blob: 09f0d9a6eaad9ebdc62441362004697c5b985aa8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <ostream>
#include "open/types.h"
#include "open/rt_types.h"
#include "open/rt_helpers.h"
#include "open/em.h"
#include "open/ee_em_intf.h"
#define NULL_POINTER_EXCEPTION "java/lang/NullPointerException"
#define INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS "java/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException"
#define ARRAY_STORE_EXCEPTION "java/lang/ArrayStoreException"
#define DIVIDE_BY_ZERO_EXCEPTION "java/lang/ArithmeticException"
#define DEFAUlT_COSTRUCTOR_NAME "<init>"
namespace Jitrino {
// external and forward declarations
class TypeManager;
class Type;
class NamedType;
class ObjectType;
class MethodPtrType;
class MemoryManager;
class CompilationContext;
class CompilationInterface;
template <class ELEM_TYPE> class PtrHashTable;
class VMInterface {
// VM specific methods for types
static void* getSystemObjectVMTypeHandle();
static void* getSystemClassVMTypeHandle();
static void* getSystemStringVMTypeHandle();
static void* getArrayVMTypeHandle(void* elemVMTypeHandle,bool isUnboxed);
static const char* getTypeName(void* vmTypeHandle);
static void* getSuperTypeVMTypeHandle(void* vmTypeHandle);
static void* getArrayElemVMTypeHandle(void* vmTypeHandle);
static bool isArrayType(void* vmTypeHandle);
static bool isArrayOfPrimitiveElements(void* vmTypeHandle);
static bool isEnumType(void* vmTypeHandle);
static bool isValueType(void* vmTypeHandle);
static bool isFinalType(void* vmTypeHandle);
static bool isLikelyExceptionType(void* vmTypeHandle);
static bool isInterfaceType(void* vmTypeHandle);
static bool isAbstractType(void* vmTypeHandle);
static bool needsInitialization(void* vmTypeHandle);
static bool isFinalizable(void* vmTypeHandle);
static bool getClassFastInstanceOfFlag(void* vmTypeHandle);
static int getClassDepth(void* vmTypeHandle);
static bool isInitialized(void* vmTypeHandle);
static void* getVTable(void* vmTypeHandle);
static void* getRuntimeClassHandle(void* vmTypeHandle);
static void* getAllocationHandle(void* vmTypeHandle);
static bool isSubClassOf(void* vmTypeHandle1,void* vmTypeHandle2);
static U_32 getArrayElemOffset(void* vmElemTypeHandle,bool isUnboxed);
static U_32 getArrayElemSize(void * vmTypeHandle);
static U_32 getObjectSize(void * vmTypeHandle);
static U_32 getArrayLengthOffset();
static void* getTypeHandleFromAllocationHandle(void* vmAllocationHandle);
static void* getTypeHandleFromVTable(void* vtHandle);
static U_32 flagTLSSuspendRequestOffset();
static U_32 flagTLSThreadStateOffset();
static I_32 getTLSBaseOffset();
static bool useFastTLSAccess();
// returns true if vtable pointers are compressed
static bool isVTableCompressed();
// returns the offset of an object's virtual table
static U_32 getVTableOffset();
// returns the base for all vtables (addend to compressed vtable pointer)
static void* getVTableBase();
// returns true if instance fields that are references are compressed
static bool areReferencesCompressed();
// returns the base for the heap (addend to compressed heap references)
static void* getHeapBase();
static void* getHeapCeiling();
static void rewriteCodeBlock(U_8* codeBlock, U_8* newCode, size_t size);
static bool setVmAdapter(vm_adaptor_t vm);
static bool isValidFeature(const char* id);
static vm_adaptor_t vm;
// O P A Q U E D E S C' S I M P L E M E N T E D B Y V M //
class TypeMemberDesc {
TypeMemberDesc(U_32 id, CompilationInterface* ci)
: id(id), compilationInterface(ci) {}
virtual ~TypeMemberDesc() {}
U_32 getId() const { return id; }
NamedType* getParentType();
bool isParentClassIsLikelyExceptionType() const;
virtual const char* getName() const = 0;
virtual const char* getSignatureString() const = 0;
