blob: f2bdb35eafaa0758facb619c5273913bc85e30f2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Alexander V. Astapchuk
* @file
* @brief 'micro-kernel' - contains kernel-like utilities - synchronization,
system info, etc.
#if !defined(__MKERNEL_H_INCLUDED__)
#ifdef _WIN32
// windows.h include introduces min/max defines, which conflicts
// with STL's min/max used in many other places. This define prevents
// them to appear.
#define NOMINMAX 1
// windows.h enforces its own aligment, which may conflict with
// currently used default one.
// Note: EVERY inclusion of windows.h in Jitrino must be surrounded
// with \#pragma pack(push/pop)
#pragma pack(push)
// <winsock2.h> must be included before <windows.h> to avoid
// compile-time errors with winsock.h. For more details, see:
// ..
// .. sdkupdate/2600.2180.7/contents.htm
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#if _MSC_VER < 1500
#define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
#pragma pack(pop)
// ... well, just to be absolutely sure...
#undef min
#undef max
#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <assert.h>
#if defined(FREEBSD)
namespace Jitrino {
* @brief Exclusive lock.
* Class Mutex represents an exclusive lock. Interface is obvious.
* There are no 'try_lock' or 'is_locked' methods, this absence is
* intentional.
* @note On both Linux and Windows platforms, the mutex object can be
* recursively taken by the same thread (and, surely, must be released
* exactly the same number of times).
* @note On Linux platform, Mutex must be unlocked before destruction (that
* is, the Mutex object goes out of scope) - this is requirement of
* LinuxThreads implementation.
* @note Can be used only to synchronize inside an application. Cannot be
* used (and was not intended to do so) for inter-process
* synchronization.
* @note On Windows platform the underlying OS object is not Mutex, but
* CriticalSection instead, as it's a bit lighter and faster.
* @see AutoUnlock
class Mutex {
// *nix implementation
* @brief Frees resources associated with the mutex.
pthread_mutexattr_t attrs;
pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attrs, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP);
pthread_mutex_init(&m_handle, &attrs);
* @brief Destructs the object.
~Mutex() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&m_handle); }
* @brief Acquires a lock.
void lock(void) { pthread_mutex_lock(&m_handle); }
* @brief Releases a lock.
void unlock(void) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_handle); }
pthread_mutex_t m_handle;
#else // not PLATFORM_POSIX
// Win* implementation
Mutex() { InitializeCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
~Mutex() { DeleteCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
void lock(void) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
void unlock(void) { LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
#endif // ~ifdef PLATFORM_POSIX
* @brief Disallows copying.
Mutex(const Mutex&);
* @brief Disallows copying.
const Mutex& operator=(const Mutex&);
static Mutex appGlobal;
#define _LINE_VAR_CAT( name, line ) name##line
#define _LINE_VAR( name, line ) _LINE_VAR_CAT( name, line )
#define LINE_VAR(name) _LINE_VAR( name, __LINE__ )
#define SYNC_FIRST(Expression) \
static bool LINE_VAR(first) = true;\
bool LINE_VAR(locked) = false;\
if (LINE_VAR(first)) {\
LINE_VAR(locked) = true;\
LINE_VAR(first) = false;\
if (LINE_VAR(locked)) {\
* @brief Automatically unlocks a Mutex when AutoLock object goes out of
* scope.
* Class AutoUnlock is an utility class to handy acquire and [automatically]
* release Mutex lock.
* A trivial C++ trick, which, I believe, is used everywhere with Mutexes -
* holds the lock in the ctor and releases lock in dtor - when AutoUnlock
* object goes out of scope.
* Safely accepts NULL-s - and performs nothing in this case.
class AutoUnlock {
* @brief Locks the mutex.
AutoUnlock(Mutex& m) : m_mutex(&m)
* @brief Locks the mutex, or does nothing if \c pm is \b NULL.
AutoUnlock(Mutex * pm) : m_mutex(pm)
if(m_mutex) {
* @brief Forces mutex (if any) to be unlocked.
