blob: 629e667187720f5a7bd35190c0c524fe7af02175 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_DOMAIN "vm.optimize"
#include "cxxlog.h"
#include "open/types.h"
#include "open/vm_ee.h"
#include "environment.h"
#include "encoder.h"
#include "open/vm_util.h"
#include "compile.h"
#include "vtable.h"
// *** This is for readInternal override
#include "jni_utils.h"
#include "vm_arrays.h"
extern int readinternal_override_lil(JNIEnv *jenv, Java_java_io_FileInputStream *pThis, int fd, Vector_Handle pArrayOfByte, int offset, int len);
// *** This is for currenttimemillis override
#include "platform_core_natives.h"
static unsigned java_array_of_char_body_offset()
return vector_first_element_offset(VM_DATA_TYPE_CHAR);
static unsigned java_array_of_char_length_offset()
return vector_length_offset();
static bool enable_fast_char_arraycopy()
static ManagedObject *
get_class_ptr(ManagedObject *obj)
return *(obj->vt()->clss->get_class_handle());
// ****** Begin overrides
// ****** identityHashCode
#include "object_generic.h"
unsigned native_hashcode_fastpath_size(Method * UNREF m)
return 20;
void gen_native_hashcode(Emitter_Handle h, Method *m)
unsigned UNUSED stub_length = native_hashcode_fastpath_size(m);
char *s = *(char **)h;
char * UNUSED stub = s;
s = push(s, ebp_opnd);
s = push(s, ebx_opnd);
s = push(s, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 12));
s = call(s, (char*)generic_hashcode);
s = alu(s, add_opc, esp_opnd, Imm_Opnd(4));
s = pop(s, ebx_opnd);
s = pop(s, ebp_opnd);
s = ret(s, Imm_Opnd(4));
assert((int)stub_length >= (s - stub));
*(char **)h = s;
// ****** newInstance
// *** This is for the newInstance override
//#include "exceptions.h"
unsigned native_newinstance_fastpath_size(Method * UNREF m)
return 100;
void gen_native_newinstance(Emitter_Handle h, Method *m)
unsigned UNUSED stub_length = native_newinstance_fastpath_size(m);
char *s = *(char **)h;
char * UNUSED stub = s;
Global_Env *env = VM_Global_State::loader_env;
assert(env->vm_class_offset != 0);
unsigned current_offset = 1;
unsigned limit_offset = 1;
if(gc_supports_frontier_allocation(&current_offset, &limit_offset)){
s = push(s, ebp_opnd); // entry 0:managed:ref:ref
s = push(s, ebx_opnd);
s = push(s, esi_opnd);
s = push(s, edi_opnd);
// Get Class_Handle from java.lang.Class object
s = mov(s, eax_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 20)) ; // ld l0,[i0+offset] (fetch i0)
s = mov(s, ebp_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(eax_reg, (int)env->vm_class_offset)) ; // ld l0,i0+offset (add offset, ld val)
// Determine if this class supports fast allocation
size_t offset_is_fast_allocation_possible = env->Void_Class->get_offset_of_fast_allocation_flag();
s = movzx(s, ebx_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(ebp_reg, offset_is_fast_allocation_possible), size_8);
s = test(s, ebx_opnd, ebx_opnd); // jc l1=0,fallback
s = branch8(s, Condition_Z, Imm_Opnd(size_8, 50));
// Class supports fast allocation, now use frontier allocation technique
size_t offset_gc_local = (U_8*)&(p_TLS_vmthread->_gc_private_information) - (U_8*)p_TLS_vmthread;
size_t offset_allocation_handle = env->Void_Class->get_offset_of_allocation_handle();
size_t offset_instance_data_size = env->Void_Class->get_offset_of_instance_data_size();
current_offset += (unsigned) offset_gc_local;
limit_offset += (unsigned) offset_gc_local;
// Get frontier into r, limit into l2, instance size into l3
*s++ = (char)0x64;
*s++ = (char)0xa1;
*s++ = (char)0x14;
*s++ = (char)0x00;
*s++ = (char)0x00;
*s++ = (char)0x00;
// hack: the above sequence moves fs to eax, but want ebx
s = mov(s, ebx_opnd, eax_opnd);
// DO NOT RUN THIS OVERRIDE ON LINUX (it will not work)
LDIE(45, "Not supported on this platform");
s = mov(s, eax_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(ebx_reg, current_offset)); // ld r,[l1+current_offset]
s = mov(s, esi_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(ebx_reg, limit_offset)); // ld l2,[l1+limit_offset]
s = mov(s, edi_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(ebp_reg, offset_instance_data_size)); // ld l3,[l0+offset_instance_data_size]
// Compute new frontier
s = alu(s, add_opc, edi_opnd, eax_opnd); // l3=l3+r
// Is it within limit?
