blob: b86616586c21fe41c0a095ffe1703f5d3bd63c14 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Evgueni Brevnov
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#define LOG_DOMAIN "vm.helpers"
#include "cxxlog.h"
#include "open/types.h"
#include "tl/memory_pool.h"
#include "encoder.h"
#include "lil.h"
#include "lil_code_generator.h"
#include "lil_code_generator_arch.h"
#include "lil_code_generator_utils.h"
#include "m2n.h"
#include "m2n_internal.h"
#ifndef NDEBUG
#include "dump.h"
LcgEM64TContext::LcgEM64TContext(LilCodeStub * stub, tl::MemoryPool & m):
cs(stub), mem(m), iter(cs, true) {
n_inputs = 0;
n_gr_inputs = 0;
n_fr_inputs = 0;
n_outputs = 0;
n_gr_outputs = 0;
n_fr_outputs = 0;
m_tmp_grs_used = 0;
m_tmp_xmms_used = 0;
stk_input_gr_save_size = 0;
stk_input_fr_save_size = 0;
stk_output_size = 0;
stk_alloc_size = 0;
m2n_handles = false;
does_normal_calls = false;
does_tail_calls = false;
calls_unmanaged_code = false;
has_m2n = false;
save_inputs = false;
while (!iter.at_end()) {
lil_visit_instruction(iter.get_current(), this);
if (lil_sig_is_arbitrary(lil_cs_get_sig(stub))) {
n_gr_inputs = MAX_GR_OUTPUTS;
n_fr_inputs = MAX_FR_OUTPUTS;
n_inputs = n_gr_inputs + n_fr_outputs;
if (does_normal_calls) {
save_inputs = true;
} else {
n_inputs = lil_sig_get_num_args(lil_cs_get_sig(stub));
// TODO: check if it makes sense to move to separate function
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_inputs; i++) {
if (is_fp_type(lil_sig_get_arg_type(lil_cs_get_sig(stub), i))) {
} else {
n_gr_inputs = n_gr_inputs > MAX_GR_OUTPUTS ? MAX_GR_OUTPUTS : n_gr_inputs;
n_fr_inputs = n_fr_inputs > MAX_FR_OUTPUTS ? MAX_FR_OUTPUTS : n_fr_inputs;
if (has_m2n) {
stk_m2n_size = (unsigned)(m2n_get_size() - 2*sizeof(void*));
} else {
// preserve space for callee-saves registers
stk_m2n_size = lil_cs_get_max_locals(stub) * GR_SIZE;
// stack size needed for saving GR & FR inputs
if (must_save_inputs()) {
// TODO: check if we need alignment here
stk_input_gr_save_size = n_gr_inputs * GR_SIZE;
stk_input_fr_save_size = n_fr_inputs * FR_SIZE;
// determine the size of the stack frame
stk_size =
stk_m2n_size + // memory for m2n frame
stk_input_gr_save_size + // GR input spill space
stk_input_fr_save_size + // FR input spill space
stk_alloc_size + // memory for dynamic allocation
stk_output_size; // outputs on the stack
// allign stack
if (stk_size % 16 == 0) {
stk_size += 8;
stk_alloc_size +=8;
* Implementation notes:
* 1) Current implementation doesn't correctly processes back branches when
* input arguments are accessed
class LcgEM64TCodeGen: public LilInstructionVisitor {
* Maximum possible size of code generated for a single LIL instruction.
* Speculatevely calculated as a sequence of code that used all available
* registers (e.g. potential prolog or epilog) * 2. The real maximum sizes
* are far this speculation (about 120 bytes), so I hardly believe we will
* ever reach this theoretical limit even with deep changes in the LIL codegen.
* As the buffer size is predicted basing on this high estimation, we're safe
* in the terms of buffer overruns in current codeged.
static const unsigned MAX_LIL_INSTRUCTION_CODE_LENGTH = 512*2;
static const unsigned MAX_DEC_SIZE = 20; // maximum number of bytes required for string representation of int64
char * buf_beg; // pointer to the beginning position of the generated code
char * buf; // pointer to the current position of the generated code
LilCguLabelAddresses labels; // a set of defined labels and theirs addresses
LilCodeStub * cs;
LcgEM64TContext & context;
tl::MemoryPool & mem;
LilInstructionIterator iter;
LilInstructionContext * ic; // visit functions can always assume that inst points to the
LilInstruction * inst; // current instruction and ic points to the current context
const LcgEM64TLoc * rsp_loc; // location denoting rsp register
bool take_inputs_from_stack; // true if inputs were preserved on the stack
// and should be taken from that location
unsigned current_alloc; // keeps track of memory allocation
/* Inner Classes */
class Tmp_GR_Opnd: public R_Opnd {
/// Ref to compilation context
LcgEM64TContext& m_context;
/// Returns *reference* to the counter of currently allocated GR registers
unsigned & get_num_used_reg(void) {
return m_context.get_tmp_grs_used();
Tmp_GR_Opnd(LcgEM64TContext & context, LilInstructionContext * ic): R_Opnd(n_reg), m_context(context) {
// next temporary register is allocated from unused scratched
// registers in the following order:
// ret, std0, std1, out0, out1, out2, out3, out4, out5
unsigned cur_tmp_reg = 0;
if (lil_ic_get_ret_type(ic) == LT_Void) {
if (cur_tmp_reg == get_num_used_reg()) {
_reg_no = context.get_reg_from_map(LcgEM64TContext::GR_RETURNS_OFFSET).reg_no(); // should be rax
} else {
for (unsigned i = lil_ic_get_num_std_places(ic); i < LcgEM64TContext::MAX_STD_PLACES; i++) {
if (cur_tmp_reg == get_num_used_reg()) {
_reg_no = context.get_reg_from_map(LcgEM64TContext::STD_PLACES_OFFSET + i).reg_no();
} else {
for (unsigned i = context.get_num_gr_inputs(); i < LcgEM64TContext::MAX_GR_OUTPUTS; i++) {
if (cur_tmp_reg == get_num_used_reg()) {
_reg_no = context.get_reg_from_map(LcgEM64TContext::GR_OUTPUTS_OFFSET + i).reg_no();
} else {
DIE(("LIL INTERNAL ERROR: Not enough temporary registers"));
virtual ~Tmp_GR_Opnd() {
class Tmp_FR_Opnd: public XMM_Opnd {
/// Ref to compilation context
LcgEM64TContext& m_context;
/// Returns *reference* to the counter of currently allocated XMM registers
unsigned & get_num_used_reg(void) {
return m_context.get_tmp_xmms_used();
Tmp_FR_Opnd(LcgEM64TContext& context, LilInstructionContext * ic): XMM_Opnd(0), m_context(context) {
// next temporary register is allocated from unused scratched
// registers in the following order:
// xmm8, xmm9, ... xmm15
ASSERT(get_num_used_reg() < LcgEM64TContext::MAX_FR_TEMPORARY + LcgEM64TContext:: MAX_FR_LOCALS,
("LIL INTERNAL ERROR: Not enough temporary registers"));
m_idx = LcgEM64TContext::get_xmm_reg_from_map(
LcgEM64TContext::FR_TEMPORARY_OFFSET + get_num_used_reg()).get_idx();
virtual ~Tmp_FR_Opnd() {
/* Helper functions */
* Estimates maximum possible code size for the current stub.
