blob: 07a9d6d97ff5a6cb19da5549790d82cf8d58ecaf [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Intel, Konstantin M. Anisimov, Igor V. Chebykin
#include "IpfIrPrinter.h"
#include "CompilationContext.h"
#include "PMFAction.h"
namespace Jitrino {
namespace IPF {
// Compare two opnds by id value
bool greaterOpnd (Opnd *o1, Opnd *o2) { return o1->getId() > o2->getId(); }
// IrPrinter
IrPrinter::IrPrinter(Cfg &cfg_) :
ofs(NULL) {
if (Log::isEnabled() == false) return;
CompilationContext *cc = CompilationContext::getCurrentContext();
SessionAction *session = cc->getCurrentSessionAction();
LogStream &logStream = session->log(LogStream::CT);
strcpy(logDir, logStream.getFileName());
int len = strlen(logDir);
logDir[len - 6] = 0;
void IrPrinter::printLayoutDot(char *logFile) {
char logName[500];
strcpy(logName, logDir);
strcat(logName, logFile);
ofs = new(mm) ofstream(logName);
BbNode *node = (BbNode *)cfg.getEnterNode();
BbNode *succ = node->getLayoutSucc();
while(succ != NULL) {
*ofs << " " << node->getId();
*ofs << " -> " << succ->getId() << endl;
node = succ;
succ = node->getLayoutSucc();
void IrPrinter::printCfgDot(char *logFile) {
char logName[500];
strcpy(logName, logDir);
strcat(logName, logFile);
ofs = new(mm) ofstream(logName);
NodeVector &nodes =;
for(U_32 i=0; i<nodes.size(); i++) {
EdgeVector &edges = nodes[i]->getOutEdges();
for(U_32 j=0; j<edges.size(); j++) {
void IrPrinter::printAsm(ostream &os_) {
os = &os_;
BbNode *node = cfg.getEnterNode();
*os << endl;
*os << "----------- Code dump ----------------------------------------" << endl;
while(node != NULL) {
node = node->getLayoutSucc();
// Dot file printing
void IrPrinter::printEdgeDot(Edge *edge) {
*ofs << " " << edge->getSource()->getId();
*ofs << " -> " << edge->getTarget()->getId();
switch(edge->getEdgeKind()) {
case EDGE_EXCEPTION : *ofs << "[color=red"; break;
case EDGE_DISPATCH : *ofs << "[color=green"; break;
case EDGE_BRANCH : *ofs << "[color=blue"; break;
case EDGE_THROUGH : *ofs << "[color=black"; break;
default : *ofs << "[color=yellow";
*ofs << ",label=\"" << edge->getProb() << "\"];" << ::std::endl;
void IrPrinter::printNodeDot(Node *node) {
*ofs << " " << node->getId();
*ofs << " [label=\"{";
switch(node->getNodeKind()) {
case NODE_BB : *ofs << "BB" << node->getId(); break;
case NODE_DISPATCH : *ofs << "Dispatch" << node->getId(); break;
case NODE_UNWIND : *ofs << "Unwind" << node->getId(); break;
default : *ofs << "Invalid" << node->getId(); break;;
Node *loopHeader = node->getLoopHeader();
if (loopHeader != NULL) {
*ofs << "(" << loopHeader->getId() << ")";
if(node->getNodeKind() == NODE_BB) {
InstVector &insts = ((BbNode *)node)->getInsts();
for(U_32 i=0; i<insts.size(); i++) {
*ofs << "\\n" << insts[i]->getInstMnemonic();
CompVector &compList = insts[i]->getComps();
for(uint16 j=0; j<compList.size(); j++) *ofs << insts[i]->getCompMnemonic(compList[j]);
*ofs << "}\"];" << endl;
void IrPrinter::printHead() {
*ofs << "digraph dotgraph {" << ::std::endl;
*ofs << " center=TRUE;" << ::std::endl;
*ofs << " margin=\".2,.2\";" << ::std::endl;
*ofs << " ranksep=\".25\";" << ::std::endl;
*ofs << " nodesep=\".20\";" << ::std::endl;
*ofs << " page=\"20,20\";" << ::std::endl;
*ofs << " ratio=auto;" << ::std::endl;
*ofs << " fontpath=\"c:\\winnt\\fonts\";" << ::std::endl;
*ofs << " node [shape=record,fontname=\"Courier\",fontsize=9];" << ::std::endl;
*ofs << " edge [fontname=\"Courier\",fontsize=9];" << ::std::endl;
void IrPrinter::printTail() {
*ofs << "}" << ::std::endl;
// Asm file printing
void IrPrinter::printNodeAsm(BbNode *node) {
*os << ".L" << node->getId() << ":" << endl;
InstVector &insts = ((BbNode *)node)->getInsts();
for(U_32 i=0; i<insts.size(); i++) *os << " " << toString(insts[i]) << endl;
string IrPrinter::toString(Inst *inst) {
