blob: 757a34e20f220a9b7faae50c387621a2a8df6ebe [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Alexander Astapchuk
* @file
* @brief Various simple structures for CodeGen and Compiler needs.
* Mostly structures that defer better classification are collected here.
#if !defined(__BBSTATE_H_INCLUDED__)
#include "jdefs.h"
#include "jframe.h"
//#include "open/vm.h"
#include "jit_import.h"
#include "open/vm_method_access.h"
#include "open/vm_class_manipulation.h"
namespace Jitrino {
namespace Jet {
* @brief Reads out a 4-byte integer stored in the Java's format - 'most
* significant bytes first'.
* @param pbc - a buffer to read from
* @return integer
inline int bc_int(const unsigned char * pbc)
return (int)(((*(pbc+0))<<24) | ((*(pbc+1))<<16) |
((*(pbc+2))<<8) | ((*(pbc+3))<<0));
* @brief Simple smart pointer.
* A trivial smart pointer implementation for dynamically allocated arrays.
* Allocated memory is deallocated in destructor.
* Does not support neither copying, nor resizing of array. Used to avoid
* head ache about controlling raw pointers of allocated memory.
* Used for arrays and includes bounds check in debug build - no bound
* checks performed in release one.
template<class SomeType> class SmartPtr {
* @brief Initializes empty object.
m_data = NULL;
* @brief Allocates memory for \c count elements of SomeType.
* May zero the allocated memory if \c clear parameter is \c true.
void alloc(unsigned count, bool clear = false)
m_data = new SomeType[count];
m_count = count;
if (clear) {
memset(m_data, 0, bytes());
* @brief Returns number of elements in the allocates array.
unsigned count(void) const
return m_count;
* @brief Provides random access to an item by index.
* Bounds check is preformed only in debug build.
SomeType& operator[](unsigned idx)
return m_data[idx];
* @brief Provides a direct access to the allocated array.
SomeType* data(void)
return m_data;
* @brief Returns size of allocated memory, in bytes.
unsigned bytes(void)
return sizeof(SomeType)*m_count;
* @brief Fress allocated resources.
delete[] m_data;
* @brief Pointer to the allocated memory.
SomeType * m_data;
* @brief Number of elements in the allocated array.
unsigned m_count;
* @brief Disallow copying.
SmartPtr(const SmartPtr&);
* @brief Disallow copying.
SmartPtr& operator=(const SmartPtr&);
* @brief Decoded byte code instruction.
struct JInst {
unsigned id;
* @brief Number of references on this instruction.
* The number of references is number of incoming control flow edges.
* Regular instructions have \c ref_count==1, basic block leaders may
* have \c ref_count > 1. \c ref_count == 0 means the instruction is
* dead code.
unsigned ref_count;
* @brief Program counter of this instruction.
unsigned pc;
* @brief Program counter of next instruction.
unsigned next;
* @brief Instruction's opcode.
JavaByteCodes opcode;
* @brief Instruction's flags.
unsigned flags;
* @brief Value of the first instrution's operand, if applicable.
* @note If instruction has no operands, the value of 'op0' is undefined.
int op0;
* @brief Value of the second instrution's operand, if applicable.
* @note If instruction has no second operands, the value of 'op1' is
* undefined.
int op1;
* @brief Address of data (the padding bytes skipped) for the switch
* instructions.
* @note For instructions other than switch, the value is undefined.
const unsigned char* data;
* @brief Returns number of targets for a branch or switch instruction.
* For branches it's always 1.
* For switches the default target is not included in the value.
* For other instructions returns 0.
unsigned get_num_targets(void) const
if (is_branch()) { return 1; };
if (opcode == OPCODE_TABLESWITCH) {
return high() - low() + 1;
if (opcode != OPCODE_LOOKUPSWITCH) {
return 0;
// 4 here is the number of bytecode bytes between the values - comes
// from the JVM Spec
return bc_int(data + 4); // +4 - skip the 'defaultbyte*4'
* @brief Returns a PC value for the target 'i'.
* Must be only invoked for the branch or switch instructions and 'i'
* must be less or equal to gen_num_targets().
* For other cases the behavior is unpredictable.
unsigned get_target(unsigned i) const
assert(i < get_num_targets());
if (is_branch()) {
return (unsigned short)(((unsigned short)pc) +
((unsigned short)op0));
if (opcode == OPCODE_TABLESWITCH) {
// '4+4+4' - skip defaultbyte, lowbyte and hightbyte
const int * poffsets = (int*)(data + 4 + 4 + 4);
return pc + bc_int((unsigned char*)(poffsets + i));
assert(opcode == OPCODE_LOOKUPSWITCH);
// '4+4' - skip defaultbyte and npairs
const int * ppairs = (int*)(data+4+4);
return pc + bc_int((unsigned char*)(ppairs + i*2 + 1));
* @brief Returns default target for switch instructions.
