blob: 71e5ccbd59bc637395f1171738d44616ec091787 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Intel, Mikhail Y. Fursov
#ifndef _STL_H_
#define _STL_H_
* This file provides MemoryManager-based STL containers.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
// Turnoff gratuitous VC++ warnings on template expanded identifier lengths.
#pragma warning(disable : 4786)
#include <deque>
#include <ext/hash_set>
#include <ext/hash_map>
#if (defined __GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__ >= 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 2))
#include <backward/hash_fun.h>
#if (defined __GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__ >= 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 3) || __GNUC__ > 3)
#include <ext/hash_fun.h>
#include <ext/stl_hash_fun.h>
#define _STDEXT_BEGIN namespace stdext {
#undef _STDEXT_END
#define _STDEXT_END }
#undef _STDEXT
#define _STDEXT stdext::
#include <hash_set>
#include <hash_map>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include "MemoryManager.h"
namespace Jitrino {
* A MemoryManager based STL Allocator. This class is a light-weight wrapper
* around MemoryManager. Any STL containers using this allocator class will
* require and use a MemoryManager for allocation of private data.
template <class T>
class StlMMAllocator
// Standard constructor from MemoryManager.
StlMMAllocator(MemoryManager& mm) : pmm(&mm) {}
// Type-parameterized copy constructor.
template <class U> StlMMAllocator(const StlMMAllocator<U>& allocator) :
pmm(&allocator.getMemoryManager()) {}
// Destructor.
~StlMMAllocator() {}
// Assignment operator - new underlying MemoryManager.
void operator=(const StlMMAllocator& allocator) { pmm = allocator.pmm; }
// Underlying pointer, reference, etc types for this allocator.
typedef T* pointer;
typedef const T* const_pointer;
typedef T& reference;
typedef const T& const_reference;
typedef T value_type;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
// Pointer/reference conversion.
pointer address(reference x) const { return &x; }
const_pointer address(const_reference x) const { return &x; }
// Allocation/deallocation operations.
pointer allocate(size_type n, const void* = 0)
{ pointer p = (pointer) pmm->alloc(n * sizeof(T)); assert(n==0||p!=NULL); return p; }
void deallocate(void *p, size_type) {}
char *_Charalloc(size_t size) { return (char*)allocate(size); }
// Maximum allocatable size based upon size_type.
size_type max_size() const { return ((size_type) -1) / sizeof(value_type); }
// Initialization/finalization operations.
void construct(pointer p, const value_type& x) { new (p) value_type(x); }
void destroy(pointer p) { p->~value_type(); }
// Allocator equality tests
template <class U>
bool operator==(const StlMMAllocator<U>& allocator) const { return pmm == allocator.pmm; }
template <class U>
bool operator!=(const StlMMAllocator<U>& allocator) const { return pmm != allocator.pmm; }
// Type conversion utility to obtain StlMMAllocator for different underlying type.
template <class U> struct rebind { typedef StlMMAllocator<U> other; };
// Underlying MemoryManager.
MemoryManager& getMemoryManager() const { return *pmm; }
// Disable. An StlMMAllocator cannot be instantiated without a MemoryManager.
MemoryManager* pmm;
* A specialization of the above for void types.
template <>
class StlMMAllocator<void>
typedef void value_type;
typedef void* pointer;
typedef const void* const_pointer;
template <class U> struct rebind { typedef StlMMAllocator<U> other; };
#if defined (__SGI_STL_PORT) && !defined (_STLP_MEMBER_TEMPLATE_CLASSES)
// Work-arounds used by STLport for VC++ 6.0, other compilers with substandard
// template support.
template <typename T, typename U>
inline StlMMAllocator<U>&
__stl_alloc_rebind(StlMMAllocator<T>& a, U const *)
return (StlMMAllocator<U>&) a;
template <typename T, typename U>
inline StlMMAllocator<U>&
__stl_alloc_create(StlMMAllocator<T>& a, U const *)
return StlMMAllocator<U>();
* A MemoryManager-based STL doubly-linked list container.
