blob: 5b5f1224bfad6732b5e1044da0965faf6df42c42 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Intel, Evgueni Brevnov, Ivan Volosyuk
#define LOG_DOMAIN "vm.helpers"
#include "cxxlog.h"
#include "open/types.h"
#include "open/gc.h"
#include "open/vm_class_manipulation.h"
#include "vtable.h"
#include "environment.h"
#include "Class.h"
#include "object_layout.h"
#include "mon_enter_exit.h"
#include "vm_threads.h"
#include "thread_helpers.h"
#include "vm_arrays.h"
#include "vm_strings.h"
#include "ini.h"
#include "nogc.h"
#include "compile.h"
#include "exceptions.h"
#include "exceptions_jit.h"
#include "sync_bits.h"
#include "encoder.h"
#include "lil.h"
#include "lil_code_generator.h"
#include "jit_runtime_support_common.h"
#include "jit_runtime_support.h"
#include "internal_jit_intf.h"
#include "m2n.h"
#include "../m2n_ia32_internal.h"
#include "dump.h"
#include "vm_stats.h"
char * gen_convert_managed_to_unmanaged_null_ia32(char * ss,
unsigned stack_pointer_offset);
// begin VM_Runtime_Support
static void vm_throw_java_lang_ClassCastException()
LDIE(49, "The last called function should not return");
} //vm_throw_java_lang_ClassCastException
#ifdef VM_STATS // exclude remark in release mode (defined but not used)
static void update_checkcast_stats(ManagedObject *obj, Class *c)
VM_Statistics::get_vm_stats().num_checkcast ++;
if (obj == NULL)
VM_Statistics::get_vm_stats().num_checkcast_null ++;
if (obj != NULL && obj->vt()->clss == c)
VM_Statistics::get_vm_stats().num_checkcast_equal_type ++;
if (obj != NULL && c->get_fast_instanceof_flag())
VM_Statistics::get_vm_stats().num_checkcast_fast_decision ++;
} //update_checkcast_stats
// 20030321 This JIT support routine expects to be called directly from managed code.
// NOTE: We do not translate null references since vm_instanceof() also expects to be
// called directly by managed code.
static void *getaddress__vm_checkcast_naked()
static void *addr = 0;
if (addr) {
return addr;
if (VM_Global_State::loader_env->use_lil_stubs) {
LilCodeStub *cs = gen_lil_typecheck_stub(true);
addr = LilCodeGenerator::get_platform()->compile(cs);
DUMP_STUB(addr, "vm_rt_checkcast", lil_cs_get_code_size(cs));
return addr;
const int stub_size = (REFS_IS_COMPRESSED_MODE ? 82 : 58);
char *stub = (char *)malloc_fixed_code_for_jit(stub_size, DEFAULT_CODE_ALIGNMENT, CODE_BLOCK_HEAT_COLD, CAA_Allocate);
#ifdef _DEBUG
memset(stub, 0xcc /*int 3*/, stub_size);
char *ss = stub;
#ifdef VM_STATS
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 8));
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 8));
ss = call(ss, (char *)update_checkcast_stats);
ss = alu(ss, add_opc, esp_opnd, Imm_Opnd(8));
#endif // VM_STATS
ss = mov(ss, eax_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, +4) );
ss = alu(ss, cmp_opc, eax_opnd, Imm_Opnd((unsigned)VM_Global_State::loader_env->managed_null)); //is eax == NULL?
ss = branch8(ss, Condition_NZ, Imm_Opnd(size_8, 0));
ss = test(ss, eax_opnd, eax_opnd);
ss = branch8(ss, Condition_NE, Imm_Opnd(size_8, 0)); // will get backpatched
char *backpatch_address__not_null = ((char *)ss) - 1;
// The object reference is null, so return null.
ss = ret(ss, Imm_Opnd(8));
// Non-null object reference. Call instanceof.
signed offset = (signed)ss - (signed)backpatch_address__not_null - 1;
*backpatch_address__not_null = (char)offset;
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 8));
ss = push(ss, eax_opnd);
// 20030321 If compressing references, no need to convert a null reference before calling the instanceof JIT support routine
// since the object is known to be non-null.
ss = call(ss, (char *)vm_instanceof);
ss = test(ss, eax_opnd, eax_opnd);
ss = branch8(ss, Condition_E, Imm_Opnd(size_8, 0)); // will get backpatched
char *backpatch_address__instanceof_failed = ((char *)ss) - 1;
ss = mov(ss, eax_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, +4) );
// 20030321 If compressing references, no need to convert a null reference before returning since the object is known to be non-null.
ss = ret(ss, Imm_Opnd(8));
// The checkcast failed so throw java_lang_ClassCastException.
