blob: ae8cde02d5516e4e4f091296abb6f4b4f22cad23 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Intel, Mikhail Y. Fursov
#include "escapeanalyzer.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "Inst.h"
#include "Dominator.h"
#include "irmanager.h"
#include "LoopTree.h"
#include "FlowGraph.h"
#include "ssa/SSA.h"
#include "Opnd.h"
namespace Jitrino {
// 1) support parents loop unrolling -> easy
// 2) support complete loop elimination if limit is const -> easy (or do not unroll at all)
// 3) support more branch types (Cmp_Eq, Cmp_NotEq, Cmp_Zero..)
// 4) support loop unrolling for counters with long, float and double types
class UnrollFlags {
: smallLoopSize(0), smallLoopHotness(0), smallLoopUnrollCount(0),
mediumLoopSize(0), mediumLoopHotness(0), mediumLoopUnrollCount(0),
largeLoopSize(0), largeLoopHotness(0), largeLoopUnrollCount(0)
int smallLoopSize;
int smallLoopHotness;
int smallLoopUnrollCount;
int mediumLoopSize;
int mediumLoopHotness;
int mediumLoopUnrollCount;
int largeLoopSize;
int largeLoopHotness;
int largeLoopUnrollCount;
bool unrollParentLoops;
class LoopUnrollAction : public Action {
void init();
const UnrollFlags& getFlags() {return flags;}
UnrollFlags flags;
DEFINE_SESSION_ACTION_WITH_ACTION(LoopUnrollPass, LoopUnrollAction, unroll, "Loop Unrolling")
//loop structure is
//loop {
// BodyA
// check
// BodyB
// all paths from bodyA to bodyB must go through the 'check'
class LoopUnrollInfo {
: header(NULL), branchInst(NULL), branchTargetIsExit(false),
branchLimitOpndPos(0), increment(0), unrollCount(0), doUnroll(false)
Node* header;
BranchInst* branchInst;
bool branchTargetIsExit;
int branchLimitOpndPos;
int increment;
int unrollCount;
bool doUnroll;
Opnd* getLimitOpnd() const {return branchLimitOpndPos==0?branchInst->getSrc(0) : branchInst->getSrc(1);}
Opnd* getIdxOpnd() const {return branchLimitOpndPos==0?branchInst->getSrc(1) : branchInst->getSrc(0);}
void print(std::ostream& out) const {
out<<"LoopHead=";FlowGraph::printLabel(out, header);
out<<" inst=I"<<branchInst->getId();
out<<" idx-opndId="<<getIdxOpnd()->getId();
out<<" limit-opndId="<<getLimitOpnd()->getId();
out<<" increment="<<increment;
out<<" unroll_count="<<unrollCount;
out<<" do_unroll="<<doUnroll;
class OpndLoopInfo {
OpndLoopInfo() {type=DEF_OUT_OF_LOOP; val=0; phiSplit= false;}
OpndType getType() const {return type;}
void setType(OpndType newType) {assert(type!=newType);type = newType; val=0;}
bool isCounter() const {return type == COUNTER;}
bool isLDConst() const {return type == LD_CONST;}
bool isDOL() const {return type == DEF_OUT_OF_LOOP;}
bool isUndefined() const {return type == UNDEF;}
int getConst() const {assert(getType()==LD_CONST); return val;}
void setConst(I_32 v) {assert(getType()==LD_CONST); val=v;}
int getIncrement() const {assert(getType()==COUNTER); return val;}
void setIncrement(I_32 v) {assert(getType()==COUNTER); val=v;}
bool isPhiSplit() const {return phiSplit;}
void markPhiSplit() {assert(isCounter()); phiSplit = true;}
void print(std::ostream& out) {
if (type == DEF_OUT_OF_LOOP) out << "DOL";
else if (type == LD_CONST) out << "LDC:"<<getConst();
else if (type == COUNTER) out << "CNT:"<<getIncrement() << (phiSplit?" splt":"");
else out << "UNDEF";
OpndType type;
int val;
bool phiSplit; //only 1 phi split with DOL is allowed for counters.
