blob: c7b2fb08b67a654b3c52899b76a093812e2c2a7c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef _ABCD_BOUNDS_H
#define _ABCD_BOUNDS_H
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include "open/types.h"
#include "Type.h"
#include "Stl.h"
#include "Opnd.h"
namespace Jitrino {
class Inst;
class Opnd;
class ConstBound;
class PiBoundIter;
class AbcdReasons;
class AbcdReasons {
AbcdReasons(const AbcdReasons &other) : facts(other.facts) { assert(0); }
AbcdReasons& operator=(const AbcdReasons &other) { assert(0); return *this; }
StlSet<SsaTmpOpnd *> facts; // tau operands
typedef StlSet<SsaTmpOpnd *> facts_type;
AbcdReasons(MemoryManager &mm) : facts(mm) {};
void addReasons(AbcdReasons &alsoNeed) {
facts_type::iterator i = alsoNeed.facts.begin();
while (i != alsoNeed.facts.end()) {
void addReasons(StlVector<AbcdReasons *> *alsoNeeds) {
StlVector<AbcdReasons *>::iterator
iter = alsoNeeds->begin(),
end = alsoNeeds->end();
for ( ; iter != end; ++iter) {
AbcdReasons *alsoNeed = *iter;
facts_type::iterator i = alsoNeed->facts.begin();
while (i != alsoNeed->facts.end()) {
void addReason(SsaTmpOpnd *tau) {
void clear() {
void print(::std::ostream &os) const;
// rather than having to create new variable objects to represent
// the upper and lower bounds on a variable, we just add a qualifier
// var_is_lb which indicates which of the 2 bounds of that variable this
// bound is based on.
struct VarBound {
Opnd *the_var;
bool operator==(const VarBound &other) const {
return(the_var == other.the_var);
bool operator<(const VarBound &other) const {
return(the_var < other.the_var);
VarBound(Opnd *v) : the_var(v) {};
VarBound() : the_var(0) {};
VarBound(const VarBound &other) : the_var(other.the_var) {};
VarBound(const VarBound &other,
Opnd *renameFrom, Opnd *renameTo) :
the_var((other.the_var==renameFrom) ? renameTo : other.the_var)
VarBound operator||(const VarBound &other) {
if (isEmpty()) { return other; }
else { return *this; };
VarBound &operator=(const VarBound &other) {
the_var = other.the_var;
return *this;
bool isEmpty() const { return (the_var == 0); };
void print(::std::ostream &os) const;
PiBoundIter getPredecessors(bool boundingBelow,
bool useReasons,
MemoryManager &mm0) const;
bool isMinMax(bool isMin) const;
bool isPhiVar() const;
bool isConvVar() const;
VarBound getConvSource() const;
bool convPassesSource() const; // true if conversion is one-to-one
size_t hash() const { return ((((size_t)the_var)*17)>>4); };
bool isConvexFunction() const; // constant inputs => constant outputs
ConstBound getConvexInputBound(bool isLB, ConstBound outputBound,
VarBound &inputVar) const;
// true if type1 includes all values from type2
static bool typeIncludes(Type::Tag type1, Type::Tag type2);
class ConstBound {
int64 the_const;
enum Flag { Const_PlusInfinity,
Const_IsNull} flag;
ConstBound() : the_const(0), flag(Const_IsNull) {};
ConstBound(I_32 c) : the_const(c), flag(Const_IsConst) {};
ConstBound(int64 c) : the_const(c), flag(Const_IsConst) {};
ConstBound(bool positive) : the_const(0),
flag(positive ? Const_PlusInfinity
: Const_MinusInfinity) {};
bool isNull() const { return (flag == Const_IsNull); };
void setNull() { flag = Const_IsNull; };
bool isKnown() const { return (flag == Const_IsConst); };
bool isUnknown() const { return (flag != Const_IsConst); };
bool isPlusInfinity() const { return (flag == Const_PlusInfinity); };
bool isMinusInfinity() const { return (flag == Const_MinusInfinity); };
int64 getInt64() const { return the_const; };
I_32 getInt32() const { return (I_32)the_const; };
bool operator ==(const ConstBound &other) const {
if (flag == other.flag) {
if (flag == Const_IsConst) {