unsigned estimate_code_size(void) {
unsigned num_insts = lil_cs_get_num_instructions(cs);
* returns the location of the n'th int local
const LcgEM64TLoc * get_gp_local(const unsigned n) const {
assert(n < LcgEM64TContext::MAX_GR_LOCALS);
return new(mem) LcgEM64TLoc(LLK_Gr, LcgEM64TContext::GR_LOCALS_OFFSET + n);
// returns the location of the n'th fp local
const LcgEM64TLoc * get_fp_local(const unsigned n) const {
LDIE(44, "Not supported");
return NULL;
assert(n < context.get_num_fr_locals());
if (does_normal_calls) {
return new(mem) LcgEM64TLoc(LLK_FStk, context.get_local_fr_offset() + n * FR_SIZE);
else {
return new(mem) LcgEM64TLoc(LLK_Fr, LcgEM64TContext::FR_LOCALS_OFFSET + n);
// returns the location of the n'th standard place
const LcgEM64TLoc * get_std_place(const unsigned n) const {
assert(n < LcgEM64TContext::MAX_STD_PLACES);
return new(mem) LcgEM64TLoc(LLK_Gr, LcgEM64TContext::STD_PLACES_OFFSET + n);
* returns number of bytes required for the given type on the stack
unsigned get_num_bytes_on_stack(LilType t) const {
switch (t) {
case LT_Void:
return 0;
case LT_G1:
case LT_G2:
case LT_G4:
case LT_F4:
return 4;
case LT_Ref:
case LT_PInt:
case LT_G8:
case LT_F8:
return 8;
DIE(("Unknown LIL type"));
return 0;
// returns location of the n'th input
// location of the n'th input can vary depending on the current instruction context
// in case there was a call then return input saved on the memory stack
const LcgEM64TLoc * get_input(const unsigned n) const {
assert(n < context.get_num_inputs());
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (take_inputs_from_stack) {
LilType t;
unsigned gp_param_cnt = 0;
#ifdef _WIN64
#define fp_param_cnt gp_param_cnt
unsigned fp_param_cnt = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
t = lil_sig_get_arg_type(lil_cs_get_sig(cs), i);
if (context.is_fp_type(t)) {
} else {
// type of n'th input
t = lil_sig_get_arg_type(lil_cs_get_sig(cs), n);
if (context.is_fp_type(t)) {
if (fp_param_cnt < LcgEM64TContext::MAX_FR_OUTPUTS) {
if (take_inputs_from_stack) {
// compute rsp-relative offset of the bottom of FR save area
I_32 offset = context.get_input_fr_save_offset() +
fp_param_cnt * LcgEM64TContext::FR_SIZE;
return new(mem) LcgEM64TLoc(LLK_FStk, offset);
} else {
return new(mem) LcgEM64TLoc(LLK_Fr,
LcgEM64TContext::FR_OUTPUTS_OFFSET + fp_param_cnt);
} else {
unsigned gp_on_stack = gp_param_cnt > LcgEM64TContext::MAX_GR_OUTPUTS
? (gp_param_cnt - LcgEM64TContext::MAX_GR_OUTPUTS)
* LcgEM64TContext::GR_SIZE : 0;
unsigned fp_on_stack = fp_param_cnt > LcgEM64TContext::MAX_FR_OUTPUTS
? (fp_param_cnt - LcgEM64TContext::MAX_FR_OUTPUTS)
* LcgEM64TContext::FR_SIZE : 0;
// compute rsp-relative offset of the top of the activation frame
I_32 offset = context.get_stk_size();
// skip rip
offset += LcgEM64TContext::GR_SIZE;
// skip size allocated for preceding inputs
offset += gp_on_stack;
#ifndef _WIN64
offset += fp_on_stack;
return new(mem) LcgEM64TLoc(LLK_FStk, offset);
} else { // if (context.is_fp_type(t))
if (gp_param_cnt < LcgEM64TContext::MAX_GR_OUTPUTS) {
if (take_inputs_from_stack) {
// compute rsp-relative offset of the bottom of GR save area
I_32 offset = context.get_input_gr_save_offset() +
gp_param_cnt * LcgEM64TContext::GR_SIZE;
return new(mem) LcgEM64TLoc(LLK_GStk, offset);
} else {
return new(mem) LcgEM64TLoc(LLK_Gr,
LcgEM64TContext::GR_OUTPUTS_OFFSET + gp_param_cnt);
} else {
unsigned gp_on_stack = gp_param_cnt > LcgEM64TContext::MAX_GR_OUTPUTS
? (gp_param_cnt - LcgEM64TContext::MAX_GR_OUTPUTS)
* LcgEM64TContext::GR_SIZE : 0;
unsigned fp_on_stack = fp_param_cnt > LcgEM64TContext::MAX_FR_OUTPUTS
? (fp_param_cnt - LcgEM64TContext::MAX_FR_OUTPUTS)
* LcgEM64TContext::FR_SIZE : 0;
// compute rsp-relative offset of the top of the activation frame
I_32 offset = context.get_stk_size();
// skip rip
offset += LcgEM64TContext::GR_SIZE;
// skip size allocated for preceding inputs
offset += gp_on_stack;
#ifndef _WIN64
offset += fp_on_stack;
return new(mem) LcgEM64TLoc(LLK_GStk, offset);
// returns the location of the n'th output
const LcgEM64TLoc * get_output(const unsigned n, LilSig * out_sig) const {
assert(n <= context.get_num_outputs());
LilType t;
unsigned gp_param_cnt = 0;
#ifdef _WIN64
#define fp_param_cnt gp_param_cnt
unsigned fp_param_cnt = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
t = lil_sig_get_arg_type(out_sig, i);
if (context.is_fp_type(t)) {
} else {
// type of n'th output
t = lil_sig_get_arg_type(out_sig, n);
if (context.is_fp_type(t)) {
if (fp_param_cnt < LcgEM64TContext::MAX_FR_OUTPUTS) {
return new(mem) LcgEM64TLoc(LLK_Fr,
LcgEM64TContext::FR_OUTPUTS_OFFSET + fp_param_cnt);
} else {
unsigned gp_on_stack = gp_param_cnt > LcgEM64TContext::MAX_GR_OUTPUTS
? (gp_param_cnt - LcgEM64TContext::MAX_GR_OUTPUTS)
* LcgEM64TContext::GR_SIZE : 0;
unsigned fp_on_stack = fp_param_cnt > LcgEM64TContext::MAX_FR_OUTPUTS
? (fp_param_cnt - LcgEM64TContext::MAX_FR_OUTPUTS)
* LcgEM64TContext::FR_SIZE : 0;
I_32 offset = gp_on_stack;
#ifndef _WIN64
offset += fp_on_stack;
return new(mem) LcgEM64TLoc(LLK_FStk, offset);
} else {
if (gp_param_cnt < LcgEM64TContext::MAX_GR_OUTPUTS) {
return new(mem) LcgEM64TLoc(LLK_Gr,
LcgEM64TContext::GR_OUTPUTS_OFFSET + gp_param_cnt);
} else {
unsigned gp_on_stack = gp_param_cnt > LcgEM64TContext::MAX_GR_OUTPUTS
? (gp_param_cnt - LcgEM64TContext::MAX_GR_OUTPUTS)
* LcgEM64TContext::GR_SIZE : 0;
unsigned fp_on_stack = fp_param_cnt > LcgEM64TContext::MAX_FR_OUTPUTS
? (fp_param_cnt - LcgEM64TContext::MAX_FR_OUTPUTS)
* LcgEM64TContext::FR_SIZE : 0;
I_32 offset = gp_on_stack;
#ifndef _WIN64
offset += fp_on_stack;
return new(mem) LcgEM64TLoc(LLK_GStk, offset);
* returns the location of a LIL operand
* (input, output, local, std place, or return value)
* current instruction and instruction context is used
* is_lvalue: true if the variable is used as an l-value
const LcgEM64TLoc * get_op_loc(LilOperand * operand, bool is_lvalue) const {
return get_var_loc(lil_operand_get_variable(operand), is_lvalue);
