blob: c51844415369deafed2213a54683820e1a3f3744 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Intel, Konstantin M. Anisimov, Igor V. Chebykin
#ifndef IPFTYPE_H_
#define IPFTYPE_H_
#include <bitset>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <iomanip>
#include "Type.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "Stl.h"
#include "VMInterface.h"
using namespace std;
namespace Jitrino {
namespace IPF {
// Forward declaration
class Opnd;
class RegOpnd;
class ConstantRef;
class NodeRef;
class MethodRef;
class Constant;
class Inst;
class Node;
class BbNode;
class Edge;
class Cfg;
class QpNode;
// Defines
#define NUM_G_REG 128 // num of general registers
#define NUM_F_REG 128 // num of floating-point registers
#define NUM_P_REG 64 // num of predicate registers
#define NUM_B_REG 8 // num of branch registers
#define NUM_A_REG 128 // num of application registers
#define MAX_REG_ARG 8 // args number that must be located on regs
#define REG_STACK_BASE 32 // gr stack base
#define G_INARG_BASE 32 // num of register containing first general input arg (not fp)
#define F_INARG_BASE 8 // num of register containing first fp input arg (not general)
#define G_OUTARG_BASE 127 // num of register containing first general output arg (temporary)
#define F_OUTARG_BASE 8 // num of register containing first fp output arg
#define LOCATION_INVALID 400000 // invalid location for register and stack operands
#define S_INARG_BASE 300000 // memory stack offset containing first input arg (temporary)
#define S_LOCAL_BASE 200000 // first byte of memory stack local storage (temporary)
#define S_OUTARG_BASE 100000 // memory stack offset containing ninth output arg (temporary)
#define S_BASE 200 // memory stack opnds offset in LOCATION space (if location<S_BASE it is reg num else - stack offset)
#define S_SCRATCH_SIZE 16 // size of memory stack scratch area
#define S_ALIGNMENT 16 // alignment of memory stack size
#define RET_F_REG 8 // num of register containing general return value
#define RET_G_REG 8 // num of register containing fp return value
#define ARG_SLOT_SIZE 8 // size of memory in arg slot
#define SPILL_REG1 14 // register reserved for stack address calculation during spill/fill
#define SPILL_REG2 15 // register reserved for spill/fill
#define POS_BR_TARGET 1 // position of opnd target25 in inst (qp) br target25
#define POS_SWITCH_TABLE 2 // position of opnd switchTblAddr in inst (qp) switch branchTgt, switchTblAddr, defTgt, fallThroughTgt
#define POS_SWITCH_DEFAULT 3 // position of opnd defTgt in inst (qp) switch branchTgt, switchTblAddr, defTgt, fallThroughTgt
#define POS_SWITCH_THROUGH 4 // position of opnd fallThroughTgt in inst (qp) switch branchTgt, switchTblAddr, defTgt, fallThroughTgt
#define POS_CMP_P1 1 // position of opnd p1 in inst (qp) cmp p1, p2 = r2, r3
#define POS_CMP_P2 2 // position of opnd p2 in inst (qp) cmp p1, p2 = r2, r3
#define LOC_OFFSET 8 // offset of lock owner field in the synchronization header
#define AR_PFS_NUM 64 // num of AR.PFS register
#define AR_UNAT_NUM 36 // num of AR.UNAT register
#define ROOT_SET_HEADER_SIZE 4 // header size in root set info block
#define SAFE_POINT_HEADER_SIZE 12 // header size in safe points info block
#define MAX_QP_MASK 0xffffffffffffffff // max value of predicate mask used in LiveManager
#define LOG_ON 0 // Log for Code Generator is on
#define VERIFY_ON 0 // verification for Code Generator is on
#define LOG_OUT Log::out()
#define STAT_ON 0 // Log for statistic
#define IPF_ERROR "ERROR in file " << __FILE__ << " line " << __LINE__ << " "
#define IPF_LOG if (LOG_ON) LOG_OUT
#define IPF_ERR cerr << IPF_ERROR
#define IPF_ASSERT(condition) if (LOG_ON && !(condition)) { IPF_ERR << (#condition) << endl; }
extern bool ipfLogIsOn;
extern bool ipfVerifyIsOn;
extern bool ipfConstantFolding;
// Enums
enum EdgeKind {
EDGE_BRANCH, // taken branch
EDGE_THROUGH, // untaken branch
EDGE_DISPATCH, // to dispatch or unwind node
EDGE_EXCEPTION, // from dispatch node to exception handler node
enum NodeKind {
NODE_BB, // node containing instructions
NODE_DISPATCH, // represents data flow during exception handling process (try block)
