blob: 51498728d13a7bf5c71496eb00f00e4393bfef74 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Intel, Pavel Afremov
#define LOG_DOMAIN "port.old"
#include "cxxlog.h"
#include "environment.h"
#include <ostream.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <assert.h>
using namespace std;
#include "open/types.h"
#include "jit_intf_cpp.h"
#include "m2n.h"
#include "m2n_ipf_internal.h"
#include "nogc.h"
#include "vm_ipf.h"
#include "vm_threads.h"
#include "stack_iterator.h"
#include "stub_code_utils.h"
#include "root_set_enum_internal.h"
#include "cci.h"
#include "dump.h"
#include "vm_stats.h"
// Invariants:
// Note that callee saves and stacked registers below means both the pointers and the corresponding nat bits in nats_lo and nats_hi
// All frames:
// last_legal_rsnat should point to a valid spilled nat set on the rse stack (for the stack of this frame context)
// extra_nats should be for the nats bits that are or would be spilled next after last_legal_rsnat
// the valid bits of extra_nats plus all spilled nat sets at or below last_legal_rsnat must cover all of the relevant parts of the rse stack
// the bottom 32 bits of nats_lo should reflect the nat status of those registers in the current frame
// Native frames:
// m2nfl should point to the m2n frame list for the native frame
// cci must be zero
// Managed frames:
// m2nfl should point to the m2n frame immediately preceeding the current one or NULL if there is no preceeding m2n frame
// cci must point to the code chunk info for the ip at which the frame is suspended, and must be nonnull
// bsp should point to the bsp spill location for gr32 of the current frame
// the callee saves registers and stacked registers of the frame should point to their values at the point of suspension of the frame
// c.p_ar_pfs should point to the saved pfs for the current frame (ie the cfm for the current frame formatted as for ar.pfs)
// c.p_eip and c.sp should point-to/have their values at the time the frame was suspended
struct StackIterator {
CodeChunkInfo* cci;
JitFrameContext c;
M2nFrame* m2nfl;
uint64 ip;
uint64* bsp;
uint64 extra_rnats;
uint64 extra_unats;
// Utilities
// At some point the rse engine was flushed upto bsp and rnat is the rnat register immediately after
// this flush. We assume that all nat bits we are interested in do not change from the time of flush
// to after we are finished with the iterator that calls this function, even if the rse engine has
// returned to a point prior to bsp.
static void si_init_nats(StackIterator* si, uint64* bsp, uint64 rnat)
si->last_legal_rsnat = (uint64*)((uint64)bsp & ~0x1f8);
si->extra_nats = rnat;
// This function flushes the rse and puts the value of bsp/bspstore into res[1] and rnat into res[0]
extern "C" void get_rnat_and_bsp(uint64* res);
extern "C" void get_rnat_and_bspstore(uint64* res);
static uint64 get_rnat(uint64 * bsp) {
uint64 * last_m2n = (uint64 *)m2n_get_last_frame();
uint64 * rnat_ptr = (uint64*)((uint64)bsp | (uint64)0x1f8);
uint64 * extra_nat_ptr;
if (rnat_ptr <= last_m2n) {
return *rnat_ptr;
// All nat bits for last M2N are stored at M2N_EXTRA_UNAT.
// All nat bits for parent frames are stored at M2N_EXTRA_RNAT.
if (bsp >= last_m2n) {
extra_nat_ptr = last_m2n + (M2N_EXTRA_UNAT - 32);
} else {
extra_nat_ptr = last_m2n + (M2N_EXTRA_RNAT - 32);
if (rnat_ptr <= extra_nat_ptr) {
// There is rnat collection inside M2N. Need to adjust...
