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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Vyacheslav P. Shakin
#include "Ia32IRManager.h"
//#include "Ia32Printer.h"
namespace Jitrino
namespace Ia32{
// class Ia32ConstraintsResolver
* class Ia32ConstraintsResolver performs resolution of operand constraints
* and assigns calculated constraints (Opnd::ConstraintKind_Calculated) to operands.
* The resulting calculated constraints of operands determine allowable physical location
* for the operand.
* This transformer allows to insert operands into instructions before it
* regardless instruction constraints except that Initial constraints of explicit
* instruction operands must have non-null intersections with corresponding constraints
* of at least one opcode group of the instruction.
* ConstraintResolver analyzes instruction constraints and splits operands when necessary.
* This transformer ensures that
* 1) All instruction constraints for EntryPoints, CALLs and RETs
* are set appropriately (IRManager::applyCallingConventions())
* 2) All operands has non-null calculated constraints
* 3) All operands fits into instructions they are used in (in terms of instruction constraints)
* For example:
* Original code piece:
* I38: (AD:s65:double) =CopyPseudoInst (AU:t1:double)
* I32: MULSD .s65.:double,.t2:double
* I33: RET t66(0):int16 (AU:s65:double)
* RET imposes constraint on s65 requiring to place it into FP0 register
* (its FP0D alias in this particular case)
* MULSD imposes constraint on s65 requiring to place it into XMM register
* After the pass:
* I38: (AD:s65:double) =CopyPseudoInst (AU:t1:double)
* I32: MULSD .s65.:double,.t2:double
* I46: (AD:t75:double) =CopyPseudoInst (AU:s65:double)
* I33: RET t66(20):int16 (AU:t75:double)
* Thus, ConstraintResolver inserted I46 splitting s65 to s65 and t75
* s65 is assigned with Mem|XMM calculated constraint and t75
* is assigned with FP0D calculated calculated constraint
* 4) If the live range of an operand crosses a call site and the operand is not redefined
* in the call site, the calculated constraint of the operand is narrowed the callee-save regs
* or memory (stack)
* 5) If the operand (referred as original operand here) is live at entry of a catch handler
* then necessary operand splitting is performed as close as possible to the instruction
* which caused the splitting and original operand is used before and after the instruction.
* The main principle of the algorithm is anding of instruction constraints into
* operand calculated constraints and splitting operands to ensure that the calculated constraint
* is not null
* This transformer must be inserted before register allocator which relies on
* calculated operand constraints.
* The implementation of this transformer is located in the ConstraintResolverImpl class.
// class ConstraintsResolverImpl
* class Ia32ConstraintsResolverImpl is an implementation of simple constraint resolution algorithm
* The algorithm takes one-pass over CFG.
* The algorithm works as follows:
* 1) Creates an array of basic blocks and orders by bb->getExecCount()
* in createBasicBlockArray().
* Thus, the algorithm handles hottest basic blocks first and constraints are assigned to operands first
* from the most frequently used instructions
* 2) Collects a bit vector of all operands live at entries of all dispatch node entries
* in calculateLiveAtDispatchBlockEntries()
* 3) For all operands:
* - If an operand has already been assigned to some location
* (its location constraint is not null) the calculated constraint is set to
* the location constraint
* - If an operand is live at entry of a dispatch node
* the calculated constraint is set to the constraint
* preserving operand values during exception throwing
* This constraint is returned by getDispatchEntryConstraint
* In fact this is the constriant for the DRL calling convention
* This is done in calculateStartupOpndConstraints()
* Originally all calculateed constraints are equial to Initial constraints
* 4) Walks through all basic blocks collected and arranged at step 1
* in resolveConstraints()
* The opndReplaceWorkset array of operand replacements is maintained
* (indexed by from-operand id).
* This is the array of current replacement for operands
* and is reset for each basic block (local within basic blocks)
* This array is filled as a result of operand splitting and indicates
* which operand must be used instead of original ones for all the instructions
* above the one caused splitting
* 4.1) Walks throw all instruction of a basic block in backward order
* in resolveConstraints(BasicBlock * bb)
* 4.1.1) resolves constraints for each instruction
* in resolveConstraints(Inst * inst);
* To do this already collected calculated constraint of
* either original operand or its current replacement is anded
* with instruction constraint for this operand occurence and
* if the result is null, new operand is created and substituted instead
* All def operands of the isntruction are traversed
* and operand splitting is performed after the instruction (when necessary)
* def&use cases are also handled during this step
* If the instruction is CALL, all hovering operands of
* the isntruction are traversed.