offset = (signed)ss - (signed)backpatch_address__instanceof_failed - 1;
*backpatch_address__instanceof_failed = (char)offset;
ss = gen_setup_j2n_frame(ss);
ss = call(ss, (char *)vm_throw_java_lang_ClassCastException);
addr = stub;
assert((ss - stub) <= stub_size);
compile_add_dynamic_generated_code_chunk("vm_rt_checkcast", false, stub, stub_size);
if (jvmti_should_report_event(JVMTI_EVENT_DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATED)) {
jvmti_send_dynamic_code_generated_event("vm_rt_checkcast", stub, stub_size);
DUMP_STUB(stub, "getaddress__vm_checkcast_naked", ss - stub);
return addr;
} //getaddress__vm_checkcast_naked
// The code is added to this function so that we can have a LIL version of
// instanceof. If LIL is turned off, the address of vm_instanceof is
// returned, just like before.
static void *getaddress__vm_instanceof()
static void *addr = 0;
if (addr) {
return addr;
if (VM_Global_State::loader_env->use_lil_stubs)
LilCodeStub *cs = gen_lil_typecheck_stub(false);
addr = LilCodeGenerator::get_platform()->compile(cs);
DUMP_STUB(addr, "vm_instanceof", lil_cs_get_code_size(cs));
return addr;
// just use vm_instanceof
addr = (void *) vm_instanceof;
return addr;
static Boolean is_class_initialized(Class *clss)
#ifdef VM_STATS
#endif // VM_STATS
return clss->is_initialized();
} //is_class_initialized
static void *getaddress__vm_initialize_class_naked()
static void *addr = 0;
if (addr) {
return addr;
if (VM_Global_State::loader_env->use_lil_stubs) {
LilCodeStub* cs = lil_parse_code_stub(
"entry 0:stdcall:pint:void; // The single argument is a Class_Handle \n"
"locals 3;\
in2out platform:pint; \
call %0i; \
jc r=0,not_initialized; \
ret; \
:not_initialized; \
push_m2n 0, %1i; \
in2out platform:void; \
call %2i; \
l1 = ts; \
ld l2, [l1 + %3i:ref]; \
jc l2 != 0,_exn_raised; \
ld l2, [l1 + %4i:ref]; \
jc l2 != 0,_exn_raised; \
pop_m2n; \
ret; \
:_exn_raised; \
out platform::void; \
call.noret %5i;",
(void *)is_class_initialized,
(void *)class_initialize,
APR_OFFSETOF(VM_thread, thread_exception.exc_object),
APR_OFFSETOF(VM_thread, thread_exception.exc_class),
addr = LilCodeGenerator::get_platform()->compile(cs);
DUMP_STUB(addr, "vm_initialize_class_naked", lil_cs_get_code_size(cs));
return addr;
const int stub_size = 44;
char *stub = (char *)malloc_fixed_code_for_jit(stub_size, DEFAULT_CODE_ALIGNMENT, CODE_BLOCK_HEAT_COLD, CAA_Allocate);
#ifdef _DEBUG
memset(stub, 0xcc /*int 3*/, stub_size);
char *ss = stub;
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 4)); // push the argument, a ClassHandle
ss = call(ss, (char *)is_class_initialized);
ss = alu(ss, add_opc, esp_opnd, Imm_Opnd(4)); // pop the argument since is_class_initialized() is a CDecl function
ss = test(ss, eax_opnd, eax_opnd);
ss = branch8(ss, Condition_Z, Imm_Opnd(size_8, 0));
char *backpatch_address__class_not_initialized = ((char *)ss) - 1;
ss = ret(ss, Imm_Opnd(4));
signed offset = (signed)ss - (signed)backpatch_address__class_not_initialized - 1;
*backpatch_address__class_not_initialized = (char)offset;
ss = gen_setup_j2n_frame(ss);
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, m2n_sizeof_m2n_frame));
ss = call(ss, (char *)vm_rt_class_initialize);
ss = alu(ss, add_opc, esp_opnd, Imm_Opnd(4));
ss = gen_pop_j2n_frame(ss);
ss = ret(ss, Imm_Opnd(4));
addr = stub;
assert((ss - stub) <= stub_size);
compile_add_dynamic_generated_code_chunk("vm_initialize_class_naked", false, stub, stub_size);
if (jvmti_should_report_event(JVMTI_EVENT_DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATED)) {
jvmti_send_dynamic_code_generated_event("vm_initialize_class_naked", stub, stub_size);
DUMP_STUB(stub, "getaddress__vm_initialize_class_naked", ss - stub);
return addr;
} //getaddress__vm_initialize_class_naked
// Object allocation
static void *generate_object_allocation_stub_with_thread_pointer(char *fast_obj_alloc_proc,
