blob: 7070ecf5824c448f208e51dc0c85f8b5be31734b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Intel, Konstantin M. Anisimov, Igor V. Chebykin
#include "IpfRuntimeSupport.h"
#include "IpfIrPrinter.h"
#include "IpfLiveAnalyzer.h"
namespace Jitrino {
namespace IPF {
bool greaterPriority(Edge *edge1, Edge *edge2) {
EdgeKind kind1 = edge1->getEdgeKind();
EdgeKind kind2 = edge2->getEdgeKind();
if (kind1 != EDGE_EXCEPTION || kind2 != EDGE_EXCEPTION) return false;
return ((ExceptionEdge *)edge1)->getPriority() < ((ExceptionEdge *)edge2)->getPriority();
// TryRegion
TryRegion::TryRegion(U_8* startAddr,
U_8* endAddr,
U_8* handlerAddr,
ObjectType* exceptionType,
bool isExceptionObjDead) :
isExceptionObjDead(isExceptionObjDead) {
// RuntimeSupport
RuntimeSupport::RuntimeSupport(Cfg &cfg, CompilationInterface &compilationInterface) :
mptr2def(mm) {
opndManager = cfg.getOpndManager();
// Runtime info
// Stack info
// Root Set info
// Stack info structure
// see struct StackInfo in RuntimeInterface_arch.h
// Root set info structure
// +---------------+
// header | 4 bytes | block size in bytes
// +---------------+
// safe point n | 4 bytes | safe poin info size in bytes
// | 8 bytes | safe point address
// | 4 or 8 bytes | base or mptr+base
// +---------------+
void RuntimeSupport::makeRuntimeInfo() {
IPF_LOG << endl << " Register Exception Handlers" << dec << endl;
IPF_LOG << endl << " Make Stack Info" << endl;
StackInfo *stackInfo = makeStackInfo();
U_32 stackInfoSize = sizeof(StackInfo);
IPF_LOG << " stack info size (bytes): " << stackInfoSize << endl;
IPF_LOG << endl << " Make Root Seet Info" << endl;
Uint32Vector rootSetInfo(mm);
U_32 rootSetInfoSize = ROOT_SET_HEADER_SIZE + rootSetInfo.size() * sizeof(U_32);
IPF_LOG << " GC root set info size (bytes): " << rootSetInfoSize << endl;
// create info block
U_32 infoBlockSize = stackInfoSize + rootSetInfoSize;
U_8* infoBlock = compilationInterface.allocateInfoBlock(infoBlockSize);
// write stack info
*((StackInfo *)infoBlock) = *stackInfo;
// write root set info
U_32 *gcInfo = (U_32 *)(infoBlock + sizeof(StackInfo));
U_32 j = ROOT_SET_HEADER_SIZE / sizeof(U_32);
gcInfo[0] = rootSetInfoSize;
for (U_32 i=0; i<rootSetInfo.size(); i++, j++) {
gcInfo[j] = rootSetInfo[i];
// Exception registration
void RuntimeSupport::registerExceptionHandlers() {
NodeVector &nodes =;
BbNode *regionStart = (BbNode *)nodes[0];
Node *dispatchNode = regionStart->getDispatchNode();
for (uint16 i=1; i<nodes.size(); i++) {
if (nodes[i]->getNodeKind() != NODE_BB) continue; // ignore non BB node
BbNode *node = (BbNode *)nodes[i];
if (dispatchNode != node->getDispatchNode()) { // if current node protected by another dispatch
makeRegion(regionStart, node, dispatchNode); // create new try region
regionStart = node; // current node is first node of new region (if any)
dispatchNode = node->getDispatchNode(); // current dispatch protects new region
makeRegion(regionStart, (BbNode *)nodes.back(), dispatchNode); // create new try region
MethodDesc* md = compilationInterface.getMethodToCompile();
IPF_LOG << endl << " region registration:" << endl;
if (tryRegions.size() == 0) {
IPF_LOG << " no catch handlers detected" << endl;
IPF_LOG << " start end handler exception objIsDead" << endl;
for (uint16 i=0; i<tryRegions.size(); i++) {
IPF_LOG << " " << hex << (uint64)tryRegions[i]->startAddr;
IPF_LOG << " " << (uint64)tryRegions[i]->endAddr;
IPF_LOG << " " << (uint64)tryRegions[i]->handlerAddr;
IPF_LOG << " " << setw(35) << tryRegions[i]->exceptionType->getName();
IPF_LOG << " " << boolalpha << tryRegions[i]->isExceptionObjDead << dec << endl;
void RuntimeSupport::makeRegion(BbNode *regionStart, BbNode *regionEnd, Node *dispatchNode) {
if (dispatchNode == NULL) return; // it is not a try region
IPF_LOG << " try region detected: node" << regionStart->getId() << " - node" << regionEnd->getId();
if (dispatchNode->getNodeKind() != NODE_DISPATCH) {
IPF_LOG << ", there is no catch block" << endl;