typedef StlVector<Inst*> InstStack;
typedef StlVector<LoopUnrollInfo*> UnrollInfos;
static void log_ident(size_t n) {for (size_t i=0;i<n;++i) Log::out()<<" "; }
static int signof(int v) { return (v == 0) ? 0 : ( v < 0 ? -1 : 1); }
static void findLoopsToUnroll(MemoryManager& mm, IRManager& irm, UnrollInfos& result, const UnrollFlags& flags);
static void doUnroll(MemoryManager& mm, IRManager& irm, const LoopUnrollInfo* info, const UnrollFlags& flags);
static void calculateReachableNodesInLoop(LoopNode* loop, Node* node, Node* stopNode, BitSet& flags);
void LoopUnrollAction::init() {
flags.smallLoopSize = getIntArg("small_loop_max_size", 5);
flags.smallLoopHotness = getIntArg("small_loop_hotness_percent", 300);
flags.smallLoopUnrollCount = getIntArg("small_loop_unroll_count", 8);
flags.mediumLoopSize = getIntArg("medium_loop_max_size", 10);
flags.mediumLoopHotness = getIntArg("medium_loop_hotness_percent", 300);
flags.mediumLoopUnrollCount = getIntArg("medium_loop_unroll_count", 4);
flags.largeLoopSize = getIntArg("large_loop_max_size", 20);
flags.largeLoopHotness = getIntArg("large_loop_hotness_percent", 300);
flags.largeLoopUnrollCount = getIntArg("large_loop_unroll_count", 2);
//TODO: support unrolling of parent loops
flags.unrollParentLoops = false;//getBoolArg("unroll_parent_loops", false);
void LoopUnrollPass::_run(IRManager& irm) {
const UnrollFlags& flags = ((LoopUnrollAction*)getAction())->getFlags();
ControlFlowGraph& cfg = irm.getFlowGraph();
LoopTree* lt = cfg.getLoopTree();
if (!lt->hasLoops()) {
MemoryManager mm("loopUnrollMM");
UnrollInfos loopsToUnroll(mm);
findLoopsToUnroll(mm, irm, loopsToUnroll, flags);
if (loopsToUnroll.empty()) {
if (Log::isEnabled()) Log::out() << "No candidates found to unroll"<<std::endl;
if (Log::isEnabled()) {
Log::out()<<"Loops to unroll before filtering:"<<std::endl;
for (UnrollInfos::const_iterator it = loopsToUnroll.begin(), end = loopsToUnroll.end();it!=end; ++it) {
const LoopUnrollInfo* info = *it;
info->print(Log::out()); Log::out()<<std::endl;
bool hasProfile = cfg.hasEdgeProfile();
//filter out that can't be unrolled, calculate BodyA and BodyB
BitSet bodyANodes(mm, cfg.getMaxNodeId()), bodyBNodes(mm, cfg.getMaxNodeId());
for (UnrollInfos::iterator it = loopsToUnroll.begin(), end = loopsToUnroll.end();it!=end; ++it) {
LoopUnrollInfo* info = *it;
if (info == NULL) {
if (!info->doUnroll) {
Node* header=info->header;
LoopNode* loopHeader = lt->getLoopNode(header, false);
assert(loopHeader->getHeader() == header);
Node* checkNode = info->branchInst->getNode();
calculateReachableNodesInLoop(loopHeader, loopHeader->getHeader(), checkNode, bodyANodes);
calculateReachableNodesInLoop(loopHeader, checkNode, NULL, bodyBNodes);
bool checkNodeIsJunctionPoint = bodyANodes.isEmpty();
if (!checkNodeIsJunctionPoint) {
if (Log::isEnabled()) {
Log::out()<<"Check node is not a junction point -> removing from the list: branch inst id=I"<<info->branchInst->getId()<<std::endl;
//check if branch semantic is OK
ComparisonModifier cmpMod = info->branchInst->getModifier().getComparisonModifier();
if (cmpMod!=Cmp_GT && cmpMod!=Cmp_GTE && cmpMod!=Cmp_GT_Un && cmpMod!=Cmp_GTE_Un) {
if (Log::isEnabled()) {