* Must only be invoked for TABLESWITCH or LOOKUPSWITCH instructions.
unsigned get_def_target(void) const
assert(opcode == OPCODE_TABLESWITCH || opcode == OPCODE_LOOKUPSWITCH);
unsigned offset = bc_int(data);
return (unsigned short)(((unsigned short)pc)+((unsigned short)offset));
* @brief Returns size of data (in bytes) occupied by LOOKUPSWITCH or
* Must only be invoked for TABLESWITCH or LOOKUPSWITCH instructions.
unsigned get_data_len(void) const
if (opcode == OPCODE_TABLESWITCH) {
// 4*3 = defaultbyte,lowbyte,highbyte ; +jmp offsets
return 4*3 + 4*(high()-low()+1);
assert(opcode == OPCODE_LOOKUPSWITCH);
// defaultbyte + npairs + (4*2)*npairs
return (4 + 4 + 4*2 * get_num_targets());
* @brief Returns minimum value of TABLESWITCH instruction.
* Must only be invoked for TABLESWITCH instructions.
int low(void) const
assert(opcode == OPCODE_TABLESWITCH);
// 4 here is the number of bytecode bytes between the values - comes
// from the JVM Spec
return bc_int(data + 4);
* @brief Returns maximum value of TABLESWITCH instruction.
* Must only be invoked for TABLESWITCH instructions.
int high(void) const
assert(opcode == OPCODE_TABLESWITCH);
// 4 here is the number of bytecode bytes between the values - comes
// from the JVM Spec
return bc_int(data + 4+4);
* @brief Returns Nth key of LOOKUPSWITCH instruction.
* Must only be invoked for LOOKUPSWITCH instructions.
int key(unsigned i) const
assert(opcode == OPCODE_LOOKUPSWITCH);
// skip defaultbyte(+4), npairs(+4) and 'i' pairs
return bc_int(data+4+4 + i*2*4);
* @brief Tests whether the instruction is branch - either conditional
* or not. JSR-s are also considered branches, but not SWITCH
* instructions.
bool is_branch(void) const
return (OPCODE_IFEQ <= opcode && opcode <= OPCODE_JSR) ||
(OPCODE_IFNULL <= opcode && opcode <= OPCODE_JSR_W);
* @brief Tests whether instruction is either TABLESWITCH or
bool is_switch(void) const
return (opcode == OPCODE_TABLESWITCH ||
* @brief Tests whether instruction is JSR[_W].
bool is_jsr(void) const
return opcode == OPCODE_JSR || opcode == OPCODE_JSR_W;
* @brief Tests whether the given flag (or set of flags) is set.
* @see OPF_
bool is_set(unsigned opf_flag) const
return (flags & opf_flag);
* @brief Tests whether instruction has single successor.
bool single_suc(void) const
// GOTO is the case as well as non-branch instructions with
// fall through pass.
return (get_num_targets()==0 && !is_set(OPF_DEAD_END)) ||
opcode == OPCODE_GOTO || opcode == OPCODE_GOTO_W;
* @brief Information about exception handler.
struct HandlerInfo {
* @brief Start PC of bytecode region protected by this exception handler
* (inclusive).
unsigned start;
* @brief End PC of bytecode region protected by this exception handler
* (exclusive).
unsigned end;
* @brief Entry point PC of exception handler.
unsigned handler;
* @brief Type of exception handled by this handler. 0 for 'any type'.
unsigned type;
* @brief Class_Handle of the exception class for this handler.
Class_Handle klass;
* @brief IP for #start.
char * start_ip;
* @brief IP for #end.
char * end_ip;
* @brief IP for #handler.
char * handler_ip;
* @brief General info about basic block
struct BBInfo {
start = last_pc = next_bb = 0;
code_size = 0;
ehandler = false;
jsr_target = false;
processed = false;
* @brief Very first bytecode instruction - the basic block's leader.
unsigned start;
*@brief Last bytecode instruction which belongs to this basic block.
unsigned last_pc;
* @brief Leader of the next (layout successor) basic block.
* Actually, the next BB's leader can be obtained by a call to
* Compiler::fetch(last_pc). The redundancy is intentional to avoid
* this additional call.
unsigned next_bb;
* An offset of the BB's code before code layout.
* If the BB has a prolog, then ipoff points to the prolog code.
unsigned ipoff;
* @brief Total size of native code of the basic block.
unsigned code_size;
* @brief Code address after layout (the final and real address).
char * addr;
* \b true if the basic block servers as a target for at least one
* JSR instruction.
bool jsr_target;
* \b true if this basic block is a catch handler.
