blob: 2a1744955034f1994fdc053e4bc887488ac2e1ee [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Intel, Sergey L. Ivashin
#include "Ia32IRManager.h"
#include "Ia32RegAllocCheck.h"
#include "Stl.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "Ia32Printer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable : 4505) //unreferenced local function has been removed
#endif //#ifdef _MSC_VER
#endif //#ifdef _DEBUG_REGALLOC3
using namespace std;
namespace Jitrino
namespace Ia32
// class Ia32RegAlloc3
* This class attempts to assign register for any operand (found in LIR) that can be
* allocated in register.
* Set of registers available for allocation is specified by input arguments and saved
* in 'constrs' class member. All operands that cannot be allocated in the registers
* available are simply ignored.
* So this allocator should be called for each set of the registers available (GPReg, XMM,
* FP) independently.
* It is not guaranteed that all operands which can be assigned will be assigned.
* Therefore, the companion class (SpillGen) must be used after this allocator.
struct RegAlloc3 : public SessionAction
MemoryManager mm; // this is private MemoryManager, not irm.getMemoryManager()
unsigned flag_SORT;
bool flag_NEIGBH;
bool flag_COALESCE;
unsigned coalesceCount;
class BoolMatrix;
typedef U_32 RegMask; // used to represent set of registers
static void merge (Constraint& c, RegMask mk) {c.setMask(c.getMask() | mk);}
// Table of all available registers sets.
// Each set (GPReg, FPReg, XMMReg and so on) is represented by the corresponding
// Constraint object.
struct Registers : public StlVector<Constraint>
Registers (MemoryManager& mm) :StlVector<Constraint>(mm) {}
void parse (const char*);
// register the new constraint (register) in the table.
// if table doesn't contain constraint of the specified kind, it will be ignored
// (add = false) or new table entry for the constraint will be created (add = true).
int merge (const Constraint&, bool add = false);
// returns table index of the constraint of the specified kind or -1
int index (const Constraint&) const;
int indexes[IRMaxRegKinds];
Registers registers;
struct Oprole
Inst* inst;
U_32 role;
typedef StlVector<Oprole> Oproles;
typedef StlList<int> Indexes;
struct Opndx
Indexes* adjacents,
* hiddens;
Indexes* neighbs;
Opnd* opnd;
Oproles* oproles;
int ridx; // index in Registers of register assigned/will be assigned
RegMask alloc, // 0 or mask of the register assigned
avail; // if not assigned, then mask of the registers available (defined by calculated constraint)
unsigned nbavails; // number of the registers available for this operand ( =bitCount(avail) )
double spillcost;
bool spill; // operand selected for spilling
bool ignore; // this operand was coalesced so its entry in the graph is invalid
// Operand's graph to be colored
struct Graph : public StlVector<Opndx>
Graph (MemoryManager& m) : StlVector<Opndx>(m) {}
void connect (int x1, int x2) const;
int disconnect (int x) const;
void reconnect (int x) const;
void moveNodes (Indexes& from, Indexes& to, int x) const;
Graph graph;
size_t graphsize, // total size of graph (operands + registers)
xregbase; // index of first register in graph
StlVector<int> nstack;
RegAlloc3 () : mm("RegAlloc3"), registers(mm), graph(mm), nstack(mm) {}
U_32 getNeedInfo () const {return NeedInfo_LivenessInfo;}
U_32 getSideEffects () const {return coalesceCount == 0 ? 0 : SideEffect_InvalidatesLivenessInfo;}
void runImpl();
