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title: Configuring HAWQ to use Ranger Policy Management
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Your HAWQ 2.2.0 installation includes the following HAWQ-related Ranger components:
- Ranger Administrative UI
- HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service
The Ranger Administrative UI is installed when you install HDP. You configure the Ranger service itself through Ambari. You configure HAWQ-Ranger authorization policies through the Ranger Administrative UI, which you can access at `http://<ranger-admin-node>:6080`.
Installing or upgrading to HAWQ 2.2.0 installs the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service, but neither configures nor registers the plug-in.
To use Ranger for managing HAWQ authentication events, you must first install and register several HAWQ JAR files on the Ranger Administration host. This one-time configuration establishes connectivity to your HAWQ cluster from the Ranger Administration host.
After registering the JAR files, you enable or disable Ranger integration in HAWQ by setting the `hawq_acl_type` configuration parameter. After Ranger integration is enabled, you must use the Ranger interface to create all security policies to manage access to HAWQ resources. Ranger is only pre-populated with policies to allow `gpadmin` superuser access to default resources. See [Creating HAWQ Authorization Policies in Ranger](ranger-policy-creation.html) for information about creating policies in Ranger. When Ranger is enabled, all access to HAWQ resources is controlled by security policies on Ranger.
Use the following procedures to register the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service and enable Ranger authorization for HAWQ..
## <a id="prereq"></a>Prerequisites
To use HAWQ Ranger integration, install a compatible Hadoop distribution and Apache Ranger 0.6. You must also have `admin` access to the **Ranger Admin UI**.
## <a id="jar"></a>Step 1: Install Ranger Connectivity to HAWQ
1. `ssh` into the Ranger Administration host as a user with root privileges:
``` bash
$ ssh root@<ranger-admin-node>
2. Create the directory for the HAWQ JAR files:
``` bash
root@ranger-admin-node$ cd /usr/hdp/current/ranger-admin/ews/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/ranger-plugins
root@ranger-admin-node$ mkdir hawq
3. Copy the necessary HAWQ JAR files (`postgresql-9.1-901-1.jdbc4.jar` and `ranger-plugin-admin-`) from the HAWQ master node to the new directory:
``` bash
root@ranger-admin-node$ scp <hawq-master>:/usr/local/hawq/ranger/lib/*.jar ./hawq
4. Change the ownership of the new folder and JAR files to the `ranger` user:
``` bash
root@ranger-admin-node$ chown -R ranger:ranger hawq
5. The `` script configures Ranger connectivity to your HAWQ cluster. The command has the syntax:
``` pre -r <ranger_admin_node>:<ranger_port> -u <ranger_user> -p <ranger_password> -h <hawq_master>:<hawq_port> -w <hawq_user> -q <hawq_password>
Log in to the HAWQ master node as the `gpadmin` user and execute the `` script. Ensure \<hawq_master\> identifies the fully qualified domain name of the HAWQ master node. For example:
``` bash
sudo su - gpadmin
gpadmin@master$ cd /usr/local/hawq/ranger/bin
gpadmin@master$ ./ -r ranger_host:6080 -u admin -p admin -h hawq_master:5432 -w gpadmin -q gpadmin
***Note*** You can also enter the short form of the command: `./ -r` and the script will prompt you for entries.
When the script completes, the default HAWQ service definition is registered in the Ranger Admin UI. This service definition is named `hawq`.
6. Locate the `pg_hba.conf` file on the HAWQ master node, for example:
``` bash
gpadmin@master$ hawq config --show hawq_master_directory
GUC : hawq_master_directory
Value : /data/hawq/master
Edit the `pg_hba.conf` file on the HAWQ master node to configure HAWQ access for \<hawq_user\> on the \<ranger-admin-node\>. For example, you would add an entry similar to the following for the example `` call above:
``` bash
host all gpadmin ranger_host/32 trust
And reload HAWQ configuration:
``` bash
gpadmin@master$ hawq stop cluster --reload
7. When setup is complete, use the fully-qualified domain name to log into the Ambari server. Use the Ranger link in the left nav to bring up the Ranger Summary pane in the HAWQ Ambari interface. Use the Quick Links to access Ranger. This link will take you to the Ranger Login interface.
8. Log into the Ranger Access Manager. You will see a list of icons under the Service Manager. Click the **Edit** icon on the right, under the HAWQ service icon. Ensure that the Active Status is set to Enabled, and click the **Test Connection** button. You should receive a message that Ranger connected successfully. If it fails to connect, you may need to edit your Ranger connection in `pg_hba.conf,` perform
``` bash
gpadmin@masterhawq stop cluster --reload
and re-test the connection.
## <a id="enable"></a>Step 2: Configure HAWQ to Use Ranger Policy Management
The default Ranger service definition for HAWQ assigns the HAWQ administrator (typically `gpadmin`) all privileges to all objects.
Once the connection between HAWQ and Ranger is configured, you can either set up policies for the HAWQ users according to the procedures in [Creating HAWQ Authorization Policies in Ranger](ranger-policy-creation.html) or enable Ranger with only the default policies.
**Note**: Any authorization defined using GRANT commands will no longer apply after enabling HAWQ Ranger. Only gpadmin access is allowed when Ranger is first initialized.
1. On Ambari, select the **HAWQ** Service, and then select the **Configs** tab.
2. Select the **Advanced** tab, and then expand **Custom hawq-site**.
4. Click **Add Property...** and add the new property, `hawq_acl_type=ranger` property. (If the property already exists, change its value from `standalone` (the default) to `ranger`.)
5. Click **Save** to save your changes.
6. Select **Service Actions > Restart All** and confirm that you want to restart the HAWQ cluster.
## <a id="caching"></a>Changing the Frequency of Policy Caching
You may wish to change the frequency of policy caching to suit your individual needs.