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#include "open/em_profile_access.h"
#include "VMInterface.h"
namespace Jitrino {
enum ProfileType {
ProfileType_Invalid = 0,
ProfileType_EntryBackedge = 1,
ProfileType_Edge = 2,
ProfileType_Value = 3
enum JITProfilingRole{
JITProfilingRole_GEN = 1,
JITProfilingRole_USE = 2
class MethodProfile {
MethodProfile(Method_Profile_Handle _handle, ProfileType _type, MethodDesc& _md)
: handle(_handle), type(_type), md(_md){}
virtual ~MethodProfile(){};
Method_Profile_Handle getHandle() const { return handle;}
MethodDesc& getMethod() const {return md;}
ProfileType getProfileType() const {return type;}
Method_Profile_Handle handle;
ProfileType type;
MethodDesc& md;
class EntryBackedgeMethodProfile : public MethodProfile {
EntryBackedgeMethodProfile(Method_Profile_Handle mph, MethodDesc& md, U_32* _entryCounter, U_32 *_backedgeCounter)
: MethodProfile(mph, ProfileType_EntryBackedge, md), entryCounter(_entryCounter), backedgeCounter(_backedgeCounter){}
U_32 getEntryExecCount() const {return *entryCounter;}
U_32 getBackedgeExecCount() const {return *backedgeCounter;}
U_32* getEntryCounter() const {return entryCounter;}
U_32* getBackedgeCounter() const {return backedgeCounter;}
U_32* entryCounter;
U_32* backedgeCounter;
class EdgeMethodProfile : public MethodProfile {
EdgeMethodProfile (Method_Profile_Handle handle, MethodDesc& md, EM_ProfileAccessInterface* _profileAccessInterface)
: MethodProfile(handle, ProfileType_Edge, md), profileAccessInterface(_profileAccessInterface){}
U_32 getNumCounters() const;
U_32 getCheckSum() const;
U_32* getEntryCounter() const;
U_32* getCounter(U_32 key) const;
EM_ProfileAccessInterface* profileAccessInterface;
class ValueMethodProfile: public MethodProfile {
ValueMethodProfile (Method_Profile_Handle handle, MethodDesc& md, EM_ProfileAccessInterface* _profileAccessInterface)
: MethodProfile(handle, ProfileType_Value, md), profileAccessInterface(_profileAccessInterface){}
POINTER_SIZE_INT getTopValue(U_32 instructionKey) const;
void dumpValues(std::ostream& os) const;
EM_ProfileAccessInterface* profileAccessInterface;
class ProfilingInterface {
PC_Handle getPCHandle(ProfileType type) const;
EM_ProfileAccessInterface* getEMProfileAccessInterface() const { return profileAccessInterface; }
MethodProfile* getMethodProfile(MemoryManager& mm, ProfileType type, MethodDesc& md, JITProfilingRole role=JITProfilingRole_USE) const;
// Returns EM method profile handle. This method is needed when we need to update method profile
// at run-time i.e. when there is no any memory managers available.
Method_Profile_Handle getMethodProfileHandle(ProfileType type, MethodDesc& md) const;
EM_PCTYPE getProfileType(PC_Handle pc) const;
bool hasMethodProfile(ProfileType type, MethodDesc& md, JITProfilingRole role=JITProfilingRole_USE) const;
bool enableProfiling(PC_Handle pc, JITProfilingRole role);
bool isProfilingEnabled(ProfileType pcType, JITProfilingRole jitRole) const;
U_32 getProfileMethodCount(MethodDesc& md, JITProfilingRole role = JITProfilingRole_USE) const;
EntryBackedgeMethodProfile* createEBMethodProfile(MemoryManager& mm, MethodDesc& md);
bool isEBProfilerInSyncMode() const;
typedef void PC_Callback_Fn(Method_Profile_Handle);
PC_Callback_Fn* getEBProfilerSyncModeCallback() const;
EdgeMethodProfile* createEdgeMethodProfile(MemoryManager& mm, MethodDesc& md, U_32 numEdgeCounters, U_32* counterKeys, U_32 checkSum);
U_32 getMethodEntryThreshold() const;
U_32 getBackedgeThreshold() const;
EntryBackedgeMethodProfile* getEBMethodProfile(MemoryManager& mm, MethodDesc& md, JITProfilingRole role=JITProfilingRole_USE) const {
return (EntryBackedgeMethodProfile*)getMethodProfile(mm, ProfileType_EntryBackedge, md, role);
EdgeMethodProfile* getEdgeMethodProfile(MemoryManager& mm, MethodDesc& md, JITProfilingRole role=JITProfilingRole_USE) const {
return (EdgeMethodProfile*)getMethodProfile(mm, ProfileType_Edge, md, role);
// value profiler
ValueMethodProfile* createValueMethodProfile (MemoryManager& mm, MethodDesc& md, U_32 numKeys, U_32* Keys);
ValueMethodProfile* getValueMethodProfile(MemoryManager& mm, MethodDesc& md, JITProfilingRole role=JITProfilingRole_USE) const {
return (ValueMethodProfile*)getMethodProfile(mm, ProfileType_Value, md, role);
ProfilingInterface(EM_Handle _em, JIT_Handle _jit, EM_ProfileAccessInterface* emProfileAccess)
: emHandle(_em), ebPCHandle(NULL), edgePCHandle(NULL), valuePCHandle(NULL), jitHandle(_jit), profileAccessInterface(emProfileAccess),
jitRole(JITProfilingRole_USE), profilingEnabled(false){}
EM_Handle emHandle;
// Various types of the profile collectors
PC_Handle ebPCHandle, edgePCHandle, valuePCHandle;
// ProfileType pcType;
JIT_Handle jitHandle;
EM_ProfileAccessInterface* profileAccessInterface;
// Only one role supported at one time
JITProfilingRole jitRole;
// There is only one flag so edge and value profile may work only simultaneously
// TODO: Better solution is needed when we want to have independent profiles
bool profilingEnabled;
#endif //_EMINTERFACE_H_