void SpillGen ();
bool verify (bool force=false);
bool buildGraph ();
void processInst (Inst*, BitSet&, int* opandmap, BoolMatrix&, double excount);
void showGraph ();
void lookLives (Opnd*, BitSet&, int* opandmap, BoolMatrix&);
int findNode (Opnd*) const;
bool coalescing (int* opandmap, BoolMatrix& matrix);
void coalesce (int* opandmap, BoolMatrix& matrix, int x0, int x1);
int duplicates (Indexes* list, BoolMatrix& matrix, int x0, int x1);
void pruneGraph ();
bool shouldPrune (const Opndx&) const;
RegAlloc3::RegMask occupiedReg (OpndSize, OpndSize, RegAlloc3::RegMask);
bool assignRegs ();
bool assignReg (Opndx&);
void spillRegs ();
int spillReg (Opndx&);
int update (const Inst*, const Opnd*, Constraint&) const;
static ActionFactory<RegAlloc3> _cg_regalloc("cg_regalloc");
static Counter<size_t> count_spilled("ia32:regalloc3:spilled", 0),
count_assigned("ia32:regalloc3:assigned", 0),
count_coalesced("ia32:regalloc3:coalesced", 0);
// Internal debug helpers
using std::endl;
using std::ostream;
struct Sep
Sep () :first(true) {}
bool first;
static ostream& operator << (ostream&, Sep&);
static ostream& operator << (ostream&, const Inst&);
static ostream& operator << (ostream&, const Opnd&);
static ostream& operator << (ostream&, Constraint);
static ostream& operator << (ostream&, const RegAlloc3::Registers&);
struct RegMasks
RegMasks (Constraint x, RegAlloc3::RegMask mk) : c(x) {c.setMask(mk);}
Constraint c;
static ostream& operator << (ostream&, RegMasks);
static ostream& outRegMasks (ostream&, RegAlloc3::RegMask*, const RegAlloc3::Registers&);
static ostream& operator << (ostream&, const RegAlloc3::Opndx&);
static ostream& operator << (ostream&, const RegAlloc3::Graph&);
#define DBGOUT(s) log(LogStream::DBG).out() << s
#define DBGOUT(s)
// Utility
static int bitCount (RegAlloc3::RegMask mk)
int count = 0;
while (mk != 0)
if ((mk & 1) != 0)
mk >>= 1;
return count;
static int bitNumber (RegAlloc3::RegMask mk)
assert(mk != 0);
int number = 0;
while (mk != 1)
mk >>= 1;
return number;
static RegAlloc3::RegMask findHighest (RegAlloc3::RegMask mk)
assert(mk != 0);
RegAlloc3::RegMask high = 1,
highest = (RegAlloc3::RegMask)~1;
while ((mk & highest) != 0)
high <<= 1,
highest <<= 1;
return high;
// Tokens - Utility class for (zero-terminated) strings parsing
class Tokens
Tokens (const char* s) :src(s) {;}
void init (const char* s) {src = s;}
bool scan ();
bool isWord () const {return isw;}
const char* lex () const {return buff;}
const char* src;
char* dst;
char buff[64];
bool isw;
// BoolMatrix - Symmetric boolean matrix
class RegAlloc3::BoolMatrix
BoolMatrix (MemoryManager&, size_t);
void clear ();
void clear (int i, int j) {at((unsigned)i, (unsigned)j); *ptr &= ~msk;}
void set (int i, int j) {at((unsigned)i, (unsigned)j); *ptr |= msk;}
bool test (int i, int j) {at((unsigned)i, (unsigned)j); return (*ptr & msk) != 0;}
void at (unsigned i, unsigned j)
assert((size_t)i < dim && (size_t)j < dim);
const unsigned bitn = (i < j) ? j*(j-1)/2 + i
: i*(i-1)/2 + j;
msk = (char)(1 << (bitn & 7));
ptr = base + (bitn >> 3);
size_t dim, dims;
char* base;
char msk;
char* ptr;
RegAlloc3::BoolMatrix::BoolMatrix (MemoryManager& mm, size_t d)
assert(d > 0);
dim = d;
dims = (dim*(dim - 1)) >> 4; // /16
base = new (mm) char[dims];
void RegAlloc3::BoolMatrix::clear ()
memset(base, 0, dims);
// Registers implementation
// Parse input parameters (registers available) and build table of the regsiters
// available for allocalion ('registers').