* Normally this means that is has an additional small prolog
* before a code which is generated for its first bytecode.
bool ehandler;
* \b true if the basic block was processed in
* Compiler::comp_gen_code_bb().
* Used to avoid recursion and to detect unreachable code
* at the stage of code layout.
bool processed;
typedef map<unsigned, BBInfo> BBMAP;
* General info and various attributes of a method.
struct MethInfo
* Initializes emty MethInfo.
* init() must be called before a first usage of MethInfo instance.
m_method = NULL;
m_klass = NULL;
m_kname = m_mname = m_sig = NULL;
/** Initializes MethInfo structure. */
void init(Method_Handle meth)
m_method = meth;
m_klass = method_get_class(m_method);
/** Returns name of the method. */
const char* meth_name(void)
if (NULL==m_mname) {
m_mname = method_get_name(m_method);
return m_mname;
/** Returns name of method's class. */
const char* meth_kname(void)
if (NULL==m_kname) {
m_kname = class_get_name(m_klass);
return m_kname;
/** Returns method's signature. */
const char* meth_sig(void)
if (NULL==m_sig) {
m_sig = method_get_descriptor(m_method);
return m_sig;
/** Returns method fully qualified name, without signature.*/
const char* meth_fname(void)
if (m_fname.empty()) {
m_fname = meth_kname();
m_fname += "::";
m_fname += meth_name();
return m_fname.c_str();
/** Returns method fully qualified name, including signature.*/
const char* meth_fname_sig(void)
if (m_fname_sig.empty()) {
m_fname_sig = meth_fname();
m_fname_sig += meth_sig();
return m_fname_sig.c_str();
/** Returns number of exception handlers in the method. */
unsigned meth_num_handlers(void) const
return method_get_exc_handler_number(m_method);
/** Tests whether the method is synchronized. */
bool meth_is_sync(void) const
return method_is_synchronized(m_method);
/** Tests whether the method is static. */
bool meth_is_static(void) const
return method_is_static(m_method);
* Tests whether the method is synchronized and not static (instance).
bool meth_is_sync_inst(void) const
return meth_is_sync() && !meth_is_static();
/** Tests whether the method is constructor. */
bool meth_is_ctor(void)
return !strcmp(meth_name(), "<init>");
/** Tests whether the method is constructor of Exception. */
bool meth_is_exc_ctor(void)
return class_is_throwable(m_klass) && meth_is_ctor();
/** Method handle. */
Method_Handle m_method;
/** Class handle. */
Class_Handle m_klass;
/** Class name. */
const char* m_kname;
/** Method name. */
const char* m_mname;
/** Method signature. */
const char* m_sig;
/** Method fully qualified name, without signature.*/
string m_fname;
/** Method fully qualified name, including signature.*/
string m_fname_sig;
* @brief Info about current state of a register in BBState.
struct RegInfo {
* @brief Number of references.
unsigned refs;
* @brief Number of locks.
unsigned locks;
* @brief A value currently known to be loaded into the register.
Val val;
* @brief State of a basic block during code generation.
class BBState {
m_last_fr = fr0;
m_last_gr = gr0;
void clear(void)
seen_gcpt = false;
stack_depth = NOTHING;
stack_mask = 0;
stack_mask_valid = false;
* @brief Current state of mimic frame for the BB.
JFrame jframe;
* @brief State of registers.
RegInfo m_regs[ar_num];
* @brief Recently stored stack depth.
* Used to eliminate unnecessary stack depth updates.
unsigned stack_depth;
* @brief Recently stored GC mask for stack.
* Used to eliminate unnecessary stack GC map updates.
* Only single word of the GC mask is stored - it's enough for most
* applications.
unsigned stack_mask;
* @brief Last used (allocated) GR register.
AR m_last_gr;
* @brief Last used (allocated) FR register.
AR m_last_fr;
* @brief \b true if #stack_mask contains a 'valid' (that is which was
* really written).
* The #stack_depth field may contain limited set of values and thus
* the field itself may carry info whether it contains 'non-initialized'
* flag (#NOTHING) or the real stack depth (any other value).
* In opposite, for the #stack_mask any value is valid combination. Thus
* it's necessary to indicate whether the stack_mask was initialized or
* not. Here is this flag intended for.
unsigned stack_mask_valid;
* @brief 'true' if there was at least one GC point in the basic block.
* Set during the code generation and is used to reduce unnecessary back
* branch polling code.
unsigned seen_gcpt;
}}; // ~namespace Jitrino::Jet2
#endif // ~__BBSTATE_H_INCLUDED__