char *slow_obj_alloc_proc,
const char *stub_name)
const int stub_size = 52+26;
char *stub = (char *)malloc_fixed_code_for_jit(stub_size, DEFAULT_CODE_ALIGNMENT, CODE_BLOCK_HEAT_MAX/2, CAA_Allocate);
#ifdef _DEBUG
memset(stub, 0xcc /*int 3*/, stub_size);
char *ss = stub;
// openTM integration
ss = call(ss, (char *)vm_get_gc_thread_local);
/*#else // !PLATFORM_POSIX
*ss++ = (char)0x64;
*ss++ = (char)0xa1;
*ss++ = (char)0x14;
*ss++ = (char)0x00;
*ss++ = (char)0x00;
*ss++ = (char)0x00;
ss = alu(ss, add_opc, eax_opnd, Imm_Opnd((U_32)&((VM_thread *)0)->_gc_private_information));
ss = push(ss, eax_opnd);
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 12));
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 12));
ss = call(ss, (char *)fast_obj_alloc_proc);
ss = alu(ss, add_opc, esp_opnd, Imm_Opnd(12));
ss = alu(ss, or_opc, eax_opnd, eax_opnd);
ss = branch8(ss, Condition_Z, Imm_Opnd(size_8, 0));
char *backpatch_address__fast_alloc_failed = ((char *)ss) - 1;
ss = ret(ss, Imm_Opnd(8));
signed offset = (signed)ss - (signed)backpatch_address__fast_alloc_failed - 1;
*backpatch_address__fast_alloc_failed = (char)offset;
ss = gen_setup_j2n_frame(ss);
// openTM integration
ss = call(ss, (char *)vm_get_gc_thread_local);
/*#else // !PLATFORM_POSIX
*ss++ = (char)0x64;
*ss++ = (char)0xa1;
*ss++ = (char)0x14;
*ss++ = (char)0x00;
*ss++ = (char)0x00;
*ss++ = (char)0x00;
ss = alu(ss, add_opc, eax_opnd, Imm_Opnd((U_32)&((VM_thread *)0)->_gc_private_information));
ss = push(ss, eax_opnd);
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 8+m2n_sizeof_m2n_frame));
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 8+m2n_sizeof_m2n_frame));
ss = call(ss, (char *)slow_obj_alloc_proc);
ss = alu(ss, add_opc, esp_opnd, Imm_Opnd(12));
ss = gen_pop_j2n_frame(ss);
ss = ret(ss, Imm_Opnd(8));
assert((ss - stub) <= stub_size);
compile_add_dynamic_generated_code_chunk("object_allocation_stub_with_thread_pointer", false, stub, stub_size);
if (jvmti_should_report_event(JVMTI_EVENT_DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATED)) {
jvmti_send_dynamic_code_generated_event("object_allocation_stub_with_thread_pointer", stub, stub_size);
DUMP_STUB(stub, stub_name, ss - stub);
return (void *)stub;
} //generate_object_allocation_stub_with_thread_pointer
static void *getaddress__vm_gethashcode_java_object_resolved_using_gethashcode_naked()
const int stub_size = 16;
char *stub = (char *)malloc_fixed_code_for_jit(stub_size, DEFAULT_CODE_ALIGNMENT, CODE_BLOCK_HEAT_MAX/2, CAA_Allocate);
#ifdef _DEBUG
memset(stub, 0xcc /*int 3*/, stub_size);
char *ss = stub;
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 4));
ss = call(ss, (char *)gc_get_hashcode0);
ss = alu(ss, add_opc, esp_opnd, Imm_Opnd(4));
ss = ret(ss, Imm_Opnd(4));
assert((ss - stub) <= stub_size);
compile_add_dynamic_generated_code_chunk("gethashcode_java_object_resolved_using_gethashcode_naked", false, stub, stub_size);
if (jvmti_should_report_event(JVMTI_EVENT_DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATED)) {
jvmti_send_dynamic_code_generated_event("gethashcode_java_object_resolved_using_gethashcode_naked", stub, stub_size);
DUMP_STUB(stub, "getaddress__vm_gethashcode_java_object_resolved_using_gethashcode_naked", ss - stub);
return (void *)stub;
} //generate_object_allocation_stub_with_thread_pointer
static void *getaddress__vm_alloc_java_object_resolved_using_vtable_and_size_naked()
static void *addr = 0;
if (addr) {
return addr;
addr = generate_object_allocation_stub_with_thread_pointer((char *) gc_alloc_fast,
(char *) vm_malloc_with_thread_pointer,
return addr;
} //getaddress__vm_alloc_java_object_resolved_using_vtable_and_size_naked
static void* vm_aastore_nullpointer()
static NativeCodePtr addr = NULL;
if (addr) return addr;
const int stub_size = 9;
char *stub = (char *)malloc_fixed_code_for_jit(stub_size, DEFAULT_CODE_ALIGNMENT, CODE_BLOCK_HEAT_COLD, CAA_Allocate);