return (the_const == other.the_const);
} else {
return true;
} else
return false;
bool operator <=(const ConstBound &other) const {
if (flag == other.flag) {
if (flag == Const_IsConst) {
return (the_const <= other.the_const);
} else {
return true;
} else if ((other.flag == Const_PlusInfinity) ||
(flag == Const_MinusInfinity)) {
return true;
} else
return false;
bool operator <(const ConstBound &other) const {
if (flag == other.flag) {
if (flag == Const_IsConst) {
return (the_const < other.the_const);
} else
return false;
} else if ((other.flag == Const_PlusInfinity) ||
(flag == Const_MinusInfinity)) {
return true;
} else
return false;
bool operator >=(const ConstBound &other) const {
return (other <= *this);
bool operator >(const ConstBound &other) const {
return (other < *this);
ConstBound operator+(const ConstBound &other) const {
if (flag == other.flag) {
if (flag == Const_IsConst) {
int64 result = the_const + other.the_const;
// check for overflow
// aeqb has 1 bits wherever a and b are the same.
int64 aeqb = (the_const ^ other.the_const ^ __INT64_C(-1));
// overflowed has sign bit set if overflowed
int64 overflowed = aeqb & (result ^ the_const);
if (overflowed < 0) {
if (the_const > 0) {
return ConstBound(true); // PlusInfinity
} else {
return ConstBound(false); // PlusInfinity
} else {
return ConstBound(result);
} else
return *this;
} else {
if (flag == Const_IsConst) {
return other;
} else if (other.flag == Const_IsConst) {
return *this;
} else {
assert(0); // is unknown!
return *this;
ConstBound operator-() const {
switch (flag) {
case Const_IsConst:
return ConstBound(-the_const);
case Const_PlusInfinity:
return ConstBound(false); // MinusInfinity;
case Const_MinusInfinity:
return ConstBound(true); // PlusInfinity
return *this;
ConstBound operator-(const ConstBound &other) const {
if (flag == other.flag) {
if (flag == Const_IsConst) {
int64 result = the_const - other.the_const;
// check for overflow
// avb has 1 bits wherever a and b differ
int64 avb = (the_const ^ other.the_const);
// overflowed has sign bit set if overflowed
int64 overflowed = avb & (result ^ the_const);
if (overflowed < 0) {
if (the_const > 0) {
return ConstBound(true); // PlusInfinity
} else {
return ConstBound(false); // PlusInfinity
} else {
return ConstBound(result);
} else {
// undefined
return *this;
} else {
if (flag == Const_IsConst) {
if (other.flag == Const_PlusInfinity) {
return ConstBound(false); // MinusInfinity
} else
return ConstBound(true); // PlusInfinity
} else {
return *this;
void print(::std::ostream& os) const;
// represents condition on some variable x:
// var_multiple * var_part + const_part
// all arithmetic is appropriate to the given type
// only compatible operations can be done
class ConstInst;
class PiBound {
int64 var_multiple; // 0 if none or undefined or unknown
VarBound var_part; // isEmpty() if var_multiple is 0
int64 const_part; // 0 if undefined or unknown
enum Flag { PiBound_Undefined = 0, // under-constrained
// as a lower bound, Undefined = -infinity,
// as an upper bound, Undefined = +infinity,
PiBound_Normal = 1,
PiBound_Unknown = 2 // over-constrained
// as a lower bound, Unknown = +infinity,
// as an upper bound, Unknown = -infinity,
} flag;
enum Type::Tag typetag;
typedef enum Type::Tag TypeTag;
TypeTag getType() const { return typetag; };
PiBound(TypeTag typein, VarBound var, int64 multiple=1) :
var_multiple(multiple), var_part(var),
flag(PiBound_Normal), typetag(typein) {};
PiBound(TypeTag typein, int64 c) :
var_multiple(0), var_part(),
const_part(c), flag(PiBound_Normal), typetag(typein) {};
PiBound(TypeTag typein, int64 multiple, VarBound var, int64 c) :
