blob: dd45b66dd39f2145e8b1e18d35afeeb01f71d9d2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Intel, Pavel A. Ozhdikhin
#ifndef _FLOWGRAPH_
#define _FLOWGRAPH_
#include "TranslatorIntfc.h"
#include "Inst.h"
#include "ControlFlowGraph.h"
#include "Dominator.h"
#include "PrintDotFile.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "Stl.h"
#include "BitSet.h"
#include "List.h"
#include <iomanip>
namespace Jitrino {
class NodeRenameTable;
class Opnd;
class DefUseBuilder;
class DominatorNode;
typedef StlMultiMap<Node*, Node*> NodeMap;
class FlowGraph {
// Folds the branch at the end of block. If isTaken, the true edge is
// converted to an unconditional edge, and the false edge is deleted.
// If !isTaken, then the false edge is converted, and the true edge
// is deleted. In either case, the branch instruction br is removed
// from block.
static void foldBranch(ControlFlowGraph& fg, BranchInst* br, bool isTaken);
static void foldSwitch(ControlFlowGraph& fg, SwitchInst* sw, U_32 target);
// Eliminates the check at the end of block and the associated exception
// edge. If (alwaysThrows), then eliminates the non-exception edge instead;
// we should have already inserted throw instruction before the check.
static void eliminateCheck(ControlFlowGraph& fg, Node* block, Inst* check, bool alwaysThrows);
static Node* tailDuplicate(IRManager& irm, Node* pred, Node* tail, DefUseBuilder& defUses);
static Node* duplicateRegion(IRManager& irm, Node* entry, StlBitVector& nodesInRegion, DefUseBuilder& defUses, double newEntryFreq=0.0);
static Node* duplicateRegion(IRManager& irm, Node* entry, StlBitVector& nodesInRegion, DefUseBuilder& defUses, NodeRenameTable& nodeRenameTable, OpndRenameTable& opndRenameTable, double newEntryFreq = 0.0);
static void renameOperandsInNode(Node *node, OpndRenameTable *renameTable);
static void doTranslatorCleanupPhase(IRManager& irm);
static void printHIR(std::ostream& cout, ControlFlowGraph& fg, MethodDesc& methodDesc);
static void print(std::ostream& cout, Node* node);
static void printLabel(std::ostream& cout, Node* node);
static void printLabel(std::ostream& cout, DominatorNode* dNode) {printLabel(cout, dNode->getNode()); }
static void printInsts(std::ostream& cout, Node* node, U_32 indent);
static void printDotFile(ControlFlowGraph& cfg, MethodDesc& methodDesc,const char *suffix);
static Node* duplicateNode(IRManager& irm, Node *source, Node *before, OpndRenameTable *renameTable);
static Node* duplicateNode(IRManager& irm, Node *node, StlBitVector* nodesInRegion,
DefUseBuilder* defUses, OpndRenameTable* opndRenameTable,
NodeRenameTable* reverseNodeRenameTable);
static Node* _duplicateRegion(IRManager& irm, Node* node, Node* entry,
StlBitVector& nodesInRegion,
DefUseBuilder* defUses,
NodeRenameTable* nodeRenameTable,
NodeRenameTable* reverseNodeRenameTable,
OpndRenameTable* opndRenameTable);
static Inst* insertPhi(IRManager& irm, StlBitVector* nodesInRegion,
NodeRenameTable* reverseNodeRenameTable,
StlBitVector& visitedNodes,
Node* useNode, DefUseBuilder* defUses,
SsaVarOpnd* srcVar1, SsaVarOpnd* srcVar2);
static Inst* findPhi(Node* node, Opnd** opnds, int opndsCount);
static bool _inlineFinally(IRManager& irm, Node *from, Node *to, Node *retTarget,
NodeRenameTable *nodeRenameTable,
OpndRenameTable *opndRenameTable);
static bool inlineFinally(IRManager& irm, Node *block);
class NodeRenameTable : public HashTable<Node,Node> {
typedef HashTableIter<Node, Node> Iter;
NodeRenameTable(MemoryManager& mm,U_32 size):HashTable<Node,Node>(mm,size) {}
Node *getMapping(Node *node) { return (Node*)lookup(node); }
void setMapping(Node *node, Node *to) { insert(node,to); }
virtual bool keyEquals(Node* key1,Node* key2) const { return key1 == key2; }
// return hash of address bits
virtual U_32 getKeyHashCode(Node* key) const { return ((U_32)(((POINTER_SIZE_INT)key) >> sizeof(void*))); }
} //namespace Jitrino
#endif // _FLOWGRAPH_