blob: e7ceda43ff0fb96b78bfe00e95bc56dd6119337b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Alexander Astapchuk
* @file
* @brief CodeGen's routines for instrumentation and profiling.
#include "cg.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "open/vm_field_access.h"
#include "jit_runtime_support.h"
#include "open/vm_class_loading.h"
#include "open/vm_class_info.h"
#include "open/vm_ee.h"
namespace Jitrino {
namespace Jet {
//Number of nops to put before counter instruction to be able to atomically
//replace beginning of the instruction with jump
void CodeGen::gen_prof_be(void)
if (!is_set(JMF_PROF_ENTRY_BE)) {
#ifdef HYX86
AR addr = ar_x;
int off = (int)m_p_backedge_counter;
AR addr = valloc(jobj);
movp(addr, m_p_backedge_counter);
int off = 0;
U_32 offset = (U_32)(m_codeStream.ip() - - m_bbinfo->ipoff); //store offsets inside of BB now. Fix it to method's offset after code layout
//put number of nops to align counter instruction
alu(alu_add, Opnd(i32, addr, off), 1);
//store information about profiling counters
U_32 new_offset = (U_32)(m_codeStream.ip() - - m_bbinfo->ipoff);
ProfileCounterInfo info; = m_bbinfo;
info.offsetInfo = ProfileCounterInfo::createOffsetInfo(new_offset - offset, offset);
void CodeGen::gen_gc_safe_point()
if (!is_set(JMF_BBPOLLING)) {
if (m_bbstate->seen_gcpt) {
if (is_set(DBG_TRACE_CG)) {
dbg(";;>gc.safepoint - skipped\n");
m_bbstate->seen_gcpt = true;
// On Windows we could use a bit, but tricky way - we know about VM
// internals and we know how Windows manages TIB, and thus we can get a
// direct access to the flag, without need to call VM:
// mov eax, fs:14
// test [eax+rt_suspend_req_flag_offset], 0
// I don't believe this will gain any improvements for .jet, so using
// portable and 'official' way:
gen_call_vm(platform_v, rt_helper_get_tls_base_ptr, 0);
// The address of flag is now in gr_ret
AR gr_ret = platform_v.ret_reg(0);
Opnd mem(i32, gr_ret, rt_suspend_req_flag_offset);
alu(alu_cmp, mem, Opnd(0));
unsigned br_off = br(z, 0, 0, taken);
gen_call_vm_restore(false, helper_v, rt_helper_gc_safepoint, 0);
patch(br_off, ip());
void CodeGen::gen_modification_watchpoint(JavaByteCodes opcode, jtype jt, Field_Handle fld) {
unsigned ref_depth = is_wide(jt) ? 2 : 1;
bool field_op = (opcode == OPCODE_PUTFIELD) ? true : false;
// Check whether VM need modification notifications
char* fld_tr_add;
char fld_tr_mask;
field_get_track_modification_flag(fld, &fld_tr_add, &fld_tr_mask);
Val fld_track_mask((int)fld_tr_mask);
AR fld_trackAr = valloc(jobj);
movp(fld_trackAr, (void*)fld_tr_add);
Opnd fld_track_opnd(i32, fld_trackAr, 0);
//mov(fld_trackAr, Opnd(0xFFFFFFFF)); // Emulation to check access flag enabled
//Opnd fld_track_opnd(fld_trackAr);
alu(alu_test, fld_track_opnd, fld_track_mask.as_opnd());
unsigned br_off = br(z, 0, 0, taken);
// Store all scratch registers and operand stack state
BBState saveBB;
//JVMTI helper takes field handle, method handle, byte code location, pointer
//to reference for fields or NULL for statics, pointer to field value
#ifndef HYX86_64
// Workaround since do_mov do not put jlong on stack in gen_args on ia32
SYNC_FIRST(static const CallSig cs_ti_fmodif(CCONV_HELPERS, jvoid, jobj, jobj, i32, i32, jobj, jobj));
Val vlocation((jlong)m_pc);
Val vlocationHi((jlong)0);
SYNC_FIRST(static const CallSig cs_ti_fmodif(CCONV_HELPERS, jvoid, jobj, jobj, i64, jobj, jobj));
Val vlocation((jlong)m_pc);
AR fieldValBaseAr = valloc(jobj);
Val fieldValPtr = Val(jobj, fieldValBaseAr);
if (jt != jvoid) {
// Make sure the value item is on the memory
if (is_big(jt)) {
const Val& s = vstack(0);
lea(fieldValPtr.as_opnd(), s.as_opnd());
} else {
Opnd stackTop(jobj, m_base, voff(m_stack.unused()));
lea(fieldValPtr.as_opnd(), stackTop);
