, CF2 all flushed to disk. The single
// memstore segment in the compaction pipeline of CF1 and CF3 should be flushed to disk.
// Recalculate everything
MemStoreSize cf1MemstoreSizePhaseV = region.getStore(FAMILY1).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf2MemstoreSizePhaseV = region.getStore(FAMILY2).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf3MemstoreSizePhaseV = region.getStore(FAMILY3).getMemStoreSize();
long smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseV = getWAL(region)
assertEquals(0, cf1MemstoreSizePhaseV.getDataSize());
assertEquals(MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD, cf1MemstoreSizePhaseV.getHeapSize());
assertEquals(0, cf2MemstoreSizePhaseV.getDataSize());
assertEquals(MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD, cf2MemstoreSizePhaseV.getHeapSize());
assertEquals(0, cf3MemstoreSizePhaseV.getDataSize());
assertEquals(MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD, cf3MemstoreSizePhaseV.getHeapSize());
// What happens when we hit the memstore limit, but we are not able to find
// any Column Family above the threshold?
// In that case, we should flush all the CFs.
// The memstore limit is 100*1024 and the column family flush threshold is
// around 25*1024. We try to just hit the memstore limit with each CF's
// memstore being below the CF flush threshold.
for (int i = 1; i <= 300; i++) {
region.put(createPut(1, i));
region.put(createPut(2, i));
region.put(createPut(3, i));
region.put(createPut(4, i));
region.put(createPut(5, i));
s = s + "----AFTER THIRD AND FORTH FLUSH, The smallest sequence in region WAL is: "
+ smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseV
+ ". After additional inserts and last flush, the entire region size is:" + region
+ "\n----------------------------------\n";
// Since we won't find any CF above the threshold, and hence no specific
// store to flush, we should flush all the memstores
// Also compacted memstores are flushed to disk.
assertEquals(0, region.getMemStoreSize());
/* Check the same as above but for index-compaction type of compacting memstore */
@Test(timeout = 180000)
public void testSelectiveFlushWithIndexCompaction() throws IOException {
/* SETUP */
// Set up the configuration
Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
conf.setLong(HConstants.HREGION_MEMSTORE_FLUSH_SIZE, 300 * 1024);
conf.setLong(FlushLargeStoresPolicy.HREGION_COLUMNFAMILY_FLUSH_SIZE_LOWER_BOUND_MIN, 75 * 1024);
conf.setDouble(CompactingMemStore.IN_MEMORY_FLUSH_THRESHOLD_FACTOR_KEY, 0.5);
// set memstore to index-compaction
// Initialize the region
HRegion region = initHRegion("testSelectiveFlushWithIndexCompaction", conf);
/* PHASE I - insertions */
// Add 1200 entries for CF1, 100 for CF2 and 50 for CF3
for (int i = 1; i <= 1200; i++) {
region.put(createPut(1, i)); // compacted memstore
if (i <= 100) {
region.put(createPut(2, i));
if (i <= 50) {
region.put(createDoublePut(3, i)); // subject for in-memory compaction
// Now add more puts for CF2, so that we only flush CF2 to disk
for (int i = 100; i < 2000; i++) {
region.put(createPut(2, i));
/* PHASE I - collect sizes */
long totalMemstoreSizePhaseI = region.getMemStoreSize();
// Find the smallest LSNs for edits wrt to each CF.
long smallestSeqCF1PhaseI = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY1);
long smallestSeqCF2PhaseI = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY2);
long smallestSeqCF3PhaseI = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY3);
// Find the sizes of the memstores of each CF.
MemStoreSize cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI = region.getStore(FAMILY1).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf2MemstoreSizePhaseI = region.getStore(FAMILY2).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI = region.getStore(FAMILY3).getMemStoreSize();
// Get the overall smallest LSN in the region's memstores.
long smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseI = getWAL(region)
/* PHASE I - validation */
// The overall smallest LSN in the region's memstores should be the same as
// the LSN of the smallest edit in CF1
assertEquals(smallestSeqCF1PhaseI, smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseI);
// Some other sanity checks.
assertTrue(smallestSeqCF1PhaseI < smallestSeqCF2PhaseI);
assertTrue(smallestSeqCF2PhaseI < smallestSeqCF3PhaseI);
assertTrue(cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize() > 0);
assertTrue(cf2MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize() > 0);
assertTrue(cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize() > 0);
// The total memstore size should be the same as the sum of the sizes of
// memstores of CF1, CF2 and CF3.
assertEquals(totalMemstoreSizePhaseI, cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize()
+ cf2MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize() + cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize());
/* PHASE I - Flush */
// First Flush in Test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// CF1, CF2, CF3, all together they are above the flush size lower bound.
