blob: a3805259012ac6c7fc54ff33bf998caf48769f37 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Intel, Pavel Afremov
#define LOG_DOMAIN "exn"
#include "clog.h"
#include "environment.h"
#include "jit_intf_cpp.h"
#include "m2n.h"
#include "m2n_ia32_internal.h"
#include "nogc.h"
#include "stack_iterator.h"
#include "vm_stats.h"
#include "open/types.h"
#include "encoder.h"
#include "interpreter.h"
#include "cci.h"
#include "dump.h"
#include "port_threadunsafe.h"
#include "open/vm_method_access.h"
// Invariants:
// Native frames:
// cci should be NULL
// m2nfl should point to the m2n frame list for the native frame
// c.p_eip should point to an address that is not a valid IP for managed code
// Managed frames:
// cci should point to the code chunk info for the method and ip in question
// m2nfl should point to the m2n frame immediately preceeding the current one or NULL is there is no preceeding m2n frame
// the callee saves registers should point to their values at the time the frame was suspended
// for frames suspended at noncall sites, the caller saves registers should point to their values at the time of suspension
// c.p_eip and c.esp should point-to/have their values at the time the frame was suspended
// c.p_eax is also valid for returning a pointer in transfer control
struct StackIterator {
CodeChunkInfo* cci;
JitFrameContext c;
M2nFrame* m2nfl;
U_32 ip;
// Utilities
// Goto the managed frame immediately prior to m2nfl
static void si_unwind_from_m2n(StackIterator* si, bool over_popped = true)
#ifdef VM_STATS
M2nFrame* m2nfl = si->m2nfl;
si->m2nfl = m2n_get_previous_frame(m2nfl);
CTRACE(("si_unwind_from_m2n, ip = %p",(void*)m2nfl->eip));
// Is it a normal M2nFrame or one for suspended managed code?
if ((U_32)m2nfl->p_lm2nf==1) {
// Suspended managed code, eip is at instruction, esp & registers are in regs structure
CTRACE(("si_unwind_from_m2n from suspended managed code, ip = %p",
si->c.esp = m2nfl->regs->esp;
si->c.p_eip = &(m2nfl->regs->eip);
si->c.is_ip_past = FALSE;
si->c.p_eax = &m2nfl->regs->eax;
si->c.p_ebx = &m2nfl->regs->ebx;
si->c.p_ecx = &m2nfl->regs->ecx;
si->c.p_edx = &m2nfl->regs->edx;
si->c.p_esi = &m2nfl->regs->esi;
si->c.p_edi = &m2nfl->regs->edi;
si->c.p_ebp = &m2nfl->regs->ebp;
si->c.eflags = m2nfl->regs->eflags;
} else if (over_popped &&
(FRAME_MODIFIED_STACK == (FRAME_MODIFIED_STACK & m2n_get_frame_type(m2nfl)))) {
si->c.esp = m2nfl->pop_regs->esp;
si->c.p_eip = &(m2nfl->pop_regs->eip);
si->c.is_ip_past = FALSE;
si->c.p_eax = &m2nfl->pop_regs->eax;
si->c.p_ebx = &m2nfl->pop_regs->ebx;
si->c.p_ecx = &m2nfl->pop_regs->ecx;
si->c.p_edx = &m2nfl->pop_regs->edx;
si->c.p_esi = &m2nfl->pop_regs->esi;
si->c.p_edi = &m2nfl->pop_regs->edi;
si->c.p_ebp = &m2nfl->pop_regs->ebp;
si->c.eflags = m2nfl->pop_regs->eflags;
} else {
// Normal M2nFrame, eip is past instruction, esp is implicitly address just beyond the frame, callee saves registers in M2nFrame
si->c.esp = (U_32)m2nfl + m2n_sizeof_m2n_frame;
si->c.p_eip = &m2nfl->eip;
si->c.is_ip_past = TRUE;
si->c.p_edi = &m2nfl->edi;
si->c.p_esi = &m2nfl->esi;
si->c.p_ebx = &m2nfl->ebx;
si->c.p_ebp = &m2nfl->ebp;
static char* get_reg(char* ss, R_Opnd* dst, Reg_No dst_reg, Reg_No si_ptr_var, unsigned offset)
ss = mov(ss, *dst, M_Base_Opnd(si_ptr_var, offset));
ss = mov(ss, *dst, M_Base_Opnd(dst_reg, 0));
return ss;
typedef void (__cdecl *transfer_control_stub_type)(StackIterator*);
#define CONTEXT_OFFSET(_field_) \
// Clear OF, DF, TF, SF, ZF, AF, PF, CF, do not touch reserved bits
#define FLG_CLEAR_MASK ((unsigned)0x003F7202)
// Set OF, DF, SF, ZF, AF, PF, CF
#define FLG_SET_MASK ((unsigned)0x00000CD5)
static transfer_control_stub_type gen_transfer_control_stub()
static transfer_control_stub_type addr = NULL;
if (addr) {
return addr;
const int stub_size = 0x57;
char *stub = (char *)malloc_fixed_code_for_jit(stub_size, DEFAULT_CODE_ALIGNMENT, CODE_BLOCK_HEAT_COLD, CAA_Allocate);
#ifdef _DEBUG
memset(stub, 0xcc /*int 3*/, stub_size);
char *ss = stub;
// ************* LOW LEVEL DEPENDENCY! ***************
// This code sequence must be atomic. The "atomicity" effect is achieved by
// changing the esp at the very end of the sequence.