extra_nat_ptr += 1;
return *extra_nat_ptr;
// Setup the stacked register for the current frame given bsp and ar.pfs (cfm for current frame)
static void si_setup_stacked_registers(StackIterator* si)
const uint64 ALL_ONES = ~0;
uint64 pfs = *si->c.p_ar_pfs;
unsigned sof = (unsigned)EXTRACT64_SOF(pfs);
uint64 nats_lo = si->c.nats_lo & 0xffffffff;
uint64 nats_hi = 0;
uint64* bsp = si->bsp;
uint64 nats = get_rnat(bsp);
unsigned index = (unsigned)(((uint64)bsp & (uint64)0x1f8) >> 3);
uint64 mask = ((uint64)1) << index;
for(unsigned i=0; i<sof; i++) {
// Set the location of the stack register
si->c.p_gr[32+i] = bsp;
// Set the nat bit of the register
if (nats & mask)
if (i<32)
nats_lo |= (1<<(i+32));
nats_hi |= (1<<(i-32));
// Advance bsp and mask
mask <<= 1;
// If bsp is on a spilled rsnat recompute nats and mask
if (((uint64)bsp&(uint64)0x1f8) == (uint64)0x1f8) {
mask = 1;
nats = get_rnat(bsp);
si->c.nats_lo = nats_lo;
si->c.nats_hi = nats_hi;
// Set p_eip, sp, callee saves registers, and ar_pfs for the frame prior to the current m2nfl
static void si_unwind_from_m2n(StackIterator* si)
#ifdef VM_STATS
// First setup the stack registers for the m2n frame
si->bsp = m2n_get_bsp(si->m2nfl);
uint64 pfs = M2N_NUMBER_LOCALS+8;
si->c.p_ar_pfs = &pfs;
// Now extract various saved values from the m2n frame
// Callee saved general registers
si->c.p_gr[4] = si->c.p_gr[M2N_SAVED_R4];
si->c.p_gr[5] = si->c.p_gr[M2N_SAVED_R5];
si->c.p_gr[6] = si->c.p_gr[M2N_SAVED_R6];
si->c.p_gr[7] = si->c.p_gr[M2N_SAVED_R7];
assert(M2N_SAVED_R7 < 64);
si->c.nats_lo = si->c.nats_lo & ~(uint64)0xf0 | (si->c.nats_lo >> (M2N_SAVED_R4-4)) & (uint64)0xf0;
// IP, SP, PFS, preds, unat, m2nfl
si->c.p_eip = si->c.p_gr[M2N_SAVED_RETURN_ADDRESS];
si->c.sp = *si->c.p_gr[M2N_SAVED_SP];
si->c.p_ar_pfs = si->c.p_gr[M2N_SAVED_PFS];
si->c.preds = *si->c.p_gr[M2N_SAVED_PR];
si->c.ar_unat = *si->c.p_gr[M2N_SAVED_UNAT];
si->m2nfl = m2n_get_previous_frame(si->m2nfl);
// Adjust the bsp based on the old frames bsp and ar.pfs (which is the cfm for the new frame)
static void si_unwind_bsp(StackIterator* si)
uint64 pfs = *si->c.p_ar_pfs;
unsigned sol = (unsigned)EXTRACT64_SOL(pfs);
uint64 bsp = (uint64)si->bsp;
uint64 local_area_size = sol << 3;
// Direct computation, see IPF arch manual, volume 3, table 6.2.
uint64 d2 = bsp - local_area_size;
uint64 d3 = 62*8 - (bsp & 0x1f8) + local_area_size;
if (d3 >= 63*8)
if (d3 >= 126*8)
d2 -= 16;
d2 -= 8;
si->bsp = (uint64*)d2;
typedef void (__cdecl *transfer_control_stub_type)(StackIterator*, uint64*);
struct Fp {
NativeCodePtr addr;
void* gp;
// The transfer control stub takes two arguments:
// i0: pointer to the stack iterator with context to transfer to
// i1: value of the unat register for restoring nonstacked registers with nat bits
// The stub does not return
// The stack iterator should be one for the current thread
static transfer_control_stub_type gen_transfer_control_stub()
static Fp fp = {NULL, NULL};
if (fp.addr) {
return (transfer_control_stub_type)&fp;
tl::MemoryPool mem_pool;
Merced_Code_Emitter emitter(mem_pool, 2, 0);
unsigned i;
// This register will hold the pointer to the stack iterator
const int stack_iterator_ptr = SCRATCH_GENERAL_REG2;
// This register points to the unat values to use for restoring global general registers
const int unat_ptr = SCRATCH_GENERAL_REG3;
// This register will hold the new SP until after the stack is finished with
const int tmp_sp = SCRATCH_GENERAL_REG4;
// These registers are used to hold temporary values
const int tmp1 = SCRATCH_GENERAL_REG5;
const int tmp2 = SCRATCH_GENERAL_REG6;
const int tmp3 = SCRATCH_GENERAL_REG7;
emitter.ipf_mov(stack_iterator_ptr, IN_REG0);
emitter.ipf_mov(unat_ptr, IN_REG1);
// Cover and flush the register stack.
// This is needed to properly set bsp using bspstore below.