s = alu(s, cmp_opc, esi_opnd, edi_opnd); // jc l2<l3,fallback; esi=l2, edi=l3
s = branch32(s, Condition_L, Imm_Opnd(20)) ;
// Yes, store new frontier, initialise vtable
s = mov(s, M_Base_Opnd(ebx_reg, current_offset), edi_opnd); // st [l1+current_offset],l3
s = mov(s, edi_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(ebp_reg, offset_allocation_handle)); // ld l3,[l0+offset_alloc_handle]
s = mov(s, esi_opnd, eax_opnd); // l2=r
s = mov(s, M_Base_Opnd(esi_reg, 0), edi_opnd); // st [l2],l3
// Done
s = pop(s, edi_opnd);
s = pop(s, esi_opnd);
s = pop(s, ebx_opnd);
s = pop(s, ebp_opnd);
s = ret(s, Imm_Opnd(4));
// Fallback: need to restore values if we end up here
s = pop(s, edi_opnd);
s = pop(s, esi_opnd);
s = pop(s, ebx_opnd);
s = pop(s, ebp_opnd);
assert((int)stub_length >= (s - stub));
*(char **)h = s;
// ****** readInternal
unsigned native_readinternal_fastpath_size(Method * UNREF m)
return 100;
void gen_native_readinternal(Emitter_Handle h, Method *m)
unsigned UNUSED stub_length = native_readinternal_fastpath_size(m);
char *s = *(char **)h;
char * UNUSED stub = s;
s = alu(s, sub_opc, esp_opnd, Imm_Opnd(24));
s = mov(s, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 0), Imm_Opnd((int)p_TLS_vmthread->jni_env)) ; // o0=jni_native_intf
s = mov(s, eax_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 44)) ; // o1=i0
s = mov(s, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 4), eax_opnd) ;
s = mov(s, eax_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 40)) ; // o2=i1
s = mov(s, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 8), eax_opnd) ;
s = mov(s, eax_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 36)) ; // o3=i2
s = mov(s, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 12), eax_opnd) ;
s = mov(s, eax_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 32)) ; // o4=i3
s = mov(s, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 16), eax_opnd) ;
s = mov(s, eax_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 28)) ; // o5=i4
s = mov(s, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 20), eax_opnd) ;
s = call(s, (char*)readinternal_override_lil);
s = alu(s, add_opc, esp_opnd, Imm_Opnd(24));
s = ret(s, Imm_Opnd(20));
assert((int)stub_length >= (s - stub));
*(char **)h = s;
// ****** get current time millis
unsigned native_getccurrenttime_fastpath_size(Method * UNREF m)
return 20;
void gen_native_system_currenttimemillis(Emitter_Handle h, Method *m)
unsigned UNUSED stub_length = native_getccurrenttime_fastpath_size(m);
char *s = *(char **)h;
char * UNUSED stub = s;
s = push(s, esi_opnd);
s = call(s, (char*)get_current_time);
s = pop(s, esi_opnd);
s = ret(s);
assert((int)stub_length >= (s - stub));
*(char **)h = s;
// ****** 20031009 above are additions to bring original on par with LIL
unsigned native_getclass_fastpath_size(Method * UNREF m)
return 20;
void gen_native_getclass_fastpath(Emitter_Handle h, Method *m)
unsigned UNUSED stub_length = native_getclass_fastpath_size(m);
char *s = *(char **)h;
char * UNUSED stub = s;
s = push(s, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 4));
s = call(s, (char*)get_class_ptr);
s = alu(s, add_opc, esp_opnd, Imm_Opnd(4));
s = test(s, eax_opnd, eax_opnd);
s = branch8(s, Condition_Z, Imm_Opnd(size_8, 3)) ;
s = ret(s, Imm_Opnd(4));
assert((int)stub_length >= (s - stub));
*(char **)h = s;
// Return an upper bound on the size of the custom arraycopy routine.