void RegAlloc3::Registers::parse (const char* params)
if (params == 0 || strcmp(params, "ALL") == 0)
#ifdef HYX86_64
Constraint c;
for (Tokens t(params); t.scan(); )
if (t.isWord())
RegName r = getRegName(t.lex());
if (r != RegName_Null)
c = Constraint(r);
merge(c, true);
for (unsigned i = 0; i != IRMaxRegKinds; ++i)
indexes[i] = -1;
for (unsigned i = 0; i != size(); ++i)
indexes[operator[](i).getKind()] = (int)i;
int RegAlloc3::Registers::merge (const Constraint& c, bool add)
if (c.getMask() != 0)
for (unsigned i = 0; i != size(); ++i)
Constraint& r = operator[](i);
if (r.getKind() == c.getKind())
r.setMask(r.getMask() | c.getMask());
return (int)i;
if (add)
return -1;
int RegAlloc3::Registers::index (const Constraint& c) const
return indexes[c.getKind() & OpndKind_Reg];
// Graph implementation
void RegAlloc3::Graph::connect (int x1, int x2) const
int RegAlloc3::Graph::disconnect (int x) const
// Node to be disconnected
const Opndx& opndx = at(x);
if (opndx.adjacents->empty())
return 0;
int disc = 0;
for (Indexes::iterator k = opndx.adjacents->begin(); k != opndx.adjacents->end(); ++k)
// this node is adjacent to the node to be disconnected
const Opndx& adjopndx = at(*k);
if (!adjopndx.adjacents->empty())
moveNodes(*adjopndx.adjacents, *adjopndx.hiddens, x);
if (adjopndx.adjacents->empty())
opndx.hiddens->splice(opndx.hiddens->begin(), *opndx.adjacents);
return ++disc;
void RegAlloc3::Graph::reconnect (int x) const
// Node to be reconnected
const Opndx& opndx = at(x);
for (Indexes::iterator k = opndx.hiddens->begin(); k != opndx.hiddens->end(); ++k)
// this node was adjacent to the node to be reconnected
const Opndx& adjopndx = at(*k);
moveNodes(*adjopndx.hiddens, *adjopndx.adjacents, x);
opndx.adjacents->splice(opndx.adjacents->begin(), *opndx.hiddens);
void RegAlloc3::Graph::moveNodes (Indexes& from, Indexes& to, int x) const
Indexes::iterator i;
while ((i = find(from.begin(), from.end(), x)) != from.end())
to.splice(to.begin(), from, i);
// RegAlloc3 implementation
void RegAlloc3::runImpl ()
DBGOUT("parameters: " << registers << endl;)
getArg("SORT", flag_SORT = 2);
getArg("NEIGBH", flag_NEIGBH = false);
getArg("COALESCE", flag_COALESCE = true);
coalesceCount = 0;
DBGOUT(endl << "passnb 1" << endl;)
if (buildGraph())
if (!assignRegs())
bool flag_SPILL;
getArg("SPILL", flag_SPILL = false);
if (flag_SPILL)
DBGOUT(endl << "passnb 2" << endl;)
count_coalesced += coalesceCount;
bool RegAlloc3::verify (bool force)
bool failed = false;
if (force || getVerificationLevel() >=2 )
RegAllocCheck chk(getIRManager());
if (!
failed = true;
if (!SessionAction::verify(force))
failed = true;
return !failed;
void RegAlloc3::SpillGen ()
bool runSpillGen = false;
for (unsigned i = 0, opandcount = getIRManager().getOpndCount(); i != opandcount; ++i)
Opnd* opnd = getIRManager().getOpnd(i);
if (opnd->getConstraint(Opnd::ConstraintKind_Location, OpndSize_Default).isNull())
if (opnd->getConstraint(Opnd::ConstraintKind_Calculated, OpndSize_Default).getKind() == OpndKind_Memory)
opnd->assignMemLocation(MemOpndKind_StackAutoLayout, getIRManager().getRegOpnd(STACK_REG), 0);
DBGOUT("assigned to mem " << *opnd << endl;)
runSpillGen = true;
bool* spill_flag = new (getIRManager().getMemoryManager()) bool(runSpillGen);
getIRManager().setInfo("SpillGen", spill_flag);
DBGOUT("runSpillGen:" << runSpillGen << endl;)
bool RegAlloc3::buildGraph ()
static CountTime buildGraphTimer("ia32::RegAlloc3::buildGraph");
AutoTimer tm(buildGraphTimer);
const unsigned opandcount = getIRManager().getOpndCount();
Opndx opndx;
// Scan all the operands available and see if operand is already assigned
// or need to be assigned
int* opandmap = new (mm) int[opandcount];
for (unsigned i = 0; i != opandcount; ++i)
int mapto = -1;
Opnd* opnd = getIRManager().getOpnd(i);
opndx.opnd = opnd;
opndx.spill = false;
opndx.ignore = false;
int ridx;