// Restore ar.pfs, ip to return branch register, sp to a temp register, and the predicates
uint64 ar_pfs_offset = (uint64)&((StackIterator*)0)->c.p_ar_pfs;
emitter.ipf_adds(tmp1, (int)ar_pfs_offset, stack_iterator_ptr);
emitter.ipf_ld(int_mem_size_8, mem_ld_none, mem_none, tmp1, tmp1);
emitter.ipf_ld(int_mem_size_8, mem_ld_none, mem_none, tmp1, tmp1);
emitter.ipf_mtap(AR_pfs, tmp1);
uint64 ip_offset = (uint64)&((StackIterator*)0)->c.p_eip;
emitter.ipf_adds(tmp1, (int)ip_offset, stack_iterator_ptr);
emitter.ipf_ld(int_mem_size_8, mem_ld_none, mem_none, tmp1, tmp1);
emitter.ipf_ld(int_mem_size_8, mem_ld_none, mem_none, tmp1, tmp1);
emitter.ipf_mtbr(BRANCH_RETURN_LINK_REG, tmp1);
uint64 sp_offset = (uint64)&((StackIterator*)0)->c.sp;
emitter.ipf_adds(tmp1, (int)sp_offset, stack_iterator_ptr);
emitter.ipf_ld(int_mem_size_8, mem_ld_none, mem_none, tmp_sp, tmp1);
uint64 preds_offset = (uint64)&((StackIterator*)0)->c.preds;
emitter.ipf_adds(tmp1, (int)preds_offset, stack_iterator_ptr);
emitter.ipf_ld(int_mem_size_8, mem_ld_none, mem_none, tmp1, tmp1);
// Restore callee-saves general registers and the first return register
uint64 g4_offset = (uint64)&((StackIterator*)0)->c.p_gr[4];
emitter.ipf_adds(tmp1, (int)g4_offset, stack_iterator_ptr);
for(i=4; i<=8; i++) {
emitter.ipf_ld_inc_imm(int_mem_size_8, mem_ld_none, mem_none, tmp3, unat_ptr, 8);
emitter.ipf_ld_inc_imm(int_mem_size_8, mem_ld_none, mem_none, tmp2, tmp1, 8);
emitter.ipf_mtap(AR_unat, tmp3);
emitter.ipf_cmp(icmp_eq, cmp_none, SCRATCH_PRED_REG, SCRATCH_PRED_REG2, tmp2, 0);
emitter.ipf_ld(int_mem_size_8, mem_ld_fill, mem_none, i, tmp2, SCRATCH_PRED_REG2);
// Restore callee-saves floating-point registers
uint64 f2_offset = (uint64)&((StackIterator*)0)->c.p_fp[2];
emitter.ipf_adds(tmp1, (int)f2_offset, stack_iterator_ptr);
for(i=2; i<=5; i++) {
emitter.ipf_ld_inc_imm(int_mem_size_8, mem_ld_none, mem_none, tmp2, tmp1, (i==5 ? 88 : 8));
emitter.ipf_ldf(float_mem_size_e, mem_ld_fill, mem_none, i, tmp2);
for(i=16; i<=31; i++) {
emitter.ipf_ld_inc_imm(int_mem_size_8, mem_ld_none, mem_none, tmp2, tmp1, 8);
emitter.ipf_ldf(float_mem_size_e, mem_ld_fill, mem_none, i, tmp2);
// Restore callee-saves branch registers
uint64 b1_offset = (uint64)&((StackIterator*)0)->c.p_br[1];
emitter.ipf_adds(tmp1, (int)b1_offset, stack_iterator_ptr);
for(i=1; i<=5; i++) {
emitter.ipf_ld_inc_imm(int_mem_size_8, mem_ld_none, mem_none, tmp2, tmp1, 8);
emitter.ipf_ld(int_mem_size_8, mem_ld_none, mem_none, tmp2, tmp2);
emitter.ipf_mtbr(i, tmp2);
// Restore ar.fpsr, ar.unat, and
uint64 fpsr_offset = (uint64)&((StackIterator*)0)->c.ar_fpsr;
emitter.ipf_adds(tmp1, (int)fpsr_offset, stack_iterator_ptr);
emitter.ipf_ld(int_mem_size_8, mem_ld_none, mem_none, tmp1, tmp1);
uint64 unat_offset = (uint64)&((StackIterator*)0)->c.ar_unat;
emitter.ipf_adds(tmp1, (int)unat_offset, stack_iterator_ptr);
emitter.ipf_ld(int_mem_size_8, mem_ld_none, mem_none, tmp1, tmp1);
emitter.ipf_mtap(AR_unat, tmp1);