unsigned native_arraycopy_fastpath_size(Method * UNREF m)
if (enable_fast_char_arraycopy())
return 350;
return 0;
//MOV_PAIR must be less than 32
#define MOV_PAIR 8
void gen_native_arraycopy_fastpath(Emitter_Handle h, Method *method)
if (!enable_fast_char_arraycopy())
char *stub = *(char **)h;
Global_Env *env = VM_Global_State::loader_env;
assert(MOV_PAIR<32) ;
unsigned UNUSED stub_length = native_arraycopy_fastpath_size(method);// 300 + MOV_PAIR*8;
char *s = stub;
char* patch[20] ;//jmp patch
unsigned p_c = 0 ;
char* patch_ret[20] ;//jmp-to-ret patch
unsigned p_c_ret =0 ;
//get length offset of JavaArrayOf Char
unsigned length_offset = java_array_of_char_length_offset() ;
// push ebp
// push ebx
// push esi
// push edi
s = push(s, ebp_opnd);
s = push(s, ebx_opnd);
s = push(s, esi_opnd);
s = push(s, edi_opnd);
//fast arraycopy , only handling 'C' type
// esp + 16 return-ip
// + 20 length
// + 24 dstoffset
// + 28 dst
// + 32 srcoffset
// + 36 src
// Test whether first object is null.
s = mov(s, esi_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 36)) ; // mov esi, [esp+36] ; src
s = test(s, esi_opnd, esi_opnd) ; // or esi, esi
s = branch32(s, Condition_Z, Imm_Opnd(0x0)) ; // !!je backup
patch[p_c++] = s - 4 ;
// Test whether second object is null.
s = mov(s, edi_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 28)) ; // mov edi, [esp+28] ; dst
s = test(s, edi_opnd, edi_opnd) ; // or edi, edi
s = branch32(s, Condition_Z, Imm_Opnd(0x0)) ; // !!je backup
patch[p_c++] = s - 4 ;
// Test whether the first object is of type [C.
s = mov(s, ebx_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esi_reg, object_get_vtable_offset())) ; // mov ebx, [esi] ; src->vt
s = alu(s, cmp_opc, ebx_opnd, Imm_Opnd((int)(env->ArrayOfChar_Class->get_vtable()))); // cmp ebx, vtable_of_char_array
s = branch32(s, Condition_NZ, Imm_Opnd(0x0));
patch[p_c++] = s - 4 ;
// Test whether the two objects have the same class.
s = alu(s, cmp_opc, ebx_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(edi_reg, object_get_vtable_offset())) ; // cmp ebx, [edi] ;
s = branch32(s, Condition_NZ, Imm_Opnd(0x0)) ; // !!je backup
patch[p_c++] = s - 4 ;
// Test the array index conditions.
