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# Retrieve latest large log responses maintained in memory by RegionServers
module Shell
module Commands
# Retrieve latest large log responses
class GetLargelogResponses < Command
def help
Retrieve latest LargeLog Responses maintained by each or specific RegionServers.
Specify '*' to include all RS otherwise array of server names for specific
RS. A server name is the host, port plus startcode of a RegionServer.
e.g.:,60020,1289493121758 (find servername in
master ui or when you do detailed status in shell)
Provide optional filter parameters as Hash.
Default Limit of each server for providing no of large log records is 10. User can specify
more limit by 'LIMIT' param in case more than 10 records should be retrieved.
hbase> get_largelog_responses '*' => get largelog responses from all RS
hbase> get_largelog_responses '*', {'LIMIT' => 50} => get largelog responses from all RS
with 50 records limit (default limit: 10)
hbase> get_largelog_responses ['SERVER_NAME1', 'SERVER_NAME2'] => get largelog responses from SERVER_NAME1,
hbase> get_largelog_responses '*', {'REGION_NAME' => 'hbase:meta,,1'}
=> get largelog responses only related to meta
hbase> get_largelog_responses '*', {'TABLE_NAME' => 't1'} => get largelog responses only related to t1 table
hbase> get_largelog_responses '*', {'CLIENT_IP' => '', 'LIMIT' => 100}
=> get largelog responses with given client
IP address and get 100 records limit
(default limit: 10)
hbase> get_largelog_responses '*', {'REGION_NAME' => 'hbase:meta,,1', 'TABLE_NAME' => 't1'}
=> get largelog responses with given region name
or table name
hbase> get_largelog_responses '*', {'USER' => 'user_name', 'CLIENT_IP' => ''}
=> get largelog responses that match either
provided client IP address or user name
All of above queries with filters have default OR operation applied i.e. all
records with any of the provided filters applied will be returned. However,
we can also apply AND operator i.e. all records that match all (not any) of
the provided filters should be returned.
hbase> get_largelog_responses '*', {'REGION_NAME' => 'hbase:meta,,1', 'TABLE_NAME' => 't1', 'FILTER_BY_OP' => 'AND'}
=> get largelog responses with given region name
and table name, both should match
hbase> get_largelog_responses '*', {'REGION_NAME' => 'hbase:meta,,1', 'TABLE_NAME' => 't1', 'FILTER_BY_OP' => 'OR'}
=> get largelog responses with given region name
or table name, any one can match
hbase> get_largelog_responses '*', {'TABLE_NAME' => 't1', 'CLIENT_IP' => '', 'FILTER_BY_OP' => 'AND'}
=> get largelog responses with given region name
and client IP address, both should match
Since OR is the default filter operator, without providing 'FILTER_BY_OP', query will have
same result as providing 'FILTER_BY_OP' => 'OR'.
Sometimes output can be long pretty printed json for user to scroll in
a single screen and hence user might prefer
redirecting output of get_largelog_responses to a file.
echo "get_largelog_responses '*'" | hbase shell > xyz.out 2>&1
def command(server_names, args = {})
unless args.is_a? Hash
raise 'Filter parameters are not Hash'
large_log_responses_arr = admin.get_slowlog_responses(server_names, args, true)
puts 'Retrieved LargeLog Responses from RegionServers'
puts large_log_responses_arr