template<class T, class Allocator = StlMMAllocator<T> >
class StlList : public ::std::list<T, Allocator>
typedef ::std::list<T, Allocator> List;
StlList(Allocator const& a) : List(a) {}
* A MemoryManager-based STL vector container.
template<class T, class Allocator = StlMMAllocator<T> >
class StlVector : public ::std::vector<T, Allocator>
typedef ::std::vector<T, Allocator> Vector;
typedef typename Vector::size_type size_type;
StlVector(Allocator const& a) : Vector(a) {}
StlVector(Allocator const& a, size_type n, const T& x = T()) : Vector(n, x, a) {}
* A MemoryManager-based STL sorted vector container to use as a set.
template<class T, class Allocator = StlMMAllocator<T> >
class StlVectorSet : public ::std::vector<T, Allocator>
typedef ::std::vector<T, Allocator> Vector;
typedef typename Vector::size_type size_type;
typedef typename Vector::iterator iterator;
typedef typename Vector::const_iterator const_iterator;
StlVectorSet(Allocator const& a) : Vector(a) {}
StlVectorSet(Allocator const& a, size_type n, const T& x = T()) : Vector(n, x, a) {}
StlVectorSet(const Vector & a) : Vector(a) {
sort(StlVectorSet<T,Allocator>::begin(), StlVectorSet<T,Allocator>::end());
StlVectorSet& operator=(const Vector & a) { Vector::operator=(a); return *this; };
StlVectorSet& operator=(const StlVectorSet & a) {
return *this;
::std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const T& x) {
::std::pair<iterator, iterator> found = equal_range(x);
bool res = false;
if (found.first == found.second) {
Vector::insert(found.second, x);
found = equal_range(x);
res = true;
return ::std::pair<iterator,bool>(found.first, res);
void insert(iterator pos, const T& x) {
::std::pair<iterator, iterator> found = equal_range(x);
if (found.first == found.second) {
Vector::insert(found.second, x);
void insert(iterator i1, iterator i2) {
Vector::insert(StlVectorSet<T>::end(), i1, i2);
::std::sort(StlVectorSet<T>::begin(), StlVectorSet<T>::end());
size_type erase(const T& x) {
::std::pair<iterator, iterator> found= equal_range(x);
size_type delta = found.first - found.second;
if (delta == 0) return 0;
Vector::erase(found.first, found.second);
return delta;
void erase(iterator __position) { Vector::erase(__position); };
void erase(iterator __first, iterator __last) {
Vector::erase(__first, __last);
void clear() { Vector::clear(); };
size_type count(const T& x) const {
::std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> found= equal_range(x);
if (found.first != found.second) return 1;
else return 0;
const_iterator lower_bound(const T& x) const {
return ::std::lower_bound(StlVectorSet<T,Allocator>::begin(), StlVectorSet<T,Allocator>::end(), x);
iterator lower_bound(const T& x) {
return ::std::lower_bound(StlVectorSet<T,Allocator>::begin(), StlVectorSet<T,Allocator>::end(), x);
const_iterator upper_bound(const T& x) const {
return ::std::upper_bound(StlVectorSet<T,Allocator>::begin(), StlVectorSet<T,Allocator>::end(), x);
iterator upper_bound(const T& x) {
return ::std::upper_bound(StlVectorSet<T,Allocator>::begin(), StlVectorSet<T,Allocator>::end(), x);
::std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const T& x) const {
return ::std::equal_range(StlVectorSet<T,Allocator>::begin(), StlVectorSet<T,Allocator>::end(), x);
::std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const T& x) {
return ::std::equal_range(StlVectorSet<T,Allocator>::begin(), StlVectorSet<T,Allocator>::end(), x);
const_iterator find(const T& x) const {
::std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> found= equal_range(x);
if (found.first == found.second) return StlVectorSet<T,Allocator>::end();
else return found.first;
iterator find(const T& x) {
::std::pair<iterator, iterator> found= equal_range(x);
if (found.first == found.second) return StlVectorSet<T,Allocator>::end();
else return found.first;
bool has(const T& x) const {
::std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> found= equal_range(x);
return (found.first != found.second);
* A MemoryManager-based STL vector<bool> container.