NODE_UNWIND, // represents data flow during handling exception not cought
// OpndKind shows how Opnd::value field should be treated in encoder
enum OpndKind {
OPND_G_REG, // general register number
OPND_F_REG, // floating-point register number
OPND_P_REG, // predicate register number
OPND_B_REG, // branch register number
OPND_A_REG, // application register number
OPND_IP_REG, // instruction pointer register (Opnd::value ignored)
OPND_UM_REG, // user mask register (Opnd::value ignored)
OPND_IMM, // immediate value
OPND_INVALID // something wrong with jit developers
// DataKind shows how Opnd::value should be treated during compilation
enum DataKind {
DATA_I8, // signed 8 bit value
DATA_U8, // unsigned 8 bit value
DATA_I16, // signed 16 bit value
DATA_U16, // unsigned 16 bit value
DATA_I32, // signed 32 bit value
DATA_U32, // unsigned 32 bit value
DATA_I64, // signed 64 bit value
DATA_U64, // unsigned 64 bit value
DATA_S, // IEEE single precision
DATA_D, // IEEE double precision
DATA_F, // IEEE double-extended precision
DATA_P, // unsigned 8 bit value (0/1)
DATA_B, // unsigned 64 bit value
DATA_BASE, // object reference (should be reported to GC)
DATA_MPTR, // field reference (should be reported to GC)
DATA_IMM, // imm constant (value known durind code selection)
DATA_NODE_REF, // imm constant (method reference - is resolved during code emission)
DATA_METHOD_REF, // imm constant (node reference - is resolved during code emission)
DATA_CONST_REF, // imm constant (memory constant pool - is resolved during code emission)
DATA_SWITCH_REF, // imm constant (memory constant pool - is resolved during code emission)
enum SearchKind {
SEARCH_DIRECT_ORDER, // all predecessors stay before successor
SEARCH_POST_ORDER, // all successors stay before predecessor
SEARCH_LAYOUT_ORDER, // order nodes laid out in memory
SEARCH_UNDEF_ORDER // invalidate current order
// Typedefs
typedef StlVector< Opnd* > OpndVector;
typedef StlVector< RegOpnd* > RegOpndVector;
typedef StlVector< Inst* > InstVector;
typedef StlVector< Node* > NodeVector;
typedef StlVector< Edge* > EdgeVector;
typedef StlVector< U_32 > Uint32Vector;
typedef StlList< Inst* > InstList;
typedef StlList< Node* > NodeList;
typedef StlList< Edge* > EdgeList;
typedef StlSet< Opnd* > OpndSet;
typedef StlSet< RegOpnd* > RegOpndSet;
typedef StlSet< Node* > NodeSet;
typedef StlMap< RegOpnd*, RegOpnd* > RegOpnd2RegOpndMap;
typedef StlMap< Inst*, RegOpndSet > Inst2RegOpndSetMap;
typedef StlMap< uint64, RegOpndSet > Uint642RegOpndSetMap;
typedef bitset< NUM_G_REG > RegBitSet;
typedef StlMultiMap <U_32, RegOpnd*, greater <U_32> > Int2OpndMap;
typedef NodeVector::iterator NodeIterator;
typedef InstVector::iterator InstIterator;
typedef OpndVector::iterator OpndIterator;
typedef EdgeVector::iterator EdgeIterator;
typedef OpndSet::iterator OpndSetIterator;
typedef RegOpndSet::iterator RegOpndSetIterator;
typedef InstList::iterator InstListIterator;
typedef NodeList::iterator NodeListIterator;
typedef EdgeList::iterator EdgeListIterator;
typedef RegOpnd2RegOpndMap::iterator RegOpnd2RegOpndMapIterator;
typedef Inst2RegOpndSetMap::iterator Inst2RegOpndSetMapIterator;
typedef Uint642RegOpndSetMap::iterator Uint642RegOpndSetMapIterator;
typedef NodeList Chain;
typedef StlList< Chain* > ChainList;
typedef StlMultiMap< U_32, Chain*, greater < U_32 > > ChainMap;
typedef Chain::iterator ChainIterator;
typedef ChainList::iterator ChainListIterator;
typedef ChainMap::iterator ChainMapIterator;
typedef StlMultiMap <Opnd*, QpNode*> QpMap;
typedef uint64 QpMask;
// IpfType
class IpfType {
static int16 getSize(DataKind); // opnd value size in bytes
static bool isReg(OpndKind); // is opnd resides on register
static bool isGReg(OpndKind); // is opnd resides on general register
static bool isFReg(OpndKind); // is opnd resides on general register
static bool isImm(OpndKind); // is opnd resides in imm
static bool isSigned(DataKind); // is opnd value is signed
static bool isFloating(DataKind); // is opnd value can be placed in fp reg
} // IPF
} // Jitrino
#endif /*IPFTYPE_H_*/