#ifdef _DEBUG
memset(stub, 0xcc /*int 3*/, stub_size);
char *ss = stub;
Imm_Opnd imm1(12);
ss = alu(ss, sub_opc, esp_opnd, imm1);
ss = push(ss, eax_opnd);
ss = jump(ss, (char*)exn_get_rth_throw_null_pointer());
addr = stub;
assert((ss - stub) <= stub_size);
DUMP_STUB(stub, "vm_aastore_nullpointer", ss - stub);
return addr;
} //vm_aastore_nullpointer
static void* vm_aastore_array_index_out_of_bounds()
static NativeCodePtr addr = NULL;
if (addr) return addr;
const int stub_size = 9;
char *stub = (char *)malloc_fixed_code_for_jit(stub_size, DEFAULT_CODE_ALIGNMENT, CODE_BLOCK_HEAT_COLD, CAA_Allocate);
#ifdef _DEBUG
memset(stub, 0xcc /*int 3*/, stub_size);
char *ss = stub;
Imm_Opnd imm1(12);
ss = alu(ss, sub_opc, esp_opnd, imm1);
ss = push(ss, eax_opnd);
ss = jump(ss, (char*)exn_get_rth_throw_array_index_out_of_bounds());
addr = stub;
assert((ss - stub) <= stub_size);
compile_add_dynamic_generated_code_chunk("vm_aastore_nullpointer", false, stub, stub_size);
if (jvmti_should_report_event(JVMTI_EVENT_DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATED)) {
jvmti_send_dynamic_code_generated_event("vm_aastore_nullpointer", stub, stub_size);
DUMP_STUB(stub, "vm_aastore_array_index_out_of_bounds", ss - stub);
return addr;
} //vm_aastore_array_index_out_of_bounds
static void* vm_aastore_arraystore()
static NativeCodePtr addr = NULL;
if (addr != NULL) {
return addr;
const int stub_size = 9;
char *stub = (char *)malloc_fixed_code_for_jit(stub_size, DEFAULT_CODE_ALIGNMENT, CODE_BLOCK_HEAT_COLD, CAA_Allocate);
#ifdef _DEBUG
memset(stub, 0xcc /*int 3*/, stub_size);
char *ss = stub;
Imm_Opnd imm1(12);
ss = alu(ss, sub_opc, esp_opnd, imm1);
ss = push(ss, eax_opnd);
ss = jump(ss, (char*)exn_get_rth_throw_array_store());
addr = stub;
assert((ss - stub) <= stub_size);
compile_add_dynamic_generated_code_chunk("vm_aastore_arraystore", false, stub, stub_size);
if (jvmti_should_report_event(JVMTI_EVENT_DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATED)) {
jvmti_send_dynamic_code_generated_event("vm_aastore_arraystore", stub, stub_size);
DUMP_STUB(stub, "vm_aastore_arraystore", ss - stub);
return addr;
} //vm_aastore_arraystore
static void *__stdcall
aastore_ia32(Vector_Handle array,
int idx,
volatile ManagedObject *elem);
// 20030321 This JIT support routine expects to be called directly from managed code.
static void *__stdcall
aastore_ia32(Vector_Handle array,
int idx,
volatile ManagedObject *elem)
// 20030321 Convert a null reference from a managed (heap_base) to an unmanaged null (NULL/0).
if (elem == (volatile ManagedObject *)VM_Global_State::loader_env->managed_null) {
elem = NULL;
if (array == (ManagedObject *)VM_Global_State::loader_env->managed_null) {
array = NULL;
assert ((elem == NULL) || (((ManagedObject *)elem)->vt() != NULL));
#ifdef VM_STATS
#endif // VM_STATS
void *new_eip = 0;
if (array == NULL) {
new_eip = vm_aastore_nullpointer();
} else if ((unsigned)get_vector_length(array) <= (unsigned)idx) {
new_eip = vm_aastore_array_index_out_of_bounds();
} else {
assert(idx >= 0);
if (elem != NULL) {
VTable *vt = get_vector_vtable(array);
#ifdef VM_STATS
if (vt == cached_object_array_vtable_ptr)
VM_Statistics::get_vm_stats().num_aastore_object_array ++;
if (vt->clss->get_array_element_class()->get_vtable() == ((ManagedObject *)elem)->vt())
VM_Statistics::get_vm_stats().num_aastore_equal_type ++;
if (vt->clss->get_array_element_class()->get_fast_instanceof_flag())
VM_Statistics::get_vm_stats().num_aastore_fast_decision ++;
#endif // VM_STATS
if(vt == cached_object_array_vtable_ptr
|| class_is_subtype_fast(((ManagedObject *)elem)->vt(), vt->clss->get_array_element_class()))
STORE_REFERENCE((ManagedObject *)array, get_vector_element_address_ref(array, idx), (ManagedObject *)elem);
return 0;
new_eip = vm_aastore_arraystore();
} else {
// A null reference. No need to check types for a null reference.
