blob: 1350244ca63b06a4b5bc034a4095a243fdcb5607 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "Log.h"
#include "Stl.h"
#include "open/types.h"
#include "VMInterface.h"
#include "BitSet.h"
#include "JavaByteCodeParser.h"
#include "Type.h"
#include "Opnd.h"
#include "ExceptionInfo.h"
namespace Jitrino {
class StateTable;
class VariableIncarnation : private Dlink {
VariableIncarnation(U_32 offset, Type*);
void setMultipleDefs();
Type* getDeclaredType();
void setDeclaredType(Type*);
// Link two chains of var incarnations and assign them a specified common type
static void linkAndMergeIncarnations(VariableIncarnation*, VariableIncarnation*, Type*, TypeManager*);
// Link two chains of var incarnations and assign them a common type
static void linkAndMergeIncarnations(VariableIncarnation*, VariableIncarnation*, TypeManager*);
// Link two chains of var incarnations
static void linkIncarnations(VariableIncarnation*, VariableIncarnation*);
// Merge a chain of var incarnations to assign them a specified common type
void mergeIncarnations(Type*, TypeManager*);
// Merge a chain of var incarnations to assign them a new type common for all incarnations
void mergeIncarnations(TypeManager*);
// Set common type for a chain of incarnations
void setCommonType(Type*);
void print(::std::ostream& out);
Opnd* getOpnd();
Opnd* getOrCreateOpnd(IRBuilder*);
void createMultipleDefVarOpnd(IRBuilder*);
void setTmpOpnd(Opnd*);
void createVarOpnd(IRBuilder*);
friend class SlotVar;
I_32 definingOffset; // offset where the def was found, -1 if multiple defs
Type* declaredType;
Opnd* opnd;
class SlotVar : private Dlink {
SlotVar(VariableIncarnation* varInc): var(varInc), linkOffset(0) {
_prev = _next = NULL;
SlotVar(SlotVar* sv, MemoryManager& mm) {
var = sv->getVarIncarnation();
linkOffset = sv->getLinkOffset();
_prev = _next = NULL;
for (sv = (SlotVar*)sv->_next; sv; sv = (SlotVar*)sv->_next) {
addVarIncarnations(sv, mm, sv->getLinkOffset());
// Add var incarnations from SlotVar to the list.
// Return true if var incarnation has been added.
bool addVarIncarnations(SlotVar* var, MemoryManager& mm, U_32 linkOffset);
VariableIncarnation* getVarIncarnation() {return var;}
void mergeVarIncarnations(TypeManager* tm);
U_32 getLinkOffset() {return linkOffset;}
void print(::std::ostream& out);
VariableIncarnation* var;
U_32 linkOffset;
class StateInfo {
StateInfo(): flags(0), stackDepth(0), stack(NULL), exceptionInfo(NULL) {}
ExceptionInfo *getExceptionInfo() { return exceptionInfo; }
void setCatchLabel() { flags |= 1; }
void setSubroutineEntry() { flags |= 2; }
void setFallThroughLabel() { flags |= 4; }
void clearFallThroughLabel() { flags &=~4; }
void setVisited() { flags |= 8; }
bool isCatchLabel() { return (flags & 1) != 0; }
bool isSubroutineEntry() { return (flags & 2) != 0; }
bool isFallThroughLabel() { return (flags & 4) != 0; }
bool isVisited() { return (flags & 8) != 0; }
// Catch-blocks should be listed in the same order as the
// corresponding exception table entries were listed in byte-code. (according to VM spec)
void addExceptionInfo(CatchBlock* info);
void addCatchHandler(CatchHandler* info);
struct SlotInfo {
Type *type;
U_32 varNumber;
uint16 slotFlags;
SlotVar *vars;
U_32 jsrLabelOffset;
SlotInfo() : type(NULL), varNumber(0), slotFlags(0), vars(NULL), jsrLabelOffset(0){}
void setVarNumber(U_32 n) { varNumber = n;slotFlags |= VarNumberIsSet; }
// Push type to modelled operand stack