Log::out()<<"Branch is not a range comparison -> removing from the list: branch inst id=I"<<info->branchInst->getId()<<std::endl;
//check config settings
bool failed = false;
int nodesInLoop = (int)loopHeader->getNodesInLoop().size();
const char* reason = "unknown";
if (nodesInLoop > flags.largeLoopSize) {
reason = "loop is too large";
failed = true;
} else if (hasProfile) {
int headHotness = (int)(header->getExecCount()*100.0 / cfg.getEntryNode()->getExecCount());
int minHeaderHotness= nodesInLoop <= flags.smallLoopSize ? flags.smallLoopHotness :
nodesInLoop <= flags.mediumLoopSize ? flags.mediumLoopHotness : flags.largeLoopHotness;
info->unrollCount = nodesInLoop <= flags.smallLoopSize ? flags.smallLoopUnrollCount :
nodesInLoop <= flags.mediumLoopSize? flags.mediumLoopUnrollCount: flags.largeLoopUnrollCount;
failed = headHotness < minHeaderHotness || info->unrollCount < 1;
if (failed) {
reason = "loop is too cold";
if (failed) {
if (Log::isEnabled()) {
Log::out()<<"Loop does not match unroll configuration ("<<reason<<") -> removing from the list: branch inst id=I"<<info->branchInst->getId()<<std::endl;
//filter out loops with multiple exits
for (UnrollInfos::iterator it1 = loopsToUnroll.begin(), end = loopsToUnroll.end();it1!=end; ++it1) {
const LoopUnrollInfo* info1 = *it1;
if (info1== NULL) {
Node* header=info1->header;
for (UnrollInfos::iterator it2 = it1+1; it2!=end; ++it2) {
const LoopUnrollInfo* info2 = *it2;
if (info2!=NULL && header==info2->header) {
if (Log::isEnabled()) {
Log::out() << "Found multiple exits:"; FlowGraph::printLabel(Log::out(), header);Log::out()<<std::endl;
if (hasProfile) {
Node* check1 = info1->branchInst->getNode();
Node* check2 = info2->branchInst->getNode();
if (check1->getExecCount() > check2->getExecCount()) {
*it2 = NULL;
} else {
*it1 = NULL;
} else { // random selection
loopsToUnroll.erase(std::remove(loopsToUnroll.begin(), loopsToUnroll.end(), (LoopUnrollInfo*)NULL), loopsToUnroll.end());
if (loopsToUnroll.empty()) {
if (Log::isEnabled()) Log::out() << "--------No candidates to unroll left after filtering"<<std::endl;
//dessa CFG before unrolling -> need to duplicate regions and we can do it on dessa form only today
SSABuilder::deconvertSSA(&cfg, irm.getOpndManager());
if (Log::isEnabled()) {
Log::out()<<"--------Loops to unroll after filtering : n="<<loopsToUnroll.size()<<std::endl;
for (UnrollInfos::const_iterator it = loopsToUnroll.begin(), end = loopsToUnroll.end();it!=end; ++it) {
const LoopUnrollInfo* info = *it;
info->print(Log::out()); Log::out()<<std::endl;
for (UnrollInfos::const_iterator it = loopsToUnroll.begin(), end = loopsToUnroll.end();it!=end; ++it) {
const LoopUnrollInfo* info = *it;
doUnroll(mm, irm, info, flags);
static void calculateReachableNodesInLoop(LoopNode* loop, Node* node, Node* stopNode, BitSet& flags) {
int id = node->getId();
if (!loop->inLoop(node) || node == stopNode || flags.getBit(id)) {
flags.setBit(id, true);
const Edges& edges = node->getOutEdges();
for (Edges::const_iterator ite = edges.begin(), ende = edges.end(); ite!=ende; ++ite) {
Edge* e = *ite;
Node* nextNode = e->getTargetNode();
if (nextNode != loop->getHeader()) {