Constraint loc = opnd->getConstraint(Opnd::ConstraintKind_Location, OpndSize_Default);
if (loc.isNull())
{// this operand is not allocated yet
loc = opnd->getConstraint(Opnd::ConstraintKind_Calculated, OpndSize_Default);
if ((ridx = registers.index(loc)) != -1)
{// operand should be assigned to register
opndx.ridx = ridx;
opndx.alloc = 0;
opndx.avail = loc.getMask() & registers[ridx].getMask();
opndx.nbavails = bitCount(opndx.avail);
assert(opndx.nbavails != 0);
opndx.spillcost = 1;
mapto = (int)graph.size();
opandmap[i] = mapto;
if ((graphsize = graph.size()) == 0)
return false;
// Create graph node for each register available
xregbase = graph.size(); // graph index of the first register available
graph.reserve(graph.size() + registers.size());
opndx.opnd = 0;
opndx.spill = false;
opndx.ignore = false;
opndx.ridx = 0;
for (Registers::iterator it = registers.begin(), end = registers.end(); it != end; ++it)
for (RegMask msk = it->getMask(), mk = 1; msk != 0; mk <<= 1)
if ((msk & mk) != 0)
msk ^= mk;
opndx.alloc = mk;
graphsize = graph.size();
BoolMatrix matrix(mm, graphsize);
for (Graph::iterator i = graph.begin(); i != graph.end(); ++i)
i->adjacents = new (mm) Indexes(mm);
i->hiddens = new (mm) Indexes(mm);
i->oproles = new (mm) Oproles(mm);
i->neighbs = 0;
// Iterate over all instructions in CFG and calculate which operands
// live simultaneously (result stored in matrix)
BitSet lives(mm, opandcount);
const Nodes& nodes = irManager->getFlowGraph()->getNodesPostOrder();
for (Nodes::const_iterator it = nodes.begin(), end = nodes.end(); it!=end; ++it)
Node* node = *it;
if (node->isBlockNode())
Inst* inst = (Inst*)node->getLastInst();
if (inst == 0)
double excount = node->getExecCount() / irManager->getFlowGraph()->getEntryNode()->getExecCount();
assert(excount > 0);
// start with the operands at the block bottom
getIRManager().getLiveAtExit(node, lives);
// iterate over instructions towards the top of the block
for (;;)
processInst(inst, lives, opandmap, matrix, excount);
if (inst->getPrevInst() == 0)
getIRManager().updateLiveness(inst, lives);
inst = inst->getPrevInst();
else if (node->isDispatchNode())
BitSet* tmp = irManager->getLiveAtEntry(node);
BitSet::IterB ib(*tmp);
int i;
for (int x = ib.getNext(); x != -1; x = ib.getNext())
if ((i = opandmap[x]) != -1)
Opndx& opndx =;
opndx.ignore = true;
DBGOUT("catched " << opndx << endl;)
// Detect and ignore not-used operands (e.g. child of coalesced operands)
for (unsigned x = 0; x < xregbase; ++x)
if (graph[x].oproles->empty())
graph[x].ignore = true;
// Connect nodes that represent simultaneously live operands
for (unsigned x1 = 1; x1 < graphsize; ++x1)
for (unsigned x2 = 0; x2 < x1; ++x2)
if (matrix.test(x1, x2))
graph.connect(x1, x2);
// Do iterative coalescing
if (flag_COALESCE)
while (coalescing(opandmap, matrix))
return true;
void RegAlloc3::processInst (Inst* inst, BitSet& lives, int* opandmap, BoolMatrix& matrix, double excount)
int defx = -1;
Oprole oprole;
Inst::Opnds opnds(inst, Inst::OpndRole_All);
for (Inst::Opnds::iterator it = opnds.begin(); it != opnds.end(); it =
U_32 role = inst->getOpndRoles(it);
Opnd* opnd = inst->getOpnd(it);
// For each operand def, look at the all live operand
if (role & Inst::OpndRole_Def)
lookLives(opnd, lives, opandmap, matrix);
int i = opnd->getId();
int x = opandmap[i];
if (x != -1)
Opndx& opndx =;
if (opndx.oproles->empty() || opndx.oproles->back().inst != inst)
oprole.inst = inst;
oprole.role = role;
opndx.oproles->back().role |= role;
if (role & Inst::OpndRole_Def)
defx = x;
else if (flag_NEIGBH && defx != -1 && !lives.getBit(i))
Opndx& defopndx =;
if (defopndx.neighbs == 0)
defopndx.neighbs = new (mm) Indexes(mm);
if (opndx.neighbs == 0)
opndx.neighbs = new (mm) Indexes(mm);
opndx.spillcost += excount;
// Look for operands live at defining point
void RegAlloc3::lookLives (Opnd* opnd, BitSet& lives, int* opandmap, BoolMatrix& matrix)
