blob: ad6dab24158b2b3d3a7cf234a023b54e1809fa77 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Alexander Astapchuk
* @file
* @brief Statistics utilities declarations.
#if !defined(__STATS_H_INCLUDED__)
#define __STATS_H_INCLUDED__
#include "jdefs.h"
#include <string>
namespace Jitrino {
namespace Jet {
* Mostly a namespace to keep statistics routines and stuff all together.
class Stats {
private: // only statics
Stats(const Stats&);
* Dummy type whose methods are no-ops.
* Used to substitute a type of a variable, so any manipulation with
* the variable may be left in the code without \#ifdef/\#endif, but
* will be removed by an optimizing compiler.
class EmptyType {
// various ctors
EmptyType() {};
//EmptyType(const char *) {};
EmptyType(unsigned) {};
//EmptyType(jlong) {};
//EmptyType(float) {};
//EmptyType(double) {};
EmptyType(const EmptyType&) {};
EmptyType& operator=(const EmptyType&) { return *this; };
EmptyType& operator=(unsigned) { return *this; };
EmptyType& operator=(const char*) { return *this; };
bool operator==(const EmptyType&) { return false; };
bool operator!=(const EmptyType&) { return false; };
//bool operator<(const EmptyType&) { return false; };
//bool operator>(const EmptyType&) { return false; };
bool operator<=(const EmptyType&) { return false; };
bool operator>=(const EmptyType&) { return false; };
EmptyType& operator++(void) { return *this; };
EmptyType& operator++(int) { return *this; };
//EmptyType& operator+(const EmptyType&) { return *this; };
EmptyType& operator+=(const EmptyType&) { return *this; };
//EmptyType& operator-(const EmptyType&) { return *this; };
//EmptyType& operator-=(const EmptyType&) { return *this; };
//EmptyType& operator*(const EmptyType&) { return *this; };
//EmptyType& operator*=(const EmptyType&) { return *this; };
//EmptyType& operator/(const EmptyType&) { return *this; };
//EmptyType& operator/=(const EmptyType&) { return *this; };
operator unsigned() { return 0; };
//operator int() { return 0; };
#ifdef JIT_STATS
#define STATS_ITEM(typ) typ
static void dump(void);
#define STATS_ITEM(typ) Stats::EmptyType
static void init( void ) {};
static void dump( void ) {};
/** How many times each opcode was seen during compilation. */
static STATS_ITEM(unsigned) opcodesSeen[OPCODE_COUNT];
/** How many methods compiled. */
static STATS_ITEM(unsigned) methodsCompiled;
/** How many methods were compiled several times. */
static STATS_ITEM(unsigned) methodsCompiledSeveralTimes;
/** Some methods statistics. */
static STATS_ITEM(unsigned) methodsWOCatchHandlers;
/** How many null checks are eliminated. */
static STATS_ITEM(unsigned) npesEliminated;
/** How many null checks were generated. */
static STATS_ITEM(unsigned) npesPerformed;
// introduces a filter (as trough the strstr(fully-qualified-name, filter)
// to collect statistics about
static const char * g_name_filter;
#define DEF_MIN_MAX_VALUE(what) \
STATS_ITEM(unsigned) Stats::what##_total = (unsigned)0; \
STATS_ITEM(unsigned) Stats::what##_min = (unsigned)0; \
STATS_ITEM(::std::string) Stats::what##_min_name; \
STATS_ITEM(unsigned) Stats::what##_max = (unsigned)0; \
STATS_ITEM(::std::string) Stats::what##_max_name;
#define DECL_MIN_MAX_VALUE(what) \
static STATS_ITEM(unsigned) what##_total; \
static STATS_ITEM(unsigned) what##_min; \
static STATS_ITEM(::std::string) what##_min_name; \
static STATS_ITEM(unsigned) what##_max; \
static STATS_ITEM(::std::string) what##_max_name;
#ifdef JIT_STATS
#define STATS_SET_NAME_FILER(nam) Stats::g_name_filter = nam
#define STATS_INC(what, howmany) \
if ( (NULL == Stats::g_name_filter) || (NULL != strstr(meth_fname(), Stats::g_name_filter)) ) { \
what += howmany; \
#define STATS_MEASURE_MIN_MAX_VALUE( what, value, nam ) \
{ \
if ( (NULL == Stats::g_name_filter) || (NULL != strstr(meth_fname(), Stats::g_name_filter)) ) { \
Stats::what##_total += (value); \
if( Stats::what##_max < (value) ) { Stats::what##_max = (value); Stats::what##_max_name = nam; }; \
static bool what##_done = false; \
if( !what##_done && Stats::what##_min > (value) ) { what##_done = true; Stats::what##_min = (value); Stats::what##_min_name = nam; }; \
#else // JIT_STATS
#define STATS_INC(what, howmany)
#define STATS_MEASURE_MIN_MAX_VALUE( what, value, nam )
#endif // JIT_STATS
// byte code size
DECL_MIN_MAX_VALUE( bc_size );
// native code size
DECL_MIN_MAX_VALUE( code_size );
// native code size / byte code size ratio
DECL_MIN_MAX_VALUE( native_per_bc_ratio );
// stack depth
// number of local slots
// number of basic blocks
// size of the basic blocks
DECL_MIN_MAX_VALUE( bb_size );
DECL_MIN_MAX_VALUE( patchItemsToBcSizeRatioX1000 );
} // ~namespace Jitrino::Jet
#endif // ~__STATS_H_INCLUDED__