blob: 487c32cb4aac06ebd16cf8cf4eb06a0707152e44 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Sergey L. Ivashin
#include "Ia32IRManager.h"
#include "Ia32RegAllocCheck.h"
#include "Interval.h"
#include "Stl.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "Ia32RegAllocWrite.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
namespace Jitrino
namespace Ia32
// class Ia32RegAlloc2
* This class attempts to assign register for any operand (found in LIR) that can be
* allocated in register.
* Set of registers available for allocation is specified by input arguments and saved
* in 'constrs' class member. All operands that cannot be allocated in the registers
* available are simply ignored.
* So this allocator should be called for each set of the registers available (GPReg, XMM,
* FP) independently.
* It is not guaranteed that all operands which can be assigned will be assigned.
* Therefore, the companion class (SpillGen) must be used after this allocator.
* The main idea behind the allocator is well-known bin packing algorithm, but this
* implementation is completely independent of any published algorithms.
static const char* help =
" regs=ALL_GP\n"
" regs=ALL_XMM\n"
" regs=<comma-separated list of available registers, e.g EAX,ECX,XMM0,>\n"
struct RegAlloc2 : public SessionAction
typedef U_32 RegMask; // used to represent set of registers
typedef size_t Instnb; // used to describe instruction number
typedef Interval::Span Span; // interval of instructions not crossed basic block boundary
struct Register; // holds all operands assigned to this register
// class RegAlloc2::Opand
struct Opand : public Interval
Opnd* opnd; // 0 for fictious (preassigned) operand or pointer to LIR
Register* assigned; // 0 or register assigned
size_t length; // total length of all intervals
double weight; // weight coeff (taken from LIR)
Opand* parentOpand; // another opand which is a source in a copy instruction defining this opand, hint for coalescing
bool ignore;
Opand (MemoryManager& mm) :Interval(mm) {}
void update ();
//static bool smaller (const RegAlloc2::Opand*& x, const RegAlloc2::Opand*& y)
//{ return x->end - x->beg < y->end - y->beg; }
static bool lighter (const RegAlloc2::Opand* x, const RegAlloc2::Opand* y)
{ return x->weight < y->weight; }
MemoryManager mm; // this is private MemoryManager, not irm.getMemoryManager()
size_t opandcount; // total count of operands in LIR
Constraint constrs; // initial constraints (registers available)
typedef StlVector<Register*> Registers;
Registers registers;
typedef StlVector<Opand*> Opands;
Opands opandmap; // mapping -> Opand*
size_t candidateCount;
void buildRegs ();
void buildOpands ();
void allocateRegs ();
Register* findReg (RegMask) const;
RegAlloc2 () :mm("RegAlloc2"), registers(mm), opandmap(mm) {}
U_32 getNeedInfo () const {return NeedInfo_LivenessInfo;}
U_32 getSideEffects () const {return 0;}
void runImpl();
bool verify(bool force=false);
static ActionFactory<RegAlloc2> _bp_regalloc("bp_regalloc", help);
static Counter<size_t> count_spilled("ia32:regalloc2:spilled", 0),
count_assigned("ia32:regalloc2:assigned", 0);
struct Dbgout : public ::std::ofstream
Dbgout (const char* s) {open(s);}
~Dbgout () {close();}
static Dbgout dbgout("regalloc2.txt");
#define DBGOUT(x) dbgout << x;
#define DBGOUT(x)
#endif //#ifdef _DEBUG_REGALLOC
// class RegAlloc2::Register
struct RegAlloc2::Register
RegMask regmask; // mask to identify this register (search key)