* When called, clears internal pointer to a mutex object, so the
* following sequential calls to forceUnlock and destructor are noops.
void forceUnlock(void)
if(m_mutex) {
m_mutex = NULL;
* @brief Unlocks mutex (if any).
if(m_mutex) {
AutoUnlock(const AutoUnlock&);
AutoUnlock& operator=(const AutoUnlock&);
Mutex * m_mutex;
* @brief Class Runtime provides an info about environment the application
* is currently running.
class Runtime {
* @brief Returns number of CPUs available in the system.
* In theory, may be 0, if underlying system does not provide the info.
* Does not even try to distinguish HyperThreading and 'phisical CPU', so
* a CPU with HT enabled is seen as 2 CPUs.
static unsigned cpus(void) { return num_cpus; }
* @brief Tests whether we're running in single-CPU machine.
static bool is_one_cpu(void) { return cpus() == 1; }
* @brief Tests whether we're running in multi-CPU box.
static bool is_smp(void) { return cpus() > 1; }
* @brief Number of CPUs.
* Initialized once at startup and never changes.
static const unsigned num_cpus;
* @brief Initializes \link #num_cpus number of CPUs\endlink.
static unsigned init_num_cpus(void);
* @brief Disallows creation, interface is only through static functions.
* @brief Disallows copying.
Runtime(const Runtime&);
* @brief Disallows copying.
Runtime& operator=(const Runtime&);
* @brief Key used to identify data in TLS.
typedef unsigned long TlsKey;
* @brief Basic thread local storage (TLS) functionality.
* The functionality is made similar to the POSIX one - when a TLS key
* allocated, user may specify a function (<i>release function</i>) which
* will be called on thread's death to release the data stored in TLS.
* With POSIX threads this functionality is by design. On Windows, this
* functionality is emulated by the Tls class.
* The emulation's behavior was made as much close to the one specified by
* POSIX, though some differences still exist.
* - the release function is called only if data currently stored in TLS
* is not NULL
* - NULL value is associated with TLS key before calling release function
* - (the difference) if release function re-associates a data with the TLS
* key, this data is ignored (in other words, release function is called
* no more than once for each thread)
* @note Emulation on Windows requires external support - currently special
* method Tls::threadEnd is called on DLL_THREAD_DETACH. As our code lives
* in dll it's enough for all our needs. If the code (and especially the
* release function behaviour) need to be reused for a threads in process,
* the Tls::threadEnd() must be called at the end of thread function.
class Tls {
* @brief Allocates a key for TLS.
* Initial value associated with each key in NULL.
* @param free_func - a function will be called when thread is about to
* finish, so it can free up the data stored in TLS. See Tls class
* comments.
static TlsKey allocKey(void (*free_func) (void *) = NULL);
* @brief Releases the TlsKey.
static void releaseKey(TlsKey key);
#ifdef _WIN32
* @brief Special-purpose method - used to emulate POSIX-like behavior
* with release function that may free up a data stored in TLS.
* Must be called when thread is about to finish.
static void threadDetach(void);
* @brief Special-purpose method - used to cleanup dynamically
* allocated map.
* Must be called when thread is about to finish.
static void processDetach(void);
* @brief Puts \c data into TLS.
static void put(TlsKey key, void* data);
* @brief Gets \c data from TLS.
* If there were no preceding put() operations in the current thread,
* NULL returned.
static void* get(TlsKey key);
* A handy wrapper to organize TLS storage, with auto-<i>magic</i> release
* of allocated data.
* TlsStorage is used to manage a thread-local copy of data that exists
* in a <i>single copy per each thread</i>. Here it differs from TlsList
* and TlsStack that organize a thread local stack storage of several
* instances of a data.
* The TlsStore presumes that a data stored in it is dynamically allocated
* using <code>global operator new</code>. Upon a thread termination, a
* non-<b>NULL</b> data is deallocated using <code>global operator
* delete</code>.
