blob: 9d06f452a7d30afa7aa85e355552aa101c5a2d49 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef __CONTEXT_BASE_H__
#define __CONTEXT_BASE_H__
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "open/vm_method_access.h"
#include "open/vm_class_manipulation.h"
#include "verifier.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "instr_props.h"
#include "tpool.h"
class SharedClasswideData {
SharedClasswideData(Class_Handle _klass) :
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4355 )
tpool(this, _klass, 256)
#pragma warning( pop )
//basic storage for class-wide data, like mapping from Java classes to SmConstant types
vf_TypePool tpool;
//stores constraints in the classloader for reuse in vf_verify_class_constraints()
vf_TypeConstraint *class_constraints;
//storage for these constraints. class-wide
Memory constraintPool;
//class handler for the current class
Class_Handle k_class;
//major version of current class
unsigned short k_major;
//below are actually not shared between differetn methods,
//we define large-size variables here to save stack footprint
// basic storage for most of the method-wide data
Memory mem;
// Context - main class of Type Checker
class vf_Context_Base {
vf_Context_Base(SharedClasswideData &_classwide) :
classwide(_classwide), class_constraints(_classwide.class_constraints),
mem(_classwide.mem), constraintPool(_classwide.constraintPool), tpool(_classwide.tpool),
k_class(_classwide.k_class), k_major(classwide.k_major)
//current instruction - used for error message creation
Address processed_instruction;
//pass (in case if Java5 verification) - used for error message creation
int pass;
//error message in case of unsuccessful verification
const char *error_message;
//store ref to classwide data
SharedClasswideData &classwide;
//store constraints on unloaded classes for later verification
void set_class_constraints();
friend class vf_TypePool;
//class handler for the current class
Class_Handle k_class;
//major version of current class
unsigned short k_major;
//method handler for the method being verified
Method_Handle m_method;
//method's bytecode
U_8* m_bytecode;
//legth of the code in the method being verified
unsigned m_code_length;
//max number of locals for the method being verified (as recorded in the classfile)
unsigned m_max_locals;
//is the current method construcor (and current class in not a j.l.Object)?
bool m_is_constructor;
//m_max_locals or m_max_locals+1 if it's a constructor
unsigned m_stack_start;
//max stack size for the method being verified (as recorded in the classfile)
unsigned m_max_stack;
//number of exception handlers for the being verified (as recorded in the classfile)
unsigned short m_handlecount;
//stores constraints in the classloader for reuse in vf_verify_class_constraints()
vf_TypeConstraint_p &class_constraints;
//storage for these constraints. class-wide
//TODO: makes sense to unite it with tpool containing other class-wide data?
Memory &constraintPool;
// basic storage for most of the method-wide data
Memory &mem;
// table used to get various info (type, length, etc) about possible bytecode instructions
static ParseInfo parseTable[255];
// method's return type
SmConstant return_type;
//basic storage for class-wide data, like mapping from Java classes to SmConstant types
vf_TypePool &tpool;
/******* exception handling **********/
//flag array. if a local var i was changed by the previous instruction ==> changed_locals[i]=1, otherwise it's 0
U_8 *changed_locals;
//if there is at least one local changed
int locals_changed;
//if we don't know whether previous instruction changed locals (like if we are at the branch target)
int no_locals_info;
//number of the first handler valid for the given instruction
int loop_start;
//<number of the last handler valid for the given instruction> + 1
int loop_finish;
//start of the nearest next try block. 0 means "don't know"
Address next_start_pc;
//report verify error and store a message if any
vf_Result error(vf_Result result, const char* message) {
error_message = message ? message : "";
return result;
//init method-wide data
void init(Method_Handle _m_method) {
//store method's parameters
//TODO: it might be mot slower not to store them
m_method = _m_method;
m_max_locals = method_get_max_locals(m_method);
m_max_stack = method_get_max_stack(m_method);
m_code_length = method_get_bytecode_length(m_method);
m_handlecount = method_get_exc_handler_number(m_method);
m_bytecode = const_cast<U_8*>(method_get_bytecode(m_method));
m_is_constructor = !strcmp(method_get_name(m_method), "<init>")
&& class_get_super_class(k_class);
m_stack_start = m_max_locals + (m_is_constructor ? 1 : 0);
// initialize own parameters
changed_locals = (U_8*)mem.malloc((m_stack_start & ~3) + 4);
//to correct it later
return_type = SM_NONE;
/////////////////////// convinient methods //////////////////////////////////////////
//get length of variable size instruction (WIDE, *SWITCH)
int instr_get_len_compound(Address instr, OpCode opcode);
//read two-byte value
static uint16 read_uint16(U_8* ptr) {
return (ptr[0] << 8) | ptr[1];
//read four-byte value
static U_32 read_uint32(U_8* ptr) {
return (ptr[0] << 24) | (ptr[1] << 16) | (ptr[2] << 8) | ptr[3];
//get a 16-bit jump target
static Address instr_get_int16_target(Address instr, U_8* ptr) {
return (Address) (instr + read_uint16(ptr));
//get a 32-bit jump target
static Address instr_get_int32_target(Address instr, U_8* ptr) {
return (Address) (instr + read_uint32(ptr));
//get properties specific for the given opcode
static ParseInfo &instr_get_parse_info(OpCode opcode) {
return parseTable[opcode];
//get the length of the given instruction or minimal length if unknown
static U_8 instr_get_minlen(ParseInfo &pi) {
return pi.instr_min_len;
//whether this instruction GOTO, IF*, or JSR
static int instr_is_jump(ParseInfo &pi) {
return pi.flags & PI_JUMP;
//whether this instruction GOTO, RETURN, ATHROW, or RET
static int instr_direct(ParseInfo &pi, OpCode opcode, U_8* code, Address instr) {
return (pi.flags & PI_DIRECT) || (opcode == OP_WIDE && code[instr + 1] == OP_RET);
//whether this instruction a *SWITCH
static int instr_is_switch(ParseInfo &pi) {
return pi.flags & PI_SWITCH;
//other types of instructions
static int instr_is_regular(ParseInfo &pi) {
return !(pi.flags & (PI_SWITCH|PI_JUMP|PI_DIRECT));
//whether instruction length is unknown
static int instr_is_compound(OpCode opcode, ParseInfo &pi) {
return (pi.flags & PI_SWITCH) || opcode == OP_WIDE;
//JSR ?
static int instr_is_jsr(OpCode opcode) {
return opcode == OP_JSR || opcode == OP_JSR_W;
//RET ?
static int instr_is_ret(OpCode opcode, U_8* code, Address instr) {
return opcode == OP_RET || opcode == OP_WIDE && code[instr + 1] == OP_RET;
//return the jump target for the given instruction
static Address instr_get_jump_target(ParseInfo &pi, U_8* code, Address instr) {
return ( pi.flags & PI_WIDEJUMP ) ? instr_get_int32_target(instr, code + instr + 1) :
instr_get_int16_target(instr, code + instr + 1);
//is this opcode valid?
static int instr_is_valid_bytecode(OpCode opcode) {
return opcode <= OP_MAXCODE && opcode != OP_XXX_UNUSED_XXX;
//check constraints stored in the classloader data. force loading if necessary
vf_Result vf_force_check_constraint(Class_Handle klass,
vf_TypeConstraint *constraint);