blob: 841fc99600555f3887fc457f46797d15cb6cb24d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Xiao-Feng Li, 2006/10/05
#ifndef _GC_SPACE_H_
#define _GC_SPACE_H_
#include "gc_block.h"
extern unsigned int SPACE_ALLOC_UNIT;
typedef struct Space_Statistics{
POINTER_SIZE_INT num_live_obj;
POINTER_SIZE_INT size_live_obj;
POINTER_SIZE_INT size_free_space;
POINTER_SIZE_INT last_size_free_space;
POINTER_SIZE_INT size_new_obj;
float space_utilization_ratio;
struct GC;
/* all Spaces inherit this Space structure */
typedef struct Space{
void* heap_start;
void* heap_end;
POINTER_SIZE_INT reserved_heap_size;
POINTER_SIZE_INT committed_heap_size;
unsigned int num_collections;
int64 time_collections;
float survive_ratio;
unsigned int collect_algorithm;
GC* gc;
Boolean move_object;
Space_Statistics* space_statistic;
/* Size allocted since last minor collection. */
volatile uint64 last_alloced_size;
/* Size allocted since last major collection. */
uint64 accumu_alloced_size;
/* Total size allocated since VM starts. */
uint64 total_alloced_size;
/* Size survived from last collection. */
uint64 last_surviving_size;
/* Size survived after a certain period. */
uint64 period_surviving_size;
struct Allocator;
typedef void *(*Space_Alloc_Func)(unsigned, Allocator *);
inline POINTER_SIZE_INT space_committed_size(Space* space){ return space ? space->committed_heap_size : 0; }
inline void* space_heap_start(Space* space){ return space->heap_start; }
inline void* space_heap_end(Space* space){ return space->heap_end; }
inline Boolean address_belongs_to_space(void* addr, Space* space)
return (addr >= space_heap_start(space) && addr < space_heap_end(space));
inline Boolean obj_belongs_to_space(Partial_Reveal_Object *p_obj, Space* space)
return address_belongs_to_space((Partial_Reveal_Object*)p_obj, space);
typedef struct Blocked_Space {
/* <-- first couple of fields are overloadded as Space */
void* heap_start;
void* heap_end;
POINTER_SIZE_INT reserved_heap_size;
POINTER_SIZE_INT committed_heap_size;
unsigned int num_collections;
int64 time_collections;
float survive_ratio;
unsigned int collect_algorithm;
GC* gc;
Boolean move_object;
Space_Statistics* space_statistic;
/* Size allocted since last minor collection. */
volatile uint64 last_alloced_size;
/* Size allocted since last major collection. */
uint64 accumu_alloced_size;
/* Total size allocated since VM starts. */
uint64 total_alloced_size;
/* Size survived from last collection. */
uint64 last_surviving_size;
/* Size survived after a certain period. */
uint64 period_surviving_size;
/* END of Space --> */
Block* blocks; /* short-cut for mpsace blockheader access, not mandatory */
/* FIXME:: the block indices should be replaced with block header addresses */
unsigned int first_block_idx;
unsigned int ceiling_block_idx;
volatile unsigned int free_block_idx;
unsigned int num_used_blocks;
unsigned int num_managed_blocks;
unsigned int num_total_blocks;
volatile Block_Header* block_iterator;
/* END of Blocked_Space --> */
inline Boolean blocked_space_has_free_block(Blocked_Space *space){ return space->free_block_idx <= space->ceiling_block_idx; }
inline unsigned int blocked_space_free_mem_size(Blocked_Space *space){ return (space->ceiling_block_idx - space->free_block_idx + 1) << GC_BLOCK_SHIFT_COUNT; }
inline Boolean blocked_space_used_mem_size(Blocked_Space *space){ return (space->free_block_idx - space->first_block_idx) << GC_BLOCK_SHIFT_COUNT; }
void space_init_blocks(Blocked_Space* space);
void space_desturct_blocks(Blocked_Space* space);
void blocked_space_shrink(Blocked_Space* space, unsigned int changed_size);
void blocked_space_extend(Blocked_Space* space, unsigned int changed_size);
void blocked_space_block_iterator_init(Blocked_Space *space);
void blocked_space_block_iterator_init_free(Blocked_Space *space);
Block_Header *blocked_space_block_iterator_get(Blocked_Space *space);
Block_Header *blocked_space_block_iterator_next(Blocked_Space *space);
void blocked_space_adjust(Blocked_Space* space, void* new_space_start, POINTER_SIZE_INT new_space_size);
#endif //#ifndef _GC_SPACE_H_