blob: 633c8f20a3e7f074527914bff94967e4cb9f2505 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Alexander Astapchuk
* @file
* @brief Common definitions and constants used across the Jitrino.JET.
#if !defined(__JDEFS_H_INCLUDED__)
#define __JDEFS_H_INCLUDED__
#include "open/types.h"
#include "open/bytecodes.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <climits>
#include <string.h>
// This file is normally included (explicitly or not) in all .jet files,
// so here are some project-wide definitions.
// PROJECT_JET (standalone version of Jitrino.JET) implies JET_PROTO.
#if defined(PROJECT_JET) && !defined(JET_PROTO)
#define JET_PROTO 1
// _DEBUG also implies JET_PROTO.
#if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(JET_PROTO)
#define JET_PROTO 1
* JET_PROTO - turns on debugging, tracing and experimental features that
* are normally out of production build.
* JET_PROTO at least implies logging (JIT_LOGS), statistics collection
* (JIT_STATS) and various tracings (JIT_TRACE - XXX used ?).
#ifdef JET_PROTO
#if !defined(JIT_LOGS)
#define JIT_LOGS
#if !defined(JIT_STATS)
#define JIT_STATS
#if !defined(JIT_TRACE)
#define JIT_TRACE
#ifdef _WIN32
#define stdcall__
* @brief Defines int64 constant.
#define MK_I64(a) ((jlong)(a ## L))
#define snprintf _snprintf
#if _MSC_VER < 1500
#define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
#ifndef strcasecmp
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define strcasecmp _stricmp
#define strcasecmp stricmp
// stdcall has no meaning on platforms other than Lin32
#undef stdcall__
#if defined(_IA32_) && !defined(stdcall__)
#define stdcall__ __attribute__ ((__stdcall__))
#define stdcall__
#define __stdcall
#define MK_I64(a) ((jlong)(a ## LL))
// gcc def on EM64T
#if defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(_EM64T_)
#define _EM64T_ 1
#undef _IA32_
#if defined(__i386__) && !defined(_IA32_)
#undef _EM64T_
#define _IA32_ 1
#if !defined(_EM64T_) && !defined(_IPF_) && !defined(_IA32_)
// presuming we're working on ia-32
#define _IA32_ 1
* @brief Number of elements in array.
#define COUNTOF(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))
namespace Jitrino {
namespace Jet {
// Nothing (?) portable is defined by lib.c.limits for 64bit integers, thus
// declaring our own.
* @brief Represents a Java's long aka 'signed int64'.
typedef int64 jlong;
* @brief A maximum, positive value a #jlong can have.
* @brief A minimum, negative value a #jlong can have.
#define jLONG_MIN MK_I64(0x8000000000000000)
* @brief Empty value.
* Normally used when zero is not applicable to signal empty/non-initialized
* value i.e. for PC values.
#define NOTHING (~(unsigned)0)
* @brief Tests whether the value fits into 8 bits.
inline bool fits_i8(int val)
return (CHAR_MIN <= val && val <= CHAR_MAX);
* @brief Tests whether the value fits into 16 bits.
inline bool fits_i16(int val)
return (SHRT_MIN <= val && val <= SHRT_MAX);
* @brief Extracts lower 32 bits from the given 64 bits value.
inline int lo32(jlong jl) { return (int)(jl & 0xFFFFFFFF); };
* @brief Extracts higher 32 bits from the given 64 bits value.
inline int hi32(jlong jl) { return (int)(jl>>32); };
* @brief Composes a 64bit value from 2 32 bit values.
inline jlong mk_i64(int hi, int lo) { return ((jlong)hi)<<32 | lo; };
* @brief Size of the platform's machine word, in bits.
const unsigned WORD_SIZE = sizeof(unsigned)*CHAR_BIT;
* @brief Returns word index for a given index in bit array.
inline unsigned word_no(unsigned idx)
return idx/WORD_SIZE;
* @brief Returns bit index in a word for the given index in a bit array.
inline unsigned bit_no(unsigned idx)
return idx%WORD_SIZE;
* @brief Returns number of words needed to store the given number of bits.
#define words(num) ((num+WORD_SIZE-1)/WORD_SIZE)
* @brief Sets a bit in the bit array at the specified position.
* @param p - pointer the the bit array
* @param idx - index of the bit
inline void set(unsigned * p, unsigned idx)
p[ word_no(idx) ] |= 1<<bit_no(idx);
* @brief Clears a bit in the bit array at the specified position.
* @param p - pointer the the bit array
* @param idx - index of the bit
inline void clr(unsigned * p, unsigned idx)
p[ word_no(idx) ] &= ~(1<<bit_no(idx));
* @brief Tests a bit in the provided bit array.