calculateReachableNodesInLoop(loop, nextNode, stopNode, flags);
static OpndLoopInfo processOpnd(LoopNode* loopHead, LoopTree* lt, InstStack& defStack, Opnd* opnd) {
OpndLoopInfo result;
Inst* defInst = opnd->getInst();
if (Log::isEnabled()) {
log_ident(defStack.size()); defInst->print(Log::out()); Log::out()<<"]"<<std::endl;
if (std::find(defStack.begin(), defStack.end(), defInst)!=defStack.end()) {
if (Log::isEnabled()) {
Log::out()<<"Found duplicate in def stack -> stopping recursion. ";result.print(Log::out()); Log::out()<<std::endl;
return result;
Node* defNode = defInst->getNode();
Opcode opcode = defInst->getOpcode();
if (opcode == Op_LdConstant) {
if (Log::isEnabled()) {
Log::out()<<"assigning to const -> stopping recursion. ";result.print(Log::out());Log::out()<<std::endl;
return result;
if (!loopHead->inLoop(defNode)) {
if (Log::isEnabled()) {
Log::out()<<"Inst out of the loop -> stopping recursion. ";result.print(Log::out()); Log::out()<<std::endl;
return result;
if (opcode == Op_Phi) {
OpndLoopInfo info1 = processOpnd(loopHead, lt, defStack, defInst->getSrc(0));
OpndLoopInfo info2 = processOpnd(loopHead, lt, defStack, defInst->getSrc(1));
if (Log::isEnabled()) {
if ( ((info1.isCounter() && !info1.isPhiSplit()) && (info2.isDOL() || info2.isLDConst()))
|| ((info2.isCounter() && !info2.isPhiSplit()) && (info1.isDOL() || info1.isLDConst())) )
result.setIncrement(info1.isCounter() ? info1.getIncrement() : info2.getIncrement());
} else {
} else if (opcode == Op_Add || opcode == Op_Sub) { //todo: LADD
Opnd *op1 = defInst->getSrc(0);
Opnd *op2 = defInst->getSrc(1);
OpndLoopInfo info1 = processOpnd(loopHead, lt, defStack, op1);
OpndLoopInfo info2 = processOpnd(loopHead, lt, defStack, op2);
if ((info1.isLDConst() || info1.isDOL()) && (info2.isLDConst() || info2.isDOL())) {
if (info1.isLDConst() && info2.isLDConst() && info1.getConst() == info2.getConst()) {
} else {
//result is DOL (default type)
} else if ((info1.isCounter() && info2.isLDConst()) || (info2.isCounter() && info1.isLDConst())) {
int increment = info1.isCounter()? info1.getIncrement(): info2.getIncrement();
int diff = info1.isLDConst()? info1.getConst(): info2.getConst();
//we use SSA form to analyze how opnd changes in loop and we do not analyze actual control flow,
// so we can unroll loops with monotonically changing 'counters' only.
//Example: when 'counter' changes not monotonically and we can't unroll:
//idx=0; loop {idx+=100; if(idx>=100) break; idx-=99;} ->'increment'=1 but not monotonicaly.
bool monotonousFlag = increment == 0 || diff == 0
|| (opcode == Op_Add && signof(diff) == signof(increment))
|| (opcode == Op_Sub && signof(diff) != signof(increment));
if (monotonousFlag) {
if ((info1.isCounter() && info1.isPhiSplit()) || (info2.isCounter() && info2.isPhiSplit())) {
//TO IMPROVE: for loops like: for (; length-1>=0;length--){...}
//we have 2 SUBs by -1 => "-2", but real counter is changed by "-1".
//Loop unroll will use "-2". It's ok, because this value is used in a guard inst
//and ABS(increment_in_unroll) >= ABS(real_increment). This work only for monotonous loops.
//To make increment_in_unroll == real_increment we must track modifications (SUB,ADD) that affects vars only.