OpndVector &opnds = inst->getOpnds();
uint16 numDst = inst->getNumDst();
CompVector &compList = inst->getComps();
RegOpnd *qp = (RegOpnd *)opnds[0];
ostringstream oss;
oss << "(" << toString(qp) << ")";
while(oss.tellp() < 9) oss << " ";
oss << inst->getInstMnemonic(); // print instruction mnemonic
for(uint16 i=0; i<compList.size(); i++) oss << inst->getCompMnemonic(compList[i]);
oss << " ";
while(oss.tellp() < 21) oss << " ";
InstCode icode = inst->getInstCode();
bool lddone = false;
if (icode>=INST_ST_FIRST && icode<=INST_ST_LAST) {
oss << "[";
uint16 i = 1; // The first opnd is qp. It has been printed already
while(i < numDst+1) {
oss << toString(opnds[i]);
if(++i >= numDst+1) break;
oss << ", ";
if (icode>=INST_ST_FIRST && icode<=INST_ST_LAST) {
oss << toString(opnds[i]);
oss << "]";
if(i>1 && i<opnds.size()) { // if we have printed dst opnd - align and print "="
while(oss.tellp() < 24) oss << " ";
oss << " = ";
while(i < opnds.size()) {
if (!lddone && icode>=INST_LD_FIRST && icode<=INST_LD_LAST) {
oss << "[";
oss << toString(opnds[i]);
if (!lddone && icode>=INST_LD_FIRST && icode<=INST_LD_LAST) {
oss << "]";
lddone = true;
if(++i >= opnds.size()) break;
oss << ", ";
return oss.str(); // return string representation of ostringstream
string IrPrinter::toString(Opnd *opnd) {
ostringstream oss;
if(opnd->getOpndKind() == OPND_INVALID) { oss << "invalid" << opnd->getId(); return oss.str(); }
// opnd is register
if(opnd->isReg()) {
RegOpnd *reg = (RegOpnd *)opnd;
I_32 num = reg->getLocation();
if (num == LOCATION_INVALID) {
num = reg->getId();
switch(reg->getOpndKind()) {
case OPND_A_REG: oss << "A" << num; break;
case OPND_G_REG: oss << "R" << num; break;
case OPND_F_REG: oss << "F" << num; break;
case OPND_P_REG: oss << "P" << num; break;
case OPND_B_REG: oss << "B" << num; break;
default: oss << "??";
return oss.str();
if (reg->isMem() == true) {
switch(reg->getOpndKind()) {
case OPND_A_REG: oss << "stack_a" << num; break;
case OPND_G_REG: oss << "stack_r" << num; break;
case OPND_F_REG: oss << "stack_f" << num; break;
case OPND_P_REG: oss << "stack_p" << num; break;
case OPND_B_REG: oss << "stack_b" << num; break;
default: oss << "??";
} else {
switch(reg->getOpndKind()) {
case OPND_A_REG: oss << "a" << num; break;
case OPND_G_REG: oss << "r" << num; break;
case OPND_F_REG: oss << "f" << num; break;
case OPND_P_REG: oss << "p" << num; break;
case OPND_B_REG: oss << "b" << num; break;
default: oss << "??";
return oss.str();
// opnd is imm
DataKind dataKind = opnd->getDataKind();
if (dataKind == DATA_CONST_REF) {
oss << "const";
return oss.str();
if (dataKind == DATA_SWITCH_REF) {
oss << "switch";
return oss.str();
if (dataKind == DATA_NODE_REF) {
BbNode *targetNode = ((NodeRef*) opnd)->getNode();
if (targetNode == NULL) oss << "unknown target";
else oss << ".L" << targetNode->getId();
return oss.str();
if (dataKind == DATA_METHOD_REF) {
MethodDesc *method = ((MethodRef *)opnd)->getMethod();
if (method == NULL) oss << "unknown method";
else oss << method->getParentType()->getName() << "." << method->getName();
return oss.str();
if (dataKind == DATA_IMM) {
int64 val = opnd->getValue();
if(val > 100000) oss << hex << "0x" << val << dec;
else oss << val;
return oss.str();
oss << "ERROR";
return oss.str();
string IrPrinter::toString(QpNode *qpNode) {
ostringstream oss;
oss << "mask: " << boolString(qpNode->getNodeMask()) << " comp: " << boolString(qpNode->getCompMask());
oss << " dead: " << boolString(qpNode->getLiveMask());
return oss.str();
string IrPrinter::toString(OpndSet &opndSet) {
ostringstream oss;
MemoryManager mml("IpfIrPrinter.OpndSet.toString");
OpndVector opndVector(mml);
opndVector.insert(opndVector.begin(), opndSet.begin(), opndSet.end());
sort(opndVector.begin(), opndVector.end(), ptr_fun(greaterOpnd));
return toString(opndVector);
