blob: e6de3ab1ef3ac39b5091271b82adf951578c4e99 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Sergey L. Ivashin
#include "Ia32IRManager.h"
#include "Ia32ConstraintsResolver.h"
#include "XTimer.h"
#include "Counter.h"
#include "Stl.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable : 4505) //unreferenced local function has been removed
#endif //#ifdef _MSC_VER
#endif //#ifdef _DEBUG_WEBMAKER
using namespace std;
namespace Jitrino
namespace Ia32
struct WebMaker : public SessionAction
MemoryManager mm; // this is private MemoryManager, not irm.getMemoryManager()
struct OpDef
int globid; // -1 for local definition or uniquue id (starting from 0)
Inst* defp; // defining instruction
unsigned linkx;
bool visited;
typedef StlVector<Inst*> Instps;
Instps* useps; // for local operands always 0
struct Opndx
Opndx (MemoryManager& mm) :opdefs(mm), globdefsp(0), cbbp(0), webscount(0) {}
typedef StlVector<OpDef> OpDefs;
OpDefs opdefs; // array of all definitions
BitSet* globdefsp; // bitmask of all global definitions or 0
const Node* cbbp;
OpDef* copdefp;
int webscount;
Opnd* newopndp;
typedef StlVector <Opndx*> Opndxs;
Opndxs opndxs;
struct Nodex
Nodex (MemoryManager& mm, unsigned s) :globentrys(mm, s),
globdefsp (0),
globexitsp(0) {}
BitSet globentrys; // all global definitions available at the block entry
BitSet* globdefsp, // can be 0
* globkillsp, // can be 0
* globexitsp; // 0 if globdefsp = globkillsp = 0 (globentrys must be used instead)
typedef StlVector <Nodex*> Nodexs;
Nodexs nodexs;
/*const*/ unsigned opandcount;
/*const*/ unsigned nodecount;
unsigned splitcount;
unsigned globcount;
WebMaker () :mm("WebMaker"), opndxs(mm), nodexs(mm) {}
U_32 getNeedInfo () const {return NeedInfo_LivenessInfo;}
U_32 getSideEffects () const {return splitcount == 0 ? 0 : SideEffect_InvalidatesLivenessInfo;}
void runImpl();
void calculateConstraints();
void phase1();
void phase2();
void phase3();
void phase4();
void linkDef(Opndx::OpDefs&, OpDef*, OpDef*);
BitSet* bitsetp (BitSet*&);
Opnd* splitOpnd (const Opnd*);
static ActionFactory<WebMaker> _webmaker("webmaker");
static Counter<int> count_splitted("ia32:webmaker:splitted", 0);
// Internal debug helpers
using std::endl;
using std::ostream;
struct Sep
Sep () :first(true) {}
bool first;
static ostream& operator << (ostream&, Sep&);
static ostream& operator << (ostream&, const Inst&);
static ostream& operator << (ostream&, const Opnd&);
static ostream& operator << (ostream&, /*const*/ BitSet*);
#define DBGOUT(s) log(LogStream::DBG).out() << s
#define DBGOUT(s)
// Inst::Opnds
class InstOpnds
InstOpnds (const Inst* inst, U_32 roles = Inst::OpndRole_All, bool forw = true);
bool hasMore () const {return opnd != 0;}
void next () {move();}
Opnd* getOpnd () const {return opnd;}
U_32 getRole () const {return role;}
bool move ();
const Inst* inst;
const U_32 roles;
const unsigned main_count;
unsigned state,
U_32 role;
Opnd* opnd;
Opnd* main_opnd;
InstOpnds::InstOpnds (const Inst* i, U_32 r, bool forw)
:inst(i), roles(r), main_count(i->getOpndCount())
if (main_count == 0)
state = 6;
opnd = 0;
else if (forw)
main_idx = 0;
state = 0;
main_idx = main_count;
state = 3;
bool InstOpnds::move ()
opnd = 0;
switch (state)
// forward iteration
case 0: // main operands
opnd = inst->getOpnd(main_idx);
role = inst->getOpndRoles(main_idx);
if (++main_idx == main_count)
main_idx = 0;
state = 1;
return true;
case 1: // find next memory operand
for (;; ++main_idx)
if (main_idx == main_count)
state = 6;
return false;
main_opnd = inst->getOpnd(main_idx);
if (main_opnd->getMemOpndKind() != MemOpndKind_Null)
sub_idx = 0;
state = 2;
// fall to case 2
case 2: // sub operands
opnd = main_opnd->getMemOpndSubOpnd((MemOpndSubOpndKind)sub_idx);
role = Inst::OpndRole_OpndLevel | Inst::OpndRole_Use;
if (++sub_idx == 4)
state = 1;
// backward iteration
case 3: // find prev memory operand
for (;;)
if (main_idx == 0)
main_idx = main_count;
state = 5;
goto S5;
main_opnd = inst->getOpnd(--main_idx);
if (main_opnd->getMemOpndKind() != MemOpndKind_Null)
sub_idx = 4;
state = 4;
// fall to case 4
case 4: // sub operands
opnd = main_opnd->getMemOpndSubOpnd((MemOpndSubOpndKind)--sub_idx);
role = Inst::OpndRole_OpndLevel | Inst::OpndRole_Use;
if (sub_idx == 0)
state = 3;
case 5: // main operands
S5: opnd = inst->getOpnd(--main_idx);
role = inst->getOpndRoles(main_idx);
if (main_idx == 0)
state = 6;
return true;
case 6:
return false;
while (opnd == 0 /*TBD: check roles here */);
return true;
// WebMaker implementation
void WebMaker::runImpl()
opandcount = irManager->getOpndCount();
nodecount = irManager->getFlowGraph()->getMaxNodeId();
splitcount = 0;
//TBD Local definitions also can be splitted!
