blob: 26a5c26b16798071c25dc8d2ea61bd61d7301dd7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Intel, Konstantin M. Anisimov, Igor V. Chebykin
#ifndef IPFCFG_H_
#define IPFCFG_H_
#include "Type.h"
#include "CodeGenIntfc.h"
#include "IpfType.h"
#include "IpfEncoder.h"
#include "MemoryManager.h"
using namespace std;
namespace Jitrino {
namespace IPF {
// Forward declarations
class Opnd;
class Inst;
class Node;
class BbNode;
class Edge;
class OpndManager;
// Constant
class Constant {
void setOffset(I_32 offset_) { offset = offset_; }
I_32 getOffset() { return offset; }
void setAddress(void *address_) { address = address_; }
void *getAddress() { return address; }
void setSize(int16 size_) { size = size_; }
int16 getSize() { return size; }
DataKind getDataKind() { return dataKind; }
virtual void *getData() { return NULL; }
void *address;
I_32 offset;
int16 size;
DataKind dataKind;
// SwitchConstant
class SwitchConstant : public Constant {
void addEdge(Edge*);
Edge *getEdge(int16 choice) { return edgeList[choice]; };
uint16 getChoice(Edge*);
uint16 getChoiceCount() { return edgeList.size(); };
void *getData(void*);
int16 getSize();
virtual ~SwitchConstant() {}
EdgeVector edgeList;
// int64 Constants
class Int64Constant : public Constant {
Int64Constant(int64 value) : Constant(DATA_I64), value(value) { setSize(sizeof(int64)); }
void *getData() { return NULL; };
int64 getValue() { return value; };
int64 value;
// Float Constants
class FloatConstant : public Constant {
FloatConstant(float value) : Constant(DATA_S), value(value) { setSize(sizeof(float)); }
void *getData() { return NULL; }
double getValue() { return value; };
float value;
// Double Constants
class DoubleConstant : public Constant {
DoubleConstant(double value) : Constant(DATA_D), value(value) { setSize(sizeof(double)); }
void *getData() { return NULL; }
double getValue() { return value; };
double value;
// Opnd
class Opnd : public CG_OpndHandle {
Opnd(U_32, OpndKind=OPND_INVALID, DataKind=DATA_INVALID, int64=0);
uint16 getId() { return id; }
OpndKind getOpndKind() { return opndKind; }
DataKind getDataKind() { return dataKind; }
void setValue(int64 value_) { value = value_; }
virtual int64 getValue() { return value; }
bool isReg() { return IpfType::isReg(opndKind); }
bool isGReg() { return IpfType::isGReg(opndKind); }
bool isFReg() { return IpfType::isFReg(opndKind); }
bool isImm() { return IpfType::isImm(opndKind); }
bool isQp() { return opndKind == OPND_P_REG; }
bool isFloating() { return IpfType::isFloating(dataKind); }
bool isSigned() { return IpfType::isSigned(dataKind); }
int16 getSize() { return IpfType::getSize(dataKind); }
bool isWritable();
bool isConstant();
bool isMem();
bool isImm(int);
bool isFoldableImm(int16 size) { return isFoldableImm(value, size); }
static bool isFoldableImm(int64 value, int16 size);
uint16 id;
OpndKind opndKind;
DataKind dataKind;
int64 value;
// RegOpnd
class RegOpnd : public Opnd {
RegOpnd(MemoryManager&, U_32, OpndKind, DataKind, I_32=LOCATION_INVALID);
int64 getValue();
void setLocation(I_32 value_) { value = value_; }
I_32 getLocation() { return value; }
QpMask getQpMask() { return qpMask; }
void andQpMask(QpMask mask) { qpMask &= mask; }
void orQpMask(QpMask mask) { qpMask |= mask; }
bool isAlive(QpMask mask) { return mask & qpMask; }
void incSpillCost(U_32 spillCost_) { spillCost += spillCost_; }
U_32 getSpillCost() { return spillCost; }
RegOpndSet &getDepOpnds() { return depOpnds; }
void insertDepOpnds(RegOpndSet &opnds) { depOpnds.insert(opnds.begin(), opnds.end()); }