RegName regname;
Constraint constraint; // corresponding to this register
Opand preassigned; // fictious operand to describe assignments by code selector
typedef StlList<Opand*> Opands;
Opands assigned; // all operands assigned to this register by allocator
size_t length; // total length of intervals of all operands
Instnb beg, end; // start point of first interval and end point of last interval of all assigned operands
Register (MemoryManager& mm) :preassigned(mm), assigned(mm) {}
bool canBeAssigned (const Opand*, int&) const;
void assign (Opand*);
// Internal debug helpers
using ::std::endl;
using ::std::ostream;
static ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const RegAlloc2::Opand& x)
os << "Opand{";
if (x.opnd != 0)
os << "#" << x.opnd->getFirstId()<<"("<<x.opnd->getId()<<")";
os << "~";
os << " W:" << x.weight << " L:" << x.length;
os << " beg:" << x.beg << " end:" << x.end << " " << x.spans ;
if (x.assigned != 0)
os << " in " << getRegNameString(x.assigned->regname);
return os << "}";
static ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const RegAlloc2::Register& x)
return os << "Reg{" << getRegNameString(x.regname) << " L:" << x.length << " beg:" << x.beg << " end:" << x.end << "}";
// Helper function for update()
static bool less (const Interval::Span& x, const Interval::Span& y)
return x.beg < y.end; // to order properly spans like [124,130] [124,124] although there should not be such things
// Complete liveness calculation - sort intervals and set endpoints
void RegAlloc2::Opand::update ()
if ( opnd != NULL ){ // pre-assigned operands are not candidates anyway, no need to update their weight
Constraint c = opnd->getConstraint(Opnd::ConstraintKind_Calculated, OpndSize_Default);
weight *= (17 - countOnes(c.getMask())) * ( (c & Constraint(OpndKind_Mem, c.getSize())).isNull() ? 2 : 1);
if (spans.size() != 0)
Span * pspans = &spans.front();
sort(spans.begin(), spans.end(), less);
beg = spans.front().beg,
end = spans.back().end;
for (int i=0, n=(int)spans.size(); i<n; i++){
assert(pspans[i].beg != 0);
length += pspans[i].end - pspans[i].beg; // no +1 as this is the number of instructions "hovered" by this opand
#ifdef _DEBUG
assert(pspans[i].beg <= pspans[i].end);
if ( i < n-1 ){
assert(pspans[i].end < pspans[i+1].beg);
assert( opnd == NULL || beg > 0);
assert(beg <= end);
ignore = true;
// class Ia32RegAlloc2::Register
// Test if this register can be assigned to the operand 'x'
bool RegAlloc2::Register::canBeAssigned (const RegAlloc2::Opand* x, int& adj) const
DBGOUT(" try " << *this;)
if (!x->opnd->canBePlacedIn(constraint))
DBGOUT(" -constraint" << endl;)
return false;
if (preassigned.conflict(x, adj))
DBGOUT(" -preassigned" << endl;)
return false;
adj = 0;
int d;
if ( (d = int(x->end - beg)) < 0 ){
if (d==-1)
DBGOUT(" -free (below lower bound)!" << endl;)
return true;
if ( (d = int(x->beg - end)) > 0 ){
if (d==1)
DBGOUT(" -free (above upper bound)!" << endl;)
return true;
for (Opands::const_iterator i = assigned.begin(); i != assigned.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->conflict(x, adj))
DBGOUT(" -conflict " << **i << endl;)
return false;
DBGOUT(" -free (full check)!" << endl;)
return true;
// Assign opand 'x' to this register
void RegAlloc2::Register::assign (RegAlloc2::Opand* x)
x->assigned = this;
if (x->beg<beg)
if (x->end>end)
length += x->length;
// class Ia32RegAlloc2