assert(elem == NULL);
#ifdef VM_STATS
VM_Statistics::get_vm_stats().num_aastore_null ++;
#endif // VM_STATS
// 20030502 Someone earlier commented out a call to the GC interface function gc_heap_slot_write_ref() and replaced it
// by code to directly store a NULL in the element without notifying the GC. I've retained that change here but I wonder if
// there could be a problem later with, say, concurrent GCs.
ManagedObject **elem_ptr = get_vector_element_address_ref(array, idx);
return 0;
// This may possibly break if the C compiler applies very aggresive optimizations.
void **saved_eip = ((void **)&elem) - 1;
void *old_eip = *saved_eip;
*saved_eip = new_eip;
return old_eip;
} //aastore_ia32
static void *getaddress__vm_aastore()
static void *addr = NULL;
if (addr != NULL) {
return addr;
LilCodeStub* cs = lil_parse_code_stub(
"entry 0:stdcall:ref,pint,ref:void; // The args are the array to store into, the index, and the element ref to store\n"
"in2out stdcall:pint; "
"call %0i; // vm_rt_aastore either returns NULL or the ClassHandle of an exception to throw \n"
"jc r!=0,aastore_failed; \
ret; \
:aastore_failed; \
std_places 1; \
sp0=r; \
tailcall %1i;",
(void *)vm_rt_aastore,
addr = LilCodeGenerator::get_platform()->compile(cs);
DUMP_STUB(addr, "vm_aastore", lil_cs_get_code_size(cs));
return addr;
} //getaddress__vm_aastore
static void * gen_new_vector_stub(const char *stub_name, char *fast_new_vector_proc, char *slow_new_vector_proc)
const int stub_size = 52;
char *stub = (char *)malloc_fixed_code_for_jit(stub_size, DEFAULT_CODE_ALIGNMENT, CODE_BLOCK_HEAT_MAX/2, CAA_Allocate);
#ifdef _DEBUG
memset(stub, 0xcc /*int 3*/, stub_size);
char *ss = stub;
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 8)); // repush length
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 8)); // repush vector_class
ss = call(ss, (char *)fast_new_vector_proc);
ss = alu(ss, add_opc, esp_opnd, Imm_Opnd(8));
ss = alu(ss, or_opc, eax_opnd, eax_opnd);
ss = branch8(ss, Condition_Z, Imm_Opnd(size_8, 0));
char *backpatch_address__fast_alloc_failed = ((char *)ss) - 1;
ss = ret(ss, Imm_Opnd(8));
signed offset = (signed)ss - (signed)backpatch_address__fast_alloc_failed - 1;
*backpatch_address__fast_alloc_failed = (char)offset;
ss = gen_setup_j2n_frame(ss);
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, m2n_sizeof_m2n_frame+4));
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, m2n_sizeof_m2n_frame+4));
ss = call(ss, (char *)slow_new_vector_proc);
ss = alu(ss, add_opc, esp_opnd, Imm_Opnd(8));
ss = gen_pop_j2n_frame(ss);
ss = ret(ss, Imm_Opnd(8));
assert((ss - stub) <= stub_size);
compile_add_dynamic_generated_code_chunk("vm_new_vector_naked", false, stub, stub_size);
if (jvmti_should_report_event(JVMTI_EVENT_DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATED)) {
jvmti_send_dynamic_code_generated_event("vm_new_vector_naked", stub, stub_size);
DUMP_STUB(stub, stub_name, ss - stub);
return stub;
} //gen_new_vector_stub
static void *getaddress__vm_new_vector_using_vtable_naked() {
static void *addr = 0;
if (addr) {
return addr;
addr = generate_object_allocation_stub_with_thread_pointer(
(char *)vm_new_vector_or_null_using_vtable_and_thread_pointer,
(char *)vm_rt_new_vector_using_vtable_and_thread_pointer,
return addr;
} //getaddress__vm_new_vector_using_vtable_naked
// this is a helper routine for rth_get_lil_multianewarray(see jit_runtime_support.cpp).