// Since CF1 and CF3 are compacting, CF2 is going to be flushed to disk.
// CF1 and CF3 - flushed to memory and flatten explicitly
CompactingMemStore cms1 = (CompactingMemStore) ((HStore) region.getStore(FAMILY1)).memstore;
CompactingMemStore cms3 = (CompactingMemStore) ((HStore) region.getStore(FAMILY3)).memstore;
// CF3/CF1 should be merged so wait here to be sure the compaction is done
while (((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore) region.getStore(FAMILY1)).memstore)
.isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
while (((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore) region.getStore(FAMILY3)).memstore)
.isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
/* PHASE II - collect sizes */
// Recalculate everything
MemStoreSize cf1MemstoreSizePhaseII = region.getStore(FAMILY1).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf2MemstoreSizePhaseII = region.getStore(FAMILY2).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf3MemstoreSizePhaseII = region.getStore(FAMILY3).getMemStoreSize();
long smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseII = getWAL(region)
// Find the smallest LSNs for edits wrt to each CF.
long smallestSeqCF3PhaseII = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY3);
long totalMemstoreSizePhaseII = region.getMemStoreSize();
/* PHASE II - validation */
// CF1 was flushed to memory, should be flattened and take less space
assertEquals(cf1MemstoreSizePhaseII.getDataSize() , cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize());
assertTrue(cf1MemstoreSizePhaseII.getHeapSize() < cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI.getHeapSize());
// CF2 should become empty
assertEquals(0, cf2MemstoreSizePhaseII.getDataSize());
assertEquals(MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD, cf2MemstoreSizePhaseII.getHeapSize());
// verify that CF3 was flushed to memory and was not compacted (this is an approximation check)
// if compacted CF# should be at least twice less because its every key was duplicated
assertEquals(cf3MemstoreSizePhaseII.getDataSize() , cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize());
assertTrue(cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI.getHeapSize() / 2 < cf3MemstoreSizePhaseII.getHeapSize());
// Now the smallest LSN in the region should be the same as the smallest
// LSN in the memstore of CF1.
assertEquals(smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseII, smallestSeqCF1PhaseI);
// The total memstore size should be the same as the sum of the sizes of
// memstores of CF1, CF2 and CF3. Counting the empty active segments in CF1/2/3 and pipeline
// items in CF1/2
assertEquals(totalMemstoreSizePhaseII, cf1MemstoreSizePhaseII.getDataSize()
+ cf2MemstoreSizePhaseII.getDataSize() + cf3MemstoreSizePhaseII.getDataSize());
/* PHASE III - insertions */
// Now add more puts for CF1, so that we also flush CF1 to disk instead of
// memory in next flush. This is causing the CF! to be flushed to memory twice.
for (int i = 1200; i < 8000; i++) {
region.put(createPut(1, i));
// CF1 should be flatten and merged so wait here to be sure the compaction is done
while (((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore) region.getStore(FAMILY1)).memstore)
.isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
/* PHASE III - collect sizes */
// How much does the CF1 memstore occupy now? Will be used later.
MemStoreSize cf1MemstoreSizePhaseIII = region.getStore(FAMILY1).getMemStoreSize();
long totalMemstoreSizePhaseIII = region.getMemStoreSize();
/* PHASE III - validation */
// The total memstore size should be the same as the sum of the sizes of
// memstores of CF1, CF2 and CF3. Counting the empty active segments in CF1/2/3 and pipeline
// items in CF1/2
assertEquals(totalMemstoreSizePhaseIII, cf1MemstoreSizePhaseIII.getDataSize()
+ cf2MemstoreSizePhaseII.getDataSize() + cf3MemstoreSizePhaseII.getDataSize());
/* PHASE III - Flush */
// Second Flush in Test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// CF1 is flushed to disk, but not entirely emptied.