virtual void printFullName(::std::ostream& os) = 0;
virtual Class_Handle getParentHandle() const = 0;
virtual bool isPrivate() const = 0;
virtual bool isStatic() const = 0;
U_32 id;
CompilationInterface* compilationInterface;
///Field representation for resolved fields
class FieldDesc : public TypeMemberDesc {
FieldDesc(Field_Handle field, CompilationInterface* ci, U_32 id)
: TypeMemberDesc(id, ci), drlField(field) {}
const char* getName() const;
const char* getSignatureString() const;
void printFullName(::std::ostream &os);
Class_Handle getParentHandle() const;
bool isPrivate() const;
bool isStatic() const;
// this field is constant after it is initialized
// can only be mutated by constructor (instance fields) or
// type initializer (static fields)
bool isInitOnly() const;
// accesses to field cannot be reordered or CSEed
bool isVolatile() const;
bool isMagic() const;
Type* getFieldType();
U_32 getOffset() const; // for non-static fields
void* getAddress() const; // for static fields
Field_Handle getFieldHandle() const {return drlField; }
Field_Handle drlField;
///Method representation for resolved methods
class MethodDesc : public TypeMemberDesc {
MethodDesc(Method_Handle m, JIT_Handle jit, CompilationInterface* ci = NULL, U_32 id = 0);
const char* getName() const;
const char* getSignatureString() const;
void printFullName(::std::ostream& os);
Class_Handle getParentHandle() const;
bool isPrivate() const;
bool isStatic() const;
bool isInstance() const;
bool isNative() const;
bool isSynchronized() const;
bool isNoInlining() const;
bool isFinal() const;
bool isVirtual() const;
bool isAbstract() const;
// FP strict
bool isStrict() const;
bool isClassInitializer() const;
bool isInstanceInitializer() const;
// Method info
const U_8* getByteCodes() const;
U_32 getByteCodeSize() const;
uint16 getMaxStack() const;
U_32 getNumHandlers() const;
void getHandlerInfo(unsigned short index, unsigned short* beginOffset,
unsigned short* endOffset, unsigned short* handlerOffset,
unsigned short* handlerClassIndex) const;
bool hasAnnotation(NamedType* type) const;
// accessors for method info, code and data
U_8* getInfoBlock() const;
U_32 getInfoBlockSize() const;
U_8* getCodeBlockAddress(I_32 id) const;
U_32 getCodeBlockSize(I_32 id) const;
// sets and gets MethodSideEffect property for the compiled method
Method_Side_Effects getSideEffect() const;
void setSideEffect(Method_Side_Effects mse);
// Exception registration API.
void setNumExceptionHandler(U_32 numHandlers);
void setExceptionHandlerInfo(U_32 exceptionHandlerNumber,
U_8* startAddr,
U_8* endAddr,
U_8* handlerAddr,
NamedType* exceptionType,
bool exceptionObjIsDead);
// DRL kernel
U_32 getOffset() const;
void* getIndirectAddress() const;
void* getNativeAddress() const;
U_32 getNumVars() const;
Method_Handle getMethodHandle() const {return drlMethod;}
// handleMap method are used to register/unregister main map for all Container handlers
void* getHandleMap() const {return handleMap;}
void setHandleMap(void* hndMap) {handleMap = hndMap;}
U_32 getNumParams() const;
Type* getParamType(U_32 paramIndex) const;
Type* getReturnType() const;
JIT_Handle getJitHandle() const {return jitHandle;}
Method_Handle drlMethod;
Method_Signature_Handle methodSig;
void* handleMap;
JIT_Handle jitHandle;
enum ResolveNewCheck{ResolveNewCheck_NoCheck, ResolveNewCheck_DoCheck};
class CompilationInterface {
CompilationInterface(Compile_Handle c,
Method_Handle m,
JIT_Handle jit,
MemoryManager& mm,
OpenMethodExecutionParams& comp_params,
CompilationContext* cc, TypeManager& tpm);
// System exceptions
enum SystemExceptionId {
Exception_NullPointer = 0,
static const char* getRuntimeHelperName(VM_RT_SUPPORT helperId);
* Returns helper ID by its string representation. Name comparison
* is case-insensitive.