* Hovering operands are operands which are live across a call site and are not
* redefined in the call site
* This step ensures operands are saved in callee-save regs or memory
* and takes into account whether an operand is live at dispatch node entries
* Operand splitting is performed before the instruction (when necessary)
* All use operands of the instruction are traversed
* and operand splitting is performed before the instruction (when necessary)
* The current implementation doesn't deal properly with conditional memory constraints.
* I.e. it doesn't resolve properly things like ADD m, m when both operands are already
* assigned.
* For more details please refer to ConstraintsResolverImpl source code
class ConstraintsResolverImpl
ConstraintsResolverImpl(IRManager &irm, bool _second = false)
basicBlocks(memoryManager, 0), originalOpndCount(0),
callSplitThresholdForNoRegs((unsigned)-1), // always
callSplitThresholdFor1Reg(1), // for very cold code
callSplitThresholdFor4Regs(1), // for very cold code
defSplitThresholdForNoRegs(0), // never
defSplitThresholdFor1Reg(0), // never
defSplitThresholdFor4Regs(0), // never
useSplitThresholdForNoRegs(0), // never
useSplitThresholdFor1Reg(0), // never
useSplitThresholdFor4Regs(0), // never
void run();
/** Get the priority of a the node for sorting in createBasicBlockArray */
double getBasicBlockPriority(Node * node);
/** Fills the basicBlocks array and orders it according to block exec count (hottest first) */
void createBasicBlockArray();
/** Fills the liveAtDispatchBlockEntry bit set with operands live at dispatch node entries */
void calculateLiveAtDispatchBlockEntries();
/** Pre-sets calculated constraints for each operand */
void calculateStartupOpndConstraints();
/** Scans basicBlocks array and calls resolveConstraints(BasicBlock * bb) for each entry */
void resolveConstraints();
/** Traverses instructions of bb and calls resolveConstraints(Inst *)
* for each inst
void resolveConstraints(Node* bb);
Main logic of constraint resolution for each instrution
void resolveConstraintsWithOG(Inst * inst);
/** returns constraint describing call-safe locations for opnd in CallInst inst */
Constraint getCalleeSaveConstraint(Inst * inst, Opnd * opnd);
/** returns constraint describing safe locations for operands live at dispatch node entries */
Constraint getDispatchEntryConstraint(Opnd * opnd);
static bool constraintIsWorse(Constraint cnew, Constraint cold, unsigned normedBBExecCount,
unsigned splitThresholdForNoRegs, unsigned splitThresholdFor1Reg, unsigned splitThresholdFor4Regs
/** Reference to IRManager */
IRManager& irManager;
/** Private memory manager for this algorithm */
MemoryManager memoryManager;
/** Array of basic blocks to be handled */
Nodes basicBlocks;
/** result of irManager.getOpndCount before the pass */
U_32 originalOpndCount;
/** Current live set, updated as usual for each instruction in resolveConstraints(Inst*) */
BitSet liveOpnds;
/** Bit set of operands live at dispatch node entries */
BitSet liveAtDispatchBlockEntry;
/** Bit set of operands for which original operand should be used wherever possible.
* Currently this is only for operands which are live at dispatch block entries.
BitSet needsOriginalOpnd;
/** Temporary bit set of hovering operands (live across call sites)
* Is initialized and used only during resolveConstraints(Inst*)
BitSet hoveringOpnds;
/** An array of current substitutions for operands
* Is filled as a result of operand splitting.
* Reset for each basic blocks (all replacements are local within basic blocks)
StlVector<Opnd*> opndReplaceWorkset;
StlVector<U_32> opndUsage;
unsigned callSplitThresholdForNoRegs;
unsigned callSplitThresholdFor1Reg;
unsigned callSplitThresholdFor4Regs;
unsigned defSplitThresholdForNoRegs;
unsigned defSplitThresholdFor1Reg;
unsigned defSplitThresholdFor4Regs;
unsigned useSplitThresholdForNoRegs;
unsigned useSplitThresholdFor1Reg;
unsigned useSplitThresholdFor4Regs;
bool second;
friend class ConstraintsResolver;
}}; //namespace Ia32