* returns the location of a LIL variable
* (input, output, local, std place, or return value)
* current instruction and instruction context is used
* is_lvalue: true if the variable is used as an l-value
const LcgEM64TLoc * get_var_loc(LilVariable * var, bool is_lvalue) const {
unsigned index = lil_variable_get_index(var);
switch (lil_variable_get_kind(var)) {
case LVK_In:
return get_input(index);
case LVK_StdPlace:
return get_std_place(index);
case LVK_Out: {
LilSig * out_sig = lil_ic_get_out_sig(ic);
assert(out_sig != NULL);
return get_output(index, out_sig);
case LVK_Local: {
//LilType t = is_lvalue
// ? lil_instruction_get_dest_type(cs, inst, ic)
// : lil_ic_get_local_type(ic, index);
//return context.is_fp_type(t) ? get_fp_local(index) : get_gp_local(index);
// no support for fp locals
return get_gp_local(index);
case LVK_Ret: {
//LilType t = is_lvalue
// ? lil_instruction_get_dest_type(cs, inst, ic)
// : lil_ic_get_ret_type(ic);
LilType t = lil_ic_get_ret_type(ic);
return context.is_fp_type(t)
? new(mem) LcgEM64TLoc(LLK_Fr, LcgEM64TContext::FR_RETURNS_OFFSET)
: new(mem) LcgEM64TLoc(LLK_Gr, LcgEM64TContext::GR_RETURNS_OFFSET);
DIE(("Unknown variable kind"));
return NULL; // should never be reached
inline int64 get_imm_value(LilOperand * op) const {
return lil_operand_get_immed(op);
inline const Imm_Opnd & get_imm_opnd(LilOperand * op, Opnd_Size sz = n_size) const {
return get_imm_opnd(get_imm_value(op), sz);
inline const Imm_Opnd & get_imm_opnd(int64 value, Opnd_Size sz = n_size) const {
void * const mem_ptr = mem.alloc(sizeof(Imm_Opnd));
if (sz == n_size) {
return *(new(mem_ptr) Imm_Opnd(fit32(value) ? size_32 : size_64, value));
return *(new(mem_ptr) Imm_Opnd(sz, value));
inline const R_Opnd & get_r_opnd(const LcgEM64TLoc * loc) const {
assert(loc->kind == LLK_Gr);
return context.get_reg_from_map((unsigned)loc->addr);
inline const XMM_Opnd & get_xmm_r_opnd(const LcgEM64TLoc * loc) const {
assert(loc->kind == LLK_Fr);
return context.get_xmm_reg_from_map((unsigned)loc->addr);
inline const M_Opnd & get_m_opnd(const LcgEM64TLoc * loc) const {
assert(loc->kind == LLK_GStk || loc->kind == LLK_FStk);
void * const mem_ptr = mem.alloc(sizeof(M_Base_Opnd));
return *(new(mem_ptr) M_Base_Opnd(rsp_reg, (I_32)loc->addr));
inline const RM_Opnd & get_rm_opnd(const LcgEM64TLoc * loc) const {
assert(loc->kind == LLK_Gr || loc->kind == LLK_GStk);
if (loc->kind == LLK_Gr) {
return get_r_opnd(loc);
//return M_Base_Opnd(rsp_reg, loc->addr);
return get_m_opnd(loc);
inline void adjust_stack_pointer(I_32 offset) {
if (offset != 0) {
buf = alu(buf, add_opc, rsp_opnd, get_imm_opnd(offset), size_64);
// move integer immediate to GR or memory stack
void move_imm(const LcgEM64TLoc * dest, int64 imm_val) {
assert(dest->kind == LLK_Gr || dest->kind == LLK_GStk);
buf = mov(buf, get_rm_opnd(dest), get_imm_opnd(imm_val), size_64);
// move between two register or stack locations
void move_rm(const LcgEM64TLoc* dest, const LcgEM64TLoc* src) {
if (*dest == *src) {
return; // nothing to be done
if (dest->kind == LLK_Gr || dest->kind == LLK_GStk) {
if (src->kind == LLK_Gr || src->kind == LLK_GStk) {
if (dest->kind == LLK_Gr) {
buf = mov(buf, get_r_opnd(dest), get_rm_opnd(src), size_64);
// dest->kind != LLK_Gr
if (src->kind == LLK_Gr) {
buf = mov(buf, get_m_opnd(dest), get_r_opnd(src), size_64);
// src->kind != LLK_Gr
// use temporary register
Tmp_GR_Opnd tmp_reg(context, ic);
buf = mov(buf, tmp_reg, get_m_opnd(src), size_64);
buf = mov(buf, get_m_opnd(dest), tmp_reg, size_64);
} else { // src->kind == LLK_Fr || src->kind == LLK_FStk
// src->kind == LLK_Fr supported only
assert(src->kind == LLK_Fr);
buf = movq(buf, get_rm_opnd(dest), get_xmm_r_opnd(src));
} else { // dest->kind == LLK_Fr || dest->kind == LLK_FStk
if (src->kind == LLK_Fr || src->kind == LLK_FStk) {
if (dest->kind == LLK_Fr) {
if (src->kind == LLK_Fr) {
buf = sse_mov(buf, get_xmm_r_opnd(dest), get_xmm_r_opnd(src), true);
} else {
buf = sse_mov(buf, get_xmm_r_opnd(dest), get_m_opnd(src), true);
// dest->kind != LLK_Gr
if (src->kind == LLK_Fr) {
buf = sse_mov(buf, get_m_opnd(dest), get_xmm_r_opnd(src), true);
// src->kind != LLK_Gr
// use temporary register
Tmp_FR_Opnd tmp_reg(context, ic);
buf = sse_mov(buf, tmp_reg, get_m_opnd(src), true);
buf = sse_mov(buf, get_m_opnd(dest), tmp_reg, true);
} else { // src->kind == LLK_Gr || src->kind == LLK_GStk
// dest->kind == LLK_Fr supported only
assert(dest->kind == LLK_Fr);
buf = movq(buf, get_xmm_r_opnd(dest), get_rm_opnd(src));
void shift_op_imm_rm(const LcgEM64TLoc * dest, I_32 imm_val, const LcgEM64TLoc * src) {
assert(dest->kind == LLK_Gr || dest->kind == LLK_GStk);
assert(src->kind == LLK_Gr || src->kind == LLK_GStk);
// this code sequence can be optimized if dest is located in memory
move_imm(dest, imm_val);
bin_op_rm_rm(LO_Shl, dest, dest, src);
void shift_op_rm_imm(const LcgEM64TLoc * dest, const LcgEM64TLoc * src, I_32 imm_val) {
const Imm_Opnd & imm = get_imm_opnd(imm_val);
if (src->kind == LLK_Gr) {
if (dest->kind == LLK_Gr) {
buf = mov(buf, get_r_opnd(dest), get_r_opnd(src), size_64);
} else {
buf = mov(buf, get_m_opnd(dest), get_r_opnd(src), size_64);
buf = shift(buf, shl_opc, get_rm_opnd(dest), imm);
// src->kind != LLK_Gr
if (dest->kind == LLK_Gr) {
buf = mov(buf, get_r_opnd(dest), get_m_opnd(src), size_64);
buf = shift(buf, shl_opc, get_r_opnd(dest), imm, size_64);
// dest->kind != LLK_Gr
Tmp_GR_Opnd tmp_reg(context, ic);
buf = mov(buf, tmp_reg, get_m_opnd(src), size_64);
buf = shift(buf, shl_opc, tmp_reg, imm);
buf = mov(buf, get_m_opnd(dest), tmp_reg);
// subtract op where the first op is immediate
// (allowed only for intefer values)
void sub_op_imm_rm(const LcgEM64TLoc * dest, I_32 imm_val, const LcgEM64TLoc * src) {
assert(dest->kind == LLK_Gr || dest->kind == LLK_GStk);
assert(src->kind == LLK_Gr || src->kind == LLK_GStk);
// TODO: this code sequence can be optimized if dest is located in memory
alu_op_rm_imm(add_opc, dest, src, -imm_val);
