blob: 3b0478e9ed5c7f89b05723a3f65ef57c8fa8e32c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Intel, Nikolay A. Sidelnikov
#include "escapeanalyzer.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "Inst.h"
#include "Dominator.h"
#include "globalopndanalyzer.h"
#include "optimizer.h"
#include "FlowGraph.h"
#include "LoopTree.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace Jitrino {
struct LoopEdges
Edge * outEdge;
Edge * inEdge;
Edge * backEdge;
LoopEdges() : outEdge(NULL), inEdge(NULL), backEdge(NULL) {} ;
DEFINE_SESSION_ACTION(FastArrayFillPass, fastArrayFill, "Fast Array Filling")
FastArrayFillPass::_run(IRManager& irManager)
This pass tries to find the array filling code pattern and adds
new code under a branch. The new code will be executed in the case of
array filling goes from first to last index of the array.
Example (C++ like):
Old code:
char[] a = new char[100];
char c = 1;
int num = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
a[i] = c;
New code:
char[] a = new char[100];
int num = 100;
if (num == lengthof(a)) {
int * b = (int *)a;
int cc = 1 | (1 << 16)
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i += 2) {
b[i] = cc;
} else {
char c = 1;
int num = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
a[i] = c;
The pattern depends on loop peeling, de-SSA pass and ABCD pass.
Also it needs cg_fastArrayFill pass in code generator.
Seems like this pass could be moved into the translator phase with
significant reducing of the pattern and removing of dependencies
from HLO optimizations.
const double FAIL_PROB = 10e-6;
LoopTree * info = irManager.getLoopTree();
if (!info->isValid()) {
if (!info->hasLoops()) {
MemoryManager tmm("FastArrayInitPass::insertFastArrayInit");
Edges loopEdges(tmm);
StlMap<Node *, LoopEdges> loopInfo(tmm);
//collect necessary information about loops
const Nodes& nodes = irManager.getFlowGraph().getNodes();
for (Nodes::const_iterator it = nodes.begin(), end = nodes.end(); it!=end; ++it) {
Node* node = *it;
if (!info->isLoopHeader(node)) {
//compute number of nodes of the loop
Nodes loopNodes = info->getLoopNode(node,false)->getNodesInLoop();
size_t sz = loopNodes.size();
if (sz!=3) {
if (info->isBackEdge(node->getInEdges().front())) {
loopInfo[node].backEdge = node->getInEdges().front();
loopInfo[node].inEdge = node->getInEdges().back();
} else {
loopInfo[node].inEdge = node->getInEdges().front();
loopInfo[node].backEdge = node->getInEdges().back();
loopInfo[node].outEdge = info->isLoopExit(node->getOutEdges().front())? node->getOutEdges().front() : node->getOutEdges().back();
//check found loops for pattern
/* Code pattern:
label .node1
arraylen arrayRef ((tau1,tau3)) -) arrayBound:I_32
chkub 0 .lt. arrayBound -) tau2:tau
GOTO .node2
label .node2
ldbase arrayRef -) arrayBase:ref:char
stind.unc:chr constValue ((tau1,tau2,tau3)) -) [arrayBase]
stvar startIndex -) index:I_32
GOTO .loopNode1
label .loopNode1
ldvar index -) tmpIndex:I_32
if cge.i4 tmpIndex, fillBound goto .loopExit
GOTO .node2
label .loopNode2
chkub tmpIndex .lt. arrayBound -) tau2:tau
GOTO .node3
label .loopNode3
addindex arrayBase, tmpIndex -) address:ref:char
stind.unc:chr constValue ((tau1,tau2,tau3)) -) [address]
add tmpIndex, addOp -) inc:I_32
stvar inc -) index:I_32
GOTO .node1
for(StlMap<Node *, LoopEdges>::const_iterator it = loopInfo.begin(); it != loopInfo.end(); ++it) {
Edge * backEdge = it->second.backEdge;
Edge * inEdge = it->second.inEdge;
Edge * outEdge = it->second.outEdge;
Node * startNode = backEdge->getSourceNode();
Opnd * index = NULL;
Opnd * tmpIndex = NULL;
Opnd * constValue = NULL;
Opnd * address = NULL;
Opnd * arrayBase = NULL;
Opnd * arrayRef = NULL;
Opnd* inc = NULL;
Opnd * arrayBound = NULL;
Opnd * fillBound = NULL;
Inst * inst = ((Inst *)startNode->getLastInst());
bool found = false;
//check StVar
if (inst->getOpcode() == Op_StVar) {
index = inst->getDst();
inc = inst->getSrc(0);
inst = inst->getPrevInst();
//check Add
if (inst->getOpcode() == Op_Add) {
Opnd* addOp = inst->getSrc(1);
tmpIndex = inst->getSrc(0);
//check Add operands
if (inst->getDst() == inc &&
addOp->getInst()->getOpcode() == Op_LdConstant &&
((ConstInst *)addOp->getInst())->getValue().i4 == 1)
inst = inst->getPrevInst();
//check StInd
if (inst->getOpcode() == Op_TauStInd) {
constValue = inst->getSrc(0);
address = inst->getSrc(1);