* vector<bool> uses an efficient bit representation underneath. However, not all
* generic vector methods will work correctly.
template<class Allocator = StlMMAllocator<bool> >
class StlBoolVector : public ::std::vector<bool, Allocator>
typedef ::std::vector<bool, Allocator> Vector;
typedef typename Vector::size_type size_type;
StlBoolVector(Allocator const& a) : Vector(a) {}
StlBoolVector(Allocator const& a, size_type n, bool x = false) : Vector(n, x, a) {}
// Automatically resize as needed.
bool getBit(size_type n) { if(n < StlBoolVector<Allocator>::size()) return at(n); else return false; }
bool setBit(size_type n, bool value=true) { if(n >= StlBoolVector<Allocator>::size()) resize(n+1); bool old = at(n); at(n) = value; return old; }
typedef StlBoolVector<> StlBitVector;
* A MemoryManager-based STL deque container.
template<class T, class Allocator = StlMMAllocator<T> >
class StlDeque : public ::std::deque<T, Allocator>
typedef ::std::deque<T, Allocator> Deque;
StlDeque(Allocator const& a) : Deque(a) {}
* A MemoryManager-based STL set container.
template<class KeyT, class Traits = ::std::less<KeyT>, class Allocator = StlMMAllocator<KeyT> >
class StlSet : public ::std::set<KeyT, Traits, Allocator>
typedef ::std::set<KeyT, Traits, Allocator> Set;
StlSet(Allocator const& a) : Set(Traits(), a) {}
StlSet(Traits const& t, Allocator const& a) : Set(t, a) {}
bool has(const KeyT& k) const { return (find(k) != StlSet<KeyT,Traits,Allocator>::end()); };
* A MemoryManager-based STL multiset container.
template<class KeyT, class Traits = ::std::less<KeyT>, class Allocator = StlMMAllocator<KeyT> >
class StlMultiSet : public ::std::multiset<KeyT, Traits, Allocator>
typedef ::std::multiset<KeyT, Traits, Allocator> MultiSet;
StlMultiSet(Allocator const& a) : MultiSet(Traits(), a) {}
StlMultiSet(Traits const& t, Allocator const& a) : MultiSet(t, a) {}
bool has(const KeyT& k) const { return (find(k) != StlMultiSet<KeyT>::end()); };
* A MemoryManager-based STL map container.
template<class KeyT, class ValueT, class Traits = ::std::less<KeyT>, class Allocator = StlMMAllocator<std::pair<const KeyT, ValueT> > >
class StlMap : public ::std::map<KeyT, ValueT, Traits, Allocator>
typedef ::std::map<KeyT, ValueT, Traits, Allocator> Map;
StlMap(Allocator const& a) : Map(Traits(), a) {}
StlMap(Traits const& t, Allocator const& a) : Map(t, a) {}
bool has(const KeyT& k) const { return (find(k) != StlMap<KeyT,ValueT,Traits,Allocator>::end()); };
* A MemoryManager-based STL multimap container.
template<class KeyT, class ValueT, class Traits = ::std::less<KeyT>, class Allocator = StlMMAllocator<std::pair<const KeyT, ValueT> > >
class StlMultiMap : public ::std::multimap<KeyT, ValueT, Traits, Allocator>
typedef ::std::multimap<KeyT, ValueT, Traits, Allocator> MultiMap;
StlMultiMap(Allocator const& a) : MultiMap(Traits(), a) {}
StlMultiMap(Traits const& t, Allocator const& a) : MultiMap(t, a) {}
bool has(const KeyT& k) const { return (find(k) != StlMultiMap<KeyT,ValueT,Traits,Allocator>::end()); };
* A simple hash function. We use this as the default as it covers more cases
* (e.g., pointers) that stdext::hash<T> does not. Note, for char* or ::std::string use
* stdext::hash<T> to get string equality instead of pointer equality.