void insertDepOpnd(RegOpnd*);
void setCrossCallSite(bool crossCallSite_) { crossCallSite = crossCallSite_; }
bool isCrossCallSite() { return crossCallSite; }
Int2OpndMap &getCoalesceCands() { return coalesceCands; }
void addCoalesceCand(U_32 execCnt, RegOpnd *opnd) { coalesceCands.insert(make_pair(execCnt, opnd)); }
virtual ~RegOpnd() {}
QpMask qpMask; // mask of predicate spaces opnd alive in
// These fields are for register allocation algorithm
U_32 spillCost; // number of opnd uses
RegOpndSet depOpnds; // opnds which can not be placed in the same reg with the opnd
bool crossCallSite; // opnd live range crosses call site
Int2OpndMap coalesceCands; //
// ConstantRef
class ConstantRef : public Opnd {
ConstantRef::ConstantRef(U_32 id, Constant *constant, DataKind dataKind = DATA_CONST_REF) :
Opnd(id, OPND_IMM, dataKind, LOCATION_INVALID), constant(constant) {}
int64 getValue() { return (int64)constant->getAddress(); }
Constant *getConstant() { return constant; }
Constant *constant;
// NodeRef
class NodeRef : public Opnd {
NodeRef(U_32 id, BbNode *node = NULL)
: Opnd(id, OPND_IMM, DATA_NODE_REF, LOCATION_INVALID), node(node) {}
int64 getValue();
void setNode(BbNode *node_) { node = node_; }
BbNode *getNode() { return node; }
BbNode *node;
// MethodRef
class MethodRef : public Opnd {
MethodRef(U_32 id, MethodDesc *method = NULL)
: Opnd(id, OPND_IMM, DATA_METHOD_REF, LOCATION_INVALID), method(method) {}
int64 getValue();
void setMethod(MethodDesc *method_) { method = method_; }
MethodDesc *getMethod() { return method; }
MethodDesc *method;
// Inst
class Inst {
Inst(MemoryManager&, InstCode,
Opnd* =NULL, Opnd* =NULL, Opnd* =NULL, Opnd* =NULL, Opnd* =NULL, Opnd* =NULL);
Inst(MemoryManager&, InstCode, Completer,
Opnd* =NULL, Opnd* =NULL, Opnd* =NULL, Opnd* =NULL, Opnd* =NULL, Opnd* =NULL);
Inst(MemoryManager&, InstCode, Completer, Completer,
Opnd* =NULL, Opnd* =NULL, Opnd* =NULL, Opnd* =NULL, Opnd* =NULL, Opnd* =NULL);
Inst(MemoryManager&, InstCode, Completer, Completer, Completer,
Opnd* =NULL, Opnd* =NULL, Opnd* =NULL, Opnd* =NULL, Opnd* =NULL, Opnd* =NULL);
InstCode getInstCode() { return instCode; }
void setInstCode(InstCode instCode_) { instCode = instCode_; }
CompVector &getComps() { return compList; }
Completer getComp(uint16 num) { return compList[num]; }
void addComp(Completer comp_) { compList.push_back(comp_); }
void setComp(U_32 num, Completer comp_) { compList[num] = comp_; }
void addOpnd(Opnd *opnd_) { opndList.push_back(opnd_); }
void removeLastOpnd() { opndList.pop_back(); }
OpndVector &getOpnds() { return opndList; }
void setOpnd(U_32 num, Opnd *opnd_) { opndList[num] = opnd_; }
Opnd *getOpnd(U_32 num) { return opndList[num]; }
uint16 getNumDst() { return Encoder::getNumDst(instCode); }
uint16 getNumOpnd() { return Encoder::getNumOpnd(instCode); }
char *getInstMnemonic() { return Encoder::getMnemonic(instCode); }
char *getCompMnemonic(Completer comp) { return Encoder::getMnemonic(comp); }
U_32 getAddr() { return addr; }
void setAddr(U_32 addr_) { addr = addr_; }
bool isBr();
bool isCall();
bool isRet();
bool isConditionalBranch();
InstCode instCode;
CompVector compList;
OpndVector opndList;
U_32 addr; // addr == <bundle's offset in basic block> + <slot's index>
// Edge
class Edge {
Edge(Node*, Node*, double, EdgeKind);
Node *getSource() { return source; }
Node *getTarget() { return target; }
double getProb() { return prob; }
void setProb(double prob_) { prob = prob_; }
EdgeKind getEdgeKind() { return edgeKind; }