void alu_op_rm_imm(const ALU_Opcode alu_opc, const LcgEM64TLoc * dest,
const LcgEM64TLoc * src, I_32 imm_val) {
assert(alu_opc < n_alu);
assert(dest->kind == LLK_Gr || dest->kind == LLK_GStk);
assert(src->kind == LLK_Gr || src->kind == LLK_GStk);
const Imm_Opnd & imm = get_imm_opnd(imm_val);
if (*dest == *src) {
buf = alu(buf, alu_opc, get_rm_opnd(dest), imm, size_64);
// dest != src
if (dest->kind == LLK_Gr) {
buf = mov(buf, get_r_opnd(dest), get_rm_opnd(src), size_64);
buf = alu(buf, alu_opc, get_r_opnd(dest), imm, size_64);
// dest->kind != LLK_Gr
if (src->kind == LLK_Gr) {
buf = mov(buf, get_m_opnd(dest), get_r_opnd(src), size_64);
buf = alu(buf, alu_opc, get_m_opnd(dest), imm, size_64);
// src->kind == LLK_Gr
Tmp_GR_Opnd tmp_reg(context, ic);
buf = mov(buf, tmp_reg, get_m_opnd(src), size_64);
buf = alu(buf, alu_opc, tmp_reg, imm, size_64);
buf = mov(buf, get_m_opnd(dest), tmp_reg, size_64);
void alu_op_rm_rm(const ALU_Opcode alu_opc, const LcgEM64TLoc * dest,
const LcgEM64TLoc * src1, const LcgEM64TLoc * src2) {
assert(dest->kind == LLK_Gr || dest->kind == LLK_GStk);
assert(src1->kind == LLK_Gr || src1->kind == LLK_GStk);
assert(src2->kind == LLK_Gr || src2->kind == LLK_GStk);
if (*dest == *src1) {
if (dest->kind == LLK_Gr) {
buf = alu(buf, alu_opc, get_r_opnd(dest), get_rm_opnd(src2));
// dest->kind != LLK_Gr
if (src2->kind == LLK_Gr) {
buf = alu(buf, alu_opc, get_m_opnd(dest), get_r_opnd(src2));
// src2->kind != LLK_Gr
Tmp_GR_Opnd tmp_reg(context, ic);
buf = mov(buf, tmp_reg, get_m_opnd(src2), size_64);
buf = alu(buf, alu_opc, get_m_opnd(dest), tmp_reg);
// dest != src1
if (dest->kind == LLK_Gr) {
buf = mov(buf, get_r_opnd(dest), get_rm_opnd(src1), size_64);
buf = alu(buf, alu_opc, get_r_opnd(dest), get_rm_opnd(src2));
// dest->kind != LLK_Gr
Tmp_GR_Opnd tmp_reg(context, ic);
buf = mov(buf, tmp_reg, get_rm_opnd(src1), size_64);
buf = alu(buf, alu_opc, tmp_reg, get_rm_opnd(src2));
buf = mov(buf, get_m_opnd(dest), tmp_reg, size_64);
// where the second operand is immediate (allowed only for integer values!)
void bin_op_rm_imm(LilOperation o, const LcgEM64TLoc* dest,
const LcgEM64TLoc* src, I_32 imm_val) {
assert(dest->kind == LLK_Gr || dest->kind == LLK_GStk);
assert(src->kind == LLK_Gr || src->kind == LLK_GStk);
switch (o) {
case LO_Add:
return alu_op_rm_imm(add_opc, dest, src, imm_val);
case LO_Sub:
return alu_op_rm_imm(sub_opc, dest, src, imm_val);
case LO_And:
return alu_op_rm_imm(and_opc, dest, src, imm_val);
case LO_SgMul: {
const Imm_Opnd & imm = get_imm_opnd(imm_val);
if (dest->kind == LLK_Gr) {
if (*dest == *src) {
buf = imul(buf, get_r_opnd(dest), imm);
} else {
buf = imul(buf, get_r_opnd(dest), get_rm_opnd(src), imm);
// dest->kind != LLK_Gr
Tmp_GR_Opnd tmp_reg(context, ic);
buf = mov(buf, tmp_reg, get_rm_opnd(src), size_64);
buf = imul(buf, tmp_reg, imm);
buf = mov(buf, get_m_opnd(dest), tmp_reg, size_64);
case LO_Shl:
shift_op_rm_imm(dest, src, imm_val);
DIE(("Unexpected operation"));
// binary arithmetic operations without immediates
// (allowed only for integer values!)
void bin_op_rm_rm(LilOperation o, const LcgEM64TLoc * dest,
const LcgEM64TLoc * src1, const LcgEM64TLoc * src2) {
assert(dest->kind == LLK_Gr || dest->kind == LLK_GStk);
assert(src1->kind == LLK_Gr || src1->kind == LLK_GStk);
assert(src2->kind == LLK_Gr || src2->kind == LLK_GStk);
switch (o) {
case LO_Add:
return alu_op_rm_rm(add_opc, dest, src1, src2);
case LO_Sub:
return alu_op_rm_rm(sub_opc, dest, src1, src2);
case LO_And:
return alu_op_rm_rm(and_opc, dest, src1, src2);
case LO_SgMul: {
if (dest->kind == LLK_Gr) {
if (dest != src1) {
buf = mov(buf, get_r_opnd(dest), get_rm_opnd(src1), size_64);
buf = imul(buf, get_r_opnd(dest), get_rm_opnd(src2));
// dest->kind != LLK_Gr
Tmp_GR_Opnd tmp_reg(context, ic);
buf = mov(buf, tmp_reg, get_rm_opnd(src1), size_64);
buf = imul(buf, tmp_reg, get_rm_opnd(src2));
buf = mov(buf, get_m_opnd(dest), tmp_reg, size_64);
case LO_Shl: {
move_rm(dest, src1);
const Tmp_GR_Opnd tmp_reg(context, ic);
const R_Opnd * src2_reg;
if (src2->kind == LLK_Gr) {
src2_reg = &get_r_opnd(src2);
} else {
src2_reg = &tmp_reg;
buf = mov(buf, tmp_reg, get_m_opnd(src2), size_64);
buf = shift(buf, shl_opc, get_rm_opnd(dest), *src2_reg);
DIE(("Unexpected operation")); // control should never reach this point
// unary operation without immediates
void un_op_rm(LilOperation o, const LcgEM64TLoc * dest, const LcgEM64TLoc * src) {
assert(dest->kind == LLK_Gr || dest->kind == LLK_GStk);
assert(src->kind == LLK_Gr || src->kind == LLK_GStk);
const Tmp_GR_Opnd tmp_reg(context, ic);
const R_Opnd & dest_reg =
(dest->kind == LLK_Gr ? get_r_opnd(dest) : (const R_Opnd &)tmp_reg);
switch (o) {
case LO_Neg:
buf = mov(buf, dest_reg, get_rm_opnd(src), size_64);
buf = neg(buf, dest_reg, size_64);
case LO_Not:
buf = mov(buf, dest_reg, get_rm_opnd(src), size_64);
buf = _not(buf, dest_reg, size_64);
case LO_Sx1:
buf = movsx(buf, dest_reg, get_rm_opnd(src), size_8);
case LO_Sx2:
buf = movsx(buf, dest_reg, get_rm_opnd(src), size_16);
case LO_Sx4:
buf = movsx(buf, dest_reg, get_rm_opnd(src), size_32);
case LO_Zx1:
buf = movzx(buf, dest_reg, get_rm_opnd(src), size_8);
case LO_Zx2:
buf = movzx(buf, dest_reg, get_rm_opnd(src), size_16);
case LO_Zx4:
// movzx r64, r/m32 is not available on em64t
// mov r32, r/m32 should zero out upper bytes
buf = mov(buf, dest_reg, get_rm_opnd(src), size_32);
DIE(("Unexpected operation")); // control should never reach this point
if (dest->kind != LLK_Gr) {
buf = mov(buf, get_m_opnd(dest), tmp_reg, size_64);
// generate instructions that calculate a LIL address
const M_Opnd & get_effective_addr(LilVariable * base, unsigned scale,
LilVariable * index, int64 offset,
const R_Opnd & tmp_reg) {
void * const M_Index_Opnd_mem = mem.alloc(sizeof(M_Index_Opnd));
// handle special case
if (base == NULL && (index == NULL || scale == 0)) {
buf = mov(buf, tmp_reg, Imm_Opnd(size_64, offset));
return *(new(M_Index_Opnd_mem) M_Index_Opnd(tmp_reg.reg_no(), n_reg, 0, 0));
// initialize locations