inst = inst->getPrevInst();
//check AddIndex
if (inst->getOpcode() == Op_AddScaledIndex && inst->getDst() == address &&
inst->getSrc(1) == tmpIndex)
arrayBase = inst->getSrc(0);
Inst* tmpInst = arrayBase->getInst();
if (tmpInst->getOpcode() == Op_LdArrayBaseAddr) {
arrayRef = tmpInst->getSrc(0);
inst = inst->getPrevInst();
//check Label aka beginning of BB
if (inst->getOpcode() == Op_Label) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
startNode = startNode->getInEdges().front()->getSourceNode();
inst = ((Inst *)startNode->getLastInst());
//check CheckUpperBound
Opcode cbOpcode = inst->getOpcode();
if (cbOpcode == Op_TauCheckUpperBound && inst->getSrc(0) == tmpIndex && inst->getPrevInst()->getOpcode() == Op_Label) {
arrayBound = inst->getSrc(1);
} else if (cbOpcode == Op_TauCheckBounds && inst->getSrc(1) == tmpIndex && inst->getPrevInst()->getOpcode() == Op_Label) {
arrayBound = inst->getSrc(0);
} else {
startNode = startNode->getInEdges().front()->getSourceNode();
inst = ((Inst *)startNode->getLastInst());
found = false;
//check Branch
if (inst->getOpcode() == Op_Branch && inst->getSrc(0) == tmpIndex) {
fillBound = inst->getSrc(1);
inst = inst->getPrevInst();
//check LdVar and Label
if (inst->getOpcode() == Op_LdVar && inst->getSrc(0) == index && inst->getDst() == tmpIndex && inst->getPrevInst()->getOpcode() == Op_Label) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
startNode = inEdge->getSourceNode();
startNode = startNode->getInEdges().front()->getSourceNode();
inst = ((Inst *)startNode->getLastInst());
found = false;
//check CheckUpperBound
ConstInst* cInst = 0;
cbOpcode = inst->getOpcode();
if (cbOpcode == Op_TauCheckUpperBound) {
cInst = (ConstInst *)inst->getSrc(0)->getInst();
} else if (cbOpcode == Op_TauCheckBounds) {
cInst = (ConstInst *)inst->getSrc(1)->getInst();
if (cInst && cInst->getValue().i4 == 0) {
inst = inst->getPrevInst();
//check ArrayLength and Label
if (inst->getOpcode() == Op_TauArrayLen && inst->getSrc(0) == arrayRef && inst->getDst() == arrayBound && inst->getPrevInst()->getOpcode() == Op_Label) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
//now we found our pattern
inEdge = startNode->getInEdges().front();
//get a new constant
#ifdef HYX86_64
int64 val = (int64)((ConstInst*)constValue->getInst())->getValue().i8;
I_32 val = (I_32)((ConstInst*)constValue->getInst())->getValue().i4;
switch (((Type*)arrayRef->getType()->asArrayType()->getElementType())->tag) {
case Type::Int8:
case Type::Boolean:
case Type::UInt8:
val |= (val << 8);
val |= (val << 16);
#ifdef HYX86_64
val |= (val << 32);
case Type::Int16:
case Type::UInt16:
case Type::Char:
val |= (val << 16);
#ifdef HYX86_64
val |= (val << 32);
case Type::Int32:
case Type::UInt32:
#ifdef HYX86_64
val |= (val << 32);
case Type::UIntPtr:
case Type::IntPtr:
#ifdef HYX86_64
case Type::UInt64:
case Type::Int64:
//split node1 (see code pattern) after arraylen instruction
//and insert a check whether fillBound is equal to arrayBound.
//if not equal then go to the regular loop
ControlFlowGraph& fg = irManager.getFlowGraph();
Node * preheader = fg.splitNodeAtInstruction(inst, true, false, irManager.getInstFactory().makeLabel());
Inst * cmp = irManager.getInstFactory().makeBranch(Cmp_NE_Un, arrayBound->getType()->tag, arrayBound, fillBound, (LabelInst *)preheader->getFirstInst());
//create a node with some instructions to prepare variables for loop
Node * prepNode = fg.createBlockNode(irManager.getInstFactory().makeLabel());
fg.addEdge(startNode,prepNode, 1.0 - FAIL_PROB);
OpndManager& opndManager = irManager.getOpndManager();
Opnd * copyOp = opndManager.createArgOpnd(irManager.getTypeManager().getIntPtrType());
Inst * copyInst = irManager.getInstFactory().makeLdConst(copyOp,val);
//insert ldbase instruction
Opnd *baseOp = opndManager.createArgOpnd(irManager.getTypeManager().getIntPtrType());
Inst * ldBaseInst = irManager.getInstFactory().makeLdArrayBaseAddr(arrayRef->getType()->asArrayType()->getElementType(),baseOp, arrayRef);
Opnd* args[4] = {copyOp, arrayRef, arrayBound, baseOp};
// insert the helper.
// this helper should be expanded in the code generator phase
Inst* initInst = irManager.getInstFactory().makeJitHelperCall(
OpndManager::getNullOpnd(), FillArrayWithConst, NULL, NULL, 4, args);
fg.addEdge(prepNode, outEdge->getTargetNode());