if (globcount != 0)
if (splitcount != 0 && getBoolArg("calc", false))
count_splitted += splitcount;
DBGOUT("splitcount=" << splitcount << "/" << count_splitted << endl;)
void WebMaker::calculateConstraints ()
DBGOUT("Calculating constraints" << endl;)
ConstraintsResolverImpl impl(*irManager, true);;
void WebMaker::phase1()
for (unsigned i = 0; i != opandcount; ++i)
Opndx* opndxp = 0;
if (!irManager->getOpnd(i)->hasAssignedPhysicalLocation())
opndxp = new (mm) Opndx(mm);
opndxs[i] = opndxp;
BitSet lives(mm, opandcount);
globcount = 0;
const Nodes& postOrder = irManager->getFlowGraph()->getNodesPostOrder();
for (Nodes::const_iterator it = postOrder.begin(), end = postOrder.end(); it!=end; ++it)
Node* nodep = *it;
if (nodep->isBlockNode())
for (Inst* instp = (Inst*)nodep->getFirstInst(); instp!=NULL; instp = instp->getNextInst()) {
const U_32 iprops = instp->getProperties();
Inst::Opnds defs(instp, Inst::OpndRole_AllDefs);
unsigned itx = 0;
for (Inst::Opnds::iterator it = defs.begin(); it != defs.end(); it =, ++itx)
//for (InstOpnds inops(instp, Inst::OpndRole_All, true); inops.hasMore();
Opnd* opndp = instp->getOpnd(it);
//Opnd* opndp = inops.getOpnd();
Opndx* opndxp =>getId());
if (opndxp != 0)
const U_32 oprole = const_cast<const Inst*>(instp)->getOpndRoles(itx);
//const U_32 oprole = inops.getRole();
const bool isdef = ((oprole & Inst::OpndRole_UseDef) == Inst::OpndRole_Def)
&& ((iprops & Inst::Properties_Conditional) == 0 );
if (isdef)
{// register the new definition
OpDef& opdef = opndxp->opdefs.back();
opdef.visited = false;
opdef.linkx = (unsigned int)(&opdef - &opndxp->opdefs.front());
opdef.globid = -1;
opdef.defp = instp;
opdef.useps = 0;
// Mark all global definitions
irManager->getLiveAtExit(nodep, lives);
BitSet::IterB bsk(lives);
for (int i = bsk.getNext(); i != -1; i = bsk.getNext())
Opnd* opndp = irManager->getOpnd(i);
Opndx*& opndxp =>getId());
if (opndxp != 0 && !opndxp->opdefs.empty())
OpDef& opdef = opndxp->opdefs.back();
if (opdef.defp->getNode() == nodep)
opdef.globid = (int)globcount++;
bitsetp(opndxp->globdefsp)->setBit(opdef.globid, true);
dbgout << "--- phase1 ---" << endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i != opandcount; ++i)
if (opndxs[i] != 0)
dbgout << " O#" << irManager->getOpnd(i)->getFirstId() << " (#" << i << ")" << endl;
Opndx::OpDefs opdefs = opndxs[i]->opdefs;
for (Opndx::OpDefs::iterator it = opdefs.begin(); it != opdefs.end(); ++it)
OpDef& opdef = *it;
dbgout << " linkx#" << opdef.linkx << " globid#" << opdef.globid
<< " opdef B#" << opdef.defp->getBasicBlock()->getId() << " " << *opdef.defp << endl;
dbgout << "--- opandcount:" << opandcount << " globcount:" << globcount << endl;
void WebMaker::phase2()
for (size_t n = 0; n != nodecount; ++n)
nodexs[n] = new (mm) Nodex(mm, globcount);
Opndx* opndxp;
for (size_t i = 0; i != opandcount; ++i)
if ((opndxp = opndxs[i]) != 0 && !opndxp->opdefs.empty())
Opndx::OpDefs::iterator it = opndxp->opdefs.begin(),
end = opndxp->opdefs.end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
OpDef& opdef = *it;
Nodex* nodexp =>getNode()->getId());