int i = opnd->getId();
int x;
if ((x = opandmap[i]) == -1 && (x = findNode(opnd)) == -1)
BitSet::IterB bsk(lives);
int k, y;
for (k = bsk.getNext(); k != -1; k = bsk.getNext())
if (k != i)
if ((y = opandmap[k]) != -1 || (y = findNode(irManager->getOpnd(k))) != -1)
matrix.set(x, y);
int RegAlloc3::findNode (Opnd* opnd) const
Constraint loc = opnd->getConstraint(Opnd::ConstraintKind_Location);
if (!loc.isNull())
int ridx = registers.index(loc);
RegMask msk = loc.getMask();
for (size_t x = xregbase; x != graph.size(); ++x)
const Opndx& opndx = graph[x];
assert(opndx.alloc != 0);
if (opndx.ridx == ridx && opndx.alloc == msk)
return (int)x;
return -1;
void RegAlloc3::showGraph ()
log(LogStream::DBG) << "--- graph" << endl;
for (unsigned x = 0; x != graphsize; ++x)
const Opndx& opndx =;
<< "(" << x << ") "
<< (opndx.ignore ? "IGNORE " : "");
if (opndx.opnd != 0)
log(LogStream::DBG).out() << *opndx.opnd;
log(LogStream::DBG).out() << "REG";
<< " ridx:" << opndx.ridx
<< " avail:" << hex << opndx.avail << " alloc:" << opndx.alloc << dec
//<< " nbavails:" << opndx.nbavails
<< " spillcost:" << opndx.spillcost;
if (!opndx.adjacents->empty())
Sep s;
log(LogStream::DBG) << " adjacents{";
for (RegAlloc3::Indexes::const_iterator i = opndx.adjacents->begin(); i != opndx.adjacents->end(); ++i)
log(LogStream::DBG).out() << s << *i;
log(LogStream::DBG) << "}";
if (opndx.neighbs != 0)
Sep s;
log(LogStream::DBG) << " neighbs{";
for (RegAlloc3::Indexes::const_iterator i = opndx.neighbs->begin(); i != opndx.neighbs->end(); ++i)
log(LogStream::DBG).out() << s << *i;
log(LogStream::DBG) << "}";
log(LogStream::DBG) << endl;
log(LogStream::DBG) << "---------" << endl;
bool RegAlloc3::coalescing (int* opandmap, BoolMatrix& matrix)
//static CountTime coalescingTimer("ia32::RegAlloc3::coalescing");
//AutoTimer tm(coalescingTimer);
int x0, x1;
const Nodes& nodes = irManager->getFlowGraph()->getNodesPostOrder();
for (Nodes::const_iterator it = nodes.begin(), end = nodes.end(); it!=end; ++it)
Node* node = *it;
if (node->isBlockNode())
for (const Inst* inst = (Inst*)node->getLastInst(); inst != 0; inst = inst->getPrevInst())
if (inst->getMnemonic() == Mnemonic_MOV)
if ((x0 = opandmap[inst->getOpnd(0)->getId()]) != -1 &&
(x1 = opandmap[inst->getOpnd(1)->getId()]) != -1 &&
x0 != x1 && !matrix.test(x0, x1))
Opndx& opndx0 =,
& opndx1 =;
RegMask avail = opndx0.avail & opndx1.avail;
unsigned nbavails = bitCount(avail);
if (opndx0.ridx != opndx1.ridx || nbavails == 0)
//if (opndx0.opnd->getSize() != opndx1.opnd->getSize())
// continue;
Type* t0 = opndx0.opnd->getType(),
* t1 = opndx1.opnd->getType();
//if ((t0->isManagedPtr() || t0->isObject()) != (t1->isManagedPtr() || t1->isObject()))
// continue;
if (!Type::mayAlias(&irManager->getTypeManager(), t0, t1))
DBGOUT("coalesce candidates (" << x0 << ") & (" << x1 << ") " << *inst << endl;)
size_t xdegree = 0, // estimated degree of the coalesced node
xcount = 0; // number of neighbours with degree >= k
xdegree = opndx0.adjacents->size() + opndx1.adjacents->size()
- duplicates(opndx1.adjacents, matrix, x0, x1);
for (Indexes::iterator ptr = opndx0.adjacents->begin(), end = opndx0.adjacents->end(); ptr != end; ++ptr)
Indexes* ixs =*ptr).adjacents;
size_t ndegree = ixs->size() - duplicates(ixs, matrix, x0, x1);
if (ndegree >= nbavails)
if (++xcount >= nbavails)
for (Indexes::iterator ptr = opndx1.adjacents->begin(), end = opndx1.adjacents->end(); ptr != end; ++ptr)
if (!matrix.test(*ptr, x0))
Indexes* ixs =*ptr).adjacents;
size_t ndegree = ixs->size();
if (ndegree >= nbavails)
if (++xcount >= nbavails)
DBGOUT("xdegree:" << xdegree << " xcount:" << xcount << endl;)
if (xcount >= nbavails || xdegree >= nbavails)
coalesce (opandmap, matrix, x0, x1);
return true;
return false;
// Coalesce graph nodes (x0) and (x1) and the corresponding operands.