M_Base_Opnd m1(esp_reg, 4);
ss = mov(ss, edx_opnd, m1);
ss = get_reg(ss, &ebx_opnd, ebx_reg, edx_reg, CONTEXT_OFFSET(p_eip));
M_Base_Opnd m2(edx_reg, CONTEXT_OFFSET(esp));
ss = mov(ss, ecx_opnd, m2);
ss = alu(ss, sub_opc, ecx_opnd, Imm_Opnd(4));
ss = mov(ss, m1, ecx_opnd);
ss = get_reg(ss, &esi_opnd, esi_reg, edx_reg, CONTEXT_OFFSET(p_esi));
ss = get_reg(ss, &edi_opnd, edi_reg, edx_reg, CONTEXT_OFFSET(p_edi));
ss = get_reg(ss, &ebp_opnd, ebp_reg, edx_reg, CONTEXT_OFFSET(p_ebp));
M_Base_Opnd m3(ecx_reg, 0);
ss = mov(ss, m3, ebx_opnd);
ss = get_reg(ss, &eax_opnd, eax_reg, edx_reg, CONTEXT_OFFSET(p_eax));
ss = get_reg(ss, &ebx_opnd, ebx_reg, edx_reg, CONTEXT_OFFSET(p_ebx));
ss = mov(ss, ecx_opnd, M_Base_Opnd(edx_reg, CONTEXT_OFFSET(eflags)));
ss = test(ss, ecx_opnd, ecx_opnd);
ss = branch8(ss, Condition_Z, Imm_Opnd(size_8, 0));
char* patch_offset = ((char *)ss) - 1; // Store location for jump patch
*ss++ = (char)0x9C; // PUSHFD
M_Base_Opnd m4(esp_reg, 0);
ss = alu(ss, and_opc, m4, Imm_Opnd(FLG_CLEAR_MASK));
ss = alu(ss, and_opc, ecx_opnd, Imm_Opnd(FLG_SET_MASK));
ss = alu(ss, or_opc, m4, ecx_opnd);
*ss++ = (char)0x9D; // POPFD
// Patch conditional jump
signed offset = (signed)ss - (signed)patch_offset - 1;
*patch_offset = (char)offset;
ss = get_reg(ss, &ecx_opnd, ecx_reg, edx_reg, CONTEXT_OFFSET(p_ecx));
ss = get_reg(ss, &edx_opnd, edx_reg, edx_reg, CONTEXT_OFFSET(p_edx));
ss = mov(ss, esp_opnd, m1);
ss = ret(ss);
addr = (transfer_control_stub_type)stub;
assert(ss-stub <= stub_size);
The following code will be generated:
mov edx,dword ptr [esp+4]
mov ebx,dword ptr [edx+0Ch]
mov ebx,dword ptr [ebx]
mov ecx,dword ptr [edx+4]
sub ecx,4
mov dword ptr [esp+4],ecx
mov esi,dword ptr [edx+14h]
mov esi,dword ptr [esi]
mov edi,dword ptr [edx+10h]
mov edi,dword ptr [edi]
mov ebp,dword ptr [edx+8]
mov ebp,dword ptr [ebp]
mov dword ptr [ecx],ebx
mov eax,dword ptr [edx+1Ch]
mov eax,dword ptr [eax]
mov ebx,dword ptr [edx+18h]
mov ebx,dword ptr [ebx]
movzx ecx,byte ptr [edx+28h]
test ecx,ecx
je _label_
and dword ptr [esp], 0x003F7202
and ecx, 0x00000CD5
or dword ptr [esp], ecx
mov ecx,dword ptr [edx+20h]
mov ecx,dword ptr [ecx]
mov edx,dword ptr [edx+24h]
mov edx,dword ptr [edx]
mov esp,dword ptr [esp+4]
DUMP_STUB(stub, "getaddress__transfer_control", ss - stub);
return addr;
// Stack Iterator Interface
StackIterator* si_create_from_native()
return si_create_from_native(p_TLS_vmthread);
void si_fill_from_native(StackIterator* si)
si_fill_from_native(si, p_TLS_vmthread);
StackIterator* si_create_from_native(VM_thread* thread)
// Allocate iterator
StackIterator* res = (StackIterator*)STD_MALLOC(sizeof(StackIterator));
