blob: 74fef2ccbd55953b5b654ec4344ba1c68ed92321 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Xiao-Feng Li, 2006/10/05
#ifndef _GC_GEN_H_
#define _GC_GEN_H_
#include "../common/gc_common.h"
#include "../thread/gc_thread.h"
#include "../common/gc_for_barrier.h"
#include "../finalizer_weakref/finalizer_weakref_metadata.h"
struct GC_Gen_Stats;
void gc_set_gen_mode(Boolean status);
/* some globals */
/* heap size limit is not interesting. only for manual tuning purpose */
extern POINTER_SIZE_INT min_heap_size_bytes;
extern POINTER_SIZE_INT max_heap_size_bytes;
/* fspace size is variable, adjusted adaptively within the range */
extern POINTER_SIZE_INT min_nos_size_bytes;
extern POINTER_SIZE_INT max_nos_size_bytes;
#include "../trace_forward/fspace.h"
#include "../semi_space/sspace.h"
#include "../mark_compact/mspace.h"
#include "../los/lspace.h"
#include "../mark_sweep/wspace.h"
struct Gen_Mode_Adaptor;
typedef struct GC_Gen {
/* <-- First couple of fields overloaded as GC */
void* physical_start;
void* heap_start;
void* heap_end;
POINTER_SIZE_INT reserved_heap_size;
POINTER_SIZE_INT committed_heap_size;
unsigned int num_collections;
Boolean in_collection;
int64 time_collections;
float survive_ratio;
/* mutation related info */
Mutator *mutator_list;
SpinLock mutator_list_lock;
unsigned int num_mutators;
/* collection related info */
Collector** collectors;
unsigned int num_collectors;
unsigned int num_active_collectors; /* not all collectors are working */
/*concurrent markers and collectors*/
Conclctor** conclctors;
unsigned int num_conclctors;
//unsigned int num_active_conclctors;
unsigned int num_active_markers;
unsigned int num_active_sweepers;
/* metadata is the pool for rootset, markstack, etc. */
GC_Metadata* metadata;
Finref_Metadata *finref_metadata;
unsigned int collect_kind; /* MAJOR or MINOR */
unsigned int last_collect_kind;
Boolean collect_result; /* succeed or fail */
Boolean generate_barrier;
/* FIXME:: this is wrong! root_set belongs to mutator */
Vector_Block* root_set;
Vector_Block* weakroot_set;
Vector_Block* uncompressed_root_set;
Space_Tuner* tuner;
volatile unsigned int gc_concurrent_status;
Collection_Scheduler* collection_scheduler;
SpinLock lock_con_mark;
SpinLock lock_enum;
SpinLock lock_con_sweep;
SpinLock lock_collect_sched;
/* system info */
unsigned int _system_alloc_unit;
unsigned int _machine_page_size_bytes;
unsigned int _num_processors;
/* END of GC --> */
Block* blocks;
Space *nos;
Space *mos;
Space *los;
Boolean next_collect_force_major;
Gen_Mode_Adaptor* gen_mode_adaptor;
Boolean force_gen_mode;
GC_Gen_Stats* stats; /*used to record stats when collection*/
} GC_Gen;
void gc_gen_initialize(GC_Gen *gc, POINTER_SIZE_INT initial_heap_size, POINTER_SIZE_INT final_heap_size);
void gc_gen_destruct(GC_Gen *gc);
void gc_gen_collection_verbose_info(GC_Gen *gc, int64 pause_time, int64 time_mutator);
void gc_gen_space_verbose_info(GC_Gen *gc);
void gc_gen_init_verbose(GC_Gen *gc);
void gc_gen_wrapup_verbose(GC_Gen* gc);
void gc_nos_initialize(GC_Gen *gc, void *start, POINTER_SIZE_INT nos_size, POINTER_SIZE_INT commit_size);
void gc_nos_destruct(GC_Gen *gc);
void gc_mos_initialize(GC_Gen *gc, void *start, POINTER_SIZE_INT mos_size, POINTER_SIZE_INT commit_size);
void gc_mos_destruct(GC_Gen *gc);
void gc_los_initialize(GC_Gen *gc, void *start, POINTER_SIZE_INT los_size);
void gc_los_destruct(GC_Gen *gc);
inline Space* space_of_addr(GC* gc, void* addr)
assert(address_belongs_to_gc_heap(addr, gc));
if( addr > nos_boundary) return (Space*)((GC_Gen*)gc)->nos;
if( addr > los_boundary) return (Space*)((GC_Gen*)gc)->mos;
return (Space*)((GC_Gen*)gc)->los;
extern Space_Alloc_Func mos_alloc;
extern Space_Alloc_Func nos_alloc;
extern Space_Alloc_Func los_alloc;
void* los_try_alloc(POINTER_SIZE_INT size, GC* gc);
Space* gc_get_nos(GC_Gen* gc);
Space* gc_get_mos(GC_Gen* gc);
Space* gc_get_los(GC_Gen* gc);
void gc_set_nos(GC_Gen* gc, Space* nos);
void gc_set_mos(GC_Gen* gc, Space* mos);
void gc_set_los(GC_Gen* gc, Space* los);
GC* gc_gen_decide_collection_algo(char* minor_algo, char* major_algo, Boolean has_los);
void gc_gen_decide_collection_kind(GC_Gen* gc, unsigned int cause);
void gc_gen_adapt(GC_Gen* gc, int64 pause_time);
void gc_gen_reclaim_heap(GC_Gen* gc, int64 gc_start_time);
void gc_gen_assign_free_area_to_mutators(GC_Gen* gc);
void gc_gen_init_collector_alloc(GC_Gen* gc, Collector* collector);
void gc_gen_reset_collector_alloc(GC_Gen* gc, Collector* collector);
void gc_gen_destruct_collector_alloc(GC_Gen* gc, Collector* collector);
void gc_gen_adjust_heap_size(GC_Gen* gc, int64 pause_time);
void gc_gen_update_space_before_gc(GC_Gen* gc);
void gc_gen_update_space_after_gc(GC_Gen* gc);
void gc_gen_mode_adapt_init(GC_Gen *gc);
void gc_gen_iterate_heap(GC_Gen *gc);
void gc_gen_start_concurrent_mark(GC_Gen* gc);
extern Boolean GEN_NONGEN_SWITCH ;
POINTER_SIZE_INT mos_free_space_size(Space* mos);
POINTER_SIZE_INT nos_free_space_size(Space* nos);
POINTER_SIZE_INT mos_used_space_size(Space* mos);
POINTER_SIZE_INT nos_used_space_size(Space* nos);
inline POINTER_SIZE_INT gc_gen_free_memory_size(GC_Gen* gc)
{ return nos_free_space_size((Space*)gc->nos) +
blocked_space_free_mem_size((Blocked_Space*)gc->mos) +
lspace_free_memory_size((Lspace*)gc->los); }
inline POINTER_SIZE_INT gc_gen_total_memory_size(GC_Gen* gc)
{ return space_committed_size((Space*)gc->nos) +
space_committed_size((Space*)gc->mos) +
lspace_committed_size((Lspace*)gc->los); }
void* nos_space_adjust(Space* space, void* new_nos_boundary, POINTER_SIZE_INT new_nos_size);
#endif /* ifndef _GC_GEN_H_ */