// Node (x1) not to be used anymore, (x0) must be used instead.
// Note that (x1) remains in the graph (must be ignored)
void RegAlloc3::coalesce (int* opandmap, BoolMatrix& matrix, int x0, int x1)
DBGOUT("*coalescing (" << x0 << ") with (" << x1 << ")" << endl;)
Opndx& opndx0 =,
& opndx1 =;
opndx0.avail &= opndx1.avail;
opndx0.nbavails = bitCount(opndx0.avail);
opndx1.ignore = true;
Opnd* opnd0 = opndx0.opnd,
* opnd1 = opndx1.opnd;
opandmap[opnd1->getId()] = x0;
Oproles::iterator it = opndx1.oproles->begin(),
end = opndx1.oproles->end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
it->inst->replaceOpnd(opnd1, opnd0);
opndx0.oproles->reserve(opndx0.oproles->size() + opndx1.oproles->size());
opndx0.oproles->insert(opndx0.oproles->end(), opndx1.oproles->begin(), opndx1.oproles->end());
Indexes tmp(mm); // list of trash indexes
for (Indexes::iterator ptr = opndx1.adjacents->begin(), end = opndx1.adjacents->end(); ptr != end;)
Indexes::iterator ptr_next = ptr;
int x = *ptr;
assert(matrix.test(x, x1));
matrix.clear(x, x1);
Opndx& opndx =;
Indexes::iterator ptrx = find(opndx.adjacents->begin(), opndx.adjacents->end(), x1);
assert(ptrx != opndx.adjacents->end());
if (matrix.test(x, x0))
{// disconnect (x1 - x)
tmp.splice(tmp.end(), *opndx1.adjacents, ptr);
tmp.splice(tmp.end(), *opndx.adjacents, ptrx);
{// connect (x0 - x)
matrix.set(x, x0);
opndx0.adjacents->splice(opndx0.adjacents->end(), *opndx1.adjacents, ptr); // x0 -> x
*ptrx = x0; // x -> x0
ptr = ptr_next;
int RegAlloc3::duplicates (RegAlloc3::Indexes* list, RegAlloc3::BoolMatrix& matrix, int x0, int x1)
int count = 0;
for (RegAlloc3::Indexes::iterator ptr = list->begin(), end = list->end(); ptr != end; ++ptr)
if (*ptr != x0 && *ptr != x1)
if (matrix.test(*ptr, x0) && matrix.test(*ptr, x1))
return count;
struct sortRule1
const RegAlloc3::Graph& graph;
const unsigned int rule;
sortRule1 (const RegAlloc3::Graph& g, unsigned int r) :graph(g), rule(r) {}
bool operator () (int x1, int x2)
const RegAlloc3::Opndx& opndx1 =,
& opndx2 =;
return rule == 1 ? opndx1.spillcost > opndx2.spillcost
: opndx1.spillcost < opndx2.spillcost;
void RegAlloc3::pruneGraph ()
static CountTime pruneGraphTimer("ia32::RegAlloc3::pruneGraph");
AutoTimer tm(pruneGraphTimer);
DBGOUT(endl << "pruneGraph"<< endl;)
// Calculate number of nodes that should be pruned off the graph
int nbnodes = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i != graphsize; ++i)
if (shouldPrune(
StlVector<int> tmp(mm);
while (nbnodes > 0)
// Apply degree < R rule
if (flag_SORT == 0)
for (bool succ = false; !succ;)
succ = true;
for (unsigned i = 0; i != graphsize; ++i)
Opndx& opndx =;
if (shouldPrune(opndx))
const size_t n = opndx.adjacents->size();
if (n != 0 && n < opndx.nbavails)
nbnodes -= graph.disconnect(i);
succ = false;
//DBGOUT(" rule#1 (" << i << ")" << endl;)
for (bool succ = false; !succ;)
succ = true;
for (unsigned i = 0; i != graphsize; ++i)
Opndx& opndx =;
if (shouldPrune(opndx))
const size_t n = opndx.adjacents->size();
if (n != 0 && n < opndx.nbavails)
if (tmp.size() != 0)
if (tmp.size() > 1)
sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), sortRule1(graph, flag_SORT));
for (StlVector<int>::iterator it = tmp.begin(); it != tmp.end(); ++it)
nbnodes -= graph.disconnect(*it);
succ = false;
// Apply degree >= R rule
if (nbnodes > 0)
int x = -1, n;
double cost = 0, w;
// Find some node to disconnect