if (opcode == Op_Add) {
result.setIncrement(increment + diff);
} else {
result.setIncrement(increment - diff);
} else {
} else {
} else if (opcode == Op_StVar || opcode == Op_LdVar) {
Opnd* newOpnd = defInst->getSrc(0);
result = processOpnd(loopHead, lt, defStack, newOpnd);
} else if (opcode == Op_TauArrayLen) {
Opnd* arrayOpnd = defInst->getSrc(0);
result = processOpnd(loopHead, lt, defStack, arrayOpnd);
} else { //unsupported op
if (Log::isEnabled()) {
log_ident(defStack.size()); Log::out()<<"unknown op -> stopping recursion. ";
if (Log::isEnabled()) {
return result;
static LoopUnrollInfo* prepareUnrollInfo(MemoryManager& mm, LoopTree* lt, BranchInst* branchInst) {
if (Log::isEnabled()) {
Log::out()<<"==Checking loop exit:"; branchInst->print(Log::out()); Log::out()<<std::endl;
//traverse loop and track all modifications
Node* node = branchInst->getNode();
LoopNode* loopHeader = lt->getLoopNode(node, false);
Opnd* opnd1 = branchInst->getSrc(0);
Opnd* opnd2 = branchInst->getNumSrcOperands()==1?NULL:branchInst->getSrc(1);
if (opnd2==NULL) {
assert(branchInst->getComparisonModifier() == Cmp_Zero || branchInst->getComparisonModifier() == Cmp_NonZero);
if (Log::isEnabled()) {
Log::out()<<"----Unsupported comparison modifier."<<std::endl;
return NULL;
if (!opnd1->getType()->isInteger() || opnd1->getType()->isInt8()
|| !opnd2->getType()->isInteger() || opnd2->getType()->isInt8())
if (Log::isEnabled()) {
Log::out()<<"----Unsupported opnd types."<<std::endl;
return NULL; //IMPROVE: longs and floating types are not supported
InstStack defStack(mm);
Log::out()<<"----Analyzing opnd1 id="<<opnd1->getId()<<std::endl;
OpndLoopInfo opndInfo1 = processOpnd(loopHeader, lt, defStack, opnd1);
Log::out()<<"----Analyzing opnd2 id="<<opnd2->getId()<<std::endl;
OpndLoopInfo opndInfo2 = processOpnd(loopHeader, lt, defStack, opnd2);
if(Log::isEnabled()) {
Log::out()<<"----Result: opndId1="<<opnd1->getId()<<" type=";opndInfo1.print(Log::out());
Log::out()<<", opndId2="<<opnd2->getId()<<" type=";opndInfo2.print(Log::out());Log::out()<<std::endl;
//default values -> this item will not be unrolled unless all constraints are OK
LoopUnrollInfo* info = new (mm) LoopUnrollInfo();
info->header = loopHeader->getHeader();
info->branchInst = branchInst;
info->branchTargetIsExit = !loopHeader->inLoop(branchInst->getTargetLabel()->getNode());
info->doUnroll = false;
if (opndInfo1.isCounter() && (opndInfo2.isDOL() || opndInfo2.isLDConst())) {
info->doUnroll = true;
info->increment = opndInfo1.getIncrement();
} else if (opndInfo2.isCounter() && (opndInfo1.isDOL() || opndInfo1.isLDConst())) {
info->doUnroll = true;
info->increment = opndInfo2.getIncrement();
return info;
void findLoopsToUnroll(MemoryManager& tmpMM, IRManager& irm, UnrollInfos& result, const UnrollFlags& flags) {
ControlFlowGraph& fg = irm.getFlowGraph();
LoopTree* lt = fg.getLoopTree();
//find all loop exits
Edges loopExits(tmpMM);
const Nodes& nodes = fg.getNodes();
for (Nodes::const_iterator it = nodes.begin(), end = nodes.end(); it!=end; ++it) {
Node* node = *it;
LoopNode* loopNode = lt->getLoopNode(node, false);
if (loopNode == NULL) {
continue; //node not in a loop
if (!flags.unrollParentLoops && loopNode->getChild()!=NULL) {
continue; //skip parent loops
const Edges& edges = node->getOutEdges();
for (Edges::const_iterator ite = edges.begin(), ende = edges.end(); ite!=ende; ++ite) {
Edge* edge = *ite;
if (lt->isLoopExit(edge)) {
//filter out all edges except branches
for (Edges::iterator ite = loopExits.begin(), ende = loopExits.end(); ite!=ende; ++ite) {
Edge* edge = *ite;
if (edge->isDispatchEdge() || edge->isUnconditionalEdge() || edge->isCatchEdge()) {
*ite = NULL;
Inst* lastInst = (Inst*)edge->getSourceNode()->getLastInst();
if (lastInst->isSwitch()) {
*ite = NULL;
assert(edge->isFalseEdge() || edge->isTrueEdge());
loopExits.erase(std::remove(loopExits.begin(), loopExits.end(), (Edge*)NULL), loopExits.end());
// analyze every loop exit and prepare unroll info
for (Edges::const_iterator ite = loopExits.begin(), ende = loopExits.end(); ite!=ende; ++ite) {
Edge* edge = *ite;
Node* sourceNode = edge->getSourceNode();
Inst* lastInst = (Inst*)sourceNode->getLastInst();
LoopUnrollInfo* info = prepareUnrollInfo(tmpMM, lt, lastInst->asBranchInst());
if (info == NULL) {
if (Log::isEnabled()) {
static void doUnroll(MemoryManager& mm, IRManager& irm, const LoopUnrollInfo* info, const UnrollFlags& flags) {
//unroll algorithm does the following
// loopOrig {
// bodyA
// check(idxOpnd,limitOpnd)
// bodyB
// }
// unrolledIncOpnd = unrollCount * idx->increment
// unrolledLimitOpnd = limitOpnd-unrolledIncOpnd;
// bodyA
// loopUnrolled {
// check(idxOpnd,unrolledLimitOpnd)
// bodyB
// bodyA
// bodyB
// ...