SlotInfo& push(Type *type);
// Obtain top slot of modelled operand stack
SlotInfo& top();
// remove all slots containing returnAddress for RET instruction with jsrNexOffset == offset
void cleanFinallyInfo(U_32 offset);
/* flags */
enum {
VarNumberIsSet = 0x01,
IsNonNull = 0x02,
IsExactType = 0x04,
ChangeState = 0x08,
StackOpndAlive = 0x10, // the following to get rid of phi nodes in the translator
StackOpndSaved = 0x20 // the following to get rid of phi nodes in the translator
static bool isVarNumberSet(struct SlotInfo s) { return (s.slotFlags & VarNumberIsSet) != 0; }
static bool isNonNull(struct SlotInfo s) { return (s.slotFlags & IsNonNull) != 0; }
static bool isExactType(struct SlotInfo s) { return (s.slotFlags & IsExactType) != 0; }
static bool changeState(struct SlotInfo s) { return (s.slotFlags & ChangeState) != 0; }
static void setNonNull(struct SlotInfo *s) { s->slotFlags |= IsNonNull; }
static void setExactType(struct SlotInfo *s) { s->slotFlags |= IsExactType; }
static void clearExactType(struct SlotInfo *s) { s->slotFlags &= ~IsExactType; }
static void setChangeState(struct SlotInfo *s) { s->slotFlags |= ChangeState; }
static void print(SlotInfo& s, ::std::ostream& os) {
Log::out() << "\ttype: ";
if (s.type == NULL)
os << "NULL";
if (isVarNumberSet(s)) os << " ->[" <<(int)s.varNumber<< "],";
if (isNonNull(s)) os << ",nn";
if (isExactType(s)) os << ",ex";
if (changeState(s)) os << ",cs";
//Log::out() << ::std::endl;
Log::out() << "\tvar: ";
if (s.vars) {
} else {
Log::out() << "NULL";
// add flags as needed
friend class JavaLabelPrepass;
friend class JavaByteCodeTranslator;
unsigned flags;
unsigned stackDepth;
struct SlotInfo* stack;
ExceptionInfo *exceptionInfo;
class JavaLabelPrepass : public JavaByteCodeParserCallback {
typedef StlList<CatchBlock*> ExceptionTable;
virtual ~JavaLabelPrepass() {
// for non-inlined methods the actual operands are null
JavaLabelPrepass(MemoryManager& mm,
TypeManager& tm,
MemoryManager& irManager,
MethodDesc& md,
CompilationInterface& ci,
Opnd** actualArgs); // NULL for non-inlined methods
bool isLabel(U_32 offset) { return labels->getBit(offset); }
bool isSubroutineEntry(U_32 offset) { return subroutines->getBit(offset); }
bool getHasJsrLabels() { return hasJsrLabels;}
U_32 getNumLabels() { return numLabels;}
U_32 getNumVars() { return numVars;}
U_32 getLabelId(U_32 offset);
void print_loc_vars(U_32 offset, U_32 index);
// exception info
enum JavaVarType {
None = 0, A = 1, I = 2, L = 3, F = 4, D = 5, RET = 6, // JSR return address
NumJavaVarTypes = 7
ExceptionTable& getExceptionTable() {return exceptionTable;}
// Java Byte code parser callbacks
// called before each byte code to indicate the next byte code's offset
void offset(U_32 offset);
// called after each byte code offset is worked out
void offset_done(U_32 offset) {}
// called when an error occurs during the byte codes parsing
void parseError();
// called to initialize parsing
void parseInit() {
if (Log::isEnabled()) Log::out() << ::std::endl << "================= PREPASS STARTED =================" << ::std::endl << ::std::endl;
// called to indicate end of parsing
void parseDone();
// Variable information
VariableIncarnation* getVarInc(U_32 offset, U_32 index);
VariableIncarnation* getOrCreateVarInc(U_32 offset, U_32 index, Type* type);
void createMultipleDefVarOpnds(IRBuilder*);
// operand stack manipulation (to keep track of state only !)
