blob: ebfea8b384d52b4d3c11f0d4982c4253ca7ea052 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Intel, Konstantin M. Anisimov, Igor V. Chebykin
#include <vector>
#include <bitset>
#include "Type.h"
#include "IpfEncoder.h"
#include "IpfCfg.h"
#include "IpfCodeSelector.h"
using namespace std;
namespace Jitrino {
namespace IPF {
// This file is based on following docs:
// Intel Itanium Architecture
// Software Developers Manual
// Volume 1: Application Architecture
// Volume 2: System Architecture
// Volume 3: Instruction Set Reference
// Revision 2.1
// October 2002
// Constants that describe cache on Itanium2
// Level 1 cache
#define L1I_CACHE_LINE_SIZE 64
#define L1I_CACHE_BANK_SIZE 16384
#define L1D_CACHE_LINE_SIZE 64
#define L1D_CACHE_BANK_SIZE 16384
// Level 2 cache
#define L2_CACHE_LINE_SIZE 128
#define L2_CACHE_BANK_SIZE 262144
#define PR(n) (opndManager->newRegOpnd(OPND_P_REG, DATA_P, n))
#define GR(n) (opndManager->newRegOpnd(OPND_G_REG, DATA_I64, n))
#define FR(n) (opndManager->newRegOpnd(OPND_F_REG, DATA_F, n))
#define BR(n) (opndManager->newRegOpnd(OPND_B_REG, DATA_I64, n))
#define IMM(n) (opndManager->newImm(n))
#define IT_SLOT0(v) (0xFF & v)
#define IT_SLOT1(v) ((0xFF & v) << 8)
#define IT_SLOT2(v) ((0xFF & v) << 16)
#define TEMPLATES_COUNT 24 // count of valid templates
#define IPF_CODE_ALIGNMENT 32 // 2-bundles alignment
typedef vector<bool> vectorbool;
typedef bitset<128> bitset128;
typedef bitset<64> bitset64;
typedef bitset<8> bitset8;
typedef vector<Opnd *> vectorconst;
* Bundle description
* slots = slot_0_type | (slot_1_type << 8) | (slot_2_type << 16)
* type of slot is InstructionType enum, but IT_I...IT_X only
* stops = 1 in bit pos corresponds stop after those slot
* id est, 0x1 - stop after 0 slot, 0x6 - stops after 1 and 2 slots, ...
* tmpl = template field encoding
struct BundleDescription {
U_32 slots;
U_32 stops;
U_32 tmpl;
class RegistersBitset {
void reset() {
bool any() {
return GR.any() || FR.any() || PR.any() || BR.any();
bitset128 GR;
bitset128 FR;
bitset64 PR;
bitset8 BR;
typedef vector<RegistersBitset *> vectorregs;
// Bundle
class Bundle {
Bundle(Cfg& cfg, U_32 tmpl, Inst *, Inst *, Inst *);
Inst * getSlot(int si) { return slot[si]; };
U_32 getTmplIndex() { return indxtmpl; };
U_32 getTmpl() { return BundleDesc[indxtmpl].tmpl; };
bool hasStop() { U_32 t = getTmpl();
if (t%2==1 || t==0x2 || t==0xa) return true; return false; };
void emitBundleGeneral(void *);
void emitBundleExtended(void *);
void emitBundleBranch(void *, int *);
void print();
uint64 getSlotBits(int);
uint64 getSlotBitsBranch(int, int);
uint64 * getSlotBitsExtended(uint64 *, void *);
static const BundleDescription BundleDesc[TEMPLATES_COUNT];
U_32 indxtmpl;
Inst *slot[IPF_SLOTS_COUNT];
class BundleVector : public vector<Bundle*> {
MemoryManager& mm;
Cfg& cfg;
BundleVector(Cfg& cfg): mm(cfg.getMM()), cfg(cfg) {
branches=new(mm) vector<int>;
void addBundle(U_32 itmpl, Inst *i0, Inst *i1, Inst *i2) {
push_back(new(mm) Bundle(cfg, itmpl, i0, i1, i2));
if(Encoder::isBranchInst(i0) || Encoder::isBranchInst(i1) || Encoder::isBranchInst(i2)) {
branches->push_back(size() - 1);
vector<int> * branches; // indexes of bundles which contain br, brl, ...
class EmitterBb {
EmitterBb(Cfg & cfg_, CompilationInterface & compilationinterface_
, BbNode * node_, bool _break4cafe=false, bool _nop4cafe=false);
BbNode * node;
InstVector & insts;
long isize;
vectorbool * stops;
vectorregs * wregs;
vectorregs * rregs;
BundleVector * bundles;
vectorconst * consts;
bool istarget;
long bsize;
char * codeoff; // offset in full code block
long codesize; // size of this bb code block
typedef vector<EmitterBb *> vectorbb;
// Encoder
class Emitter {
Emitter(Cfg & cfg_, CompilationInterface & compilationinterface_, bool _break4cafe=false);
bool emit();
void printInsts(char *);
void printInsts(int);
void printBundles(char *);
void printBundles(int);
void printCodeBlock(char *);
void printDisasm(char * cap);
void registerDirectCall(Inst *, uint64);
static InstructionType getExecUnitType(int, int);
static const char Itanium2_DualIssueBundles[30][30];
static void getTmpl(int, BundleDescription &, Inst *, Inst *, Inst *, bool, bool, bool);
static int findTmpl(const BundleDescription &);
static void getWriteDpndBitset(Inst *, RegistersBitset *);
static void getReadDpndBitset(Inst *, RegistersBitset *);
static bool tricking(InstVector & insts, MemoryManager& mm, Cfg& cfg);
static int removeUselessInst(Cfg &, CompilationInterface &);
static int removeIgnoreTypeInst(Cfg &, CompilationInterface &);
bool parsing();
bool parsing(int);
bool stopping();
bool stopping(int);
bool bundling();
bool bundling(int);
bool emitData();
bool emitCode();
bool fixSwitchTables();
void checkForDualIssueBundles();
bool isBranchBundle(Bundle *, char *, char *, int *);
bool isExtendedBundle(Bundle *bundle) { if (bundle->getTmpl()>=0x4 && bundle->getTmpl()<=0x5) return true; return false; };
int getBbNodeIndex(BbNode * node);
char * getBbNodeOff(BbNode * node);
MemoryManager& mm;
Cfg & cfg;
CompilationInterface & compilationinterface;
vectorbb * bbs;
char * dataoff;
long datasize; // full size of data block
char * codeoff;
long codesize; // full size of code block (summ of all bb codesize)
} // IPF
} // Jitrino
#endif /*IPFEMITTER_H_*/