// CF2 was and remained empty, same way nothing happens to CF3
/* PHASE IV - collect sizes */
// Recalculate everything
MemStoreSize cf1MemstoreSizePhaseIV = region.getStore(FAMILY1).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf2MemstoreSizePhaseIV = region.getStore(FAMILY2).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf3MemstoreSizePhaseIV = region.getStore(FAMILY3).getMemStoreSize();
long smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseIV = getWAL(region)
long smallestSeqCF3PhaseIV = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY3);
/* PHASE IV - validation */
// CF1's biggest pipeline component (inserted before first flush) should be flushed to disk
// CF2 should remain empty
assertTrue(cf1MemstoreSizePhaseIII.getDataSize() > cf1MemstoreSizePhaseIV.getDataSize());
assertEquals(0, cf2MemstoreSizePhaseIV.getDataSize());
assertEquals(MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD, cf2MemstoreSizePhaseIV.getHeapSize());
// CF3 shouldn't have been touched.
assertEquals(cf3MemstoreSizePhaseIV, cf3MemstoreSizePhaseII);
// the smallest LSN of CF3 shouldn't change
assertEquals(smallestSeqCF3PhaseII, smallestSeqCF3PhaseIV);
// CF3 should be bottleneck for WAL
assertEquals(smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseIV, smallestSeqCF3PhaseIV);
/* PHASE IV - Flush */
// Third Flush in Test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// Force flush to disk on all memstores (flush parameter true).
// CF1/CF3 all flushed to disk. Note that active sets of CF1 and CF3 are empty
/* PHASE V - collect sizes */
// Recalculate everything
MemStoreSize cf1MemstoreSizePhaseV = region.getStore(FAMILY1).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf2MemstoreSizePhaseV = region.getStore(FAMILY2).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf3MemstoreSizePhaseV = region.getStore(FAMILY3).getMemStoreSize();
long smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseV = getWAL(region)
long totalMemstoreSizePhaseV = region.getMemStoreSize();
/* PHASE V - validation */
assertEquals(0, cf1MemstoreSizePhaseV.getDataSize());
assertEquals(MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD, cf1MemstoreSizePhaseV.getHeapSize());
assertEquals(0, cf2MemstoreSizePhaseV.getDataSize());
assertEquals(MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD, cf2MemstoreSizePhaseV.getHeapSize());
assertEquals(0, cf3MemstoreSizePhaseV.getDataSize());
assertEquals(MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD, cf3MemstoreSizePhaseV.getHeapSize());
// The total memstores size should be empty
assertEquals(0, totalMemstoreSizePhaseV);
// Because there is nothing in any memstore the WAL's LSN should be -1
assertEquals(smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseV, HConstants.NO_SEQNUM);
// What happens when we hit the memstore limit, but we are not able to find
// any Column Family above the threshold?
// In that case, we should flush all the CFs.
/* PHASE VI - insertions */
// The memstore limit is 200*1024 and the column family flush threshold is
// around 50*1024. We try to just hit the memstore limit with each CF's
// memstore being below the CF flush threshold.
for (int i = 1; i <= 300; i++) {
region.put(createPut(1, i));
region.put(createPut(2, i));
region.put(createPut(3, i));
region.put(createPut(4, i));
region.put(createPut(5, i));
MemStoreSize cf1ActiveSizePhaseVI = region.getStore(FAMILY1).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf3ActiveSizePhaseVI = region.getStore(FAMILY3).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf5ActiveSizePhaseVI = region.getStore(FAMILIES[4]).getMemStoreSize();
/* PHASE VI - Flush */
// Fourth Flush in Test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// None among compacting memstores was flushed to memory due to previous puts.
// But is going to be moved to pipeline and flatten due to the flush.