StateInfo::SlotInfo& topType();
StateInfo::SlotInfo& popType();
void popAndCheck(Type *type);
void popAndCheck(JavaVarType type);
void pushType(StateInfo::SlotInfo& slot);
void pushType(Type *type, U_32 varNumber);
void pushType(Type *type);
bool isCategory2(StateInfo::SlotInfo& slot) { return slot.type == int64Type || slot.type == doubleType; }
bool allExceptionTypesResolved() {return problemTypeToken == MAX_UINT32;}
unsigned getProblemTypeToken() {return problemTypeToken;}
// cut and paste from Java_Translator.cpp
// field, method, and type resolution
const char* methodSignatureString(U_32 cpIndex);
StateInfo* getStateInfo() { return &stateInfo; }
StateTable* getStateTable() { return stateTable; }
static JavaVarType getJavaType(Type *type) {
switch(type->tag) {
case Type::Boolean: case Type::Char:
case Type::Int8: case Type::Int16: case Type::Int32:
return I;
case Type::Int64:
return L;
case Type::Single:
return F;
case Type::Double:
return D;
case Type::Array:
case Type::Object:
case Type::NullObject:
case Type::UnresolvedObject:
case Type::SystemString:
case Type::SystemObject:
case Type::SystemClass:
case Type::CompressedArray:
case Type::CompressedObject:
case Type::CompressedNullObject:
case Type::CompressedUnresolvedObject:
case Type::CompressedSystemString:
case Type::CompressedSystemObject:
return A;
case Type::IntPtr: // reserved for JSR
return RET;
::std::cerr << "UNKNOWN "; type->print(::std::cerr); ::std::cerr << ::std::endl;
return None;
// helper functions
void genReturn (Type *type);
void genLoad (Type *type, U_32 index);
void genTypeLoad (U_32 index);
void genStore (Type *type, U_32 index, U_32 offset);
void genTypeStore (U_32 index, U_32 offset);
void genArrayLoad (Type *type);
void genTypeArrayLoad();
void genArrayStore(Type *type);
void genTypeArrayStore();
void genBinary (Type *type);
void genUnary (Type *type);
void genShift (Type *type);
void genConv (Type *from, Type *to);
void genCompare (Type *type);
void invoke (MethodDesc *mdesc);
void pseudoInvoke (const char* mdesc);
static U_32 getNumArgsBySignature(const char* methodSig);
static Type* getRetTypeBySignature(CompilationInterface& ci, Class_Handle enclClass, const char* methodSig);
static Type* getTypeByDescriptorString(CompilationInterface& ci, Class_Handle enclClass, const char* descriptorString, U_32& len);
// remaining instructions
void nop();
void aconst_null();
void iconst(I_32 val);
void lconst(int64 val);
void fconst(float val);
void dconst(double val);
void bipush(I_8 val);
void sipush(int16 val);
void ldc(U_32 constPoolIndex);
void ldc2(U_32 constPoolIndex);
void iload(uint16 varIndex) ;
void lload(uint16 varIndex) ;
void fload(uint16 varIndex) ;
void dload(uint16 varIndex) ;
void aload(uint16 varIndex) ;
void iaload() ;
void laload() ;
void faload() ;
void daload() ;
void aaload() ;
void baload() ;
void caload() ;
void saload() ;
void istore(uint16 varIndex, U_32 off) ;
void lstore(uint16 varIndex, U_32 off) ;
void fstore(uint16 varIndex, U_32 off) ;
void dstore(uint16 varIndex, U_32 off) ;
void astore(uint16 varIndex, U_32 off) ;
void iastore() ;
void lastore() ;
void fastore() ;
void dastore() ;
void aastore() ;
void bastore() ;
void castore() ;
void sastore() ;
void pop() ;
void pop2() ;
void dup() ;
void dup_x1() ;
void dup_x2() ;
void dup2() ;
void dup2_x1() ;
void dup2_x2() ;
void swap() ;
void iadd() ;
void ladd() ;
void fadd() ;
void dadd() ;
void isub() ;
void lsub() ;
void fsub() ;
void dsub() ;
void imul() ;
void lmul() ;
void fmul() ;
void dmul() ;
void idiv() ;
void ldiv() ;
void fdiv() ;
void ddiv() ;
void irem() ;
void lrem() ;
