blob: 79174247b42625cb6314e1d1eb2eefceae0441d7 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied. See the License for the specific language governing
permissions and limitations under the License.
<project name="Common property definitions" default="echo">
Ant file of common properties to be imported by other ant files
<property file="${user.home}/" />
<dirname property="common.basedir"
file="${ant.file.Common property definitions}/.."/>
<import file="${common.basedir}/make/platform.xml"/>
<import file="${common.basedir}/make/svn.xml"/>
<!-- Root directory of the common dependemcy pool -->
<property name="base.dep.dir" location="${common.basedir}/depends"/>
<!-- Debug or release version -->
<property name="hy.cfg" value="debug" />
<!-- Javac properties -->
<!-- Explicitly set to ECJ as the default compiler. -->
<property name="hy.javac.compiler"
value="org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter" />
<property name="hy.javac.source" value="1.5" />
<property name="" value="1.5" />
<property name="hy.javac.maxmem" value="384M" />
<!-- Temporarily always include class file debug info -->
<condition property="hy.javac.debug" value="on" else="on">
<equals arg1="${hy.cfg}" arg2="debug" />
<!-- Local variable tables should be available in debug, and
omitted in release modes. -->
<condition property="build.compilerarg" value="-nowarn -g"
else="-nowarn -g:lines,source">
<equals arg1="${hy.cfg}" arg2="debug" />
<!-- During packaging, these files must be copied into the meta-inf dir -->
<fileset id="hy.required.metainf-files" dir="${hy.hdk}">
<include name="NOTICE" />
<include name="LICENSE" />
<!-- Test run property -->
<property name="hy.test.forkmode" value="once" />
<property name="hy.test.timeout" value="900000" />
<property name="hy.test.vmargs" value="" />
<condition property="hy.platform.suffix" value=".libstdc++5">
<isset property="use.libstdc++5"/>
<condition property="hy.platform.suffix" value=".8x">
<!-- matches would be better but debian stable has ant 1.6.5
and matches was only added to 1.7.0 and above -->
<equals arg1="FreeBSD" arg2="${}" casesensitive="false" />
<contains substring="8." string="${os.version}"/>
<condition property="hy.platform.suffix" value=".7x">
<!-- matches would be better but debian stable has ant 1.6.5
and matches was only added to 1.7.0 and above -->
<equals arg1="FreeBSD" arg2="${}" casesensitive="false" />
<contains substring="7." string="${os.version}"/>
<property name="hy.platform.suffix" value="" />
<property name="hy.platform.variant"
value="${hy.platform}${hy.platform.suffix}" />
<condition property="png.home" value="/usr/local">
<isset property="is.freebsd"/>
<condition property="png.home" value="/sw">
<isset property="is.macosx"/>
<property name="png.home" value="/usr" />
<condition property="lcms.home" value="/usr/local">
<isset property="is.freebsd"/>
<condition property="lcms.home" value="/sw">
<isset property="is.macosx"/>
<property name="lcms.home" value="/usr" />
<condition property="jpeg.home" value="/usr/local">
<isset property="is.freebsd"/>
<condition property="jpeg.home" value="/sw">
<isset property="is.macosx"/>
<property name="jpeg.home" value="/usr" />
<!-- default property for call-modules macro - i.e. all modules -->
<property name="build.module" value="*" />
<property name="exclude.module" value="nothing" />
<!-- names of exclude lists, used by prepare-exclude-list macro -->
<property name="common.exclude.file" value="exclude.common" />
<property name="common.exclude.interm" value="exclude.interm" />
<property name="platform.exclude.file"
value="exclude.${hy.platform}.${}" />
<property name="platform.exclude.interm"
value="exclude.${hy.platform}.${}.interm" />
<!-- flags -->
<property name="" value="false" />
<condition property="hy.skip.thr" value="true">
<equals arg1="${}" arg2="false" />
<property name="hy.local.zlib" value="false" />
<condition property="hy.skip.zlib" value="true">
<equals arg1="${hy.local.zlib}" arg2="false" />
<property name="" value="false" />
<condition property="" value="true">
<equals arg1="${}" arg2="true" />
<target name="echo" depends="-svn-info, test-jre-vm-info"
description="Display the properties defined by this ant file" >
Harmony release configuration property:
hy.cfg = ${hy.cfg}
Harmony javac properties:
hy.javac.compiler = ${hy.javac.compiler} = ${}
hy.javac.source = ${hy.javac.source}
hy.javac.debug = ${hy.javac.debug}
hy.javac.maxmem = ${hy.javac.maxmem}
build.compilerarg = ${build.compilerarg}
Harmony test properties:
hy.test.forkmode = ${hy.test.forkmode}
hy.test.timeout = ${hy.test.timeout} = ${}
hy.test.vmargs = ${hy.test.vmargs}
Harmony platform properties:
hy.os = ${hy.os} = ${}
hy.arch = ${hy.arch}
hy.bits = ${hy.bits}
hy.platform = ${hy.platform}
hy.platform.path = ${hy.platform.path} = ${}
is.unix = ${is.unix}
is.linux = ${is.linux}
is.freebsd = ${is.freebsd}
is.macosx = ${is.macosx}
is.aix = ${is.aix}