var_multiple(multiple), var_part(var),
const_part(c), flag(PiBound_Normal), typetag(typein) {};
PiBound(TypeTag typein, bool isUnknown) :
var_multiple(0), var_part(),
flag(isUnknown ? PiBound_Unknown : PiBound_Undefined),
PiBound(const PiBound &other, Opnd *renameFrom, Opnd *renameTo) :
var_part(other.var_part, renameFrom, renameTo),
PiBound(const PiBound &other, Opnd *renameFrom,
const PiBound &renameTo) :
if (other.var_part.the_var == renameFrom) {
assert(flag == PiBound_Normal);
if (renameTo.flag == PiBound_Normal) {
var_multiple = other.var_multiple * renameTo.var_multiple;
if (var_multiple == 0) {
var_part = VarBound();
} else {
assert((other.var_multiple == 1) &&
(renameTo.var_multiple == 1) &&
(var_multiple == 1)); // for now
var_part = renameTo.var_part;
const_part = other.const_part + renameTo.const_part;
int64 overflowed =
(((const_part ^ other.const_part) &
(const_part ^ renameTo.const_part))
& __INT64_C(0x8000000000000));
if (overflowed) {
*this = getUnknown();
assert(renameTo.flag == PiBound_Normal);
assert(renameTo.typetag == other.typetag);
} else {
*this = renameTo;
bool isUnknown() const { return (flag == PiBound_Unknown); };
bool isUndefined() const { return (flag == PiBound_Undefined); };
PiBound getUnknown() const { return PiBound(typetag, true); }
PiBound getUndefined() const { return PiBound(typetag, false); }
bool isNormal() const { return (flag == PiBound_Normal); };
bool isVar() const { return (isNormal() && (const_part == 0)
&& (var_multiple == 1)); };
bool isConst() const { return (isNormal() && (var_multiple == 0)); };
bool isVarPlusConst() const { return (isNormal()
&& (var_multiple == 1)); };
VarBound getVar() const { return var_part; };
int64 getConst() const { return const_part; };
PiBound add(const PiBound &other, bool is_signed) const;
PiBound neg() const;
PiBound mul(const PiBound &other, bool is_signed) const;
PiBound cast(Type::Tag newtype, bool isLb) const;
PiBound abs() const;
bool isComparableWith(const PiBound &other) const;
bool isNonNegativeConstant() const;
bool isNegativeConstant() const;
bool isConstant() const;
void print(::std::ostream& os) const;
// Does the range [this, infinity] include [other, infinity]?
bool isLessEq(const PiBound &other) const;
// Return x such that [x, infinity] includes the union of
// the intervals [this, infinity] and [other, infinity].
// PiBound min(const PiBound &other) const;
// Does the range [-infinity, this] include [-infinity, other]?
bool isGreaterEq(const PiBound &other) const;
// Return x such that [-infinity, x] includes the union of
// the intervals [-infinity, this] and [-infinity, other].
// PiBound max(const PiBound &other) const;
PiBound invert(VarBound vb) const {
if (isUnknown() || isUndefined()) return *this;
assert (var_multiple == 1);
int64 negc = -const_part;
if (const_part == negc) return getUnknown();
return PiBound(typetag, 1, vb, negc);
bool operator<(const PiBound &b) const {
if ((flag < b.flag) ||
((flag == b.flag) &&
((getVar().the_var < b.getVar().the_var) ||
((getVar().the_var == b.getVar().the_var) &&
(const_part < b.const_part)))))
return true;
return false;
// returns true if ci is representable as a PiBound,
// copying it into result
static bool extractConstant(Type::Tag newtype, ConstInst *ci, PiBound &result);
// PiCondition represents a range [lb, ub] (mod 2^k)
// We use PiBound for both bounds, but you can think of it as:
// lb: Undefined->-infinity; Unknown->+infinity
// ub: Undefined->+infinity; Unknown->-infinity
// Note that because we use modular arithmetic, it is possible to have
// ub < lb
// in which case, the range wraps around the (mod 2^k) field.