void frem() ;
void drem() ;
void ineg() ;
void lneg() ;
void fneg() ;
void dneg() ;
void ishl() ;
void lshl() ;
void ishr() ;
void lshr() ;
void iushr() ;
void lushr() ;
void iand() ;
void land() ;
void ior() ;
void lor() ;
void ixor() ;
void lxor() ;
void iinc(uint16 varIndex,I_32 amount) ;
void i2l() ;
void i2f() ;
void i2d() ;
void l2i() ;
void l2f() ;
void l2d() ;
void f2i() ;
void f2l() ;
void f2d() ;
void d2i() ;
void d2l() ;
void d2f() ;
void i2b() ;
void i2c() ;
void i2s() ;
void lcmp() ;
void fcmpl() ;
void fcmpg() ;
void dcmpl() ;
void dcmpg() ;
void ifeq(U_32 targetOffset,U_32 nextOffset);
void ifne(U_32 targetOffset,U_32 nextOffset);
void iflt(U_32 targetOffset,U_32 nextOffset);
void ifge(U_32 targetOffset,U_32 nextOffset);
void ifgt(U_32 targetOffset,U_32 nextOffset);
void ifle(U_32 targetOffset,U_32 nextOffset);
void if_icmpeq(U_32 targetOffset,U_32 nextOffset);
void if_icmpne(U_32 targetOffset,U_32 nextOffset);
void if_icmplt(U_32 targetOffset,U_32 nextOffset);
void if_icmpge(U_32 targetOffset,U_32 nextOffset);
void if_icmpgt(U_32 targetOffset,U_32 nextOffset);
void if_icmple(U_32 targetOffset,U_32 nextOffset);
void if_acmpeq(U_32 targetOffset,U_32 nextOffset);
void if_acmpne(U_32 targetOffset,U_32 nextOffset);
void goto_(U_32 targetOffset,U_32 nextOffset);
void jsr(U_32 offset, U_32 nextOffset);
void ret(uint16 varIndex, const U_8* byteCodes);
void tableswitch(JavaSwitchTargetsIter*);
void lookupswitch(JavaLookupSwitchTargetsIter*);
void incrementReturn();
void ireturn(U_32 off);
void lreturn(U_32 off);
void freturn(U_32 off);
void dreturn(U_32 off);
void areturn(U_32 off);
void return_(U_32 off);
void getstatic(U_32 constPoolIndex) ;
void putstatic(U_32 constPoolIndex) ;
void getfield(U_32 constPoolIndex) ;
void putfield(U_32 constPoolIndex) ;
void invokevirtual(U_32 constPoolIndex) ;
void invokespecial(U_32 constPoolIndex) ;
void invokestatic(U_32 constPoolIndex) ;
void invokeinterface(U_32 constPoolIndex,U_32 count) ;
void new_(U_32 constPoolIndex) ;
void newarray(U_8 type) ;
void anewarray(U_32 constPoolIndex) ;
void arraylength() ;
void athrow() ;
void checkcast(U_32 constPoolIndex) ;
int instanceof(const U_8* bcp, U_32 constPoolIndex, U_32 off) ;
void monitorenter() ;
void monitorexit() ;
void multianewarray(U_32 constPoolIndex,U_8 dimensions) ;
void ifnull(U_32 targetOffset,U_32 nextOffset);
void ifnonnull(U_32 targetOffset,U_32 nextOffset);
void pushCatchLabel(U_32 offset) {
void pushRestart(U_32 offset) {
friend class JavaExceptionParser;
friend struct CatchOffsetVisitor;
friend class JavaByteCodeTranslator;
typedef StlMultiMap<U_32, U_32> JsrEntryToJsrNextMap;
typedef std::pair<JsrEntryToJsrNextMap::const_iterator, JsrEntryToJsrNextMap::const_iterator> JsrEntriesMapCIterRange;
typedef StlMap<U_32, U_32> RetToSubEntryMap;
// compilation environment
MemoryManager& memManager;
TypeManager& typeManager;
MethodDesc& methodDesc;
CompilationInterface& compilationInterface;
// simulates the stack operation
int blockNumber;
StateInfo stateInfo;
StateTable* stateTable;
// information about variables
StlHashMap<U_32,VariableIncarnation*> localVars;
// basic label info
bool nextIsLabel;
BitSet* labels;
BitSet* subroutines;
U_32* labelOffsets; // array containing offsets of labels
U_32 numLabels;
U_32 numVars;
bool isFallThruLabel;
// exception info
U_32 numCatchHandlers;
// Java JSR
bool hasJsrLabels;
// mapping [Subroutine entry offset] -> [JSR next offset (=offset of instruction that immediately follows the JSR) ]
JsrEntryToJsrNextMap jsrEntriesMap;
// mapping [RET offset] -> [Soubroutine entry offset (target of JSR inst)]