// Setup current frame
si_fill_from_native(res, thread);
return res;
void si_fill_from_native(StackIterator* si, VM_thread* thread)
memset(si, 0, sizeof(StackIterator));
// Setup current frame
si->cci = NULL;
si->m2nfl = m2n_get_last_frame(thread);
si->ip = 0;
si->c.p_eip = &si->ip;
StackIterator* si_create_from_registers(Registers* regs, bool is_ip_past, M2nFrame* lm2nf)
// Allocate iterator
StackIterator* res = (StackIterator*)STD_MALLOC(sizeof(StackIterator));
si_fill_from_registers(res, regs, is_ip_past, lm2nf);
return res;
void si_fill_from_registers(StackIterator* si,Registers* regs, bool is_ip_past, M2nFrame* lm2nf)
memset(si, 0, sizeof(StackIterator));
// Setup current frame
Global_Env *env = VM_Global_State::loader_env;
// It's possible that registers represent native code and si->cci==NULL
Method_Handle m = env->em_interface->LookupCodeChunk(
reinterpret_cast<void *>(regs->eip), is_ip_past,
NULL, NULL, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&si->cci));
if (NULL == m)
si->cci = NULL;
si->c.esp = regs->esp;
si->c.p_eip = &regs->eip;
si->c.p_ebp = &regs->ebp;
si->c.p_edi = &regs->edi;
si->c.p_esi = &regs->esi;
si->c.p_ebx = &regs->ebx;
si->c.p_eax = &regs->eax;
si->c.p_ecx = &regs->ecx;
si->c.p_edx = &regs->edx;
si->c.is_ip_past = is_ip_past;
si->c.eflags = regs->eflags;
si->m2nfl = lm2nf;
size_t si_size(){
return sizeof(StackIterator);
// On IA32 all registers are preserved automatically, so this is a nop.
void si_transfer_all_preserved_registers(StackIterator*)
// Do nothing
bool si_is_past_end(StackIterator* si)
return si->cci==NULL && si->m2nfl==NULL;
void si_goto_previous(StackIterator* si, bool over_popped)
if (si->cci) {
CTRACE(("si_goto_previous from ip = %p (%s%s)",
assert(si->cci->get_jit() && si->cci->get_method());
si->cci->get_jit()->unwind_stack_frame(si->cci->get_method(), si_get_jit_context(si));
si->c.is_ip_past = TRUE;
} else {
CTRACE(("si_goto_previous from ip = %p (M2N)",
if (!si->m2nfl) return;
si_unwind_from_m2n(si, over_popped);
Global_Env *vm_env = VM_Global_State::loader_env;
Method_Handle m = vm_env->em_interface->LookupCodeChunk(si_get_ip(si),
si_get_jit_context(si)->is_ip_past, NULL, NULL,
reinterpret_cast<void **>(&si->cci));
if (NULL == m)
si->cci = NULL;
if (si->cci) {
CTRACE(("si_goto_previous to ip = %p (%s%s)",
} else {
CTRACE(("si_goto_previous to ip = %p (M2N)",
StackIterator* si_dup(StackIterator* si)
StackIterator* res = (StackIterator*)STD_MALLOC(sizeof(StackIterator));
memcpy(res, si, sizeof(StackIterator));
// If si uses itself for IP then res should also to avoid problems if si is deallocated first.