if (opdef.globid != -1)
bitsetp(nodexp->globdefsp)->setBit(opdef.globid, true);
if (opndxp->globdefsp != 0)
// prepare for pass3
opndxp->cbbp = 0;
opndxp->copdefp = 0;
BitSet wrkbs(mm, (U_32)globcount);
bool wrkbsvalid;
size_t passnb = 0;
const Nodes& postOrder = irManager->getFlowGraph()->getNodesPostOrder();
for (bool changes = true; changes; ++passnb)
changes = false;
for (Nodes::const_reverse_iterator it = postOrder.rbegin(),end = postOrder.rend(); it!=end; ++it)
Node* nodep = *it;
Nodex* nodexp = nodexs[nodep->getId()];
wrkbsvalid = false;
const Edges& edges = nodep->getInEdges();
size_t edgecount = 0;
for (Edges::const_iterator ite = edges.begin(), ende = edges.end(); ite!=ende; ++ite, ++edgecount) {
Edge* edgep = *ite;
Node* predp = edgep->getSourceNode();
Nodex* predxp = nodexs[predp->getId()];
BitSet* predbsp = predxp->globexitsp;
if (predbsp == 0)
predbsp = &predxp->globentrys;
if (edgecount == 0)
wrkbsvalid = true;
if (passnb > 0 && (!wrkbsvalid || nodexp->globentrys.isEqual(wrkbs)))
if (!wrkbsvalid)
if (!nodexp->globentrys.isEqual(wrkbs))
changes = true;
if (nodexp->globkillsp != 0 && nodexp->globdefsp != 0)
if (nodexp->globkillsp != 0)
if (nodexp->globdefsp != 0)
if (!bitsetp(nodexp->globexitsp)->isEqual(wrkbs))
changes = true;
dbgout << "--- total passes:" << passnb << endl;
for (size_t n = 0; n != nodecount; ++n)
Nodex* nodexp = nodexs[n];
dbgout <<" node#" << n << endl;
dbgout <<" entry " << &nodexp->globentrys << endl;
if (nodexp->globexitsp != 0)
dbgout <<" exit " << nodexp->globexitsp << endl;
void WebMaker::phase3()
const Nodes& postOrder = irManager->getFlowGraph()->getNodesPostOrder();
for (Nodes::const_iterator it = postOrder.begin(), end = postOrder.end(); it!=end; ++it)
Node* nodep = *it;
if (nodep->isBlockNode())
const BitSet* globentryp = &>getId())->globentrys;
for (Inst* instp = (Inst*)nodep->getFirstInst(); instp != 0; instp = instp->getNextInst())
const U_32 iprops = instp->getProperties();
for (InstOpnds inops(instp, Inst::OpndRole_All, false); inops.hasMore();
Opnd* opndp = inops.getOpnd();
Opndx* opndxp =>getId());
if (opndxp != 0)
OpDef* opdefp = 0;
const U_32 oprole = inops.getRole();
const bool isdef = ((oprole & Inst::OpndRole_UseDef) == Inst::OpndRole_Def)
&& ((iprops & Inst::Properties_Conditional) == 0 );
DBGOUT(" B#" << instp->getBasicBlock()->getId() << " " << *instp;)
DBGOUT(" " << *opndp << (isdef ? " DEF" : "") << endl;)
if (isdef)
{// opand definition here
Opndx::OpDefs::iterator it = opndxp->opdefs.begin(),
end = opndxp->opdefs.end();
for (; it != end && it->defp != instp; ++it)
assert(it != end);
opdefp = &*it;
opndxp->copdefp = opdefp;
opndxp->cbbp = nodep;
{// opand usage here
if (opndxp->cbbp != nodep)
{// it must be usage of global definition
OpDef* lastdefp = 0;
Opndx::OpDefs::iterator it = opndxp->opdefs.begin(),
end = opndxp->opdefs.end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
if (it->globid != -1 && globentryp->getBit(it->globid))
opdefp = &*it;
opndxp->copdefp = opdefp;
opndxp->cbbp = nodep;
if (lastdefp != 0)
linkDef(opndxp->opdefs, lastdefp, opdefp);