// bodyA
// }
// loopEpilogue {
// check(idxOpnd,limitOpnd)
// bodyB
// bodyA
// }
// bodyA - all nodes of the same loop accessible from checkNode via incoming edges
// bodyB - all nodes except bodyA and checkNode
ControlFlowGraph& cfg = irm.getFlowGraph();
LoopTree* lt = cfg.getLoopTree();
InstFactory& instFactory = irm.getInstFactory();
OpndManager& opndManager = irm.getOpndManager();
Type* opType = info->getLimitOpnd()->getType();
// printf("UNROLL\n");
//STEP 0: cache all data needed
assert(info->unrollCount >= 1);
Node* origHeader = info->header;
assert(origHeader->getInDegree() == 2); //loop is normalized
OptPass::computeLoops(irm);//recompute loop info if needed
LoopNode* loopNode = lt->getLoopNode(origHeader, false);
Edge* entryEdge = origHeader->getInEdges().front();
if (lt->isBackEdge(entryEdge)) {
entryEdge = origHeader->getInEdges().back();
Node* origCheckNode = info->branchInst->getNode();
Edge* origLoopExitEdge = info->branchTargetIsExit ? origCheckNode->getTrueEdge() : origCheckNode->getFalseEdge();
U_32 maxNodeId = cfg.getMaxNodeId()+1; //+1 for a split check node
StlBitVector nodesInLoop(mm, maxNodeId);
const Nodes& loopNodes = loopNode->getNodesInLoop();
for (Nodes::const_iterator it = loopNodes.begin(), end = loopNodes.end(); it!=end; ++it) {
Node* node = *it;
//STEP 1: calculate bodyA nodes
BitSet aFlags(mm, maxNodeId);
calculateReachableNodesInLoop(loopNode, origHeader, origCheckNode, aFlags);
StlBitVector bodyANodes(mm, maxNodeId);
for (U_32 i=0;i<maxNodeId;i++) bodyANodes.setBit(i, aFlags.getBit(i));
//STEP 2: make checkNode a separate node, prepare loop region
bodyANodes.setBit(origCheckNode->getId(), true);
Node* checkNode = cfg.splitNodeAtInstruction(info->branchInst->prev(), true, false, instFactory.makeLabel());
nodesInLoop.setBit(checkNode->getId(), true);
Node* preCheckNode = origCheckNode;
bodyANodes.setBit(preCheckNode->getId(), true);
//STEP 3: rotate original loop
// before: {bodyA1, check , bodyB}
// after: bodyA2 {check, bodyB, bodyA1}
Edge* bodyA2ToCheckEdge = NULL;
Opnd* limitOpndInBodyA2 = NULL;
//WARN: info->limitOpnd and info->indexOpnd can be replaced after code duplication if promoted to vars
Opnd* limitOpndBefore = info->getLimitOpnd();
assert(preCheckNode->getOutDegree()==1 && preCheckNode->getUnconditionalEdgeTarget() == checkNode);
DefUseBuilder defUses(mm);
OpndRenameTable opndRenameTable(mm, maxNodeId); //todo: maxNodeId is overkill estimate here
NodeRenameTable nodeRenameTable(mm, maxNodeId);
Node* bodyA2 = FlowGraph::duplicateRegion(irm, origHeader, bodyANodes, defUses, nodeRenameTable, opndRenameTable);
cfg.replaceEdgeTarget(entryEdge, bodyA2, true);
// while duplicating a region new nodes could be created and 'nodesInRegion' bitvector param is updated.