// Since we won't find any CF above the threshold, and hence no specific
// store to flush, we should flush all the memstores
// Also compacted memstores are flushed to disk, but not entirely emptied
MemStoreSize cf1ActiveSizePhaseVII = region.getStore(FAMILY1).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf3ActiveSizePhaseVII = region.getStore(FAMILY3).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf5ActiveSizePhaseVII = region.getStore(FAMILIES[4]).getMemStoreSize();
assertTrue(cf1ActiveSizePhaseVII.getDataSize() < cf1ActiveSizePhaseVI.getDataSize());
assertTrue(cf3ActiveSizePhaseVII.getDataSize() < cf3ActiveSizePhaseVI.getDataSize());
assertTrue(cf5ActiveSizePhaseVII.getDataSize() < cf5ActiveSizePhaseVI.getDataSize());
@Test(timeout = 180000)
public void testSelectiveFlushAndWALinDataCompaction() throws IOException {
// Set up the configuration
Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
conf.setLong(HConstants.HREGION_MEMSTORE_FLUSH_SIZE, 300 * 1024);
conf.setLong(FlushLargeStoresPolicy.HREGION_COLUMNFAMILY_FLUSH_SIZE_LOWER_BOUND_MIN, 75 * 1024);
conf.setDouble(CompactingMemStore.IN_MEMORY_FLUSH_THRESHOLD_FACTOR_KEY, 0.5);
// set memstore to do data compaction and not to use the speculative scan
// Intialize the HRegion
HRegion region = initHRegion("testSelectiveFlushAndWALinDataCompaction", conf);
// Add 1200 entries for CF1, 100 for CF2 and 50 for CF3
for (int i = 1; i <= 1200; i++) {
region.put(createPut(1, i));
if (i <= 100) {
region.put(createPut(2, i));
if (i <= 50) {
region.put(createPut(3, i));
// Now add more puts for CF2, so that we only flush CF2 to disk
for (int i = 100; i < 2000; i++) {
region.put(createPut(2, i));
// in this test check the non-composite snapshot - flashing only tail of the pipeline
((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore) region.getStore(FAMILY1)).memstore).setCompositeSnapshot(false);
((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore) region.getStore(FAMILY3)).memstore).setCompositeSnapshot(false);
long totalMemstoreSize = region.getMemStoreSize();
// Find the sizes of the memstores of each CF.
MemStoreSize cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI = region.getStore(FAMILY1).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf2MemstoreSizePhaseI = region.getStore(FAMILY2).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI = region.getStore(FAMILY3).getMemStoreSize();
// Some other sanity checks.
assertTrue(cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize() > 0);
assertTrue(cf2MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize() > 0);
assertTrue(cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize() > 0);
// The total memstore size should be the same as the sum of the sizes of
// memstores of CF1, CF2 and CF3.
String msg = "totalMemstoreSize="+totalMemstoreSize +
" DefaultMemStore.DEEP_OVERHEAD="+DefaultMemStore.DEEP_OVERHEAD +
" cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI="+cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI +
" cf2MemstoreSizePhaseI="+cf2MemstoreSizePhaseI +
" cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI="+cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI ;
assertEquals(msg, totalMemstoreSize, cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize()
+ cf2MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize() + cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize());
// Flush!
CompactingMemStore cms1 = (CompactingMemStore) ((HStore) region.getStore(FAMILY1)).memstore;
CompactingMemStore cms3 = (CompactingMemStore) ((HStore) region.getStore(FAMILY3)).memstore;
MemStoreSize cf2MemstoreSizePhaseII = region.getStore(FAMILY2).getMemStoreSize();
long smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseII =
long smallestSeqCF1PhaseII = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY1);
long smallestSeqCF2PhaseII = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY2);
long smallestSeqCF3PhaseII = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY3);
// CF2 should have been cleared
assertEquals(0, cf2MemstoreSizePhaseII.getDataSize());
assertEquals(MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD, cf2MemstoreSizePhaseII.getHeapSize());
String s = "\n\n----------------------------------\n"
+ "Upon initial insert and flush, LSN of CF1 is:"
+ smallestSeqCF1PhaseII + ". LSN of CF2 is:"
+ smallestSeqCF2PhaseII + ". LSN of CF3 is:"
+ smallestSeqCF3PhaseII + ", smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstore:"
+ smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseII + "\n";
// Add same entries to compact them later
for (int i = 1; i <= 1200; i++) {
region.put(createPut(1, i));
if (i <= 100) {
region.put(createPut(2, i));
if (i <= 50) {
region.put(createPut(3, i));
// Now add more puts for CF2, so that we only flush CF2 to disk
for (int i = 100; i < 2000; i++) {
region.put(createPut(2, i));
long smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseIII =
long smallestSeqCF1PhaseIII = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY1);
long smallestSeqCF2PhaseIII = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY2);
long smallestSeqCF3PhaseIII = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY3);
s = s + "The smallest sequence in region WAL is: " + smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseIII
+ ", the smallest sequence in CF1:" + smallestSeqCF1PhaseIII + ", " +
"the smallest sequence in CF2:"
+ smallestSeqCF2PhaseIII +", the smallest sequence in CF3:" + smallestSeqCF3PhaseIII + "\n";
// Flush!