lastdefp = opdefp;
assert(lastdefp != 0);
{// it can be usage of global or local definition
opdefp = opndxp->copdefp;
assert(opdefp != 0);
if (opdefp->globid == -1)
{// local operand
if (isdef)
if (opndxp->webscount > 1)
opndxp->newopndp = splitOpnd(opndp);
DBGOUT("**new local web found " << *opndp << " -> " << *opndxp->newopndp << endl;)
if (opndxp->webscount > 1 && opdefp->defp->getNode() == nodep)
instp->replaceOpnd(opndp, opndxp->newopndp, isdef ? Inst::OpndRole_AllDefs : Inst::OpndRole_AllUses);
DBGOUT(" replace B#" << instp->getBasicBlock()->getId() << " " << *instp << endl;)
{// global oprand
if (opdefp->useps == 0)
opdefp->useps = new (mm) OpDef::Instps(mm);
if (!isdef)
void WebMaker::phase4()
Opndx* opndxp;
for (unsigned i = 0; i != opandcount; ++i)
if ((opndxp = opndxs[i]) != 0 && !opndxp->opdefs.empty())
Opnd* opndp = irManager->getOpnd(i);
Opndx::OpDefs& opdefs = opndxp->opdefs;
for (unsigned itx = 0; itx != opdefs.size(); ++itx)
OpDef* opdefp = &opdefs[itx];
if (opdefp->globid != -1 && !opdefp->visited)
Opnd* newopndp = 0;
if (opndxp->webscount > 1)
newopndp = splitOpnd(opndp);
DBGOUT("**new global web found " << *opndp << " -> " << *newopndp<< endl;)
while (!opdefp->visited)
if (newopndp != 0)
DBGOUT(" defp " << *opdefp->defp << endl;)
opdefp->defp->replaceOpnd(opndp, newopndp, Inst::OpndRole_AllDefs);
DBGOUT(" replace B#" << opdefp->defp->getBasicBlock()->getId() << " " << *opdefp->defp << endl;)
OpDef::Instps::iterator it = opdefp->useps->begin(),
end = opdefp->useps->end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
(*it)->replaceOpnd(opndp, newopndp, Inst::OpndRole_AllUses);
DBGOUT(" replace B#" << (*it)->getBasicBlock()->getId() << " " << **it << endl;)
opdefp->visited = true;
opdefp = &>linkx);
assert(opdefp->globid != -1);
void WebMaker::linkDef(Opndx::OpDefs& opdefs, OpDef* lastdefp, OpDef* opdefp)
for (OpDef* p = lastdefp;;)
if (p == opdefp)
if ((p = &>linkx)) == lastdefp)
unsigned wx = lastdefp->linkx;
lastdefp->linkx = opdefp->linkx;
opdefp->linkx = wx;
BitSet* WebMaker::bitsetp (BitSet*& bsp)
if (bsp == 0)
bsp = new (mm) BitSet(mm, globcount);
return bsp;
Opnd* WebMaker::splitOpnd (const Opnd* op)
Opnd* np = irManager->newOpnd(op->getType(), op->getConstraint(Opnd::ConstraintKind_Initial));
return np;
// Output formatters
static ostream& operator << (ostream& os, Sep& x)
if (x.first)
x.first = false;
os << ",";
return os;
static ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const Inst& x)
return os << "I#" << x.getId();
static ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const Opnd& x)
os << "O#" << x.getFirstId();
RegName rn = x.getRegName();
if (rn != RegName_Null)
os << "<" << getRegNameString(rn) << ">";
if (x.isPlacedIn(OpndKind_Memory))
os << "<mem>";
return os;
static ostream& operator << (ostream& os, /*const*/ BitSet* bs)
if (bs != 0)
os << "{";
Sep s;
BitSet::IterB bsk(*bs);
for (int i = bsk.getNext(); i != -1; i = bsk.getNext())
os << s << i;
os << "}";
os << "null";
return os;
#endif //#ifdef _DEBUG_WEBMAKER
} //namespace Ia32
} //namespace Jitrino