is.zos = ${is.zos}
is.32bit = ${is.32bit}
is.64bit = ${is.64bit}
is.x86 = ${is.x86}
is.x86_64 = ${is.x86_64}
is.ia64 = ${is.ia64}
is.ppc32 = ${is.ppc32}
is.ppc64 = ${is.ppc64}
is.s390 = ${is.s390}
is.s390x = ${is.s390x}
exe.suffix = ${exe.suffix}
shlib.prefix = ${shlib.prefix}
shlib.suffix = ${shlib.suffix}
make.command = ${make.command}
hy.hdk = ${hy.hdk}
The following properties are only set if the "-svn-info" target has been
svn.revision = ${svn.revision} = ${}
Ant native properties, for information, but please use Harmony
properties in preference to these: = ${}
os.arch = ${os.arch}
<target name="test-jre-vm-info" depends="-get-test-vm-output">
<!-- Add other runtime names here -->
<condition property="" value="ri" >
<contains string="${}" substring="HotSpot"/>
<condition property="" value="jr" >
<contains string="${}" substring="JRockit"/>
<!-- FIXME current behavior relies on the fact that J9 VM doesn't
support -version parameter -->
<condition property="" value="drl" else="ibm" >
<contains string="${}" substring="harmony" />
<echo level="info" message=" = ${}" />
<target name="-get-test-vm-output">
<condition property="test.jre.home" value="${hy.jdk}/jre">
<not><isset property="test.jre.home" /></not>
<exec executable="${test.jre.home}/bin/java" failifexecutionfails="false">
<arg value="-version" />
<redirector outputproperty=""/>
<macrodef name="call-modules">
<attribute name="target" />
<subant target="@{target}">
<property name="" value="${}"/>
<dirset dir="modules"
<exclude name=".*" />
<condition property="make.arg" value="/nologo">
<isset property=""/>
<property name="make.arg" value="" />
<macrodef name="make">
<attribute name="dir" />
<attribute name="target" default="" />
<element name="make-elements" optional="true" />
<echo>Making "@{target}" in @{dir}</echo>
<exec failonerror="true"
<env key="HY_HDK" value="${hy.hdk}" />
<arg line="${make.arg}" />
<arg line="@{target}" />
<make-elements />
<!-- To use with option -->
<!-- if ${} is provided in package+class form -->
<!-- it is converted to dir+filename form -->
<macrodef name="convert-test">
<attribute name="from"/>
<attribute name="to"/>
<pathconvert property="@{to}" setonempty="no">
<path path="${@{from}}"/>
<replaceregex pattern="\.java$$"/>
<unpackagemapper from="${basedir}${file.separator}*" to="*.java"/>
<convert-test from="" to="" />
<!-- Concatenate several exclude lists into single list -->
<macrodef name="prepare-exclude-list">
<attribute name="moduleName"/>
<!-- directory with exclude lists for the module -->
<attribute name="dir"/>
<!-- name of concatenated list, should be an absolute pathname -->
<attribute name="result"/>
<dirname file="@{result}" property="@{result}.dir" />
<mkdir dir="${@{result}.dir}" />
<echo message="" file="@{result}"/>
<concat destfile="@{result}" force="yes" fixlastline="yes" append="true">
<fileset dir="@{dir}">
<include name="${common.exclude.file}"/>
<include name="${platform.exclude.file}"/>
<include name="${common.exclude.interm}" if="exclude.interm" />
<include name="${platform.exclude.interm}" if="exclude.interm" />
<size value="0" when="more"/>
<macrodef name="ensure-javac">
<equals arg1="${hy.javac.compiler}" arg2="org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter"/>
<available classname="${hy.javac.compiler}"/>
The Eclipse compiler class for Ant could not be found. Please place the ECJ JAR in ANT_HOME/lib.
The JAR can be downloaded directly from or copied from common_resources/depends/jars/ecj_3.x folder after the fetch-depends target for jdktools has been run.
Alternatively, you can switch to another compiler, e.g. specify '-Dhy.javac.compiler=modern' for classic javac.
<presetdef name="hy.javac">
<javac compiler="${hy.javac.compiler}"
<compilerarg line="${build.compilerarg}" />
<presetdef name="hy.jar.bin">
<jar compress="${hy.jar.compress}">
<attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="Apache Harmony"/>
<attribute name="Implementation-Vendor"
value="The Apache Software Foundation"/>
<attribute name="Implementation-Vendor-Id"
<attribute name="Implementation-URL"
<attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${}"/>
<attribute name="Specification-Vendor"
value="Sun Microsystems, Inc." />
<attribute name="Specification-Title"
value="Java Platform API Specification" />
<attribute name="Specification-Version"
value="${hy.specification.version}" />
<attribute name="X-Compile-Source-JDK"
<attribute name="X-Compile-Target-JDK"
<metainf refid="hy.required.metainf-files"/>
<presetdef name="hy.jar.src">
<jar compress="${hy.jar.compress}">
<attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="Apache Harmony"/>
<attribute name="Implementation-Vendor"
value="The Apache Software Foundation"/>
<attribute name="Implementation-Vendor-Id"
<attribute name="Implementation-URL"
<attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${}"/>
<metainf refid="hy.required.metainf-files"/>