const bool is_offset32 = fit32(offset);
const LcgEM64TLoc * base_loc = base != NULL ? get_var_loc(base, false) : NULL;
const LcgEM64TLoc * index_loc = index != NULL && scale != 0 ? get_var_loc(index, false) : NULL;
const bool is_base_in_mem = base_loc != NULL && base_loc->kind == LLK_GStk;
const bool is_index_in_mem = index_loc != NULL && index_loc->kind == LLK_GStk;
// check if there is no need to use temporary register
if (is_offset32 && !is_base_in_mem && !is_index_in_mem) {
return *(new(M_Index_Opnd_mem) M_Index_Opnd(
base_loc != NULL ? get_r_opnd(base_loc).reg_no() : n_reg,
index_loc != NULL ? get_r_opnd(index_loc).reg_no() : n_reg,
(U_32)offset, scale));
// check if it's enough to use only one temporary register
if (is_offset32 && (is_base_in_mem || is_index_in_mem)) {
if (is_base_in_mem) {
buf = mov(buf, tmp_reg, get_m_opnd(base_loc), size_64);
return *(new(M_Index_Opnd_mem) M_Index_Opnd(tmp_reg.reg_no(),
index_loc != NULL ? get_r_opnd(index_loc).reg_no() : n_reg,
(U_32)offset, scale));
if (is_index_in_mem) {
buf = mov(buf, tmp_reg, get_m_opnd(index_loc), size_64);
return *(new(M_Index_Opnd_mem) M_Index_Opnd(
base_loc != NULL ? get_r_opnd(base_loc).reg_no() : n_reg,
tmp_reg.reg_no(), (U_32)offset, scale));
DIE(("Should never reach this point"));
// need to perform manual calculation of the effective address
const LcgEM64TLoc * ret_loc =
new(mem) LcgEM64TLoc(LLK_Gr, LcgEM64TContext::get_index_in_map(tmp_reg.reg_no()));
if (index_loc != NULL) {
I_32 shift = scale / 4 + 1;
bin_op_rm_imm(LO_Shl, ret_loc, index_loc, shift);
if (base_loc != NULL) {
bin_op_rm_rm(LO_Add, ret_loc, ret_loc, base_loc);
if (!is_offset32) {
Tmp_GR_Opnd tmp_reg2(context, ic);
const LcgEM64TLoc * tmp_loc =
new(mem) LcgEM64TLoc(LLK_Gr, LcgEM64TContext::get_index_in_map(tmp_reg2.reg_no()));
move_imm(tmp_loc, offset);
bin_op_rm_rm(LO_Add, ret_loc, ret_loc, tmp_loc);
offset = 0;
} else if (base_loc != NULL) {
// index_loc is NULL
if (is_offset32) {
move_rm(ret_loc, base_loc);
} else {
move_imm(ret_loc, offset);
bin_op_rm_rm(LO_Add, ret_loc, ret_loc, base_loc);
offset = 0;
} else {
move_imm(ret_loc, offset);
offset = 0;
return *(new(M_Index_Opnd_mem) M_Base_Opnd(get_r_opnd(ret_loc).reg_no(), (U_32)offset));
// sets up stack frame
void prolog() {
// push callee-saves registers on the stack
if (lil_cs_get_max_locals(cs) > 0) {
assert(context.get_stk_size() != 0);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < lil_cs_get_max_locals(cs); i++) {
const LcgEM64TLoc * loc = get_gp_local(i);
assert(loc->kind == LLK_Gr);
buf = push(buf, get_r_opnd(loc), size_64);
adjust_stack_pointer(lil_cs_get_max_locals(cs) * LcgEM64TContext::GR_SIZE -
// unsets the stack frame
void epilog() {
adjust_stack_pointer(context.get_stk_size() -
lil_cs_get_max_locals(cs) * LcgEM64TContext::GR_SIZE);
if (lil_cs_get_max_locals(cs) > 0) {
assert(context.get_stk_size() != 0);
// pop callee-saves registers from the stack
for (int i = lil_cs_get_max_locals(cs) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const LcgEM64TLoc * loc = get_gp_local(i);
assert(loc->kind == LLK_Gr);
buf = pop(buf, get_r_opnd(loc), size_64);
// moves GR & FR inputs into the stack
void move_inputs() {
if (!context.must_save_inputs()) {
// compute the rsp-relative offset of the top of the GR save area
I_32 offset = (I_32)context.get_input_gr_save_offset() +
// store GR inputs to the computed locations
for (int i = context.get_num_gr_inputs() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const R_Opnd & r_opnd =
LcgEM64TContext::get_reg_from_map(LcgEM64TContext::GR_OUTPUTS_OFFSET + i);
offset -= LcgEM64TContext::GR_SIZE;
const M_Opnd dest(rsp_reg, offset);
buf = mov(buf, dest, r_opnd);
// compute the rsp-relative offset of the top of the FR save area
offset = (I_32)context.get_input_fr_save_offset() +
// store FR inputs to the computed locations
for (int i = context.get_num_fr_inputs() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const XMM_Opnd & r_opnd =
LcgEM64TContext::get_xmm_reg_from_map(LcgEM64TContext::FR_OUTPUTS_OFFSET + i);
offset -= LcgEM64TContext::FR_SIZE;
const M_Opnd dest(rsp_reg, offset);
buf = sse_mov(buf, dest, r_opnd, true);
// moves GR & FR inputs from the stack back to the registers
void unmove_inputs() {
if (!context.must_save_inputs()) {
// inputs should be already in place
// compute the rsp-relative offset of the bottom of the FR save area
I_32 offset = (I_32)context.get_input_fr_save_offset();
// restore FR inputs
for (unsigned i = 0; i < context.get_num_fr_inputs(); i++) {
const XMM_Opnd & r_opnd =
LcgEM64TContext::get_xmm_reg_from_map(LcgEM64TContext::FR_OUTPUTS_OFFSET + i);
const M_Opnd src(rsp_reg, offset);
buf = sse_mov(buf, r_opnd, src, true);
offset += LcgEM64TContext::FR_SIZE;
// compute the rsp-relative offset of the bottom of the GR save area
offset = (I_32)context.get_input_gr_save_offset();
// restore GR inputs
for (unsigned i = 0; i < context.get_num_gr_inputs(); i++) {
const R_Opnd & r_opnd =
LcgEM64TContext::get_reg_from_map(LcgEM64TContext::GR_OUTPUTS_OFFSET + i);
const M_Opnd src(rsp_reg, offset);
buf = mov(buf, r_opnd, src, size_64);
offset += LcgEM64TContext::GR_SIZE;
Opnd_Size type_to_opnd_size(LilType t) const {
switch (t) {
case LT_G1:
return size_8;
case LT_G2:
return size_16;
case LT_G4:
return size_32;
case LT_G8:
case LT_PInt:
case LT_Ref:
return size_64;
return n_size;
* constructor
LcgEM64TCodeGen(LilCodeStub * cs, LcgEM64TContext & c, tl::MemoryPool & m):
buf_beg(NULL), buf(NULL),
labels(&m, buf_beg), cs(cs), context(c), mem(m), iter(cs, true), ic(NULL), inst(NULL),
rsp_loc(new(m) LcgEM64TLoc(LLK_Gr, LcgEM64TContext::RSP_OFFSET)), take_inputs_from_stack(false),
current_alloc(0) {
unsigned max_code_size = estimate_code_size();
buf = buf_beg = (char *)m.alloc(max_code_size);
char* buf_end = buf_beg + max_code_size;
static unsigned max_code = 0;
// emit entry code
char* i_start = buf;
// the size of code for prolog accounted in estimate_code_size
// as the code for 'entry' instruction.