vm_rt_multianewarray_recursive(Class *c,
int *dims_array,
unsigned dims);
Vector_Handle rth_multianewarrayhelper()
M2nFrame* m2nf = m2n_get_last_frame();
const unsigned max_dim = 255;
int lens[max_dim];
#ifdef VM_STATS
POINTER_SIZE_INT* p_args = m2n_get_args(m2nf);
Class* c = (Class*)p_args[0];
unsigned dims = p_args[1];
U_32* lens_base = (U_32*)(p_args+2);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < dims; i++) {
lens[i] = lens_base[dims-i-1];
return vm_rt_multianewarray_recursive(c, lens, dims);
// This is a __cdecl function and the caller must pop the arguments.
static void *getaddress__vm_multianewarray_resolved_naked()
static void *addr = 0;
if (addr) {
return addr;
const int stub_size = 47;
char *stub = (char *)malloc_fixed_code_for_jit(stub_size, DEFAULT_CODE_ALIGNMENT, CODE_BLOCK_HEAT_DEFAULT, CAA_Allocate);
#ifdef _DEBUG
memset(stub, 0xcc /*int 3*/, stub_size);
char *ss = stub;
ss = gen_setup_j2n_frame(ss);
ss = mov(ss, ecx_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, m2n_sizeof_m2n_frame+4));
ss = lea(ss, eax_opnd, M_Index_Opnd(esp_reg, ecx_reg, m2n_sizeof_m2n_frame+4, 2));
char *address_push_count_arg = (char *)ss;
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(eax_reg, 0) );
ss = alu(ss, sub_opc, eax_opnd, Imm_Opnd(4));
ss = dec(ss, ecx_opnd);
signed offset = (signed)address_push_count_arg - (signed)ss - 2;
ss = branch8(ss, Condition_NZ, Imm_Opnd(size_8, offset));
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(eax_reg, 0) );
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(eax_reg, -4) );
ss = call(ss, (char *)vm_multianewarray_resolved);
ss = mov(ss, ecx_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, +4) );
ss = lea(ss, esp_opnd, M_Index_Opnd(esp_reg, ecx_reg, +8, 2) );
ss = gen_pop_j2n_frame(ss);
ss = ret(ss);
addr = stub;
assert((ss - stub) <= stub_size);
compile_add_dynamic_generated_code_chunk("vm_multinewarray_resolved_naked", false, stub, stub_size);
if (jvmti_should_report_event(JVMTI_EVENT_DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATED)) {
jvmti_send_dynamic_code_generated_event("vm_multinewarray_resolved_naked", stub, stub_size);
DUMP_STUB(stub, "getaddress__vm_multianewarray_resolved_naked", ss - stub);
return addr;
} //getaddress__vm_multianewarray_resolved_naked
static void *getaddress__vm_instantiate_cp_string_naked()
static void *addr = 0;
if (addr) {
return addr;
const int stub_size = 52;
char *stub = (char *)malloc_fixed_code_for_jit(stub_size, DEFAULT_CODE_ALIGNMENT, CODE_BLOCK_HEAT_COLD, CAA_Allocate);
#ifdef _DEBUG
memset(stub, 0xcc /*int 3*/, stub_size);
char *ss = stub;
ss = gen_setup_j2n_frame(ss);
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, m2n_sizeof_m2n_frame+4));
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, m2n_sizeof_m2n_frame+4));
ss = call(ss, (char *)vm_instantiate_cp_string_slow);
ss = alu(ss, add_opc, esp_opnd, Imm_Opnd(8));
ss = gen_pop_j2n_frame(ss);
ss = ret(ss, Imm_Opnd(8) );
addr = stub;
assert((ss - stub) <= stub_size);
compile_add_dynamic_generated_code_chunk("vm_instantiate_cp_string_naked", false, stub, stub_size);
if (jvmti_should_report_event(JVMTI_EVENT_DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATED)) {
jvmti_send_dynamic_code_generated_event("vm_instantiate_cp_string_naked", stub, stub_size);
DUMP_STUB(stub, "getaddress__vm_instantiate_cp_string_naked", ss - stub);
return addr;
} //getaddress__vm_instantiate_cp_string_naked
static void vm_throw_java_lang_IncompatibleClassChangeError()
LDIE(49, "The last called function should not return");
} //vm_throw_java_lang_IncompatibleClassChangeError
// 20030321 This JIT support routine expects to be called directly from managed code.