* If the helperName is unknown, then VM_RT_UNKNOWN is returned.
static VM_RT_SUPPORT str2rid( const char * helperName );
HELPER_CALLING_CONVENTION getRuntimeHelperCallingConvention(VM_RT_SUPPORT id);
bool isInterruptible(VM_RT_SUPPORT id);
bool mayBeInterruptible(VM_RT_SUPPORT id);
void* getRuntimeHelperAddress(VM_RT_SUPPORT);
void* getRuntimeHelperAddressForType(VM_RT_SUPPORT, Type*);
MethodDesc* getMagicHelper(VM_RT_SUPPORT);
Type* getFieldType(Class_Handle enclClass, U_32 cpIndex);
NamedType* getNamedType(Class_Handle enclClass, U_32 cpIndex, ResolveNewCheck check = ResolveNewCheck_NoCheck);
Type* getTypeFromDescriptor(Class_Handle enclClass, const char* descriptor);
//this method is obsolete and will be removed. Use getNamedType if unsure.
NamedType* resolveNamedType(Class_Handle enclClass, U_32 cpIndex);
static const char* getMethodName(Class_Handle enclClass, U_32 cpIndex);
static const char* getMethodClassName(Class_Handle enclClass, U_32 cpIndex);
static const char* getFieldSignature(Class_Handle enclClass, U_32 cpIndex);
MethodDesc* getStaticMethod(Class_Handle enclClass, U_32 cpIndex);
MethodDesc* getVirtualMethod(Class_Handle enclClass, U_32 cpIndex);
MethodDesc* getSpecialMethod(Class_Handle enclClass, U_32 cpIndex);
MethodDesc* getInterfaceMethod(Class_Handle enclClass, U_32 cpIndex);
FieldDesc* getNonStaticField(Class_Handle enclClass, U_32 cpIndex, bool putfield);
FieldDesc* getStaticField(Class_Handle enclClass, U_32 cpIndex, bool putfield);
FieldDesc* getFieldByName(Class_Handle enclClass, const char* name);
MethodDesc* getMethodByName(Class_Handle enclClass, const char* name);
* Returns a system class by its name or NULL if no such class found.
ObjectType * findClassUsingBootstrapClassloader( const char * klassName );
// resolve-by-name methods
* Recursively looks up for a given method with a given signature in the given class.
* Returns NULL if no such method found.
MethodDesc* resolveMethod(ObjectType * klass, const char * methodName, const char * methodSig);
// Class type is a subclass of ch=mh->getParentType() The function returns
// a method description for a method overriding mh in type or in the closest
// superclass of ch that overrides mh.
MethodDesc* getOverridingMethod(NamedType *type, MethodDesc * methodDesc);
const void* getStringInternAddr(MethodDesc* enclosingMethodDesc, U_32 stringToken);
Type* getConstantType(MethodDesc* enclosingMethodDesc, U_32 constantToken);
const void* getConstantValue(MethodDesc* enclosingMethodDesc, U_32 constantToken);
const char* getSignatureString(MethodDesc* enclosingMethodDesc, U_32 methodToken);
// Memory allocation API
// all of these are for the method being compiled
U_8* allocateCodeBlock(size_t size, size_t alignment, CodeBlockHeat heat,
I_32 id, bool simulate);
U_8* allocateDataBlock(size_t size, size_t alignment);
U_8* allocateInfoBlock(size_t size);
U_8* allocateJITDataBlock(size_t size, size_t alignment);
* Acquires a lock to protect method's data modifications (i.e. code/info
* block allocations, exception handlers registration, etc) in
* multi-threaded compilation.
* The lock *must not* surround a code which may lead to execution of
* managed code, or a race and hang happen.
* For example, the managed code execution may happen during a resolution
* (invocation of resolve_XXX) to locate a class through a custom class
* loader.
* Note, that the lock is *not* per-method, and shared across all the
* methods.
void lockMethodData(void);
* Releases a lock which protects method's data.
void unlockMethodData(void);
// methods that register JIT to be notified of various events
void setNotifyWhenMethodIsRecompiled(MethodDesc * methodDesc, void * callbackData);
// write barrier instructions
bool needWriteBarriers() const {
return compilation_params.exe_insert_write_barriers;
bool isBCMapInfoRequired() const {
bool res = compilation_params.exe_do_code_mapping;
// exe_do_code_mapping should be used for different ti related byte code
// mapping calculations
// full byte code mapping could be enabled by IRBuilder flag now
// this method used to access to byte code low level maps and
// enables byte codes for stack traces only
// res = true;
return res;
void setBCMapInfoRequired(bool is_supported) const {
compilation_params.exe_do_code_mapping = is_supported;
bool isCompileLoadEventRequired() const {
return compilation_params.exe_notify_compiled_method_load;
void sendCompiledMethodLoadEvent(MethodDesc* methodDesc, MethodDesc* outerDesc,
U_32 codeSize, void* codeAddr, U_32 mapLength,
AddrLocation* addrLocationMap, void* compileInfo);
OpenMethodExecutionParams& getCompilationParams() const {
return compilation_params;
* Requests VM to request this JIT to synchronously (in the same thread) compile given method.