string IrPrinter::toString(RegOpndSet &opndSet) {
ostringstream oss;
MemoryManager mml("IpfIrPrinter.RegOpndSet.toString");
OpndVector opndVector(mml);
opndVector.insert(opndVector.begin(), opndSet.begin(), opndSet.end());
sort(opndVector.begin(), opndVector.end(), ptr_fun(greaterOpnd));
return toString(opndVector);
string IrPrinter::toString(OpndVector &opndVector) {
ostringstream oss;
if (opndVector.size() == 0) return oss.str();
oss << toString(opndVector[0]);
for(uint16 i=1; i<opndVector.size(); i++) {
oss << ", " << toString(opndVector[i]);
return oss.str();
string IrPrinter::toString(InstVector &insts) {
ostringstream oss;
for(uint16 i=0; i<insts.size(); i++) {
oss << " " << toString(insts[i]) << endl;
return oss.str();
string IrPrinter::toString(InstList &instList) {
ostringstream oss;
for(InstListIterator i=instList.begin(); i!=instList.end(); i++) {
oss << " " << toString(*i) << endl;
return oss.str();
string IrPrinter::toString(Chain &chain) {
ostringstream oss;
for(ChainIterator i=chain.begin(); i!=chain.end();) {
oss << "node" << (*i)->getId();
if (i!=chain.end()) oss << "->";
return oss.str();
string IrPrinter::toString(MethodDesc *methodDesc) {
ostringstream oss;
if (methodDesc->getParentType() != NULL) {
oss << methodDesc->getParentType()->getName() << ".";
oss << methodDesc->getName();
oss << methodDesc->getSignatureString();
return oss.str();
string IrPrinter::toString(NodeKind nodeKind) {
string s;
switch(nodeKind) {
case NODE_BB : s = "NODE_BB"; break;
case NODE_UNWIND : s = "NODE_UNWIND"; break;
case NODE_INVALID : s = "NODE_INVALID"; break;
if (s.empty()) IPF_ERR << " unexpected nodeKind " << nodeKind << endl;
return s;
string IrPrinter::toString(EdgeKind edgeKind) {
string s;
switch(edgeKind) {
case EDGE_BRANCH : s = "EDGE_BRANCH"; break;
case EDGE_THROUGH : s = "EDGE_THROUGH"; break;
case EDGE_DISPATCH : s = "EDGE_DISPATCH"; break;
case EDGE_INVALID : s = "EDGE_INVALID"; break;
if (s.empty()) IPF_ERR << " unexpected edgeKind " << edgeKind << endl;
return s;
string IrPrinter::toString(OpndKind opndKind) {
string s;
switch(opndKind) {
case OPND_G_REG : s = "OPND_G_REG"; break;
case OPND_F_REG : s = "OPND_F_REG"; break;
case OPND_P_REG : s = "OPND_P_REG"; break;
case OPND_B_REG : s = "OPND_B_REG"; break;
case OPND_A_REG : s = "OPND_A_REG"; break;
case OPND_IP_REG : s = "OPND_IP_REG"; break;
case OPND_UM_REG : s = "OPND_UM_REG"; break;
case OPND_IMM : s = "OPND_IMM"; break;
case OPND_INVALID: s = "OPND_INVALID"; break;
if (s.empty()) IPF_ERR << " unexpected opndKind " << opndKind << endl;
return s;
string IrPrinter::toString(DataKind dataKind) {
string s;
switch(dataKind) {
case DATA_I8 : s = "DATA_I8"; break;
case DATA_U8 : s = "DATA_U8"; break;
case DATA_I16 : s = "DATA_I16"; break;
case DATA_U16 : s = "DATA_U16"; break;
case DATA_I32 : s = "DATA_I32"; break;
case DATA_U32 : s = "DATA_U32"; break;
case DATA_I64 : s = "DATA_I64"; break;
case DATA_U64 : s = "DATA_U64"; break;
case DATA_S : s = "DATA_S"; break;
case DATA_D : s = "DATA_D"; break;
case DATA_F : s = "DATA_F"; break;
case DATA_P : s = "DATA_P"; break;
case DATA_B : s = "DATA_B"; break;
case DATA_IMM : s = "DATA_IMM"; break;
case DATA_BASE : s = "DATA_BASE"; break;
case DATA_MPTR : s = "DATA_MPTR"; break;
case DATA_CONST_REF : s = "DATA_CONST_REF"; break;
case DATA_NODE_REF : s = "DATA_NODE_REF"; break;
case DATA_METHOD_REF : s = "DATA_METHOD_REF"; break;
case DATA_SWITCH_REF : s = "DATA_SWITCH_REF"; break;
case DATA_INVALID : s = "DATA_INVALID"; break;
if (s.empty()) IPF_ERR << " unexpected dataKind " << dataKind << endl;
return s;
string IrPrinter::boolString(uint64 mask, uint16 size) {
uint64 m = 1 << size - 1;
ostringstream oss;
for (int i=0; i<size; i++, m >>= 1) {
if (mask & m) oss << "1";
else oss << "0";
return oss.str();
} // IPF
} // Jitrino