void * getaddress__vm_get_interface_vtable_old_naked() //wjw verify that this works
static void *addr = 0;
if (addr) {
return addr;
const int stub_size = (REFS_IS_COMPRESSED_MODE ? 69 : 50);
char *stub = (char *)malloc_fixed_code_for_jit(stub_size, DEFAULT_CODE_ALIGNMENT, CODE_BLOCK_HEAT_DEFAULT, CAA_Allocate);
#ifdef _DEBUG
memset(stub, 0xcc /*int 3*/, stub_size);
char *ss = stub;
ss = (char *)gen_convert_managed_to_unmanaged_null_ia32((Emitter_Handle)ss, /*stack_pointer_offset*/ +4);
ss = mov(ss, edx_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, +8) );
ss = mov(ss, ecx_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, +4) );
ss = alu(ss, or_opc, ecx_opnd, ecx_opnd);
ss = branch8(ss, Condition_Z, Imm_Opnd(size_8, 0));
char *backpatch_address__null_reference = ((char *)ss) - 1;
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 8));
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 8));
ss = call(ss, (char *)vm_get_interface_vtable);
ss = alu(ss, add_opc, esp_opnd, Imm_Opnd(8));
ss = alu(ss, or_opc, eax_opnd, eax_opnd);
ss = branch8(ss, Condition_Z, Imm_Opnd(size_8, 0));
char *backpatch_address__interface_not_found = ((char *)ss) - 1;
ss = ret(ss, Imm_Opnd(8) );
signed offset = (signed)ss - (signed)backpatch_address__interface_not_found - 1;
*backpatch_address__interface_not_found = (char)offset;
ss = gen_setup_j2n_frame(ss);
ss = call(ss, (char *)vm_throw_java_lang_IncompatibleClassChangeError);
offset = (signed)ss - (signed)backpatch_address__null_reference - 1;
*backpatch_address__null_reference = (char)offset;
ss = alu(ss, xor_opc, eax_opnd, eax_opnd);
ss = ret(ss, Imm_Opnd(8) );
addr = stub;
assert((ss - stub) <= stub_size);
compile_add_dynamic_generated_code_chunk("vm_get_interface_vtable_old_naked", false, stub, stub_size);
if (jvmti_should_report_event(JVMTI_EVENT_DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATED)) {
jvmti_send_dynamic_code_generated_event("vm_get_interface_vtable_old_naked", stub, stub_size);
DUMP_STUB(stub, "getaddress__vm_get_interface_vtable_old_naked", ss - stub);
return addr;
} //getaddress__vm_get_interface_vtable_old_naked
static void vm_throw_java_lang_ArithmeticException()
LDIE(49, "The last called function should not return");
} //vm_throw_java_lang_ArithmeticException
static void* getaddress__setup_java_to_native_frame()
static void *addr = 0;
if (addr) {
return addr;
const int stub_size = 3+m2n_push_m2n_size(false, 1)+1+1;
char *stub = (char *)malloc_fixed_code_for_jit(stub_size, DEFAULT_CODE_ALIGNMENT, CODE_BLOCK_HEAT_MAX/2, CAA_Allocate);
#ifdef _DEBUG
memset(stub, 0xcc /*int 3*/, stub_size);
char *ss = stub;
ss = xchg(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, 0), ebp_opnd, size_32);
ss = m2n_gen_push_m2n(ss, NULL, FRAME_UNKNOWN, false, 1);
ss = push(ss, ebp_opnd);
ss = ret(ss);
assert((ss - stub) <= stub_size);
addr = stub;
compile_add_dynamic_generated_code_chunk("setup_java_to_native_frame", false, stub, stub_size);
if (jvmti_should_report_event(JVMTI_EVENT_DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATED)) {
jvmti_send_dynamic_code_generated_event("setup_java_to_native_frame", stub, stub_size);
DUMP_STUB(stub, "getaddress__setup_java_to_native_frame", ss - stub);
return addr;
} //getaddress__setup_java_to_native_frame
char *gen_setup_j2n_frame(char *s)
s = call(s, (char *)getaddress__setup_java_to_native_frame() );
return s;
} //setup_j2n_frame
static void* getaddress__pop_java_to_native_frame()
static void *addr = 0;
if (addr) {
return addr;
const int stub_size = 1+m2n_pop_m2n_size(false, 0, 0, 2)+1+1;
char *stub = (char *)malloc_fixed_code_for_jit(stub_size, DEFAULT_CODE_ALIGNMENT, CODE_BLOCK_HEAT_MAX/2, CAA_Allocate);
#ifdef _DEBUG
memset(stub, 0xcc /*int 3*/, stub_size);
char *ss = stub;
ss = pop(ss, edx_opnd);
ss = m2n_gen_pop_m2n(ss, false, 0, 0, 2);
ss = push(ss, edx_opnd);
ss = ret(ss);
assert((ss - stub) <= stub_size);
addr = stub;
compile_add_dynamic_generated_code_chunk("pop_java_to_native_frame", false, stub, stub_size);
if (jvmti_should_report_event(JVMTI_EVENT_DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATED)) {
jvmti_send_dynamic_code_generated_event("pop_java_to_native_frame", stub, stub_size);