// debug code: check the estimate
char* i_end = buf;
unsigned i_len = (unsigned)(i_end - i_start);
// the MAX_LIL_INSTRUCTION_CODE_LENGTH was underestimated.
// most likely will not cause problems in real life, though still requires correction.
// go through the instructions
while (!iter.at_end()) {
char* i_start = buf;
ic = iter.get_context();
inst = iter.get_current();
lil_visit_instruction(inst, this);
// debug code: see above for the rationale
char* i_end = buf;
unsigned i_len = (unsigned)(i_end - i_start);
if (buf>buf_end) {
/// Ugh. Buffer overrun.
/// Must be accompanied with previous assert()-s on MAX_LIL_INSTRUCTION_CODE_LENGTH?
* memory allocator
void *operator new(size_t sz, tl::MemoryPool & m) {
return m.alloc(sz);
* returns actual size of the generated code
size_t get_size() const {
return buf - buf_beg;
* returns the beginning of the code
NativeCodePtr copy_stub(NativeCodePtr base) const {
memcpy((void *)base, buf_beg, get_size());
//labels.change_base((char *)base);
return base;
/* Visitor Functions */
void label(LilLabel lab) {
labels.define_label(lab, buf, true);
void locals(unsigned num) {
// nothing to be done here;
void std_places(unsigned num) {
// nothing to be done here;
void alloc(LilVariable * var, unsigned sz) {
I_32 alloc_offset = context.get_alloc_start_offset() + current_alloc;
// the actual size allocated will always be a multiple of 8
current_alloc += align_8(sz);
// var = sp + alloc_offset
bin_op_rm_imm(LO_Add, get_var_loc(var, true), rsp_loc, alloc_offset);
void asgn(LilVariable * dest, enum LilOperation o, LilOperand * op1, LilOperand * op2) {
if (dest->tag == LVK_Out) {
// since inputs and outputs occupies same registers we need to take inputs from the stack
take_inputs_from_stack = true;
const LcgEM64TLoc * dest_loc = get_var_loc(dest, true);
if (o == LO_Mov) {
if (lil_operand_is_immed(op1)) {
move_imm(dest_loc, get_imm_value(op1));
} else {
const LcgEM64TLoc * src_loc = get_op_loc(op1, false);
move_rm(dest_loc, src_loc);
// check if this is binary operation
if (lil_operation_is_binary(o)) {
if (lil_operand_is_immed(op1) && lil_operand_is_immed(op2)) {
// type-convert to get signed types of same length
I_32 op1_imm = (I_32)get_imm_value(op1);
I_32 op2_imm = (I_32)get_imm_value(op2);
I_32 result = 0;
switch (o) {
case LO_Add:
result = op1_imm + op2_imm;
case LO_Sub:
result = op1_imm - op2_imm;
case LO_SgMul:
result = op1_imm * op2_imm;
case LO_Shl:
result = op1_imm << op2_imm;
DIE(("Unexpected operation")); // control should never reach this point
move_imm(dest_loc, result);
} else if (lil_operand_is_immed(op1)) {
const I_32 op1_imm = (I_32)get_imm_value(op1);
const LcgEM64TLoc * op2_loc = get_op_loc(op2, false);
switch (o) {
case LO_Add:
bin_op_rm_imm(LO_Add, dest_loc, op2_loc, op1_imm);
case LO_Sub:
sub_op_imm_rm(dest_loc, op1_imm, op2_loc);
case LO_SgMul:
bin_op_rm_imm(LO_SgMul, dest_loc, op2_loc, op1_imm);
case LO_Shl:
shift_op_imm_rm(dest_loc, op1_imm, op2_loc);
DIE(("Unexpected operation")); // control should never reach this point
} else if (lil_operand_is_immed(op2)) {
const LcgEM64TLoc* op1_loc = get_op_loc(op1, false);
const I_32 op2_imm = (I_32)get_imm_value(op2);
bin_op_rm_imm(o, dest_loc, op1_loc, op2_imm);
} else { // both operands non-immediate
const LcgEM64TLoc * src1_loc = get_op_loc(op1, false);
const LcgEM64TLoc * src2_loc = get_op_loc(op2, false);
bin_op_rm_rm(o, dest_loc, src1_loc, src2_loc);
} else { // unary operation
if (lil_operand_is_immed(op1)) {
I_32 imm = (I_32)get_imm_value(op1);
I_32 result = 0;
switch (o) {
case LO_Neg:
result = -imm;
case LO_Not:
result = ~imm;
case LO_Sx1:
result = (I_32) (I_8) imm;
case LO_Sx2:
result = (I_32) (int16) imm;
case LO_Sx4:
result = (I_32) (I_32) imm;
case LO_Zx1:
result = (I_32) (uint64) (U_8) imm;
case LO_Zx2:
result = (I_32) (uint64) (uint16) imm;
case LO_Zx4:
result = (I_32) (uint64) (U_32) imm;
DIE(("Unexpected operation")); // control should never reach this point
move_imm(dest_loc, result);
} else { // non-immediate operand
const LcgEM64TLoc * op1_loc = get_op_loc(op1, false);
un_op_rm(o, dest_loc, op1_loc);
// TODO: think over if it makes sense to preserve a register for VM_Tread pointer
void ts(LilVariable * var) {
const LcgEM64TLoc * var_loc = get_var_loc(var, true);
assert(var_loc->kind == LLK_Gr || var_loc->kind == LLK_GStk);
if (var_loc->kind == LLK_Gr) {
buf = m2n_gen_ts_to_register(buf, &get_r_opnd(var_loc),
lil_ic_get_num_locals(ic), lil_cs_get_max_locals(cs),
lil_ic_get_num_std_places(ic), lil_ic_get_ret_type(ic) == LT_Void ? 0 : 1);
} else {
const Tmp_GR_Opnd tmp(context, ic);
buf = m2n_gen_ts_to_register(buf, &tmp,
lil_ic_get_num_locals(ic), lil_cs_get_max_locals(cs),
lil_ic_get_num_std_places(ic), lil_ic_get_ret_type(ic) == LT_Void ? 0 : 1);
buf = mov(buf, get_m_opnd(var_loc), tmp, size_64);
take_inputs_from_stack = true;
void handles(LilOperand * op) {
if (lil_operand_is_immed(op)) {
buf = m2n_gen_set_local_handles_imm(buf,
context.get_m2n_offset(), &get_imm_opnd(op));
} else {
const LcgEM64TLoc * loc = get_op_loc(op, false);
if (loc->kind == LLK_Gr) {
buf = m2n_gen_set_local_handles_r(buf,
context.get_m2n_offset(), &get_r_opnd(loc));
} else {
const Tmp_GR_Opnd tmp(context, ic);
buf = m2n_gen_set_local_handles_r(buf,
context.get_m2n_offset(), &tmp);
buf = mov(buf, get_m_opnd(loc), tmp, size_64);
void ld(LilType t, LilVariable * dest, LilVariable * base, unsigned scale,
LilVariable * index, long long int offset, LilAcqRel acqrel, LilLdX ext) {
assert(t != LT_F4 && t != LT_F8 && t != LT_Void);
assert(acqrel == LAR_Acquire || acqrel == LAR_None);
const Tmp_GR_Opnd tmp_reg1(context, ic);
const Tmp_GR_Opnd * tmp_reg2 = NULL;
// calculate the address