* @param method method to compile
* @return true on successful compilation, false otherwise
bool compileMethod(MethodDesc *method);
// returns the method to compile
MethodDesc* getMethodToCompile() const {return methodToCompile;}
TypeManager& getTypeManager() const {return typeManager;}
MemoryManager& getMemManager() const {return memManager;}
Type* getTypeFromDrlVMTypeHandle(Type_Info_Handle);
FieldDesc* getFieldDesc(Field_Handle field);
MethodDesc* getMethodDesc(Method_Handle method);
void setCompilationContext(CompilationContext* cc) {compilationContext = cc;}
CompilationContext* getCompilationContext() const {return compilationContext;}
* Settings per compilation session: vminterface + optimizer flags and so on..
* Today we pass compilation interface through the all compilation. To avoid global
* changes in JIT subcomponents interfaces CompilationContext struct is placed here.
CompilationContext* compilationContext;
JIT_Handle getJitHandle() const;
MethodDesc* getMethodDesc(Method_Handle method, JIT_Handle jit);
MemoryManager& memManager;
PtrHashTable<FieldDesc>* fieldDescs;
PtrHashTable<MethodDesc>* methodDescs;
TypeManager& typeManager;
MethodDesc* methodToCompile;
Compile_Handle compileHandle;
bool flushToZeroAllowed;
U_32 nextMemberId;
OpenMethodExecutionParams& compilation_params;
class GCInterface {
GCInterface(GC_Enumeration_Handle gcHandle) : gcHandle(gcHandle) {}
virtual ~GCInterface() {}
virtual void enumerateRootReference(void** reference);
virtual void enumerateCompressedRootReference(U_32* reference);
virtual void enumerateRootManagedReference(void** slotReference, size_t slotOffset);
GC_Enumeration_Handle gcHandle;
class ThreadDumpEnumerator : public GCInterface {
ThreadDumpEnumerator() : GCInterface(NULL) {}
virtual void enumerateRootReference(void** reference);
virtual void enumerateCompressedRootReference(U_32* reference);
virtual void enumerateRootManagedReference(void** slotReference, size_t slotOffset);
// The Persistent Instruction Id is used to generate a profile instruction map and to
// feedback profile information into Jitrino.
class PersistentInstructionId {
: methodDesc(NULL), localInstructionId((U_32)-1) {}
PersistentInstructionId(MethodDesc* methodDesc, U_32 localInstructionId)
: methodDesc(methodDesc), localInstructionId(localInstructionId) {}
bool isValid() const { return (methodDesc != NULL); }
MethodDesc& getMethodDesc() const { return *methodDesc; }
U_32 getLocalInstructionId() const { return localInstructionId; }
// For IPF codegen to store block ids into pid
bool hasValidLocalInstructionId() const { return localInstructionId != (U_32)-1; }
bool operator==(const PersistentInstructionId& pid) { return methodDesc == pid.methodDesc && localInstructionId == pid.localInstructionId; }
MethodDesc* methodDesc; // The source method at point the id was generated
U_32 localInstructionId; // The persistent local instruction id
inline ::std::ostream& operator<<(::std::ostream& os, const PersistentInstructionId& pid) {
os << (pid.isValid() ? pid.getMethodDesc().getName() : "NULL") << ":"
<< (unsigned int) pid.getLocalInstructionId();
return os;
::std::ostream& operator<<(::std::ostream& os, Method_Handle mh);
class VMPropertyIterator {
VMPropertyIterator(MemoryManager& m, const char* prefix);
bool next();
char* getKey() const { return key; }
char* getValue() const { return value; }
MemoryManager& mm;
char* key;
char* value;
char** keys;
size_t iterator;
} //namespace Jitrino
#endif // _VMINTERFACE_H_