RetToSubEntryMap retToSubEntryMap;
// helpers
Type *int32Type, *int64Type, *singleType, *doubleType;
ExceptionTable exceptionTable;
// if an exception type can not be resolved, its token is being kept here
unsigned problemTypeToken;
// private helper methods
void setLabel(U_32 offset);
void setSubroutineEntry(U_32 offset) { subroutines->setBit(offset,true); }
void checkTargetForRestart(U_32 target);
void propagateStateInfo(U_32 offset, bool isFallthru);
void setJsrLabel(U_32 offset);
void setStackVars();
void propagateLocalVarToHandlers(U_32 varIndex);
RetToSubEntryMap* getRetToSubEntryMapPtr() { return &retToSubEntryMap; }
class StateTable
virtual ~StateTable() {
StateTable(MemoryManager& mm,TypeManager& tm, JavaLabelPrepass& jlp, U_32 numstack, U_32 numvars) :
memManager(mm), typeManager(tm), prepass(jlp),
hashtable(mm), maxDepth(numvars + numstack), numVars(numvars)
StateInfo *getStateInfo(U_32 offset) {
return hashtable[offset];
StateInfo *createStateInfo(U_32 offset, unsigned stackDepth = MAX_UINT32) {
StateInfo *state = hashtable[offset];
if (state == NULL) {
state = new (memManager) StateInfo();
hashtable[offset] = state;
if (stackDepth != MAX_UINT32 && state->stack == NULL) {
state->stack = new (memManager) StateInfo::SlotInfo[maxDepth];
state->stackDepth = stackDepth;
if(Log::isEnabled()) {
Log::out() << "CREATESTATE " <<(int)offset << " depth " << state->stackDepth << ::std::endl;
return state;
void copySlotInfo(StateInfo::SlotInfo& to, StateInfo::SlotInfo& from);
void mergeSlots(StateInfo::SlotInfo* inSlot, StateInfo::SlotInfo* slot, U_32 offset, bool isVar);
void rewriteSlots(StateInfo::SlotInfo* inSlot, StateInfo::SlotInfo* slot, U_32 offset, bool isVar);
void setStackInfo(StateInfo *inState, U_32 offset, bool includeVars, bool includeStack);
void setStateInfo(StateInfo *inState, U_32 offset, bool isFallThru, bool varsOnly = false);
void setStateInfoFromFinally(StateInfo *inState, U_32 offset);
void restoreStateInfo(StateInfo *stateInfo, U_32 offset) {
if(Log::isEnabled()) {
Log::out() << "INIT_STATE_FOR_BLOCK " <<(int)offset << " depth " << stateInfo->stackDepth << ::std::endl;
StateInfo *state = hashtable[offset];
assert(state != NULL && (state->stack || state->stackDepth==0));
stateInfo->flags = state->flags;
stateInfo->stackDepth = state->stackDepth;
for (unsigned i=0; i < stateInfo->stackDepth; i++)
stateInfo->stack[i] = state->stack[i];
stateInfo->exceptionInfo = state->exceptionInfo;
for (ExceptionInfo *except = stateInfo->exceptionInfo; except != NULL;
except = except->getNextExceptionInfoAtOffset()) {
if (except->isCatchBlock() &&
except->getBeginOffset() <= offset && offset < except->getEndOffset()) {
CatchBlock* block = (CatchBlock*)except;
for (CatchHandler *handler = block->getHandlers(); handler != NULL;
handler = handler->getNextHandler()) {
int cstart = handler->getBeginOffset();
if (Log::isEnabled()) Log::out() << "SETCATCHINFO "<<(int)cstart<<" "<<(int)numVars<< ::std::endl;
int getMaxStackOverflow() { return maxDepth; }
void printState(StateInfo *state) {
if (state == NULL) return;
struct StateInfo::SlotInfo *stack = state->stack;
for (unsigned i=0; i < state->stackDepth; i++) {
Log::out() << "STACK " << i << ":";
Log::out() << ::std::endl;
virtual bool keyEquals(U_32 *key1,U_32 *key2) const {
return key1 == key2;
virtual U_32 getKeyHashCode(U_32 *key) const {
// return hash of address bits
return ((U_32)(POINTER_SIZE_INT)key);
MemoryManager& memManager;
TypeManager& typeManager;
JavaLabelPrepass& prepass;
StlHashMap<U_32, StateInfo*> hashtable;
unsigned maxDepth;
unsigned numVars;
} //namespace Jitrino