s = mov(s, ecx_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 20)) ; // mov ecx, [esp+20] ; length
s = alu(s, cmp_opc, ecx_opnd, Imm_Opnd(0)) ; // cmp ecx, 0
s = branch32(s, Condition_Z, Imm_Opnd(0x0)) ; // !!je ret
patch_ret[p_c_ret++] = s - 4 ;
s = branch32(s, Condition_L, Imm_Opnd(0x0)) ; // !!jl backup (signed)
patch[p_c++] = s - 4 ;
s = mov(s, eax_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 32)) ; // mov eax, [esp+32] ; srcoffset
s = test(s, eax_opnd, eax_opnd) ; // test eax, eax
s = branch32(s, Condition_L, Imm_Opnd(0x0)) ; // !!jl backup
patch[p_c++] = s - 4 ;
s = mov(s, ebx_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 24)) ; // mov ebx, [esp+24] ; dstoffset
s = test(s, ebx_opnd, ebx_opnd) ; // test ebx, ebx
s = branch32(s, Condition_L, Imm_Opnd(0x0)) ; // !!jl backup
patch[p_c++] = s - 4 ;
s = mov(s, ebp_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esi_reg, length_offset)) ; // mov ebp, [src+length_offset] ; src->length
s = alu(s, add_opc, eax_opnd, ecx_opnd) ; // add eax, ecx ;srcoffset + length
s = alu(s, cmp_opc, eax_opnd, ebp_opnd) ; // cmp eax, ebp
s = branch32(s, Condition_A, Imm_Opnd(0x0)) ; // !!ja backup
patch[p_c++] = s - 4 ;
s = mov(s, ebp_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(edi_reg, length_offset)) ; // mov ebp, [dst+length_offset] ;dst->length
s = alu(s, add_opc, ebx_opnd, ecx_opnd) ; // add ebx, ecx ;dstoffset + length
s = alu(s, cmp_opc, ebx_opnd, ebp_opnd) ; // cmp ebx, ebp
s = branch32(s, Condition_A, Imm_Opnd(0x0)) ; // !!ja backup
patch[p_c++] = s - 4 ;
void* (*m_move)( void *, const void *, size_t );
m_move = (void* (*)( void *, const void *, size_t ))memmove ;
unsigned body_offset = java_array_of_char_body_offset() ;
s = mov(s, ebp_opnd, edi_opnd) ;
s = mov(s, eax_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 24)) ;
s = lea(s, edi_opnd, M_Index_Opnd(edi_reg, eax_reg, body_offset, 1)); // lea edi, [edi + 2*eax + body_offset]
s = mov(s, eax_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 32)) ;
s = lea(s, esi_opnd, M_Index_Opnd(esi_reg, eax_reg, body_offset, 1)); // lea esi, [esi + 2*eax + body_offset]
//if they overlap, goto normal memmove .
// if |edi-esi|<ecx, overlap. we can use eax, ebx, edx
s = mov(s, eax_opnd, edi_opnd) ;
s = mov(s, ebx_opnd, esi_opnd) ;
s = mov(s, edx_opnd, ecx_opnd) ;
s = alu(s, sub_opc, eax_opnd, ebx_opnd) ;
s = branch8(s, Condition_G, Imm_Opnd(size_8, 0x0)) ; //!!jg
char* patch5 = s - 1 ;
s = neg(s, eax_opnd) ;
*patch5 = (char)(s- patch5 - 1) ;
s = alu(s, add_opc, edx_opnd, edx_opnd) ;
s = alu(s, cmp_opc, eax_opnd, edx_opnd) ;
s = branch8(s, Condition_A, Imm_Opnd(size_8, 0x0)) ; //!!jg next2
char* patch6 = s - 1 ;
s = push(s, edx_opnd) ;
s = push(s, esi_opnd) ;
s = push(s, edi_opnd) ;
s = call(s, (char*)m_move) ;
s = alu(s, add_opc, esp_opnd, Imm_Opnd(12)) ;
s = jump32(s, Imm_Opnd(0x0)) ; //jmp next3
char* patch7 = s - 4 ;
*patch6 = (char)(s - patch6 - 1) ;
s = mov(s, ebx_opnd, ecx_opnd) ;
s = shift(s, shr_opc, ecx_opnd, Imm_Opnd(1)) ;
s = mov(s, edx_opnd, ecx_opnd) ;
s = branch32(s, Condition_Z, Imm_Opnd(0x0)) ;
char* patch1 = s - 4 ;
//if the ecx < MOV_PAIR , do some fast copy!