for (unsigned i = 0; i != graphsize; ++i)
Opndx& opndx =;
if (shouldPrune(opndx))
if ((n = (int)opndx.adjacents->size()) != 0)
w = opndx.spillcost/(double)n;
if (x == -1 || w < cost)
cost = w,
x = i;
assert(x != -1);
if (x != -1)
nbnodes -= graph.disconnect(x);
bool RegAlloc3::shouldPrune (const Opndx& opndx) const
return !opndx.ignore && opndx.alloc == 0 && !opndx.adjacents->empty();
bool RegAlloc3::assignRegs ()
static CountTime assignRegsTimer("ia32::RegAlloc3::assignRegs");
AutoTimer tm(assignRegsTimer);
DBGOUT("assignRegs" << endl;)
int spilled = 0;
while (!nstack.empty())
int x = nstack.back();
Opndx& opndx =;
if (opndx.alloc == 0)
DBGOUT("(" << x << ")" << endl;)
opndx.spill = !assignReg(opndx);
for (unsigned x = 0; x != graphsize; ++x)
Opndx& opndx =;
if (opndx.alloc == 0 && !opndx.spill && !opndx.ignore)
DBGOUT("(" << x << ")" << endl;)
opndx.spill = !assignReg(opndx);
if (opndx.spill)
DBGOUT("spilled " << spilled << " operands" << endl;)
return spilled == 0;
RegAlloc3::RegMask RegAlloc3::occupiedReg (OpndSize tgtSize, OpndSize adjSize, RegAlloc3::RegMask adjMask) {
#if !defined(HYX86_64)
if (!((tgtSize != adjSize) && ((tgtSize == OpndSize_8) || (adjSize == OpndSize_8))))
return adjMask;
RegMask val = adjMask;
if (tgtSize == OpndSize_8) {
if (adjMask <= 8) //for AH, CH, DH, BH
val |= adjMask<<4;
} else if (adjSize == OpndSize_8) {
if (adjMask >= 16) //for AH, CH, DH, BH
val >>= 4;
return val;
bool RegAlloc3::assignReg (Opndx& opndx)
RegMask alloc = 0;
for (Indexes::iterator i = opndx.adjacents->begin(); i != opndx.adjacents->end(); ++i)
Opndx& opndz =*i);
if (opndz.ridx == opndx.ridx)
if (opndz.opnd != NULL) //for operand nodes
alloc |= occupiedReg(opndx.opnd->getSize(), opndz.opnd->getSize(), opndz.alloc);
else //for color nodes
alloc |= occupiedReg(opndx.opnd->getSize(), OpndSize_32, opndz.alloc);
if ((alloc = opndx.avail & ~alloc) == 0)
DBGOUT(" assign " << *opndx.opnd << " failed" << endl;)
return false;
if (opndx.neighbs != 0)
RegMask neighbs = 0;
for (Indexes::iterator i = opndx.neighbs->begin(); i != opndx.neighbs->end(); ++i)
Opndx& neigbx =*i);
if (neigbx.ridx == opndx.ridx)
neighbs |= neigbx.alloc;
if ((neighbs & alloc) != 0 && neighbs != alloc)
DBGOUT(" !alloc:" << std::hex << alloc << " * neighbs:" << neighbs << " =" << (alloc & neighbs) << std::dec << endl);
alloc &= neighbs;
opndx.alloc = findHighest(alloc);
DBGOUT(" assigned " << *opndx.opnd << endl;)
return true;
void RegAlloc3::spillRegs ()
DBGOUT("spillRegs" << endl;)
int inserted = 0;
for (unsigned x = 0; x != graphsize; ++x)
Opndx& opndx =;
if (opndx.spill)
inserted += spillReg(opndx);
DBGOUT("inserted " << inserted << " operands" << endl;)
int RegAlloc3::spillReg (Opndx& opndx)
Opnd* opnd = opndx.opnd;
const Constraint initial = opnd->getConstraint(Opnd::ConstraintKind_Initial);
if ((initial.getKind() & OpndKind_Memory) == 0)
DBGOUT(" spilling " << *opndx.opnd << " failed" << endl;)
return 0;
DBGOUT(" spilling " << *opndx.opnd << endl;)
opnd->assignMemLocation(MemOpndKind_StackAutoLayout, irManager->getRegOpnd(STACK_REG), 0);
if (initial.getKind() == OpndKind_FPReg
|| initial.getKind() == OpndKind_XMMReg) {
int inserted = 0;
for (Oproles::iterator ptr = opndx.oproles->begin(), end = opndx.oproles->end(); ptr != end; ++ptr)
Opnd* opndnew = getIRManager().newOpnd(opnd->getType(), initial);
Inst* inst = ptr->inst;
Inst* instnew = 0;
bool replaced = false;
