blob: 346c27ddd2b658b0808065d61050bfb4c69bb16e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Intel, Pavel A. Ozhdikhin
#ifndef _INLINER_H_
#define _INLINER_H_
#include "StlPriorityQueue.h"
#include "Tree.h"
#include "irmanager.h"
namespace Jitrino {
class MemoryManager;
class IRManager;
class TypeManager;
class InstFactory;
class OpndManager;
class Node;
class MethodInst;
class Inst;
class Opnd;
class FlowGraph;
class CompilationInterface;
class MethodDesc;
class DominatorTree;
class DominatorNode;
class LoopTree;
class Method_Table;
class InliningContext {
InliningContext(U_32 _nArgs, Type** _argTypes) : nArgs(_nArgs), argTypes(_argTypes) {}
U_32 getNumArgs() const {return nArgs;}
Type** getArgTypes() const {return argTypes;}
U_32 nArgs;
Type** argTypes;
class InlineNode : public TreeNode {
InlineNode(IRManager& irm, Inst *callInst, Node *callNode, bool forced = false)
: _irm(irm), _callInst(callInst), _callNode(callNode) {}
InlineNode* getChild() {return (InlineNode*) child;}
InlineNode* getSiblings() {return (InlineNode*) siblings;}
InlineNode* getParent() {return (InlineNode*) parent;}
IRManager& getIRManager() { return _irm; }
Inst* getCallInst() { return _callInst; }
Node* getCallNode() { return _callNode; }
void print(::std::ostream& os);
void printTag(::std::ostream& os);
IRManager& _irm;
Inst* _callInst;
Node* _callNode;
class InlineTree : public Tree {
InlineTree(InlineNode* r) {
root = r;
InlineNode *getRoot() { return (InlineNode*)root; }
U_32 computeCheckSum() { return computeCheckSum(getRoot()); }
U_32 computeCheckSum(InlineNode* node);
class Inliner
Inliner(SessionAction* argSource, MemoryManager& mm, IRManager& irm,
bool doProfileOnly, bool usePriorityQueue, const char* inlinerPipelineName);
// Inline this method into the current CFG and process it for further
// inline candidates. If the argument is the top level CFG, only processing
// occurs.
void inlineRegion(InlineNode* inlineNode);
// Connect input and return operands of the region to the top-level method. Do not yet splice.
void connectRegion(InlineNode* inlineNode);
void compileAndConnectRegion(InlineNode* inlineNode, CompilationContext& inlineCC);
// Searches the flowgraph for the next inline candidate method.
InlineNode* getNextRegionToInline(CompilationContext& inlineCC);
InlineTree& getInlineTree() { return _inlineTree; }
void reset();
InlineNode* createInlineNode(CompilationContext& inlineCC, MethodCallInst* call);
static double getProfileMethodCount(CompilationInterface& compileIntf, MethodDesc& methodDesc);
static void runInlinerPipeline(CompilationContext& inlineCC, const char* pipeName);
/**runs inliner for a specified top level call.
* If call==NULL runs inliner for all calls in a method: priority queue is used to find methods to inline
void runInliner(MethodCallInst* call);
void setConnectEarly(bool early) {connectEarly = early;}
/** Inlines all methods annotated with @Inline.
Does not run any pipeline for inlined methods
static void processInlinePragmas(IRManager& irm);
class CallSite {
CallSite(I_32 benefit, Node* callNode, InlineNode* inlineNode) : benefit(benefit), callNode(callNode), inlineNode(inlineNode) {}
I_32 benefit;
Node* callNode;
InlineNode* inlineNode;
class CallSiteCompare {
bool operator()(const CallSite& site1, const CallSite& site2) { return site1.benefit < site2.benefit; }
void scaleBlockCounts(Node* callSite, IRManager& inlinedIRM);
void processRegion(InlineNode *inlineNode, DominatorTree* dtree, LoopTree* ltree);
void processDominatorNode(InlineNode *inlineNode, DominatorNode* dtree, LoopTree* ltree);
void runTranslatorSession(CompilationContext& inlineCC);
// True if this method should be processed for further inlining. I.e.,
// can we inline the calls in this method?
bool canInlineFrom(MethodDesc& methodDesc);
// True if this method may be inlined into a calling method.
bool canInlineInto(MethodDesc& methodDesc);
bool isLeafMethod(MethodDesc& methodDesc);
I_32 computeInlineBenefit(Node* node, MethodDesc& methodDesc, InlineNode* parentInlineNode, U_32 loopDepth);
MemoryManager& _tmpMM;
IRManager& _toplevelIRM;
TypeManager& _typeManager;
InstFactory& _instFactory;
OpndManager& _opndManager;
bool _hasProfileInfo;
StlPriorityQueue<CallSite, StlVector<CallSite>, CallSiteCompare> _inlineCandidates;
U_32 _initByteSize;
U_32 _currentByteSize;
InlineTree _inlineTree;
bool _doProfileOnlyInlining;
bool _useInliningTranslator;
double _maxInlineGrowthFactor;
U_32 _minInlineStop;
I_32 _minBenefitThreshold;
U_32 _inlineSmallMaxByteSize;
I_32 _inlineSmallBonus;
U_32 _inlineMediumMaxByteSize;
I_32 _inlineMediumBonus;
U_32 _inlineLargeMinByteSize;
I_32 _inlineLargePenalty;
I_32 _inlineLoopBonus;
I_32 _inlineLeafBonus;
I_32 _inlineSynchBonus;
I_32 _inlineRecursionPenalty;
I_32 _inlineExactArgBonus;
I_32 _inlineExactAllBonus;
U_32 _inlineMaxNodeThreshold;
bool _inlineSkipExceptionPath;
bool _inlineSkipApiMagicMethods;
Method_Table* _inlineSkipMethodTable;
Method_Table* _inlineBonusMethodTable;
bool _usesOptimisticBalancedSync;
bool isBCmapRequired;
void* bc2HIRMapHandler;
TranslatorAction* translatorAction;
bool usePriorityQueue;
const char* inlinerPipelineName;
bool connectEarly;
bool isPseudoThrowInserted;
} //namespace Jitrino
#endif // _INLINER_H_