IPF_LOG << ", dispatch: node" << dispatchNode->getId();
U_8* startAddr = (U_8*)regionStart->getAddress();
U_8* endAddr = (U_8*)regionEnd->getAddress();
EdgeVector &outEdges = dispatchNode->getOutEdges(); // get out edges
sort(outEdges.begin(), outEdges.end(), greaterPriority); // sort them by Priority
for (uint16 i=0; i<outEdges.size(); i++) {
Edge *edge = outEdges[i];
if (edge->getEdgeKind() == EDGE_EXCEPTION) {
BbNode* handlerNode = (BbNode*)edge->getTarget();
U_8* handlerAddr = (U_8*)handlerNode->getAddress();
ObjectType* exceptionType = (ObjectType *)((ExceptionEdge *)edge)->getExceptionType();
TryRegion* region = new(mm) TryRegion(startAddr, endAddr, handlerAddr, exceptionType, false);
IPF_LOG << ", handler: node" << handlerNode->getId();
IPF_LOG << ", priority: " << ((ExceptionEdge *)edge)->getPriority();
IPF_LOG << ", " << exceptionType->getName() << endl;
if (edge->getEdgeKind() == EDGE_DISPATCH) {
makeRegion(regionStart, regionEnd, edge->getTarget());
void RuntimeSupport::inserFakeLastNode(NodeVector &nodes) {
BbNode *lastNode = (BbNode *)nodes.back();
InstVector &insts = lastNode->getInsts();
uint64 address = 0;
if (insts.size() < 1) address = lastNode->getAddress();
else address = lastNode->getInstAddr(insts.back());
uint64 mask = 0xfffffffffffffff0;
address = (address & mask) + 0x10;
BbNode *node = new(mm) BbNode(mm, 0, 0);
// Make info block which will be used in stack unwind routine
StackInfo* RuntimeSupport::makeStackInfo() {
I_32 rpBak = opndManager->rpBak;
I_32 prBak = opndManager->prBak;
I_32 pfsBak = opndManager->pfsBak;
I_32 unatBak = opndManager->unatBak;
U_32 savedGrMask = opndManager->savedGrMask;
U_32 savedFrMask = opndManager->savedFrMask;
U_32 savedBrMask = opndManager->savedBrMask;
U_32 memStackSize = opndManager->memStackSize;
I_32 savedBase = opndManager->savedBase;
if(LOG_ON) {
if (rpBak!=LOCATION_INVALID && rpBak>=S_OUTARG_BASE) { IPF_ERR << " rpBak = " << rpBak << endl; }
if (prBak!=LOCATION_INVALID && prBak >= S_OUTARG_BASE) { IPF_ERR << " prBak = " << prBak << endl; }
if (pfsBak!=LOCATION_INVALID && pfsBak >= S_OUTARG_BASE) { IPF_ERR << " pfsBak = " << pfsBak << endl; }
if (unatBak!=LOCATION_INVALID && unatBak >= S_OUTARG_BASE) { IPF_ERR << " unatBak = " << unatBak << endl; }
if (rpBak==LOCATION_INVALID) { IPF_LOG << " return pointer is not saved" << endl; }
else if (rpBak >= S_BASE) { IPF_LOG << " return pointer saved on stack offset " << rpBak-S_BASE << endl; }
else { IPF_LOG << " return pointer saved on reg " << rpBak << endl; }
if (prBak==LOCATION_INVALID) { IPF_LOG << " pred registers are not saved" << endl; }
else if (prBak >= S_BASE) { IPF_LOG << " pred registers saved on stack offset " << prBak-S_BASE << endl; }
else { IPF_LOG << " pred registers saved on reg " << prBak << endl; }
if (pfsBak==LOCATION_INVALID) { IPF_LOG << " pfs register is not saved " << endl; }
else if (pfsBak >= S_BASE) { IPF_LOG << " pfs register saved on stack offset " << pfsBak-S_BASE << endl; }
else { IPF_LOG << " pfs register saved on reg " << pfsBak << endl; }
if (unatBak==LOCATION_INVALID) { IPF_LOG << " unat register is not saved " << endl; }
else if (unatBak >= S_BASE) { IPF_LOG << " unat register saved on stack offset " << unatBak-S_BASE << endl; }
else { IPF_LOG << " unat register saved on reg " << unatBak << endl; }
IPF_LOG << " memory stack offset for preserved regs " << savedBase << endl;
IPF_LOG << " saved general registers (hex mask) " << hex << savedGrMask << endl;
IPF_LOG << " saved floating registers (hex mask) " << hex << savedFrMask << endl;
IPF_LOG << " saved branch registers (hex mask) " << hex << savedBrMask << endl;
IPF_LOG << " stack size " << dec << memStackSize << endl;
return (StackInfo *)opndManager;
// Build GC Root Set
// - Build set of alive mptrs and bases for each safe point (call instruction)
// - Build mptr->base dependencies for all mptrs (mptr = base + const)
// - Extend base live ranges. For each mptr alive on safe point we must report base. Thus, the base
// must be alive on the safe point.
