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title: About GPORCA
In HAWQ, you can use GPORCA or the legacy query optimizer.
**Note:** To use the GPORCA query optimizer, you must be running a version of HAWQ built with GPORCA, and GPORCA must be enabled in your HAWQ deployment.
These sections describe GPORCA functionality and usage:
- **[Overview of GPORCA](../../query/gporca/query-gporca-overview.html)**
GPORCA extends the planning and optimization capabilities of the HAWQ legacy optimizer.
- **[GPORCA Features and Enhancements](../../query/gporca/query-gporca-features.html)**
GPORCA includes enhancements for specific types of queries and operations:
- **[Enabling GPORCA](../../query/gporca/query-gporca-enable.html)**
Precompiled versions of HAWQ that include the GPORCA query optimizer enable it by default, no additional configuration is required. To use the GPORCA query optimizer in a HAWQ built from source, your build must include GPORCA. You must also enable specific HAWQ server configuration parameters at or after install time:
- **[Considerations when Using GPORCA](../../query/gporca/query-gporca-notes.html)**
To execute queries optimally with GPORCA, consider certain criteria for the query.
- **[Determining The Query Optimizer In Use](../../query/gporca/query-gporca-fallback.html)**
When GPORCA is enabled, you can determine if HAWQ is using GPORCA or is falling back to the legacy query optimizer.
- **[Changed Behavior with GPORCA](../../query/gporca/query-gporca-changed.html)**
When GPORCA is enabled, HAWQ's behavior changes. This topic describes these changes.
- **[GPORCA Limitations](../../query/gporca/query-gporca-limitations.html)**
There are limitations in HAWQ when GPORCA is enabled. GPORCA and the legacy query optimizer currently coexist in HAWQ because GPORCA does not support all HAWQ features.