// BodyA is part of the loop -> if new nodes were created in the loop we must track them.
for (U_32 i=0;i<bodyANodes.size();i++) nodesInLoop.setBit(i, bodyANodes.getBit(i) || nodesInLoop.getBit(i));
Node* bodyA2PreCheckNode = nodeRenameTable.getMapping(preCheckNode);
assert(bodyA2PreCheckNode->getOutDegree()==1 && bodyA2PreCheckNode->getUnconditionalEdgeTarget() == checkNode);
bodyA2ToCheckEdge = bodyA2PreCheckNode->getUnconditionalEdge();
limitOpndInBodyA2 = limitOpndBefore;
if (nodeRenameTable.getMapping(limitOpndBefore->getInst()->getNode())!=NULL) {
limitOpndInBodyA2 = opndRenameTable.getMapping(limitOpndBefore);
//STEP 4: prepare epilogue loop: {check, bodyB, bodyA}
Node* epilogueLoopHead = NULL;
DefUseBuilder defUses(mm);
OpndRenameTable opndRenameTable(mm, maxNodeId); //todo: maxNodeId is overkill estimate here
NodeRenameTable nodeRenameTable(mm, maxNodeId);
epilogueLoopHead = FlowGraph::duplicateRegion(irm, checkNode, nodesInLoop, defUses, nodeRenameTable, opndRenameTable);
cfg.replaceEdgeTarget(origLoopExitEdge, epilogueLoopHead, true);
//STEP 5: prepare unrolledLimitOpnd and replace it in original loop's check
Node* unrolledPreheader = cfg.spliceBlockOnEdge(bodyA2ToCheckEdge, instFactory.makeLabel());
Opnd* unrolledIncOpnd = opndManager.createSsaTmpOpnd(opType);
unrolledPreheader->appendInst(instFactory.makeLdConst(unrolledIncOpnd, info->increment * info->unrollCount));
Opnd* unrolledLimitOpnd = opndManager.createSsaTmpOpnd(opType);
Modifier mod = Modifier(SignedOp)|Modifier(Strict_No)|Modifier(Overflow_None)|Modifier(Exception_Never);
unrolledPreheader->appendInst(instFactory.makeSub(mod, unrolledLimitOpnd, limitOpndInBodyA2, unrolledIncOpnd));
info->branchInst->setSrc(info->branchLimitOpndPos, unrolledLimitOpnd);
DefUseBuilder defUses(mm);
//STEP 6: unroll original loop and remove all checks in duplicated bodies
Edge* backedge = preCheckNode->getUnconditionalEdge();
for (int i=1;i<info->unrollCount;i++) {
OpndRenameTable opndRenameTable(mm, maxNodeId);
NodeRenameTable nodeRenameTable(mm, maxNodeId);
Node* unrolledRegionHeader = FlowGraph::duplicateRegion(irm, checkNode, nodesInLoop, defUses, nodeRenameTable, opndRenameTable);
cfg.replaceEdgeTarget(backedge, unrolledRegionHeader, true);
Node* newTail = nodeRenameTable.getMapping(preCheckNode);
assert(newTail->getOutDegree()==1 );
backedge = newTail->getUnconditionalEdge();
cfg.replaceEdgeTarget(backedge, checkNode, true);
//remove check from duplicated code
Node* duplicateCheckNode = nodeRenameTable.getMapping(checkNode);
Edge* exitEdge = info->branchTargetIsExit ? duplicateCheckNode->getTrueEdge() : duplicateCheckNode->getFalseEdge();
//STEP 7: make old loop colder
if (cfg.hasEdgeProfile()) {
Edge* epilogueExit = info->branchTargetIsExit ? epilogueLoopHead->getTrueEdge() : epilogueLoopHead->getFalseEdge();
epilogueExit->setEdgeProb(epilogueExit->getEdgeProb() * 5);