Val vfield(jobj, fld);
Val vmeth(jobj, m_method);
Val vobject = Val(jobj, NULL);
if (field_op) {
vobject = vstack(ref_depth);
#ifndef HYX86_64
// Workaround since do_mov do not put jlong on stack in gen_args on ia32
gen_args(cs_ti_fmodif, 0, &vfield, &vmeth, &vlocationHi, &vlocation, &vobject, &fieldValPtr);
gen_args(cs_ti_fmodif, 0, &vfield, &vmeth, &vlocation, &vobject, &fieldValPtr);
// 2. Park all locals and operand stack
// Store gc info
gen_gc_stack(-1, true);
// 3. Call VM
AR gr = valloc(jobj);
call( is_set(DBG_CHECK_STACK), gr, rt_helper_ti_field_modification, cs_ti_fmodif, cs_ti_fmodif.count());
//Restore operand stack state and scratch registers
patch(br_off, ip());
void CodeGen::gen_access_watchpoint(JavaByteCodes opcode, jtype jt, Field_Handle fld) {
bool field_op = (opcode == OPCODE_GETFIELD) ? true : false;
// Check whether VM need access notifications
char* fld_tr_add;
char fld_tr_mask;
field_get_track_access_flag(fld, &fld_tr_add, &fld_tr_mask);
Val fld_track_mask((int)fld_tr_mask);
AR fld_trackAr = valloc(jobj);
//mov(fld_trackAr, Opnd(0xFFFFFFFF)); // Emulation to check access flag enabled
//Opnd fld_track_opnd(fld_trackAr);
movp(fld_trackAr, (void*)fld_tr_add);
Opnd fld_track_opnd(i32, fld_trackAr, 0);
alu(alu_test, fld_track_opnd, fld_track_mask.as_opnd());
unsigned br_off = br(z, 0, 0, taken);
// Store all scratch registers and operand stack state
BBState saveBB;
//JVMTI helper takes field handle, method handle, byte code location, pointer
//to reference for fields or NULL for statics
#ifndef HYX86_64
// Workaround since do_mov do not put jlong on stack in gen_args on ia32
SYNC_FIRST(static const CallSig cs_ti_faccess(CCONV_HELPERS, jvoid, jobj, jobj, i32, i32, jobj));
Val vlocation((jlong)m_pc);
Val vlocationHi((jlong)0);
SYNC_FIRST(static const CallSig cs_ti_faccess(CCONV_HELPERS, jvoid, jobj, jobj, i64, jobj));
Val vlocation((jlong)m_pc);
Val vfield(jobj, fld);
Val vmeth(jobj, m_method);
Val vobject = Val(jobj, NULL);
if (field_op) {
vobject = vstack(0);
#ifndef HYX86_64
// Workaround since do_mov do not put jlong on stack in gen_args on ia32
gen_args(cs_ti_faccess, 0, &vfield, &vmeth, &vlocationHi, &vlocation, &vobject);
gen_args(cs_ti_faccess, 0, &vfield, &vmeth, &vlocation, &vobject);
// 2. Park all locals and operand stack
// Store gc info
gen_gc_stack(-1, true);
// 3. Call VM
AR gr = valloc(jobj);
call( is_set(DBG_CHECK_STACK), gr, rt_helper_ti_field_access, cs_ti_faccess, cs_ti_faccess.count());
//Restore operand stack state and scratch registers
patch(br_off, ip());
void CodeGen::push_all_state(BBState *saveBB){
*saveBB = *m_bbstate;
// 1. store scratch registers in a secret place
// 2. park everything
// 3. call whatever
// 4. restore scratch regs from the secret place
// 5. restore the state for callee-save registers
// 1.
bool saveScratch = true;
for (unsigned i=0; i<ar_num; i++) {
AR ar = _ar(i);
if (is_callee_save(ar)) continue;
if (saveScratch && rrefs(ar) != 0) {
jtype jt = is_f(ar) ? dbl64 : jobj;
Opnd mem(jt, m_base, voff(m_stack.spill(ar)));
Opnd reg(jt, ar);
mov(mem, reg);
if (rlocks(ar) != 0) {
runlock(ar, true);
void CodeGen::pop_all_state(BBState* saveBB) {
bool saveScratch = true;
// 4.
*m_bbstate = *saveBB;
// restore the registers state
for (unsigned i=0; saveScratch && i<ar_num; i++) {
AR ar = _ar(i);
if (is_callee_save(ar)) continue;
if (rrefs(ar) != 0) {
jtype jt = is_f(ar) ? dbl64 : jobj;
Opnd mem(jt, m_base, voff(m_stack.spill(ar)));
Opnd reg(jt, ar);
mov(reg, mem);
// 5.
// Actually nothing to do here.
// If we had a local var on register before, then it's still on the reg
// If we had the var with static assignment which was in memory, before,
// then the memory was not corrupted.