const M_Opnd & addr = get_effective_addr(base, scale, index, offset, tmp_reg1);
const LcgEM64TLoc * dest_loc = get_var_loc(dest, true);
assert(dest_loc->kind == LLK_Gr || dest_loc->kind == LLK_GStk);
void * const mem_ptr = mem.alloc(sizeof(Tmp_GR_Opnd));
const R_Opnd * dest_reg = dest_loc->kind == LLK_Gr ? &get_r_opnd(dest_loc) :
(tmp_reg2 = new(mem_ptr) Tmp_GR_Opnd(context, ic));
Opnd_Size size = n_size;
switch(t) {
case LT_G1:
size = size_8;
case LT_G2:
size = size_16;
case LT_G4:
size = size_32;
case LT_G8:
case LT_Ref:
case LT_PInt:
buf = mov(buf, *dest_reg, addr, size_64);
goto move_to_destination;
DIE(("Unexpected LIL type")); // invalid value in type
assert(size != n_size);
if (ext == LLX_Zero) {
// movzx r64, r/m32 is not available on em64t
// mov r32, r/m32 should zero out upper bytes
if (size == size_32) {
buf = mov(buf, *dest_reg, addr, size);
} else {
buf = movzx(buf, *dest_reg, addr, size);
} else {
buf = movsx(buf, *dest_reg, addr, size);
if (dest_loc->kind != LLK_Gr) {
buf = mov(buf, get_m_opnd(dest_loc), *dest_reg, size_64);
delete dest_reg;
void st(LilType t, LilVariable * base, unsigned scale, LilVariable * index,
long long int offset, LilAcqRel acqrel, LilOperand * src) {
assert(t != LT_F4 && t != LT_F8 && t != LT_Void);
assert(acqrel == LAR_Release || acqrel == LAR_None);
const Tmp_GR_Opnd tmp_reg1(context, ic);
// calculate the address
const M_Opnd & addr = get_effective_addr(base, scale, index, offset, tmp_reg1);
if (lil_operand_is_immed(src)) {
buf = mov(buf, addr, get_imm_opnd(src), type_to_opnd_size(t));
} else {
const LcgEM64TLoc * src_loc = get_op_loc(src, false);
if (src_loc->kind == LLK_Gr) {
buf = mov(buf, addr, get_r_opnd(src_loc), type_to_opnd_size(t));
} else {
const Tmp_GR_Opnd tmp_reg2(context, ic);
buf = mov(buf, tmp_reg2, get_m_opnd(src_loc), type_to_opnd_size(t));
buf = mov(buf, addr, tmp_reg2, type_to_opnd_size(t));
} // st
void inc(LilType t, LilVariable* base, unsigned scale, LilVariable* index,
long long int offset, LilAcqRel acqrel) {
assert(acqrel == LAR_None);
Tmp_GR_Opnd tmp_reg(context, ic);
// calculate the address
const M_Opnd & addr = get_effective_addr(base, scale, index, offset, tmp_reg);
buf = ::inc(buf, addr, type_to_opnd_size(t));
void cas(LilType t, LilVariable * base, unsigned scale,
LilVariable * index, long long int offset, LilAcqRel acqrel,
LilOperand * cmp, LilOperand * src, LilLabel label) {
// this is either rax register itself or keeps value of rax
const Tmp_GR_Opnd tmp_reg(context, ic);
const LcgEM64TLoc * cmp_loc = lil_operand_is_immed(cmp) ? NULL : get_op_loc(cmp, false);
const LcgEM64TLoc * src_loc = lil_operand_is_immed(src) ? NULL : get_op_loc(src, false);
bool is_rax_used = tmp_reg.reg_no() != rax_reg;
bool is_rax_used_by_cmp = (cmp_loc != NULL && cmp_loc->kind == LLK_Gr
&& get_r_opnd(cmp_loc).reg_no() == rax_reg);
if (is_rax_used && !is_rax_used_by_cmp) {
// need to preserve rax value
buf = mov(buf, tmp_reg, rax_opnd, size_64);
if (!is_rax_used_by_cmp) {
if (cmp_loc == NULL) { // cmp is immediate
buf = mov(buf, rax_opnd, get_imm_opnd(cmp), type_to_opnd_size(t));
} else {
buf = mov(buf, rax_opnd, get_rm_opnd(cmp_loc), type_to_opnd_size(t));
const Tmp_GR_Opnd tmp_reg1(context, ic);
// calculate the address
const M_Opnd & addr = get_effective_addr(base, scale, index, offset, tmp_reg1);
void * const mem_ptr = mem.alloc(sizeof(Tmp_GR_Opnd));
const R_Opnd * src_reg = NULL;
const R_Opnd * src_reg2 = NULL;
if (src_loc == NULL) { // src is immediate value
src_reg = new(mem_ptr) Tmp_GR_Opnd(context, ic);
buf = mov(buf, *src_reg, get_imm_opnd(src), type_to_opnd_size(t));
} else if (src_loc->kind == LLK_GStk) {
src_reg = new(mem_ptr) Tmp_GR_Opnd(context, ic);
buf = mov(buf, *src_reg, get_m_opnd(src_loc), type_to_opnd_size(t));
} else if (is_rax_used && get_r_opnd(src_loc).reg_no() == rax_reg) {
// value of rax was saved in tmp_reg
src_reg2 = &tmp_reg;
} else {
src_reg2 = &get_r_opnd(src_loc);
buf = prefix(buf, lock_prefix);
buf = cmpxchg(buf, addr, src_reg != NULL ? *src_reg : *src_reg2,
buf = branch32(buf, Condition_NE, get_imm_opnd((int64)0, size_32));
labels.add_patch_to_label(label, buf - 4, LPT_Rel32);
delete src_reg;
if (is_rax_used && src_reg2->reg_no() != rax_reg) {
// move preserved value back to rax
buf = mov(buf, rax_reg, tmp_reg, size_64);
void j(LilLabel lab) {
buf = jump32(buf, get_imm_opnd((int64)0, size_32));
labels.add_patch_to_label(lab, buf - 4, LPT_Rel32);
void jc(LilPredicate p, LilOperand * op1, LilOperand * op2, LilLabel label) {
// compute the condition
ConditionCode cc = Condition_O;
switch (p) {
case LP_Eq:
case LP_IsZero:
cc = Condition_E;
case LP_Ne:
case LP_IsNonzero:
cc = Condition_NE;
case LP_Le:
cc = Condition_LE;
case LP_Ule:
cc = Condition_BE;
case LP_Lt:
cc = Condition_L;
case LP_Ult:
cc = Condition_B;
DIE(("Unknown predicate"));
void * const mem_ptr = mem.alloc(sizeof(Tmp_GR_Opnd));
const RM_Opnd * src1 = NULL;
const Tmp_GR_Opnd * tmp_reg = NULL;
if (!lil_predicate_is_binary(p)) {
op2 = (LilOperand *)mem.alloc(sizeof(LilOperand));
op2->is_immed = true;
op2->val.imm = 0;
if (lil_operand_is_immed(op1) && lil_operand_is_immed(op2)) {
tmp_reg = new(mem_ptr) Tmp_GR_Opnd(context, ic);
src1 = tmp_reg;
buf = mov(buf, *tmp_reg, get_imm_opnd(op1), size_64);
} else {
if (lil_operand_is_immed(op1)) {
LilOperand * tmp_op = op1;
op1 = op2;
op2 = tmp_op;
switch (cc) {
case Condition_LE:
cc = Condition_G;
case Condition_L:
cc = Condition_GE;
src1 = &get_rm_opnd(get_op_loc(op1, false));
// src1 is set here (not an immediate)
if (lil_operand_is_immed(op2)) {
int64 imm = lil_operand_get_immed(op2);
if (fit32(imm)) {
buf = alu(buf, cmp_opc, *src1, get_imm_opnd(imm, size_32), size_64);