struct StlSimpleHash
// For primitive types, just return the value.
size_t operator() (size_t __x) const { return (size_t) __x; }
// For pointers, shift away the last bits which should always be zero.
size_t operator() (void* __x) const { return (size_t) __x >> 3; }
#if !defined (__SGI_STL_PORT)
#if defined (PLATFORM_POSIX)
template<class T>
class StlHash : public __gnu_cxx::hash<T> {};
template<class T>
class StlHash : public stdext::hash_compare<T> {};
template<class T>
class StlHash : public ::std::hash<T> {};
* A MemoryManager-based STL hash_set container.
#if !defined (__SGI_STL_PORT)
template<class T, class HashCompareFun = ::std::less<T>, class Allocator = StlMMAllocator<T> >
class StlHashSet : public ::std::set<T, HashCompareFun, Allocator>
typedef ::std::set<T, HashCompareFun, Allocator> HashSet;
typedef typename HashSet::size_type size_type;
StlHashSet(Allocator const& a) : HashSet(HashCompareFun(), a) {}
StlHashSet(Allocator const& a, size_type n) : HashSet(HashCompareFun(), a) {}
bool has(const T& k) const { return (find(k) != StlHashSet<T,HashCompareFun,Allocator>::end()); };
template<class T, class HashFun = StlSimpleHash, class CompareFun = ::std::equal_to<T>, class Allocator = StlMMAllocator<T> >
class StlHashSet : public ::std::hash_set<T, HashFun, CompareFun, Allocator>
typedef ::std::hash_set<T, HashFun, CompareFun, Allocator> HashSet;
typedef typename Vector::size_type size_type;
StlHashSet(Allocator const& a) : HashSet(100, HashFun(), CompareFun(), a) {}
StlHashSet(Allocator const& a, size_type n) : HashSet(n, HashFun(), CompareFun(), a) {}
StlHashSet(Allocator const& a, size_type n, HashFun const& h) : HashSet(n, h, CompareFun(), a) {}
StlHashSet(Allocator const& a, size_type n, HashFun const& h, CompareFun const& c) : HashSet(n, h, c, a) {}
bool has(const T& k) const { return (find(k) != StlHashSet<T,HashCompareFun,Allocator>::end()); };
* A MemoryManager-based STL hash_multiset container.
#if !defined (__SGI_STL_PORT)
template<class T, class HashCompareFun = ::std::less<T>, class Allocator = StlMMAllocator<T> >
class StlHashMultiSet : public ::std::multiset<T, HashCompareFun, Allocator>
typedef ::std::multiset<T, HashCompareFun, Allocator> HashMultiSet;
typedef typename HashMultiSet::size_type size_type;
StlHashMultiSet(Allocator const& a) : HashMultiSet(HashCompareFun(), a) {}
StlHashMultiSet(Allocator const& a, size_type n) : HashMultiSet(HashCompareFun(), a) {}
bool has(const T& k) const { return (find(k) != StlHashMultiSet<T,HashCompareFun,Allocator>::end()); };
template<class T, class HashFun = StlSimpleHash, class CompareFun = ::std::equal_to<T>, class Allocator = StlMMAllocator<T> >
class StlHashMultiSet : public ::std::hash_multiset<T, HashFun, CompareFun, Allocator>
typedef ::std::hash_multiset<T, HashFun, CompareFun, Allocator> HashMultiSet;
typedef typename Vector::size_type size_type;
StlHashMultiSet(Allocator const& a) : HashMultiSet(100, HashFun(), CompareFun(), a) {}
StlHashMultiSet(Allocator const& a, size_type n) : HashMultiSet(n, HashFun(), CompareFun(), a) {}
StlHashMultiSet(Allocator const& a, size_type n, HashFun const& h) : HashMultiSet(n, h, CompareFun(), a) {}
StlHashMultiSet(Allocator const& a, size_type n, HashFun const& h, CompareFun const& c) : HashMultiSet(n, h, c, a) {}
bool has(const T& k) const { return (find(k) != StlHashMultiSet<T,HashCompareFun,Allocator>::end()); };
* A MemoryManager-based STL hash_map container.