uint64 lc_offset = (uint64)&((StackIterator*)0)->c.ar_lc;
emitter.ipf_adds(tmp1, (int)lc_offset, stack_iterator_ptr);
emitter.ipf_ld(int_mem_size_8, mem_ld_none, mem_none, tmp1, tmp1);
emitter.ipf_mtap(AR_lc, tmp1);
// Restore rse stack and the memory stack
// For the rse stack we must go to rse enforced lazy mode
emitter.ipf_mfap(tmp1, AR_rsc);
emitter.ipf_andi(tmp2, -4, tmp1);
emitter.ipf_mtap(AR_rsc, tmp2);
uint64 bsp_offset = (uint64)&((StackIterator*)0)->bsp;
emitter.ipf_adds(tmp2, (int)bsp_offset, stack_iterator_ptr);
emitter.ipf_ld(int_mem_size_8, mem_ld_none, mem_none, tmp2, tmp2);
emitter.ipf_mtap(AR_rnat, 0);
emitter.ipf_mtap(AR_bspstore, tmp2);
emitter.ipf_mtap(AR_rsc, tmp1);
emitter.ipf_mov(SP_REG, tmp_sp);
// Return to the code
emitter.ipf_brret(br_many, br_sptk, br_none, BRANCH_RETURN_LINK_REG);
size_t stub_size = emitter.get_size();
fp.addr = (NativeCodePtr)malloc_fixed_code_for_jit(stub_size, DEFAULT_CODE_ALIGNMENT, CODE_BLOCK_HEAT_DEFAULT, CAA_Allocate);
flush_hw_cache((U_8*)fp.addr, stub_size);
DUMP_STUB(fp.addr, "transfer_control_stub (non-LIL)", stub_size); = get_vm_gp_value();
return (transfer_control_stub_type)&fp;
// Stack Iterator Interface
StackIterator* si_create_from_native()
return si_create_from_native(p_TLS_vmthread);
void si_fill_from_native(StackIterator* si)
si_fill_from_native(si, p_TLS_vmthread);
StackIterator* si_create_from_native(VM_thread* thread)
// Allocate iterator
StackIterator* res = (StackIterator*)STD_MALLOC(sizeof(StackIterator));
// Setup current frame
si_fill_from_native(res, thread);
return res;
void si_fill_from_native(StackIterator* si, VM_thread * thread) {
memset(si, 0, sizeof(StackIterator));
// Setup current frame
si->cci = NULL;
si->m2nfl = m2n_get_last_frame(thread);
si->ip = 0;
si->c.p_eip = &si->ip;
#if defined (PLATFORM_POSIX)
#elif defined (PLATFORM_NT)
// Get the bspstore and rnat values of another thread from the OS.
// Hopefully this will also flush the RSE of the other stack enough for our purposes.
static void get_bsp_and_rnat_from_os(VM_thread * thread, uint64 ** bspstore, uint64 * rnat) {
ctx.ContextFlags |= CONTEXT_INTEGER;
BOOL UNREF stat = GetThreadContext(thread->thread_handle, &ctx));
*bspstore = (uint64*)ctx.RsBSPSTORE;
*rnat = ctx->RsRNAT;
StackIterator* si_create_from_native(VM_thread* thread)
// Allocate iterator
StackIterator* res = (StackIterator*)STD_MALLOC(sizeof(StackIterator));
// Setup last_legal_rsnat and extra_nats
uint64* bsp;
uint64 rnat;
get_bsp_and_rnat_from_os(thread, &bsp, &rnat);
si_init_nats(res, bsp, rnat);
// Check that bsp covers everything
assert((uint64)m2n_get_last_frame(thread)+(M2N_NUMBER_LOCALS+9)*8 <= (uint64)bsp);
// Setup current frame
res->cci = NULL;
res->m2nfl = m2n_get_last_frame(thread);
res->ip = NULL;
res->c.p_eip = &res->ip;
return res;
#error Stack iterator is not implemented for the given platform
// On IPF stack iterators must be created from threads (suspended) in native code.
// We do not support threads suspended in managed code yet.