} else {
// use temporary register
Tmp_GR_Opnd src2_reg(context, ic);
buf = mov(buf, src2_reg, get_imm_opnd(imm, size_64), size_64);
if (src1->is_reg()) {
buf = alu(buf, cmp_opc, *(R_Opnd *)src1, src2_reg);
} else {
buf = alu(buf, cmp_opc, *(M_Opnd *)src1, src2_reg);
} else {
// second operand is not an immediate value
const LcgEM64TLoc * src2_loc = get_op_loc(op2, false);
if (src1->is_reg()) {
buf = alu(buf, cmp_opc, *(R_Opnd *)src1, get_rm_opnd(src2_loc));
} else if (src2_loc->kind == LLK_Gr) {
buf = alu(buf, cmp_opc, *(M_Opnd *)src1, get_r_opnd(src2_loc));
} else {
// src1 is in memory as well as src2
const Tmp_GR_Opnd src2_reg(context, ic);
buf = mov(buf, src2_reg, get_m_opnd(src2_loc), size_64);
buf = alu(buf, cmp_opc, *((M_Opnd *)src1), src2_reg);
delete tmp_reg;
// the actual branch
buf = branch32(buf, cc, get_imm_opnd((int64)0, size_32));
labels.add_patch_to_label(label, buf - 4, LPT_Rel32);
void out(LilSig * sig) {
// nothing else to do; space has been reserved already
* implements the copying of incoming to outgoing args
void in2out(LilSig * sig) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < context.get_num_inputs(); i++) {
const LcgEM64TLoc * in_loc = get_input(i);
const LcgEM64TLoc * out_loc = get_output(i, sig);
move_rm(out_loc, in_loc);
void call(LilOperand * target, LilCallKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case LCK_TailCall: {
// restore input FR & GR
// unwind current stack frame
// jump (instead of calling)
if (lil_operand_is_immed(target)) {
// check if we can perform relative call
int64 target_value = lil_operand_get_immed(target);
// TODO: relative addressing isn't supported now
// need to compute code size before emitting
int64 offset = target_value - (int64)buf;
// sub 5 bytes for this instruction
if (fit32(offset)) {
// make a relative call
buf = jump32(buf, get_imm_opnd((int64)0, size_32));
// label name is equal to address
char * label = (char *)mem.alloc(MAX_DEC_SIZE);
assert(sizeof(long) == sizeof(POINTER_SIZE_INT));
sprintf(label, "%" FMT64 "d", target_value);
// offset should be patched when the stub is copied to other place
labels.define_label(label, (void *)(int64 *)target_value, false);
labels.add_patch_to_label(label, buf - 4, LPT_Rel32);
} else {
// make absolute jump
buf = mov(buf, rax_opnd, get_imm_opnd(target_value, size_64), size_64);
buf = ::jump(buf, rax_opnd, size_64);
} else {
const LcgEM64TLoc * loc = get_op_loc(target, false);
buf = jump(buf, get_rm_opnd(loc), size_64);
case LCK_Call:
case LCK_CallNoRet: {
#ifdef _WIN64
buf = alu(buf, add_opc, rsp_opnd, Imm_Opnd(-SHADOW), size_64);
if (lil_operand_is_immed(target)) {
// check if we can perform relative call
int64 target_value = lil_operand_get_immed(target);
// TODO: relative addressing isn't supported now
// need to compute code size before emitting
int64 offset = target_value - (int64)buf;
// sub 5 bytes for this instruction
if (fit32(offset)) {
// make a relative call
buf = ::call(buf, get_imm_opnd((int64)0, size_32));
// label name is equal to address
char * label = (char *)mem.alloc(MAX_DEC_SIZE);
assert(sizeof(long) == sizeof(POINTER_SIZE_INT));
sprintf(label, "%" FMT64 "d", target_value);
// offset should be patched when the stub is copied to other place
labels.define_label(label, (void *)(int64 *)target_value, false);
labels.add_patch_to_label(label, buf - 4, LPT_Rel32);
} else {
// make absolute call
buf = mov(buf, rax_opnd, get_imm_opnd(target_value, size_64), size_64);
buf = ::call(buf, rax_opnd, size_64);
} else {
const LcgEM64TLoc * loc = get_op_loc(target, false);
buf = ::call(buf, get_rm_opnd(loc), size_64);
#ifdef _WIN64
buf = alu(buf, add_opc, rsp_opnd, Imm_Opnd(SHADOW), size_64);
take_inputs_from_stack = true;
DIE(("Unknown kind"));
void ret() {
// unwind current stack frame
buf = ::ret(buf);
// guarantee to keep inputs, locals & standard places
// input registers should be preserved outside if required
void push_m2n(Method_Handle method, frame_type current_frame_type, bool handles) {
take_inputs_from_stack = true;
// rsp-relative offset of the top of the m2n frame
I_32 offset = context.get_m2n_offset() + context.get_stk_m2n_size();
buf = m2n_gen_push_m2n(buf, method, current_frame_type, handles,
lil_cs_get_max_locals(cs), lil_ic_get_num_std_places(ic), offset);
void m2n_save_all() {
void pop_m2n() {
buf = m2n_gen_pop_m2n(buf, context.m2n_has_handles(), lil_cs_get_max_locals(cs),
// TODO: FIXME: need to define proper return registers to be preserved
context.get_m2n_offset(), 1);
// after m2n_gen_pop_m2n rsp points to the last callee-saves register
void print(char * str, LilOperand * o) {
// this is a no-op if debugging is off
unsigned print_reg;
if (lil_operand_is_immed(o)) {
// dummy operand; print r0
print_reg = 0;
} else {
LilVariable *var = lil_operand_get_variable(o);
const LcgEM64TLoc* var_loc =
get_var_loc(var, inst, ic, false);
assert(var_loc->kind == LLK_Gr);
print_reg = var_loc->addr;
emit_print_reg(emitter, str, print_reg, context.get_num_inputs(),
context.get_first_output_gr(), false);
#endif // STUB_DEBUG
LilCodeGeneratorEM64T::LilCodeGeneratorEM64T(): LilCodeGenerator() {}
NativeCodePtr LilCodeGeneratorEM64T::compile_main(LilCodeStub * cs, size_t * stub_size, PoolManager* code_pool) {
// start a memory manager
tl::MemoryPool m;
// get context
LcgEM64TContext * context = new(m) LcgEM64TContext(cs, m);
// generate code
LcgEM64TCodeGen codegen(cs, *context, m);
// copy generated code to the destination
*stub_size = codegen.get_size();
NativeCodePtr buffer = allocate_memory(*stub_size, code_pool);
return buffer;
GenericFunctionPointer lil_npc_to_fp(NativeCodePtr ncp) {
return (GenericFunctionPointer)ncp;