if (si->c.p_eip == &si->ip)
res->c.p_eip = &res->ip;
return res;
void si_free(StackIterator* si)
void* si_get_sp(StackIterator* si) {
return (void*)si->c.esp;
NativeCodePtr si_get_ip(StackIterator* si)
return (NativeCodePtr)*si->c.p_eip;
void si_set_ip(StackIterator* si, NativeCodePtr ip, bool also_update_stack_itself)
if (also_update_stack_itself) {
*(si->c.p_eip) = (U_32)ip;
} else {
si->ip = (U_32)ip;
si->c.p_eip = &si->ip;
// Set the code chunk in the stack iterator
void si_set_code_chunk_info(StackIterator* si, CodeChunkInfo* cci)
si->cci = cci;
CodeChunkInfo* si_get_code_chunk_info(StackIterator* si)
return si->cci;
JitFrameContext* si_get_jit_context(StackIterator* si)
return &si->c;
bool si_is_native(StackIterator* si)
return si->cci==NULL;
M2nFrame* si_get_m2n(StackIterator* si)
return si->m2nfl;
void** si_get_return_pointer(StackIterator* si)
return (void**) si->c.p_eax;
void si_set_return_pointer(StackIterator* si, void** return_value)
si->c.p_eax = (U_32*)return_value;
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4733) // Inline asm assigning to 'FS:0' : handler not registered as safe handler
* Temporary workaround and detection of problem.
* This is a hack function to detect problems with C++ object living on
* while destructive unwinding is used. Known problem is logger in release
* mode. No (even potential) logging or other c++ objects created on stack
* is alowed in any functions in the stack when calling destructive unwinding.
* The function prints warning message and corrects exception handlers if
* the objects exist.
* See also function: JIT_execute_method_default
static void cpp_check_last_frame()
void *handler;
__asm {
mov eax, fs:[0]
mov handler, eax
void *lastFrame = p_TLS_vmthread->lastFrame;
CTRACE((" curr = 0x%p\n", lastFrame));
CTRACE((" handler=0x%p\n", handler));
if (!(handler < lastFrame)) {
CTRACE(("all ok\n"));
WARN(("ERROR: Destructive unwinding: C++ objects detected on stack!\n"));
while(handler < lastFrame) {
WARN((" droping 0x%p\n", handler));
handler = *(int**)handler;
WARN((" setting curr 0x%p\n", handler));
__asm {
mov eax, handler
mov fs:[0], eax
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)
#endif // _WIN32
void si_transfer_control(StackIterator* si)
// 1. Copy si to stack
void* null_pointer = NULL;
StackIterator local_si;
memcpy(&local_si, si, sizeof(StackIterator));
if (NULL == si->c.p_eax)
local_si.c.p_eax = (U_32*)&null_pointer;
if (NULL == si->c.p_ebx)
local_si.c.p_ebx = (U_32*)&null_pointer;
if (NULL == si->c.p_ecx)
local_si.c.p_ecx = (U_32*)&null_pointer;
if (NULL == si->c.p_edx)
local_si.c.p_edx = (U_32*)&null_pointer;
if (si->c.p_eip == &si->ip)
local_si.c.p_eip = &local_si.ip;
// 2. Set the M2nFrame list
#ifdef _WIN32 // Workaround and detection of possible problems with
// objects on stack.
#endif // _WIN32
CTRACE(("generating control transfer stub"));
// 3. Call the stub
transfer_control_stub_type tcs = gen_transfer_control_stub();
inline static U_32 unref_reg(U_32* p_reg) {
return p_reg ? *p_reg : 0;
void si_copy_to_registers(StackIterator* si, Registers* regs)
regs->esp = si->c.esp;
regs->eflags = si->c.eflags;
regs->eip = unref_reg(si->c.p_eip);
regs->ebp = unref_reg(si->c.p_ebp);
regs->edi = unref_reg(si->c.p_edi);
regs->esi = unref_reg(si->c.p_esi);
regs->edx = unref_reg(si->c.p_edx);
regs->ecx = unref_reg(si->c.p_ecx);
regs->ebx = unref_reg(si->c.p_ebx);
regs->eax = unref_reg(si->c.p_eax);
void si_set_callback(StackIterator* si, NativeCodePtr* callback) {
si->c.esp = si->c.esp - 4;
*((U_32*) si->c.esp) = *(si->c.p_eip);
si->c.p_eip = ((U_32*)callback);
void si_reload_registers()
// Do nothing