if (ptr->role & Inst::OpndRole_Use)
instnew = getIRManager().newCopyPseudoInst(Mnemonic_MOV, opndnew, opnd);
replaced = inst->replaceOpnd(opnd, opndnew);
DBGOUT(" before " << *inst << " inserted " << *instnew << " MOV " << *opndnew << ", " << *opnd << endl;)
if (ptr->role & Inst::OpndRole_Def)
if (!replaced)
replaced = inst->replaceOpnd(opnd, opndnew);
instnew = getIRManager().newCopyPseudoInst(Mnemonic_MOV, opnd, opndnew);
DBGOUT(" after " << *inst << " inserted " << *instnew << " MOV " << *opnd << ", " << *opndnew << endl;)
Constraint c = initial;
update(instnew, opndnew, c);
update(inst, opndnew, c);
return inserted;
// If currently handled operand is referenced by current instruction, then evaluate
// constraint of the operand imposed by this instruction and return 'true'.
// Otherwise, do nothing and return false.
int RegAlloc3::update (const Inst* inst, const Opnd* opnd, Constraint& constr) const
int count = 0;
Inst::Opnds opnds(inst, Inst::OpndRole_All);
for (Inst::Opnds::iterator it = opnds.begin(); it != opnds.end(); it =
if ( inst->getOpnd(it) == opnd)
Constraint c = inst->getConstraint(it, 0, constr.getSize());
if (constr.isNull())
constr = c;
return count;
// Output formatters
static ostream& operator << (ostream& os, Sep& x)
if (x.first)
x.first = false;
os << ",";
return os;
static ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const Inst& x)
return os << "I#" << x.getId();
static ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const Opnd& x)
os << "O#" << x.getFirstId();
RegName rn = x.getRegName();
if (rn != RegName_Null)
os << "<" << getRegNameString(rn) << ">";
if (x.isPlacedIn(OpndKind_Memory))
os << "<mem>";
return os;
static ostream& operator << (ostream& os, Constraint c)
IRPrinter::printConstraint(os, c);
return os;
static ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const RegAlloc3::Registers& x)
Sep s;;
os << "{";
for (RegAlloc3::Registers::const_iterator it = x.begin(); it != x.end(); ++it)
os << s << *it;
return os << "}";
static ostream& operator << (ostream& os, RegMasks x)
return os << x.c;
static ostream& outRegMasks (ostream& os, RegAlloc3::RegMask* x, const RegAlloc3::Registers& registers)
Sep s;;
os << "{";
for (unsigned rk = 0; rk != registers.size(); ++rk)
RegAlloc3::RegMask msk = x[rk];
for (unsigned rx = 0; msk != 0; ++rx, msk >>= 1)
if ((msk & 1) != 0)
RegName reg = getRegName((OpndKind)registers[rk].getKind(), registers[rk].getSize(), rx);
os<< s << getRegNameString(reg);
return os << "}";
static ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const RegAlloc3::Opndx& opndx)
RegName reg;
if ((reg = opndx.opnd->getRegName()) != RegName_Null)
os << " <" << getRegNameString(reg) << ">";
if (!opndx.adjacents->empty())
Sep s;
os << " adjacents{";
for (RegAlloc3::Indexes::const_iterator i = opndx.adjacents->begin(); i != opndx.adjacents->end(); ++i)
os << s << *i;
os << "}";
if (!opndx.hiddens->empty())
Sep s;
os << " hiddens{";
for (RegAlloc3::Indexes::const_iterator i = opndx.hiddens->begin(); i != opndx.hiddens->end(); ++i)
os << s << *i;
os << "}";
return os;
static ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const RegAlloc3::Graph& graph)
int x = 0;
for (RegAlloc3::Graph::const_iterator i = graph.begin(); i != graph.end(); ++i)
os << x++ << ") " << *i << endl;
return os;
#endif //#ifdef _DEBUG_REGALLOC3
} //namespace Ia32
} //namespace Jitrino