#if !defined (__SGI_STL_PORT)
template<class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashCompareFun = ::std::less<KeyT>, class Allocator = StlMMAllocator<std::pair<const KeyT, ValueT> > >
class StlHashMap : public ::std::map<KeyT, ValueT, HashCompareFun, Allocator>
typedef ::std::map<KeyT, ValueT, HashCompareFun, Allocator> HashMap;
typedef typename HashMap::size_type size_type;
StlHashMap(Allocator const& a) : HashMap(HashCompareFun(), a) {}
StlHashMap(Allocator const& a, size_type n) : HashMap(HashCompareFun(), a) {}
bool has(const KeyT& k) const { return (find(k) != StlHashMap<KeyT,ValueT,HashCompareFun,Allocator>::end()); };
template<class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFun = StlSimpleHash, class CompareFun = ::std::equal_to<KeyT>, class Allocator = StlMMAllocator<std::pair<const KeyT, ValueT> > >
class StlHashMap : public ::std::hash_map<KeyT, ValueT, HashFun, CompareFun, Allocator>
typedef ::std::hash_map<KeyT, ValueT, HashFun, CompareFun, Allocator> HashMap;
typedef typename Vector::size_type size_type;
StlHashMap(Allocator const& a) : HashMap(100, HashFun(), CompareFun(), a) {}
StlHashMap(Allocator const& a, size_type n) : HashMap(n, HashFun(), CompareFun(), a) {}
StlHashMap(Allocator const& a, size_type n, HashFun const& h) : HashMap(n, h, CompareFun(), a) {}
StlHashMap(Allocator const& a, size_type n, HashFun const& h, CompareFun const& c) : HashMap(n, h, c, a) {}
bool has(const KeyT& k) const { return (find(k) != StlHashMap<KeyT,ValueT,HashCompareFun,Allocator>::end()); };
* A MemoryManager-based STL hash_map container.
#if !defined (__SGI_STL_PORT)
template<class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashCompareFun = ::std::less<KeyT>, class Allocator = StlMMAllocator<std::pair<const KeyT, ValueT> > >
class StlHashMultiMap : public ::std::multimap<KeyT, ValueT, HashCompareFun, Allocator>
typedef ::std::multimap<KeyT, ValueT, HashCompareFun, Allocator> HashMultiMap;
typedef typename HashMultiMap::size_type size_type;
StlHashMultiMap(Allocator const& a) : HashMultiMap(HashCompareFun(), a) {}
StlHashMultiMap(Allocator const& a, size_type n) : HashMultiMap(HashCompareFun(), a) {}
bool has(const KeyT& k) const { return (find(k) != StlHashMultiMap<KeyT,ValueT,HashCompareFun,Allocator>::end()); };
template<class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFun = StlSimpleHash, class CompareFun = ::std::equal_to<KeyT>, class Allocator = StlMMAllocator<std::pair<const KeyT, ValueT> > >
class StlHashMultiMap : public ::std::hash_multimap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFun, CompareFun, Allocator>
typedef ::std::hash_multimap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFun, CompareFun, Allocator> HashMultiMap;
typedef typename Vector::size_type size_type;
StlHashMultiMap(Allocator const& a) : HashMultiMap(100, HashFun(), CompareFun(), a) {}
StlHashMultiMap(Allocator const& a, size_type n) : HashMultiMap(n, HashFun(), CompareFun(), a) {}
StlHashMultiMap(Allocator const& a, size_type n, HashFun const& h) : HashMultiMap(n, h, CompareFun(), a) {}
StlHashMultiMap(Allocator const& a, size_type n, HashFun const& h, CompareFun const& c) : HashMultiMap(n, h, c, a) {}
bool has(const KeyT& k) const { return (find(k) != StlHashMultiMap<KeyT,ValueT,HashCompareFun,Allocator>::end()); };
} //namespace Jitrino
#endif // _STL_H_