cms1 = (CompactingMemStore) ((HStore) region.getStore(FAMILY1)).memstore;
cms3 = (CompactingMemStore) ((HStore) region.getStore(FAMILY3)).memstore;
long smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseIV =
long smallestSeqCF1PhaseIV = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY1);
long smallestSeqCF2PhaseIV = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY2);
long smallestSeqCF3PhaseIV = region.getOldestSeqIdOfStore(FAMILY3);
s = s + "The smallest sequence in region WAL is: " + smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseIV
+ ", the smallest sequence in CF1:" + smallestSeqCF1PhaseIV + ", " +
"the smallest sequence in CF2:"
+ smallestSeqCF2PhaseIV +", the smallest sequence in CF3:" + smallestSeqCF3PhaseIV + "\n";
// now check that the LSN of the entire WAL, of CF1 and of CF3 has progressed due to compaction
assertTrue(s, smallestSeqInRegionCurrentMemstorePhaseIV >
assertTrue(smallestSeqCF1PhaseIV > smallestSeqCF1PhaseIII);
assertTrue(smallestSeqCF3PhaseIV > smallestSeqCF3PhaseIII);
@Test(timeout = 180000)
public void testSelectiveFlushWithBasicAndMerge() throws IOException {
// Set up the configuration
Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
conf.setLong(HConstants.HREGION_MEMSTORE_FLUSH_SIZE, 300 * 1024);
conf.setLong(FlushLargeStoresPolicy.HREGION_COLUMNFAMILY_FLUSH_SIZE_LOWER_BOUND_MIN, 75 * 1024);
conf.setDouble(CompactingMemStore.IN_MEMORY_FLUSH_THRESHOLD_FACTOR_KEY, 0.8);
// set memstore to do index compaction with merge
// length of pipeline that requires merge
conf.setInt(MemStoreCompactionStrategy.COMPACTING_MEMSTORE_THRESHOLD_KEY, 1);
// Intialize the HRegion
HRegion region = initHRegion("testSelectiveFlushWithBasicAndMerge", conf);
// Add 1200 entries for CF1 (CompactingMemStore), 100 for CF2 (DefaultMemStore) and 50 for CF3
for (int i = 1; i <= 1200; i++) {
region.put(createPut(1, i));
if (i <= 100) {
region.put(createPut(2, i));
if (i <= 50) {
region.put(createPut(3, i));
// Now put more entries to CF2
for (int i = 100; i < 2000; i++) {
region.put(createPut(2, i));
long totalMemstoreSize = region.getMemStoreSize();
// test in-memory flashing into CAM here
((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore)region.getStore(FAMILY1)).memstore).setIndexType(
((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore)region.getStore(FAMILY3)).memstore).setIndexType(
// Find the sizes of the memstores of each CF.
MemStoreSize cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI = region.getStore(FAMILY1).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf2MemstoreSizePhaseI = region.getStore(FAMILY2).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI = region.getStore(FAMILY3).getMemStoreSize();
// Some other sanity checks.
assertTrue(cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize() > 0);
assertTrue(cf2MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize() > 0);
assertTrue(cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize() > 0);
// The total memstore size should be the same as the sum of the sizes of
// memstores of CF1, CF2 and CF3.
cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize() + cf2MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize()
+ cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize());
// Initiate in-memory Flush!