StackIterator* si_create_from_registers(Registers*, bool is_ip_past, M2nFrame*)
LDIE(51, "Not implemented");
return NULL;
void si_fill_from_registers(StackIterator* si, Registers*, bool is_ip_past, M2nFrame*)
LDIE(51, "Not implemented");
size_t si_size(){
return sizeof(StackIterator);
void si_transfer_all_preserved_registers(StackIterator* si)
unsigned i;
uint64* sp = m2n_get_extra_saved(si->m2nfl);
// Floating point registers
for(i=2; i<=5; i++) {
si->c.p_fp[i] = sp;
sp -= 2;
for(i=16; i<=31; i++) {
si->c.p_fp[i] = sp;
sp -= 2;
// Branch registers
for(i=1; i<=5; i++) {
si->c.p_br[i] = sp;
// ar.fpsr, ar.unat,
si->c.ar_fpsr = *sp--;
si->c.ar_unat = *sp--;
si->c.ar_lc = *sp--;
bool si_is_past_end(StackIterator* si)
return si->cci==NULL && si->m2nfl==NULL;
void si_goto_previous(StackIterator* si, bool over_popped)
if (si->cci) {
assert(si->cci->get_jit() && si->cci->get_method());
si->cci->get_jit()->unwind_stack_frame(si->cci->get_method(), si_get_jit_context(si));
} else {
if (!si->m2nfl) return;
Global_Env *env = VM_Global_State::loader_env;
si->c.is_ip_past = TRUE;
Method_Handle m = env->em_interface->LookupCodeChunk(
si_get_ip(si), FALSE,
NULL, NULL, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&si->cci));
if (NULL == m)
si->cci = NULL;
StackIterator* si_dup(StackIterator* si)
StackIterator* res = (StackIterator*)STD_MALLOC(sizeof(StackIterator));
memcpy(res, si, sizeof(StackIterator));
// If si uses itself for IP then res should also to avoid problems if si is deallocated first.
if (si->c.p_eip == &si->ip)
res->c.p_eip = &res->ip;
return res;
void si_free(StackIterator* si)
void* si_get_sp(StackIterator* si) {
return (void*)si->c.sp;
NativeCodePtr si_get_ip(StackIterator* si)
return (NativeCodePtr)*si->c.p_eip;
void si_set_ip(StackIterator* si, NativeCodePtr ip, bool also_update_stack_itself)
if (also_update_stack_itself) {
*(si->c.p_eip) = (uint64)ip;
} else {
si->ip = (uint64)ip;
si->c.p_eip = &si->ip;
// 20040713 Experimental: set the code chunk in the stack iterator
void si_set_code_chunk_info(StackIterator* si, CodeChunkInfo* cci)
LDIE(51, "Not implemented");
CodeChunkInfo* si_get_code_chunk_info(StackIterator* si)
return si->cci;
JitFrameContext* si_get_jit_context(StackIterator* si)
return &si->c;
bool si_is_native(StackIterator* si)
return si->cci==NULL;
M2nFrame* si_get_m2n(StackIterator* si)
return si->m2nfl;
void** si_get_return_pointer(StackIterator* si)
LDIE(51, "Not implemented");
return 0;
void si_set_return_pointer(StackIterator* si, void** return_value)
si->c.p_gr[RETURN_VALUE_REG] = (uint64*)return_value;
si->c.nats_lo &= ~(1<<RETURN_VALUE_REG);
void si_transfer_control(StackIterator* si)
// 1. Copy si to stack
StackIterator local_si;
memcpy(&local_si, si, sizeof(StackIterator));
if (si->c.p_eip == &si->ip)
local_si.c.p_eip = &local_si.ip;
// 2. Set the M2nFrame list
// 3. Move bsp to next frame
uint64 sol = EXTRACT64_SOL(*local_si.c.p_ar_pfs);
for(unsigned i=0; i<sol; i++) {
if (((uint64)local_si.bsp & 0x1f8) == 0x1f8) local_si.bsp++;
// 4. Compute the unat values
uint64 unat[32];
for(unsigned reg=4; reg<=8; reg++) {
if (local_si.c.nats_lo & (1 << reg)) {
uint64 index = ((uint64)local_si.c.p_gr[reg] & 0x1f8) >> 3;
uint64 mask = 1 << index;
unat[reg] = mask;
} else {
unat[reg] = 0;
// 5. Call the stub
transfer_control_stub_type tcs = gen_transfer_control_stub();
tcs(&local_si, unat+4);
void si_copy_to_registers(StackIterator* si, Registers*)
LDIE(51, "Not implemented");
void si_set_callback(StackIterator* si, NativeCodePtr* callback) {
LDIE(51, "Not implemented");
extern "C" void do_loadrs_asm(int loadrs);
void si_reload_registers()