void RuntimeSupport::buildRootSet() {
LiveManager liveManager(cfg);
RegOpndSet &liveSet = liveManager.getLiveSet();
NodeVector &nodes =;
for (uint16 i=0; i<nodes.size(); i++) { // iterate through CFG nodes
if (nodes[i]->isBb() == false) continue; // non BB node - ignore
BbNode *node = (BbNode *)nodes[i];
InstVector &insts = node->getInsts();
InstIterator currInst = insts.end()-1;
InstIterator firstInst = insts.begin()-1;
for (; currInst>firstInst; currInst--) {
Inst *inst = *currInst;
liveManager.def(inst); // update liveSet for currInst
if (inst->isCall()) { // if inst is "call" (only safe point we have)
RegOpnd *qp = (RegOpnd *)inst->getOpnd(0);
QpMask mask = liveManager.getLiveMask(qp);
newSafePoint(node, inst, liveSet, mask); // insert (safe point->liveSet) pair in sp2LiveSet
} //
liveManager.use(inst); // update liveSet for currInst
defMptr(node, inst); // build mptr->base dependency for currInst
if (LOG_ON) {
IPF_LOG << endl << " Build mptr to base map" << endl;
for (MptrDefMapIterator it=mptr2def.begin(); it!=mptr2def.end(); it++) {
IPF_LOG << " " << IrPrinter::toString(it->first) << "->";
IPF_LOG << IrPrinter::toString(it->second.base) << endl;
IPF_LOG << endl << " Safe point list" << endl;
// set mptr->base relations (vector SafePoint.alivePtrs will contain base after each mptr)
// and extend bases live ranges
for (uint16 i=0; i<safePoints.size(); i++) {
SafePoint& sp = safePoints[i];
insertBases(sp.inst, sp.alivePtrs);
// - Add new record in rootSet map (sp position -> alive mptrs&bases)
// - extend base live ranges
void RuntimeSupport::newSafePoint(BbNode *node, Inst *spInst, RegOpndSet &liveSet, QpMask mask) {
safePoints.push_back(SafePoint(mm, node, spInst)); // create record for current safe point
RegOpndVector &ptrs = safePoints.back().alivePtrs; // get vector for mptrs and bases alive on the safe point
for (RegOpndSetIterator it=liveSet.begin(); it!=liveSet.end(); it++) {
RegOpnd *opnd = *it;
if (opnd->isAlive(mask) == false) continue;
if (opnd->getDataKind() == DATA_MPTR) {
if (opnd->getDataKind() == DATA_BASE) {
// If inst defs mptr and uses base - add new record in mptr2base map
void RuntimeSupport::defMptr(BbNode *node, Inst *inst) {
OpndVector &opnds = inst->getOpnds();
uint16 numDst = inst->getNumDst();
uint16 numOpnd = inst->getNumOpnd();
RegOpnd *mptr = NULL;
RegOpnd *base = NULL;
// check if the inst defines mptr
for (uint16 i=1; i<=numDst; i++) {
if (opnds[i]->getDataKind() == DATA_MPTR) mptr = (RegOpnd *)opnds[i];
if (mptr == NULL) return; // there is no mptr among dst opnds of the inst
// check if the inst uses base
for (uint16 i=numDst+1; i<numOpnd; i++) {
if (opnds[i]->getDataKind() == DATA_BASE) base = (RegOpnd *)opnds[i];
if (base == NULL) return; // there is no base among src opnds of the inst
// add new record or merge with existing one in mptr2def map
if (mptr2def.count(mptr) > 0) { // if there is record for this mptr (mptr has been already defined)
MptrDef &md = mptr2def[mptr];
if (md.inst != NULL) { // if record base has not been merged - merge it
RegOpnd *commonBase = opndManager->newRegOpnd(OPND_G_REG, DATA_BASE); // create common base for this mptr
mergeBase(md.node, md.inst, md.base, commonBase); // merge record base with new common base
md.base = commonBase; // record base is common base now
md.inst = NULL;
md.node = NULL;
mergeBase(node, inst, base, md.base); // merge current base with common base
} else {
mptr2def[mptr] = MptrDef(node, inst, base); // add new record (new mptr definition found)
// From:
// add mptr = 5, oldBase
// To:
// mov commonBase = oldBase
// add mptr = 5, commonBase
void RuntimeSupport::mergeBase(BbNode *node, Inst *inst, RegOpnd *oldBase, RegOpnd *commonBase) {