void RegAlloc2::runImpl()
MethodDesc& md=irManager->getMethodDesc();
const char * methodName = md.getName();
const char * methodTypeName = md.getParentType()->getName();
const char * methodSignature= md.getSignatureString();
dbgout << "Constructed <" << methodTypeName << "::" << methodName << methodSignature << ">" << endl;
const char* parameters = getArg("regs");
if (strcmp(parameters, "ALL_GP") == 0)
#ifdef _EM64T_
constrs = Constraint(RegName_R8)
constrs = Constraint(RegName_EAX)
else if (strcmp(parameters, "ALL_XMM") == 0)
constrs = Constraint(RegName_XMM1)
constrs = Constraint(parameters);
constrs.intersectWith(Constraint(OpndKind_Reg, Constraint::getDefaultSize(constrs.getKind())));
if (candidateCount == 0)
dbgout << endl << "Result" << endl;
int count1 = 0, count2 = 0;
Opand* opand;
for (size_t i = 0; i != opandmap.size(); ++i)
if ((opand = opandmap[i]) != 0 && opand->opnd != 0)
dbgout << " " << i << ") " << *opand << endl;
if (opand->assigned != 0)
dbgout << " +assigned " << *opand->assigned << endl;
dbgout << " -spilled " << endl;
dbgout << endl << "Registers" << endl;
for (Registers::const_iterator it = registers.begin(); it != registers.end(); ++it)
Register& r = **it;
dbgout << r;
if (!r.preassigned.spans.empty())
dbgout << " preassigned:" << r.preassigned.spans;
if (!r.assigned.empty())
dbgout << " assigned:";
for (Register::Opands::const_iterator kt = r.assigned.begin(); kt != r.assigned.end(); ++kt)
dbgout << (*kt)->spans;
dbgout << endl;
dbgout << endl << "Assigned: " << count1 << " spilled: " << count2 << endl;
dbgout << "Destructed" << endl;
bool RegAlloc2::verify (bool force)
bool failed=false;
if (force||getVerificationLevel()>=2){
RegAllocCheck chk(*irManager);
if (!
if (!SessionAction::verify(force))
return !failed;
// Initialize list of all available registers
void RegAlloc2::buildRegs ()
DBGOUT(endl << "buildRegs" << endl;)
OpndKind k = (OpndKind)constrs.getKind();
OpndSize s = constrs.getSize();
RegMask mask = constrs.getMask();
for (RegMask m = 1, x = 0; mask != 0; m <<= 1, ++x)
if ((mask & m))
mask ^= m;
Register* r = new (mm) Register(mm);
r->regmask = m,
r->regname = getRegName(k, s, x);
r->constraint = Constraint(k, s, m);
r->length = 0;
Opand& op = r->preassigned;
op.opnd = 0; // because this is a fictious operand
op.length = 0;
op.weight = 0;
op.assigned = r;
op.parentOpand = 0;
RegAlloc2::Register* RegAlloc2::findReg (RegMask mask) const
for (Registers::const_iterator it = registers.begin(); it != registers.end(); ++it)
if ((*it)->regmask == mask)
return *it;
return 0;
void RegAlloc2::buildOpands ()
DBGOUT(endl << "buildOpands" << endl;)
opandcount = irManager->getOpndCount();
candidateCount = 0;
int registerPressure = 0;
for (U_32 i = 0; i != opandcount; ++i)
Opnd* opnd = irManager->getOpnd(i);
Opand* opand = 0;
if (opnd->isPlacedIn(constrs))
Register* r = findReg(getRegMask(opnd->getRegName()));
if (r != 0)
opand = &r->preassigned;
else if (opnd->isAllocationCandidate(constrs))
opand = new (mm) Opand(mm);
opand->opnd = opnd;
opand->length = 0;
opand->weight = 0;
opand->assigned = 0;
opand->parentOpand = 0;
opand->ignore = false;
if (candidateCount == 0)
BitSet lives(mm, (U_32)opandcount);
const Nodes& nodes = irManager->getFlowGraph()->getNodesPostOrder();
for (Nodes::const_iterator it = nodes.begin(), end = nodes.end(); it!=end; ++it) {
Node* node = *it;
if (node->isBlockNode())
double execCount = node->getExecCount() / irManager->getFlowGraph()->getEntryNode()->getExecCount();