s = alu(s, cmp_opc, ecx_opnd, Imm_Opnd(MOV_PAIR)) ;
s = branch32(s, Condition_A, Imm_Opnd(0x0)) ;
char* patch3 = s - 4 ;
s = mov(s, eax_opnd, Imm_Opnd(MOV_PAIR)) ;
s = alu(s, sub_opc, eax_opnd, ecx_opnd) ;
s = alu(s, add_opc, eax_opnd, eax_opnd) ;
s = alu(s, add_opc, eax_opnd, eax_opnd) ;
s = alu(s, add_opc, eax_opnd, eax_opnd) ;
s = alu(s, add_opc, eax_opnd, Imm_Opnd((unsigned)s+7)) ;
s = jump(s, eax_opnd) ;
int j = 0 ;
for(j = 0 ; j<MOV_PAIR ; j++){
//mov eax, [esi+xx]
//mov [edi+xx], eax
s = mov(s, eax_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esi_reg,(4*MOV_PAIR-4)-j*4)) ;
s = mov(s, M_Base_Opnd(edi_reg,(4*MOV_PAIR-4)-j*4), eax_opnd) ;
if (j < MOV_PAIR - 1)
s = mov(s, ebp_opnd, ebp_opnd); // 2-byte nop sequence
s = lea(s, esi_opnd, M_Index_Opnd(esi_reg, ecx_reg, 0, 2));
s = lea(s, edi_opnd, M_Index_Opnd(edi_reg, ecx_reg, 0, 2));
s = jump8(s, Imm_Opnd(size_8, 0x0)) ;
char* patch4 = s - 1 ;
*(unsigned*)patch3 = (unsigned)(s - patch3 - 4) ;
*s++ = (char)0xF3 ;
*s++ = (char)0xA5 ;// F3 A4 rep movs DWORD
*patch4 = (char)(s - patch4 - 1) ;
s = alu(s, add_opc, edx_opnd, edx_opnd) ;
*(unsigned*)patch1 = (unsigned)(s - patch1 -4) ;
s = alu(s, sub_opc, ebx_opnd, edx_opnd) ;
s = branch8(s, Condition_Z, Imm_Opnd(size_8, 0x0)) ;
char* patch2 = s - 1 ;
//edx only could be 0, 2
//2: mov WORD ax, [esi+1]
// mov WORD [edi+1], al
s = mov(s, eax_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esi_reg,0), size_16) ;
s = mov(s, M_Base_Opnd(edi_reg,0), eax_opnd, size_16) ;
//0: _next:
*patch2 = (char)(s - patch2 - 1) ;
s = mov(s, edi_opnd, ebp_opnd) ;
*(unsigned*)patch7 = (unsigned)(s - patch7 -4) ;
for(;p_c_ret>0 ; p_c_ret--){
*(unsigned*)(patch_ret[p_c_ret-1]) = (unsigned)(s - patch_ret[p_c_ret-1] - 4) ;
s = pop(s, edi_opnd);
s = pop(s, esi_opnd);
s = pop(s, ebx_opnd);
s = pop(s, ebp_opnd);
s = ret(s, Imm_Opnd(method->get_num_arg_slots() * 4));
//Fill Patches
for(; p_c>0 ; p_c--){
*(unsigned*)(patch[p_c-1]) = (unsigned)(s - patch[p_c-1] -4) ;
*generate the backup rountine
// 20030325: the backup routine used to be an old copy of a native method wrapper
// we do not want to duplicate this code, so I have changed the backup to
// jump to a wrapper generated by prepare_native_method
s = pop(s, edi_opnd);
s = pop(s, esi_opnd);
s = pop(s, ebx_opnd);
s = pop(s, ebp_opnd);
assert((int)stub_length >= (s - stub));
*(char **)h = s;
} //jit_inline_native_array_copy_general