if (oldBase == commonBase) return; // nothing to do
replaceBase(inst, oldBase, commonBase); // replace old base opnd with new one in the current instruction
insertMovInst(node, inst, oldBase, commonBase); // insert inst "mov commonBase, oldBase" before inst defining the mptr
// - Find base opnd among inst srcs
// - Replace it with commonBase opnd
// - Return old base
void RuntimeSupport::replaceBase(Inst *inst, Opnd *base, Opnd *commonBase) {
OpndVector &opnds = inst->getOpnds();
uint16 numDst = inst->getNumDst();
uint16 numOpnd = inst->getNumOpnd();
for (uint16 i=numDst+1; i<numOpnd; i++) {
if (opnds[i] == base) {
opnds[i] = commonBase;
IPF_ERR << endl;
void RuntimeSupport::insertMovInst(BbNode *node, Inst *inst, Opnd *oldBase, Opnd *commonBase) {
InstVector &insts = node->getInsts();
Inst *newInst = new(mm) Inst(mm, INST_MOV, commonBase, oldBase);
InstIterator pos = find(insts.begin(), insts.end(), inst);
if (LOG_ON) if (pos == insts.end()) IPF_ERR << endl;
insts.insert(pos, newInst);
// Find base corresponding to mptr and
// - insert it in vector of alive on safe point opnds
// - insert it in safe point instruction arg list (extend live range)
void RuntimeSupport::insertBases(Inst *inst, RegOpndVector &ptrs) {
IPF_LOG << " alive pointers:";
for (uint16 i=0; i<ptrs.size(); i++) {
IPF_LOG << " " << IrPrinter::toString(ptrs[i]);
if (ptrs[i]->getDataKind() == DATA_MPTR) {
RegOpnd *mptr = (RegOpnd *)ptrs[i];
if (LOG_ON && mptr2def.count(mptr) == 0) IPF_ERR << IrPrinter::toString(mptr) << endl;
RegOpnd *base = mptr2def[mptr].base;
if (find(ptrs.begin(), ptrs.end(), base) == ptrs.end()) {
ptrs[++i] = base; // next to mptr opnd is the mptr's base
inst->addOpnd(base); // extend base live range till the inst
base->setCrossCallSite(true); // base must live across call site
IPF_LOG << "->" << IrPrinter::toString(base);
IPF_LOG << " safe point: " << IrPrinter::toString(inst) << endl;
// Write GC Root Set info block
// Create info block which is used in GC root set enumeration routine (RuntimeInterface::getGCRootSet)
void RuntimeSupport::makeRootSetInfo(Uint32Vector &info) {
IPF_LOG << " Safe points list:" << endl;
for (uint16 i=0; i<safePoints.size(); i++) {
BbNode *node = safePoints[i].node;
Inst *inst = safePoints[i].inst;
uint64 spAddr = node->getInstAddr(inst); // get address of safe point instruction
spAddr = (spAddr & 0xfffffffffffffff0) + 0x10; // zero low part and increment
writeSpInfo(info, spAddr, safePoints[i].alivePtrs);
void RuntimeSupport::writeSpInfo(Uint32Vector &info, uint64 spAddr, RegOpndVector &ptrs) {
U_32 spAddrHight = spAddr; // hight part of spAddr
U_32 spAddrLow = spAddr >> 32; // low part of spAddr
uint16 sizePos = info.size();
info.push_back(0); // push safe point info size (placeholder)
info.push_back(spAddrHight); // push safe point addr (hight)
info.push_back(spAddrLow); // push safe point addr (low)
IPF_LOG << " address: " << hex << spAddr << dec << " alive pointers locations:";
for (uint16 i=0; i<ptrs.size(); i++) {
I_32 location = toInt32(ptrs[i]); // get mptr location
info.push_back(location); // push base location
IPF_LOG << " " << location;
info[sizePos] = (info.size() - sizePos) * sizeof(U_32);
IPF_LOG << " size: " << info[sizePos] << endl;
// returns opnd location in form to store in info block
I_32 RuntimeSupport::toInt32(RegOpnd *opnd) {
I_32 location = opnd->getValue();
if (LOG_ON && location >= S_OUTARG_BASE) IPF_ERR << " location = " << location << endl;
if (opnd->isMem() == true) location += NUM_G_REG;
if (opnd->getDataKind() == DATA_MPTR) location = - (location + 1);
return location;
} // IPF
} // Jitrino