* @param p - pointer the the bit array
* @param idx - index of the bit
* @return \b true if the bit set, \b false otherwise
inline bool tst(const unsigned * p, unsigned idx)
return 0 != (p[word_no(idx)] & (1<<bit_no(idx)));
* @brief Converts string to bool.
* The following strings (case-insensitive) are considered as \c true:
* on, true, t, yes, y. Any other means \c false.
inline bool to_bool(const char * val)
return !strcasecmp(val, "on") ||
!strcasecmp(val, "yes") || !strcasecmp(val, "y") ||
!strcasecmp(val, "true") || !strcasecmp(val, "t");
* @defgroup JMF_ Compilation control flags
* A bunch of flags, a Java method may be compiled with. Some of them also
* affect runtime of the method.
* Various java method flags used during compilation and some of them are
* also used at runtime.
* JMF_ stands for Java method's flag.
/// @{
/** @brief Method reports 'this' during root set enumeration.*/
#define JMF_REPORT_THIS (0x00000001)
/** @brief Generate code to perform a GC polling on back branches.*/
#define JMF_BBPOLLING (0x00000002)
/** @brief Generate profiling code for back branches and method entry.*/
#define JMF_PROF_ENTRY_BE (0x00000004)
* @brief Generate code so back branches and method entry counters get
* checked synchronously, during runtime, at method entrance.
#define JMF_PROF_SYNC_CHECK (0x00000008)
#ifdef JET_PROTO
#define JMF_ALIGN_STACK (0x00010000)
#define JMF_SP_FRAME (0x00020000)
#define JMF_STATIC_GC_MAP (0x00040000)
* @brief Aligns stack
* @note Experimental feature, not for production build.
#define JMF_ALIGN_STACK (0)
* @brief Use sp-based stack frame instead of bp-based.
* @note Experimental feature, not for production build.
#define JMF_SP_FRAME (0)
* @brief Use static (computed at compile-time) GC-map for operand stack,
* rather than dynamic (updated at runtime).
* @note Experimental feature, not for production build.
#define JMF_STATIC_GC_MAP (0)
* @defgroup DBG_ Debugging flags
* These flags are also 'Java method's flags' but used for the debugging
* purposes only.
* Equal to zero in release mode, so a test against it (xx & DBG_ )
* effectively leads to zero at compile time and thus the debug tracing code
* is removed by optimizing compiler.
* These flags may be turned on in release mode if \b JIT_LOGS macro defined.
* @{
// The latest PMF/Log are working well without noticeable overhead,
// may have the tracing functionality turned on always.
#if 1 //defined(JIT_LOGS) || defined(JET_PROTO)
#define DBG_BRK (0x00100000)
#define DBG_TRACE_EE (0x00200000)
#define DBG_TRACE_BC (0x00400000)
#define DBG_TRACE_RT (0x00800000)
#define DBG_DUMP_BBS (0x01000000)
#define DBG_TRACE_CG (0x02000000)
#define DBG_TRACE_LAYOUT (0x04000000)
#define DBG_DUMP_CODE (0x08000000)
#define DBG_TRACE_SUMM (0x10000000)
#define DBG_CHECK_STACK (0x20000000)
/** @brief Break at method's entry.*/
#define DBG_BRK (0x00000000)
* @brief Trace method's enter/exit.
* Turns on tracing of input args and return value for a method.
* Also turns on tracing of values returned from a method or a helper
* call.
* @see CodeGen::gen_save_ret
#define DBG_TRACE_EE (0x00000000)
/** @brief Trace execution of each bytecode instruction. */
#define DBG_TRACE_BC (0x00000000)
* @brief Trace runtime support events - stack unwinding, root set
* enumeration, byte code <-> native code mapping, etc.
#define DBG_TRACE_RT (0x00000000)
/** @brief Dump basic blocks, before code generation phase.*/
#define DBG_DUMP_BBS (0x00000000)
/** @brief Trace code generation.*/
#define DBG_TRACE_CG (0x00000000)
/** @brief Trace code layout (address ranges).*/
#define DBG_TRACE_LAYOUT (0x00000000)
/** @brief Dump whole code after it's done.*/
#define DBG_DUMP_CODE (0x00000000)
/** @brief Trace short summary about compiled method.*/
#define DBG_TRACE_SUMM (0x00000000)
/** @brief Generates code to ensure stack integrity.*/
#define DBG_CHECK_STACK (0x00000000)
/// @{ //~DBG_
/// @} //~JMF_
* Enum which describes a kind/group of bytecode instruction, according to
* the JVM Spec.
enum InstrKind {
/// arithmetics
/// control transfer
/// type conversion
/// load/store
/// method invocation and return
/// object creation and manipulation
/// stack management
/// throwing exceptions
/// used for other opcodes like 'nop', 'wide' and 'unused'
* @defgroup OPF_ Opcode flags - various traits of byte code instructions.