class PiCondition {
PiBound lb, ub;
typedef enum Type::Tag TypeTag;
PiCondition(const PiBound &l, const PiBound &u) : lb(l), ub(u) {};
PiCondition(const PiBound &v) : lb(v), ub(v) {};
PiCondition(const PiCondition &other): lb(, ub(other.ub){};
PiCondition(TypeTag typetag, int64 i) : lb(typetag, i),
ub(typetag, i) {};
PiCondition(TypeTag typetag, Opnd *opnd) :
lb(typetag, VarBound(opnd)),
ub(typetag, VarBound(opnd)) {};
PiCondition(const PiCondition &other,
Opnd *renameFrom,
Opnd *renameTo) :
lb(, renameFrom, renameTo),
ub(other.ub, renameFrom, renameTo)
PiCondition(const PiCondition &other,
Opnd *renameFrom,
const PiBound &renameTo) :
lb(, renameFrom, renameTo),
ub(other.ub, renameFrom, renameTo)
const PiBound &getLb() const { return lb; };
const PiBound &getUb() const { return ub; };
static PiCondition lower_bound(const PiBound &l) {
return PiCondition(l, PiBound(l.getType(), false));
static PiCondition upper_bound(const PiBound &u) {
return PiCondition(PiBound(u.getType(), false), u);
PiCondition only_lower_bound() const {
return PiCondition(lb, PiBound(lb.getType(), false));
PiCondition only_upper_bound() const {
return PiCondition(PiBound(ub.getType(), false), ub);
// PiCondition add(const PiCondition &other) const;
PiCondition neg() const;
PiCondition add(int64 constant) const;
PiCondition mul(int64 constant) const;
PiCondition cast(Type::Tag newtype) const;
bool isPositiveConstant() const;
bool isUnknown() const {
return (lb.isUnknown() && ub.isUnknown());
void print(::std::ostream& os) const;
TypeTag getType() const {
assert(lb.getType() == ub.getType());
return lb.getType();
static PiCondition typeBounds(TypeTag dstTag, TypeTag srcTag);
// gets bounds on defining conv of varb, which should be defined by a conv
static PiCondition convBounds(VarBound varb);
extern void printPiCondition(const PiCondition *, ::std::ostream &);
class PiBoundIter {
bool isLb;
Inst *instr; // set to 0 when invalid
U_32 idx;
PiBound current;
MemoryManager &mm;
AbcdReasons *why;
PiBoundIter(Inst *i,
bool boundingBelow,
bool useReasons,
MemoryManager &mm0): isLb(boundingBelow),
current(Type::Int32, true),
// returns true when invalid
bool isEmpty() { return (instr == 0); };
bool operator ++() {
return !isEmpty();
PiBound getBound(AbcdReasons *why0);
void print(::std::ostream &) const;
void setCurrent();
void init(bool useReasons);
Opnd *getConstantOpnd(Opnd *op);
typedef StlSet<PiBound> AbcdAliasesSet;
class AbcdAliases {
StlSet<PiBound> theSet;
AbcdAliases(MemoryManager &mm) : theSet(mm) {};
template <typename inttype>
inline bool add_overflowed(inttype sum, inttype a, inttype b) {
return (((a < 0) == (b < 0)) &&
((a < 0) != (sum < 0)));
template <typename inttype>
inline bool neg_overflowed(inttype nega, inttype a) {
return (nega == a);
#if 0
template <typename inttype>
inline bool mul_overflowed(inttype prod, inttype a, inttype b) {
// let's just be really conservative.
if ((a == 0) || (b == 0)) return true;
if (((a == -1) && (b == -b)) || ((b == -1) && (a == -a))) {
if (prod == -prod)
return false;
return true;
if ((prod / y) != x)
return true;
return false;
} //namespace Jitrino
#endif // _ABCD_BOUNDS_H