void setEdgeKind(EdgeKind kind_) { edgeKind = kind_; }
void remove();
void insert();
void changeSource(Node *source_);
void changeTarget(Node *target_);
bool isBackEdge();
EdgeKind edgeKind;
Node *source;
Node *target;
double prob;
// ExceptionEdge
class ExceptionEdge : public Edge {
ExceptionEdge(Node*, Node*, double, Type*, U_32);
Type *getExceptionType() { return exceptionType; }
U_32 getPriority() { return priority; }
Type *exceptionType;
U_32 priority;
// Node
class Node {
Node(MemoryManager&, U_32, U_32, NodeKind = NODE_INVALID);
void remove();
void addEdge(Edge *edge);
void removeEdge(Edge *edge);
Edge *getOutEdge(EdgeKind edgeKind);
Edge *getOutEdge(Node *targetNode);
Edge *getInEdge(EdgeKind edgeKind);
Edge *getInEdge(Node *targetNode);
Node *getDispatchNode();
void mergeOutLiveSets(RegOpndSet &resultSet);
uint16 getId() { return id; }
void setExecCounter(U_32 execCounter_) { execCounter = execCounter_; }
U_32 getExecCounter() { return execCounter; }
void setNodeKind(NodeKind kind_) { nodeKind = kind_; }
NodeKind getNodeKind() { return nodeKind; }
EdgeVector &getInEdges() { return inEdges; }
EdgeVector &getOutEdges() { return outEdges; }
void setLiveSet(RegOpndSet& liveSet_) { liveSet = liveSet_; }
void setLoopHeader(Node *loopHeader_) { loopHeader = loopHeader_; }
Node *getLoopHeader() { return loopHeader; }
RegOpndSet &getLiveSet() { return liveSet; }
void clearLiveSet() { liveSet.clear(); }
void setVisited(bool visited_) { visited = visited_; }
bool isVisited() { return visited; }
bool isBb() { return nodeKind == NODE_BB; }
uint16 id; // node unique Id
U_32 execCounter; // profile info (how many times the node executes)
NodeKind nodeKind; //
EdgeVector inEdges; // in edges list
EdgeVector outEdges; // out edges list
Node *loopHeader; // header of loop containing this node, if NULL - node is not in loop
RegOpndSet liveSet; // set of opnds alive on node enter
bool visited; // flag used in node iterating algorithms (live analysis)
// BbNode
class BbNode : public Node {
BbNode(MemoryManager&, U_32, U_32);
void addInst(Inst *inst) { insts.push_back(inst); }
void removeInst(Inst *inst) { insts.erase(find(insts.begin(),insts.end(),inst)); }
InstVector &getInsts() { return insts; }
void setLayoutSucc(BbNode *layoutSucc_) { layoutSucc = layoutSucc_; }
BbNode *getLayoutSucc() { return layoutSucc; }
void setAddress(uint64 address_) { address = address_; }
uint64 getAddress() { return address; }
uint64 getInstAddr(Inst *inst) { return ((uint64)address + inst->getAddr()); }
InstVector insts;
BbNode *layoutSucc;
uint64 address;
// Cfg
class Cfg {
Cfg(MemoryManager &mm, CompilationInterface &compilationInterface);
NodeVector &search(SearchKind searchKind);
MemoryManager &getMM() { return mm; }
CompilationInterface &getCompilationInterface() { return compilationInterface; }
void setEnterNode(BbNode *node) { enterNode = node; }
void setExitNode(BbNode *node) { exitNode = node; }
BbNode *getEnterNode() { return enterNode; }
BbNode *getExitNode() { return exitNode; }
OpndManager *getOpndManager() { return opndManager; }
MethodDesc *getMethodDesc() { return compilationInterface.getMethodToCompile(); }
void makePostOrdered(Node *node, NodeSet &visitedNodes);
void makeDirectOrdered(Node *node, NodeSet &visitedNodesd);
void makeLayoutOrdered();
MemoryManager &mm;
CompilationInterface &compilationInterface;
OpndManager *opndManager;
BbNode *enterNode;
BbNode *exitNode;
NodeVector searchResult;
SearchKind lastSearchKind;
} // IPF
} // Jitrino
#endif /*IPFCFG_H_*/