* Usage example:
* <pre>
* <code>
* static TlsStore<SomeStruct> globalStore;
* foo()
* {
* SomeStruct* data = globalStore.get();
* if (data == NULL) {
* data = new SomeStru();
* data->init();
* globalStore.put(data);
* }
* }
* </code>
* </pre>
template <class T> struct TlsStore {
* @brief Allocates a TlsKey to be used for TLS manipulations.
m_key = Tls::allocKey(free);
* @brief Releases TlsKey.
* @brief Returns the stored data or NULL if there were no data stored.
T* get(void) const
return (T*)Tls::get(m_key);
* @brief Stores the data into TLS, \b NULL-s are ok.
* If there were a data stored before, the previous data is freed.
void put(T* pt) const
T* prev = get();
if (prev != NULL) {
Tls::put(m_key, pt);
* Releases the data (calls delete)
* The method is invoked upon a thread termination to deallocate
* data stored in TLS.
static void free(void* p)
delete (T*)p;
TlsKey m_key;
* @brief Provides basic functionality to organize stack of infos in TLS.
* <code>
* <pre>
* TlsKey globalKey = Tls::allocKey(NULL);
* foo()
* {
* SomeStru fooLocalData;
* TlsList::push(globalKey, &fooLocalData);
* boo();
* TlsList::pop(globalKey);
* }
* boo()
* {
* SomeStru* data = (SomeStru*)TlsList::get(globalKey);
* // do something
* }
* </pre>
* </code>
* \c foo() may be called in the same thread several times, and every time
* the latest data will be available for \c boo().
* @note Number of \c pop()-s must be strictly balanced with the number of
* push()-es, or a memory leak occurs.
* @note TlsList really stores its special data into TLS, so never mix
* calls of Tls::put()/Tls::get() with TlsList's methods with the same
* key.
* Normally, the TlsList may be used to store a pointer to general data,
* while for a particular data structures the template class TlsStack may
* be more convinient.
* @see TlsStack
class TlsList {
* @brief Pushes the \c data onto TLS stack.
static void push(TlsKey key, void* data);
* @brief Pops out the \c data from TLS stack.
static void* pop(TlsKey key);
* @brief Returns top data item from TLS stack and leaves it on stack.
static void* get(TlsKey key);
* Helper structure to organize linked list of datas in TLS.
struct ListItem
ListItem(ListItem* _prev, void* _data)
prev = _prev;
data = _data;
#ifdef _DEBUG
magic = MAGIC;
#ifdef _DEBUG
* @brief A signature, used to verify data integrity.
unsigned magic;
static const unsigned MAGIC = 0x4C495354; // 'LIST' in hex
assert(magic == MAGIC);
void * data;
ListItem* prev;
* @brief Handy wrapper for TlsList.
* Use as following:
* <code>
* TlsStack<SomeStruct> globalSomeStructStack; // must be static global
* </code>
* @note Note the declaration in the example. It's the type itself, and not
* the pointer - methods os TlsStack do \b not copy data. Instead only
* pointer to the specified data is stored.
* The result is that the stored data must be have it's scope not less than
* appropriate push/pop sequence.
template<class AType> class TlsStack {
* @brief Allocates a TlsKey to be used for TLS manipulations.
m_key = Tls::allocKey();
* @brief Releases TlsKey.
* @brief Pushes the \c item onto TLS stack.
void push(AType& item)
* @brief Pushes the \c pitem onto TLS stack.
void push(AType* pitem)
TlsList::push(m_key, pitem);
* @brief Returns top data item from TLS stack and leaves it on stack.
AType* get(void)
return (AType*)TlsList::get(m_key);
* @brief Pops out the an item from TLS stack.
AType* pop(void)
return (AType*)TlsList::pop(m_key);
TlsKey m_key;
Set of utility methods to get features the current CPU supports.
The functionality of this class is rather scarce, but it covers all needs we have in JIT today
class CPUID {
#if defined(HYX86) || defined(HYX86_64)
/** SSE2 is an extension of the IA-32 architecture, since 2000. */
static bool isSSE2Supported();
}; // ~namespace Jitrino
#endif // ~ifndef __MKERNEL_H_INCLUDED__