* @{
* @brief (OPF stands for OPcode Flag) No special flags for the given opcode.
#define OPF_NONE (0x00000000)
* Opcode ends basic block (ATHROW/GOTOs/conditional branch, etc).
#define OPF_ENDS_BB (0x00001000)
* Opcode has no fall through pass (ATHROW/GOTO/RETURN/etc).
#define OPF_DEAD_END (0x00002000)
* An instruction is one of return opcodes.
#define OPF_RETURN (0x00004000)
* An instruction starts a basic block.
* @note This is not a trait of an opcode, but rather of an instruction on
* a particular control flow. It's placed into OPF_ section as it's
* stored in the same field of JInst.
#define OPF_STARTS_BB (0x00008000)
* Instruction uses or defines local variable #0.
#define OPF_VAR0 (0x00000000)
* Instruction uses or defines local variable #1.
#define OPF_VAR1 (0x00000001)
* Instruction uses or defines local variable #2.
#define OPF_VAR2 (0x00000002)
* Instruction uses or defines local variable #3.
#define OPF_VAR3 (0x00000003)
* Instruction uses or defines local variable whose index defined by first
* instruction operand (JInst::op0).
#define OPF_VAR_OP0 (0x00000004)
* Mask used to extract the OPF_VAR_ index.
#define OPF_VAR_IDX_MASK (0x0000000F)
* Mask used to extract def-use info from opcode flags.
#define OPF_VAR_DU_MASK (0x00000300)
* If set, then opcode defines a local variable an index given by its first
* operand (JInst::op0).
#define OPF_VAR_DEF (0x00000100)
* If set, then opcode uses a local variable an index given by its first
* operand (JInst::op0).
#define OPF_VAR_USE (0x00000200)
* Mask used to extract from opcode flags a type of operation performed by
* the opcode.
#define OPF_VAR_TYPE_MASK (0x000000F0)
#define OPF_VAR_TYPE_SHIFT (4)
* Instruction operates with #i32 (or lesser) type.
* Instruction operates with #jobj type.
* Instruction operates with #i64 type.
* Instruction operates with #flt32 type.
* Instruction operates with #dbl64 type.
/// @} // ~OPF_
* @brief An info associated with an bytecode instruction.
struct InstrDesc {
* @brief A kind of instruction. Used to groups processing of similar
* instructions into same function.
InstrKind ik;
#ifdef _DEBUG
* @brief A byte code value. Only used internally in DEBUG mode to make
* sure the \link #instrs array \endlink arranged properly.
JavaByteCodes opcode;
* @brief Total length of the instruction including additional bytes
* (if any). 0 for 'wide' and for variable-length instructions.
unsigned len;
* @brief Various characteristics of the given opcode - see OPF_ flags.
unsigned flags;
* @brief Printable name of the opcode.
const char * name;
char adding[32-20];
extern const InstrDesc instrs[OPCODE_COUNT];
* @brief Enumerates possible Java types
* The values are ordered by complexity ascending.
* The following is intentionally \b true: <code>i8<i16<u16<i32<i64</code>.
enum jtype {
/// signed 8 bits integer - Java's \c boolean or \c byte
/// signed 16-bits integer - Java's \c short
/// unsigned 16-bit integer - Java's \c char
/// signed 32 bit integer - Java's \c int
/// signed 64 bit integer - Java's \c long
/// single-precision 32 bit float - Java's \c float
/// double-precision 64 bit float - Java's \c double
/// any object type
/// void. no more, no less
/// jretAddr - a very special type for JSR things
/// max number of types
/// max number of types
num_jtypes = jtypes_count,
#ifdef _EM64T_
/// platform-native size for integer (fits into general-purpose register)
/// Info associated with #jtype.
struct JTypeDesc {
/// jtype itself
jtype jt;
* size in bytes of the type on current platform.
* @note: for #jobj, the size of uncompressed reference is specified.
unsigned size;
* offset, in bytes, of first item in an array of items of the type
unsigned rt_offset;
/// human-readable name of the type
const char * name;
* @brief Info about all #jtype types.
extern JTypeDesc jtypes[num_jtypes];
*@brief Tests whether specified #jtype represents floating point value.
inline bool is_f( jtype jt )
return jt==dbl64 || jt==flt32;
* @brief Tests whether specified #jtype occupies 2 slots (#i64 and #dbl64).
inline bool is_wide(jtype jt)
return jt==dbl64 || jt==i64;
* @brief Converts a #VM_Data_Type into #jtype.
* Java's byte (VM_DATA_TYPE_INT8) and boolean (VM_DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN) are
* both returned as #i8.
* mapped onto #jobj.
jtype to_jtype(VM_Data_Type vmtype);
}; // ~namespace Jitrino::Jet
#endif // __JDEFS_H_INCLUDED__