assert(execCount > 0);
const Inst* inst = (const Inst*)node->getLastInst();
if (inst == 0)
U_32 instIndex=inst->getIndex();
Opand * opand;
// start with the operands at the block bottom
irManager->getLiveAtExit(node, lives);
BitSet::IterB ib(lives);
for (int x = ib.getNext(); x != -1; x = ib.getNext())
if ( (opand=opandmap[x]) != 0 ){
if (opand->startOrExtend(instIndex + 1))
// iterate over instructions towards the top of the block
for (; inst != 0; inst = inst->getPrevInst())
const Opnd* opnd;
Opand* definedInCopyOpand = 0;
Inst::Opnds opnds(inst, Inst::OpndRole_All);
for (Inst::Opnds::iterator it = opnds.begin(); it != opnds.end(); it ={
opnd = opnds.getOpnd(it);
if ( (opand=opandmap[opnd->getId()]) != 0 )
opand->weight += (execCount * (registerPressure > (int)registers.size() ? 4 : 1));
if (inst->isLiveRangeEnd(it)){
opand->stop(instIndex + 1);
if (inst->getMnemonic() == Mnemonic_MOV)
definedInCopyOpand = opand;
if (opand->startOrExtend(instIndex)){
if ( definedInCopyOpand != 0 && inst->getMnemonic() == Mnemonic_MOV && definedInCopyOpand->parentOpand == 0){
definedInCopyOpand->parentOpand = opand;
if (registerPressure<0) // if there were dead defs
// process operands at the top of the block
inst = (Inst*)node->getFirstInst();
BitSet* tmp = irManager->getLiveAtEntry(node);
for (int x = ib.getNext(); x != -1; x = ib.getNext())
if ( (opand=opandmap[x]) != 0 ){
if (registerPressure<0) // TODO: why?
else if (node->isDispatchNode())
BitSet* tmp = irManager->getLiveAtEntry(node);
BitSet::IterB ib(*tmp);
Opand* opand;
for (int x = ib.getNext(); x != -1; x = ib.getNext())
if ( (opand=opandmap[x]) != 0 )
opand->ignore = true;
DBGOUT("catched " << *opand << endl;)
// for each operand, sort all its intervals (spans)
for (Opands::iterator it = opandmap.begin(); it != opandmap.end(); ++it)
if (*it != 0)
for (Opands::iterator it = opandmap.begin(); it != opandmap.end(); ++it){
Opand * opand = *it;
if (opand != 0){
int adj;
if (opand->parentOpand != 0 &&
opand->length < opand->parentOpand->length &&
opand->length < 3 &&
!opand->conflict(opand->parentOpand, adj)
// can coalesce
if (opand->weight >= opand->parentOpand->weight){
opand->weight = opand->parentOpand->weight; // make sure it is handled after its parent operand
dbgout << endl << "opandmap" << endl;
for (Opands::iterator it = opandmap.begin(); it != opandmap.end(); ++it)
dbgout << " ";
if (*it != 0)
dbgout << **it;
dbgout << "-";
dbgout << endl;
void RegAlloc2::allocateRegs ()
DBGOUT(endl << "allocateRegs" << endl;)
Opands opands(mm);
Opand* nxt;
for (Opands::const_iterator i = opandmap.begin(); i != opandmap.end(); ++i){
if ((nxt = *i) != 0 && nxt->assigned == 0 && !nxt->ignore)
sort(opands.begin(), opands.end(), Opand::lighter);
for (Opands::reverse_iterator i = opands.rbegin(); i != opands.rend(); ++i)
nxt = *i;
DBGOUT(" nxt " << *nxt << endl;)
// try to find free regsiter for opand 'nxt'
Register* better = 0;
Register* best = 0;
int bestadj = 0, adj=0;
for (Registers::iterator k = registers.begin(); k != registers.end(); ++k)
if ((*k)->canBeAssigned(nxt, adj))
DBGOUT(" found " << **k << " adj:" << adj << endl;)
if (better == 0 || better->length < (*k)->length)
better = *k;
if (adj != 0)
if (best == 0 || adj > bestadj)
best = *k, bestadj = adj;
if (best == 0)
best = better;
if (best != 0)
DBGOUT(" assigned " << *best << endl;)
} //namespace Ia32
} //namespace Jitrino