blob: 1e31528a4168298f946b4b0aa3f00f46a1b62c3c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Alexander Astapchuk
* @file
* @brief Concentrates all the codegen's knowledge about the TLS and
* related things.
#include "Ia32Tls.h"
#include "VMInterface.h"
namespace Jitrino {
namespace Ia32 {
static Opnd* createTlsBaseLoadGeneric(IRManager& ir, Node* ctrlNode, Type* tlsBaseType);
#ifdef _WIN32
static Opnd* createTlsBaseLoadWin(IRManager& ir, Node* ctrlNode, Type* tlsBaseType);
static Opnd* createTlsBaseLoadLin(IRManager& ir, Node* ctrlNode, Type* tlsBaseType);
Opnd* createTlsBaseLoadSequence(IRManager& irManager, Node* ctrlNode)
Type* int8type = irManager.getTypeManager().getInt8Type();
Type* tlsBaseType = irManager.getTypeManager().getUnmanagedPtrType(int8type);
return createTlsBaseLoadSequence(irManager, ctrlNode, tlsBaseType);
Opnd* createTlsBaseLoadSequence(IRManager& irManager, Node* ctrlNode, Type* tlsBaseType)
Opnd* tlsBase;
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(HYX86_64)
// Currently do it in a looong way - via the helper, but need to change
// it to FS:[0x14] - TODO
tlsBase = createTlsBaseLoadGeneric(irManager, ctrlNode, tlsBaseType);
#elif defined(_WIN32)
// Fast access through FS:[0x14]
tlsBase = createTlsBaseLoadWin(irManager, ctrlNode, tlsBaseType);
#elif defined(__linux__) || defined(FREEBSD)
// On Linux, try the fast way
tlsBase = createTlsBaseLoadLin(irManager, ctrlNode, tlsBaseType);
// Some other unknown platform - slow, but platform-independent way through the helper
tlsBase = createTlsBaseLoadGeneric(irManager, ctrlNode, tlsBaseType);
return tlsBase;
Opnd* createTlsBaseLoadGeneric(IRManager& irManager, Node* ctrlNode, Type* tlsBaseType)
// Dunno where the HYTHR keeps its thread structure - request through the helper
Opnd* tlsBase = irManager.newOpnd(tlsBaseType);
Inst* callInst = irManager.newRuntimeHelperCallInst(VM_RT_GC_GET_TLS_BASE, 0, NULL, tlsBase);
return tlsBase;
#ifdef _WIN32
Opnd* createTlsBaseLoadWin(IRManager& irManager, Node* ctrlNode, Type* tlsBaseType)
if (!VMInterface::useFastTLSAccess()) {
return createTlsBaseLoadGeneric(irManager, ctrlNode, tlsBaseType);
// HYTHR's structure is stored in TIB's free offset aka [fs:0x14]
Opnd* tlsBase = irManager.newMemOpnd(tlsBaseType, MemOpndKind_Any, NULL, 0x14, RegName_FS);
return tlsBase;
#else // ifdef _WIN32
Opnd* createTlsBaseLoadLin(IRManager& irManager, Node* ctrlNode, Type* tlsBaseType)
if (!VMInterface::useFastTLSAccess()) {
return createTlsBaseLoadGeneric(irManager, ctrlNode, tlsBaseType);
// HYTHR's structure is stored in global TLS
MOV tib, fs:[0]
MOV pHythr, [tib + threadOffset]
MOV hythread_t, *pHythr
tlsBase = hythread_t
int threadOffset = VMInterface::getTLSBaseOffset();
Opnd* pTib;
#if defined(HYX86_64)
pTib = irManager.newMemOpnd(tlsBaseType, MemOpndKind_Any, NULL, 0, RegName_FS);
pTib = irManager.newMemOpnd(tlsBaseType, MemOpndKind_Any, NULL, 0, RegName_GS);
Opnd* tib = irManager.newOpnd(tlsBaseType);
Inst* ii;
ii = irManager.newCopyPseudoInst(Mnemonic_MOV, tib, pTib);
Opnd* pHyThread = irManager.newMemOpnd(tlsBaseType, MemOpndKind_Any, tib, threadOffset);
Opnd* _hythread_t = irManager.newOpnd(tlsBaseType);
ii= irManager.newCopyPseudoInst(Mnemonic_MOV, _hythread_t, pHyThread);
Opnd* tlsBase = _hythread_t;
return tlsBase;
#endif // ifdef _WIN32
}}; // ~Jitrino::Ia32