blob: a57670fa2f5024f5db5506c2da1c6b64922b316e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "open/platform_types.h"
* One entry of correspondence table between native addresses and bytecode
* locations.
typedef struct AddrLocation {
/** Native code address. */
void* start_addr;
/** Bytecode location. */
uint16 location;
} AddrLocation;
* Elements of this struct correspond to certain requirements
* of how a managed method is executed (what it additionally does
* during execution). Most of them correspond to requirements to
* call a certain VM helpers at certain places in the code. For JIT,
* in particular, this means that it will have to generate additional
* code which will perform these calls.
* <p>
* Each of the requirement is associated with a corresponding ability of
* the EE to satisfy this requirement. So, elements of the struct should also
* be used to denote EE capabilities related to method execution.
* <p>
* If an element corresponds to a certain VM helper, concrete contract
* of calling this helper (arguments, etc.) can be found at the place of
* definition of this helper (or its ID) within present OPEN specification.
typedef struct OpenMethodExecutionParams {
/** call corresponding VM helper upon entry to the managed method */
Boolean exe_notify_method_entry : 1;
/** call corresponding VM helper upon exit from the managed method */
Boolean exe_notify_method_exit : 1;
/** call corresponding VM helper upon reading a value of a field which has <field access mask> set */
Boolean exe_notify_field_access : 1;
/** call corresponding VM helper upon setting a value of a field which has <field modification mask> set */
Boolean exe_notify_field_modification : 1;
* call corresponding VM helper upon exception throw,
* if by default the throw code does not enter any VM helper
* (for example, in case of JIT optimizations)
Boolean exe_notify_exception_throw : 1;
* call corresponding VM helper upon exception catch,
* if by default the exception propagation code does not enter any VM helper
* (for example, in case of JIT optimizations)
Boolean exe_notify_exception_catch : 1;
* call corresponding VM helper upon entering a monitor,
* if by default the monitor enter code does not enter any VM helper
* (for example, in case of JIT optimizations)
Boolean exe_notify_monitor_enter : 1;
* call corresponding VM helper upon exiting a monitor,
* if by default the monitor exit code does not enter any VM helper
* (for example, in case of JIT optimizations)
Boolean exe_notify_monitor_exit : 1;
* call corresponding VM helper upon entering a contended monitor,
* if by default the contended monitor enter code does not enter any VM helper
* (for example, in case of JIT optimizations)
Boolean exe_notify_contended_monitor_enter : 1;
* call corresponding VM helper upon exiting a contended monitor,
* if by default the contended monitor exit code does not enter any VM helper
* (for example, in case of JIT optimizations)
Boolean exe_notify_contended_monitor_exit : 1;
/** perform method in-lining during compilation (JIT-specific) */
Boolean exe_do_method_inlining : 1;
* Keep correspondence between bytecode offsets and native instruction IPs (JIT-specific).
* For a JIT this, in particular, means that it should not do any optimizations which
* may hinder this mapping. It should also store the map after method compilation so that
* later VM could use appropriate ExeJPDA interfaces to retrieve the mapping.
Boolean exe_do_code_mapping : 1;
* Keep correspondence between bytecode local variables and locations of the
* native operands (JIT-specific) in relevant locations within method code.
* For a JIT this, in particular, means that it should not do any optimizations
* which may hinder this mapping. It should also store the map after method compilation
* so that later VM could use appropriate ExeJPDA interfaces to retrieve the mapping.
Boolean exe_do_local_var_mapping : 1;
/** call corresponding VM helper upon setting a value of any field of reference type */
Boolean exe_insert_write_barriers : 1;
* Provide possibility to obtain reference to the current 'this' object by
* means of get_address_of_this method. Used for JVMTI debug support.
Boolean exe_provide_access_to_this : 1;
* Provide restoring of arguments in the stack after the call
* of the unwind_frame method so that method could be called again
* with the same arguments. Used for JVMTI debug support.
Boolean exe_restore_context_after_unwind : 1;
* Sent CompileMethodLoad event when a method is compiled and loaded into memory
Boolean exe_notify_compiled_method_load : 1;
} OpenMethodExecutionParams;
// begin Frame Contexts for JITs
#ifdef _IPF_
// Note that the code in transfer context is very depend upon the ordering of fields in this structure.
// Be very careful in changing this structure.
struct JitFrameContext {
uint64 *p_ar_pfs;
uint64 *p_eip;
uint64 sp;
uint64 *p_gr[128];
uint64 *p_fp[128];
uint64 preds;
uint64 *p_br[8];
uint64 nats_lo;
uint64 nats_hi;
Boolean is_ip_past;
uint64 ar_fpsr;
uint64 ar_unat;
uint64 ar_lc;
} JitFrameContext; //JitFrameContext
#elif defined _EM64T_
struct JitFrameContext {
uint64 rsp;
uint64 * p_rbp;
uint64 * p_rip;
// Callee-saved registers
uint64 * p_rbx;
uint64 * p_r12;
uint64 * p_r13;
uint64 * p_r14;
uint64 * p_r15;
// The scratch registers are currently only valid during GC enumeration.
uint64 * p_rax;
uint64 * p_rcx;
uint64 * p_rdx;
uint64 * p_rsi;
uint64 * p_rdi;
uint64 * p_r8;
uint64 * p_r9;
uint64 * p_r10;
uint64 * p_r11;
// To restore processor flags during transfer
U_32 eflags;
Boolean is_ip_past;
} JitFrameContext;
#else // "_IA32_"
struct JitFrameContext {
U_32 esp;
U_32 *p_ebp;
U_32 *p_eip;
// Callee-saved registers
U_32 *p_edi;
U_32 *p_esi;
U_32 *p_ebx;
// The scratch registers are currently only valid during GC enumeration.
U_32 *p_eax;
U_32 *p_ecx;
U_32 *p_edx;
// To restore processor flags during transfer
U_32 eflags;
Boolean is_ip_past;
} JitFrameContext;
#endif // "_IA32_"
// end Frame Contexts for JITs
typedef void * InlineInfoPtr;
typedef void * Compile_Handle; //deprecated??
* The handle to the JIT instance.
typedef void *JIT_Handle;
enum Method_Side_Effects {
} Method_Side_Effects;
* @sa method_allocate_code_block
typedef enum Code_Allocation_ActionEnum {
// Code block heat - used when a method is split into hot and cold parts
typedef enum {
} CodeBlockHeat;
#endif // !_RUNTIME_TYPES_H_