((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore)region.getStore(FAMILY1)).memstore).flushInMemory();
((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore)region.getStore(FAMILY3)).memstore).flushInMemory();
// CF1 and CF3 should be flatten and merged so wait here to be sure the merge is done
while (((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore)region.getStore(FAMILY1)).memstore)
.isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
while (((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore)region.getStore(FAMILY3)).memstore)
.isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
// Flush-to-disk! CF2 only should be flushed
MemStoreSize cf1MemstoreSizePhaseII = region.getStore(FAMILY1).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf2MemstoreSizePhaseII = region.getStore(FAMILY2).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf3MemstoreSizePhaseII = region.getStore(FAMILY3).getMemStoreSize();
// CF1 should be flushed in memory and just flattened, so CF1 heap overhead should be smaller
assertTrue(cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI.getHeapSize() > cf1MemstoreSizePhaseII.getHeapSize());
// CF1 should be flushed in memory and just flattened, so CF1 data size should remain the same
assertEquals(cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize(), cf1MemstoreSizePhaseII.getDataSize());
// CF2 should have been cleared
assertEquals(0, cf2MemstoreSizePhaseII.getDataSize());
// Add the same amount of entries to see the merging
for (int i = 1; i <= 1200; i++) {
region.put(createPut(1, i));
if (i <= 100) {
region.put(createPut(2, i));
if (i <= 50) {
region.put(createPut(3, i));
// Now add more puts for CF2, so that we only flush CF2 to disk
for (int i = 100; i < 2000; i++) {
region.put(createPut(2, i));
MemStoreSize cf1MemstoreSizePhaseIII = region.getStore(FAMILY1).getMemStoreSize();
// Flush in memory!
((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore)region.getStore(FAMILY1)).memstore).flushInMemory();
((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore)region.getStore(FAMILY3)).memstore).flushInMemory();
// CF1 and CF3 should be merged so wait here to be sure the merge is done
while (((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore)region.getStore(FAMILY1)).memstore)
.isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
while (((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore)region.getStore(FAMILY3)).memstore)
.isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
MemStoreSize cf1MemstoreSizePhaseIV = region.getStore(FAMILY1).getMemStoreSize();
MemStoreSize cf2MemstoreSizePhaseIV = region.getStore(FAMILY2).getMemStoreSize();
assertEquals(2*cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize(), cf1MemstoreSizePhaseIV.getDataSize());
// the decrease in the heap size due to usage of CellArrayMap instead of CSLM
// should be the same in flattening and in merge (first and second in-memory-flush)
// but in phase 1 we do not yet have immutable segment
cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI.getHeapSize() - cf1MemstoreSizePhaseII.getHeapSize(),
cf1MemstoreSizePhaseIII.getHeapSize() - cf1MemstoreSizePhaseIV.getHeapSize()
- CellArrayImmutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD_CAM);
assertEquals(3, // active, one in pipeline, snapshot
((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore)region.getStore(FAMILY1)).memstore).getSegments().size());
// CF2 should have been cleared
assertEquals("\n<<< DEBUG: The data--heap sizes of stores before/after first flushes,"
+ " CF1: " + cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize() + "/" + cf1MemstoreSizePhaseII
.getDataSize() + "--" + cf1MemstoreSizePhaseI.getHeapSize() + "/" + cf1MemstoreSizePhaseII
.getHeapSize() + ", CF2: " + cf2MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize() + "/"
+ cf2MemstoreSizePhaseII.getDataSize() + "--" + cf2MemstoreSizePhaseI.getHeapSize() + "/"
+ cf2MemstoreSizePhaseII.getHeapSize() + ", CF3: " + cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI.getDataSize()
+ "/" + cf3MemstoreSizePhaseII.getDataSize() + "--" + cf3MemstoreSizePhaseI.getHeapSize()
+ "/" + cf3MemstoreSizePhaseII.getHeapSize() + "\n<<< AND before/after second flushes "
+ " CF1: " + cf1MemstoreSizePhaseIII.getDataSize() + "/" + cf1MemstoreSizePhaseIV