DUMP_STUB(stub, "getaddress__pop_java_to_native_frame", ss - stub);
return addr;
} //getaddress__pop_java_to_native_frame
char *gen_pop_j2n_frame(char *s)
s = call(s, (char *)getaddress__pop_java_to_native_frame() );
return s;
} //setup_j2n_frame
// end VM_Runtime_Support
static void
vm_throw_linking_exception(Class *clss,
unsigned cp_index,
unsigned opcode)
TRACE("vm_throw_linking_exception, idx=" << cp_index << "\n");
vm_rt_class_throw_linking_error(clss, cp_index, opcode);
LDIE(49, "The last called function should not return");
} //vm_throw_linking_exception
void * getaddress__vm_throw_linking_exception_naked()
static void *addr = 0;
if (addr) {
return addr;
const int stub_size = 100;
char *stub = (char *)malloc_fixed_code_for_jit(stub_size, DEFAULT_CODE_ALIGNMENT, CODE_BLOCK_HEAT_COLD, CAA_Allocate);
#ifdef _DEBUG
memset(stub, 0xcc /*int 3*/, stub_size);
char *ss = stub;
ss = gen_setup_j2n_frame(ss);
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, m2n_sizeof_m2n_frame+8));
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, m2n_sizeof_m2n_frame+8));
ss = push(ss, M_Base_Opnd(esp_reg, m2n_sizeof_m2n_frame+8));
ss = call(ss, (char *)vm_throw_linking_exception);
addr = stub;
assert((ss - stub) < stub_size);
compile_add_dynamic_generated_code_chunk("vm_throw_linking_exception_naked", false, stub, stub_size);
if (jvmti_should_report_event(JVMTI_EVENT_DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATED)) {
jvmti_send_dynamic_code_generated_event("vm_throw_linking_exception_naked", stub, stub_size);
DUMP_STUB(stub, "getaddress__vm_throw_linking_exception_naked", ss - stub);
return addr;
} //getaddress__vm_throw_linking_exception_naked
#ifdef VM_STATS
static void register_request_for_rt_function(VM_RT_SUPPORT f) {
// Increment the number of times that f was requested by a JIT. This is not the number of calls to that function,
// but this does tell us how often a call to that function is compiled into JITted code.
VM_Statistics::get_vm_stats().rt_function_requests.add((void *)f, /*value*/ 1, /*value1*/ NULL);
} //register_request_for_rt_function
#endif //VM_STATS
void * getaddress__vm_monitor_enter_naked();
void * getaddress__vm_monitor_enter_static_naked();
void * getaddress__vm_monitor_exit_naked();
* Returns fast monitor exit static function.
void * getaddress__vm_monitor_exit_static_naked();
void *vm_helper_get_addr(VM_RT_SUPPORT f)
#ifdef VM_STATS
#endif // VM_STATS
NativeCodePtr res = rth_get_lil_helper(f);
if (res) return res;
switch(f) {
return exn_get_rth_throw();
return exn_get_rth_throw_lazy();
return getaddress__vm_instantiate_cp_string_naked();
return getaddress__vm_alloc_java_object_resolved_using_vtable_and_size_naked();
return getaddress__vm_multianewarray_resolved_naked();
return getaddress__vm_new_vector_using_vtable_naked();
if (VM_Global_State::loader_env->use_lil_stubs) {
return getaddress__vm_aastore();
} else {
return (void *)aastore_ia32;
return (void *)vm_aastore_test;
return getaddress__vm_checkcast_naked();
return getaddress__vm_instanceof();
return getaddress__vm_monitor_enter_naked();
return getaddress__vm_monitor_exit_naked();
return getaddress__vm_get_interface_vtable_old_naked(); //tryitx
return getaddress__vm_initialize_class_naked();
return getaddress__vm_throw_linking_exception_naked();
return (void*)gc_heap_slot_write_ref;
return getaddress__vm_gethashcode_java_object_resolved_using_gethashcode_naked();
LDIE(50, "Unexpected helper id {0}" << f);
return 0;
} //vm_helper_get_addr
* The following code has to do with the LIL stub inlining project.
* Modifying it should not affect anything.
/* ? 03/07/30: temporary interface change!!! */
void *vm_helper_get_addr_optimized(VM_RT_SUPPORT f, Class_Handle c) {
if (c == NULL)
return vm_helper_get_addr(f);
switch (f) {
return vm_helper_get_addr(f);
// break; // remark #111: statement is unreachable
return vm_helper_get_addr(f);
// break;// remark #111: statement is unreachable
if (c->has_finalizer())
return getaddress__vm_alloc_java_object_resolved_using_vtable_and_size_naked();
return vm_helper_get_addr(f);
// break;// remark #111: statement is unreachable
return vm_helper_get_addr(f);
// break;// remark #111: statement is unreachable
* LIL inlining code - end