// So, just nothing to do with callee-save regs
void CodeGen::gen_write_barrier(JavaByteCodes opcode, Field_Handle fieldHandle, Opnd fieldSlotAddress)
// TODO: the WB implementation is expected to perform the write
// so, we can skip the code e.g. AASTORE after the succesfull
// write barrier.
if (m_jframe->top() != jobj) {
// Item on top is not Object - GC does not care, nothing to do.
const bool doGenWB4J = get_bool_arg("wb4j", false);
const bool doGenWB4C =
(get_bool_arg("wb4c", false) ||
// .exe_insert_write_barriers presumed to be WB4C
compilation_params.exe_insert_write_barriers) &&
// ^^^^^
// When GC requires WBs, then VM always sets .exe_insert_write_barriers
// May have conflict here - both doGenWB4J and doGenWB4C set. To avoid
// such conflict, here's the rule:
// explicitly requested wb4j has a higher priority
// No request to generate WBs - nothing to do
if (!doGenWB4J && !doGenWB4C) {
const bool wb4c_skip_statics = get_bool_arg("wb4c.skip_statics", true);
if (doGenWB4C && (opcode == OPCODE_PUTSTATIC) && wb4c_skip_statics) {
// Currently, in DRLVM, statics are allocated outside of GC heap,
// no need to report them
// WB4C has the following signature:
//(object written to, slot written to, value written to slot)
SYNC_FIRST(static const CallSig wb4c_sig(CCONV_CDECL, jvoid, jobj, jobj, jobj));
//static char* wb4c_helper = xxx_gc_heap_slot_write_ref
static char* wb4c_helper = (char*)vm_helper_get_addr(VM_RT_GC_HEAP_WRITE_REF);
if (doGenWB4C && (NULL == wb4c_helper)) {
// WB4C requested, but VM knows nothing about such helper
// WB4J has the following signature:
//(object written to, slot written to, value written to slot, metaA, metaB, mode)
SYNC_FIRST(static const CallSig wb4j_sig(CCONV_CDECL, jvoid, jobj, jobj, jobj, i32, i32, i32));
static char* wb4j_helper = NULL;
static const char wbKlassName[] = "org/mmtk/vm/Barriers";
static const char wbMethName[] = "performWriteInBarrier";
static const char wbMethSig[] = "("
static Class_Handle wbKlass = NULL;
static Method_Handle wbMeth = NULL;
static char* wbMethAddr = NULL;
if (doGenWB4J && NULL == wbMethAddr) {
wbKlass = vm_load_class_with_bootstrap(wbKlassName);
if (wbKlass != NULL) {
wbMeth = class_lookup_method_recursively(wbKlass, wbMethName, wbMethSig);
if (wbMeth != NULL) {
if (wbMeth != NULL) {
// Must pre-compile the method before a first usage.
// Otherwise, if the first usage is WB for PUTSTATIC, then
// address of the static field goes as 'slot' argument.
// When VM tries to compile the method, then it tries to
// GC-protect args of the method, including this 'slot'.
// Statics lies outside of the GC heap, so we'll get an
// assert that the reference is invalid.
vm_compile_method(m_hjit, wbMeth);
wbMethAddr = *(char**)method_get_indirect_address(wbMeth);
if (NULL == wbMethAddr) {
// Something terrible happened
#ifdef _DEBUG
static bool printWarning = true;
if (printWarning) {
printWarning = false;
"*** WARNING: ***\n"
"WB4J requested, but unable to find\n"
"(No WB code is generated at all)\n"
"Did you put %s into *bootclasspath*?\n\n",
wbKlassName, wbMethName, wbMethSig, wbKlassName);
//FIXME: This stores address statically - will not work in case of
// writeBarrier method get recompiled!
wb4j_helper = wbMethAddr;
const CallSig& csig = doGenWB4C ? wb4c_sig : wb4j_sig;
void* wb_helper = doGenWB4C ? wb4c_helper : wb4j_helper;
Val baseObject, slotAddress, value;
// operand stack for ASTORE: arr, idx, ref
// operand stack for PUTFIELD: base, ref
// operand stack for PUTSTATIC: ref
if (is_set(DBG_TRACE_CG)) { dbg(";;> write.barrier\n"); }
int mode = -1;
if (opcode == OPCODE_PUTFIELD) {
mode = 0;
baseObject = vstack(1, true);
else if (opcode == OPCODE_PUTSTATIC) {
mode = 1;
baseObject = Val(jobj, NULL_REF);
else if (opcode == OPCODE_AASTORE) {
mode = 2;
baseObject = vstack(2, true);
const Val& idx = vstack(1, vis_mem(1));
AR base = baseObject.reg();
jtype jt = jobj;
int disp = jtypes[jt].rt_offset + (idx.is_imm() ? jtypes[jt].size*idx.ival() : 0);
AR index = idx.is_imm() ? ar_x : idx.reg();
unsigned scale = idx.is_imm() ? 0 : jtypes[jt].size;
slotAddress = Val(jobj, valloc(jobj));
Opnd address(jobj, base, disp, index, scale);
lea(slotAddress.as_opnd(), address);
else {
// must not happen
if (mode == 0 || mode == 1) {
slotAddress = Val(jobj, valloc(jobj));
lea(slotAddress.as_opnd(), fieldSlotAddress);
value = vstack(0);
Val modeArg((int)mode);
Val metaAArg((int)0);
Val metaBArg((int)0);
gen_args(csig, 0, &baseObject, &slotAddress, &value, &metaAArg, &metaBArg, &modeArg);
// according to contract with CG guys, the WB code neither
// throws an exception nor may lead to GC - may use gen_call_novm.
gen_call_novm(csig, wb_helper, csig.count());
if (is_set(DBG_TRACE_CG)) { dbg(";;> ~write.barrier\n"); }
}}; // ~namespace Jitrino::Jet