.getDataSize() + "--" + cf1MemstoreSizePhaseIII.getHeapSize() + "/" + cf1MemstoreSizePhaseIV
.getHeapSize() + "\n",
0, cf2MemstoreSizePhaseIV.getDataSize());
// should end in 300 seconds (5 minutes)
@Test(timeout = 300000)
public void testStressFlushAndWALinIndexCompaction() throws IOException {
// Set up the configuration
Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
conf.setLong(HConstants.HREGION_MEMSTORE_FLUSH_SIZE, 600 * 1024);
200 * 1024);
conf.setDouble(CompactingMemStore.IN_MEMORY_FLUSH_THRESHOLD_FACTOR_KEY, 0.5);
// set memstore to do data compaction and not to use the speculative scan
// Successfully initialize the HRegion
HRegion region = initHRegion("testSelectiveFlushAndWALinDataCompaction", conf);
Thread[] threads = new Thread[25];
for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
int id = i * 10000;
ConcurrentPutRunnable runnable = new ConcurrentPutRunnable(region, id);
threads[i] = new Thread(runnable);
Threads.sleep(10000); // let other threads start
region.flush(true); // enforce flush of everything TO DISK while there are still ongoing puts
Threads.sleep(10000); // let other threads continue
region.flush(true); // enforce flush of everything TO DISK while there are still ongoing puts
((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore)region.getStore(FAMILY1)).memstore).flushInMemory();
((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore)region.getStore(FAMILY3)).memstore).flushInMemory();
while (((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore)region.getStore(FAMILY1)).memstore)
.isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
while (((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore)region.getStore(FAMILY3)).memstore)
.isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
* The in-memory-flusher thread performs the flush asynchronously. There is at most one thread per
* memstore instance. It takes the updatesLock exclusively, pushes active into the pipeline,
* releases updatesLock and compacts the pipeline.
private class ConcurrentPutRunnable implements Runnable {
private final HRegion stressedRegion;
private final int startNumber;
ConcurrentPutRunnable(HRegion r, int i) {
this.stressedRegion = r;
this.startNumber = i;
public void run() {
try {
int dummy = startNumber / 10000;
System.out.print("Thread " + dummy + " with start number " + startNumber + " starts\n");
// Add 1200 entries for CF1, 100 for CF2 and 50 for CF3
for (int i = startNumber; i <= startNumber + 3000; i++) {
stressedRegion.put(createPut(1, i));
if (i <= startNumber + 2000) {
stressedRegion.put(createPut(2, i));
if (i <= startNumber + 1000) {
stressedRegion.put(createPut(3, i));
System.out.print("Thread with start number " + startNumber + " continues to more puts\n");
// Now add more puts for CF2, so that we only flush CF2 to disk
for (int i = startNumber + 3000; i < startNumber + 5000; i++) {
stressedRegion.put(createPut(2, i));
// And add more puts for CF1
for (int i = startNumber + 5000; i < startNumber + 7000; i++) {
stressedRegion.put(createPut(1, i));
System.out.print("Thread with start number " + startNumber + " flushes\n");
// flush (IN MEMORY) one of the stores (each thread flushes different store)
// and wait till the flush and the following action are done
if (startNumber == 0) {
((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore) stressedRegion.getStore(FAMILY1)).memstore)
while (((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore) stressedRegion.getStore(FAMILY1)).memstore)
.isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
if (startNumber == 10000) {
((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore) stressedRegion.getStore(FAMILY2)).memstore).flushInMemory();
while (((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore) stressedRegion.getStore(FAMILY2)).memstore)
.isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
if (startNumber == 20000) {
((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore) stressedRegion.getStore(FAMILY3)).memstore).flushInMemory();
while (((CompactingMemStore) ((HStore) stressedRegion.getStore(FAMILY3)).memstore)
.isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
System.out.print("Thread with start number " + startNumber + " finishes\n");
} catch (IOException e) {
assert false;
private WAL getWAL(Region region) {
return ((HRegion)region).getWAL();