blob: 0589b3e4c006a0ce5b78310c943a294b2da36b11 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* limitations under the License.
* @author Intel, Konstantin M. Anisimov, Igor V. Chebykin
#include "IpfCodeLayouter.h"
#include "IpfIrPrinter.h"
#include "IpfOpndManager.h"
namespace Jitrino {
namespace IPF {
// Compare two edges by prob value
bool greaterEdge(Edge *e1, Edge *e2) {
double c1 = e1->getProb() * e1->getSource()->getExecCounter();
double c2 = e2->getProb() * e2->getSource()->getExecCounter();
return c1 > c2;
// CodeLayouter
CodeLayouter::CodeLayouter(Cfg &cfg) :
visitedNodes(mm) {
void CodeLayouter::layout() {
IPF_LOG << endl << " Outline predicated direct calls " << endl;
IPF_LOG << endl << " Merge Nodes" << endl;
IPF_LOG << endl << " Make Chains" << endl;
IPF_LOG << endl << " Set Branch Targets" << endl;
IPF_STAT << endl << "STAT_NUM_NODES " << << endl;
void CodeLayouter::transformPredicatedCalls() {
Long2Node addr2node(mm);
NodeVector &nodes =;
for(uint16 i=0; i<nodes.size(); i++) { // iterate through CFG nodes
if(nodes[i]->isBb() == false) continue; // ignore non BB nodes
BbNode *node = (BbNode *)nodes[i];
if (node->getInsts().size() == 0) continue;
transformPredicatedCall(node, addr2node);
void CodeLayouter::transformPredicatedCall(BbNode *branchNode, Long2Node &addr2node) {
Inst *branchInst = branchNode->getInsts().back(); // inst to be branch
Edge *unwindEdge = getUnwindEdge(branchNode); // get edge to unwind node
if (branchInst->getOpnd(0)->getValue() == 0) return; // if not predicated - ignore
if (branchInst->isCall() == false) return; // if not call - ignore
if (unwindEdge == NULL) return; // if there is no unwind edge - ignore
uint64 addr = branchInst->getOpnd(3)->getValue();
OpndVector &opnds = branchInst->getOpnds();
BbNode *callNode = NULL;
Inst *callInst = NULL;
Edge *callEdge = NULL;
IPF_LOG << " branch inst is " << IrPrinter::toString(branchInst);
if (addr2node.find(addr) == addr2node.end()) { // this call has not been moved in outstanding node
callNode = new(mm) BbNode(mm, opndManager->getNextNodeId(), 0); // create new node
callInst = new(mm) Inst(mm, INST_BRL13, CMPLT_BTYPE_CALL, cfg.getOpndManager()->getP0());
for (uint16 i=1; i<opnds.size(); i++) callInst->addOpnd(opnds[i]);
callNode->addInst(callInst); // create and add call instruction
addr2node[addr] = callNode; // the addr is processed, next time we will use this node
unwindEdge->changeSource(callNode); // change unwind edge source
IPF_LOG << " created new node" << callNode->getId();
IPF_LOG << " call inst is " << IrPrinter::toString(callInst) << endl;
} else { // call on this addr has been already moved in outstanding node
callNode = addr2node[addr]; // get the node
unwindEdge->remove(); // the node has already had edge on unwind node
IPF_LOG << " use node" << callNode->getId() << endl;
// replace call with branch
for (uint16 i=opnds.size()-1; i>0; i--) opnds.pop_back();
NodeRef *branchTarget = cfg.getOpndManager()->newNodeRef();
// create branch edge
callEdge = new(mm) Edge(branchNode, callNode, 0.001, EDGE_BRANCH);
Edge* CodeLayouter::getUnwindEdge(Node *node) {
Edge *unwindEdge = NULL;
EdgeVector &outEdges = node->getOutEdges();
for (uint16 i=0; i<outEdges.size(); i++) {
Node *target = outEdges[i]->getTarget();
if (target->getNodeKind() == NODE_UNWIND) unwindEdge = outEdges[i];
return unwindEdge;
void CodeLayouter::mergeNodes() {
NodeVector& nodeVector =;
NodeList nodes(mm);
nodes.insert(nodes.begin(), nodeVector.begin(), nodeVector.end());
// try to merge current node with its successor
for (NodeListIterator it=nodes.begin(); it!=nodes.end(); it++) {
Node *node = *it;
if (node->getNodeKind() != NODE_BB) continue; // node is not BB - ignore
if (node == cfg.getEnterNode()) continue; // do not merge enter node
BbNode *pred = (BbNode *)node; // let's name current node "pred"
BbNode *succ = getCandidate(pred); // check if it has mergable successor
if (succ == NULL) {
IPF_LOG << " node" << left << setw(3) << node->getId() << " does not have mergable successor" << endl;
continue; // current node does not have mergable successor
if (succ == cfg.getExitNode()) continue; // do not merge exit node
if (isMergable(pred, succ) == false) {
IPF_LOG << " node" << left << setw(3) << node->getId() << " succ can not be merged with pred" << endl;
continue; // succ can not be merged with pred
merge(pred, succ); // merge pred and succ nodes
nodes.remove(pred); // remove pred node from current nodes list
IPF_LOG << " node" << pred->getId() << " removed" << endl;
}; // we could remove some nodes - old search is broken
// if node has only one succ (not taking in account unwind) - return the succ
BbNode* CodeLayouter::getCandidate(BbNode *node) {
Node *succ = NULL;
EdgeVector &outEdges = node->getOutEdges();
for (uint16 i=0; i<outEdges.size(); i++) {
Node *target = outEdges[i]->getTarget(); // get successor of current node
if (target->getNodeKind() == NODE_UNWIND) continue; // if it is unwind node - ignore
if (succ != NULL) return NULL; // there is more than one succ - node can not be merged
succ = target; // it is first succ
if (succ == NULL) return NULL; // there is no successor
if (succ->getNodeKind() != NODE_BB) return NULL; // if succ is not BB - node can not be merged
return (BbNode *)succ;
// check if succ can be merged with pred (has only one pred)
bool CodeLayouter::isMergable(BbNode *pred, BbNode *succ) {
EdgeVector &outEdges = succ->getOutEdges(); // get out edges of succ
for (uint16 i=0; i<outEdges.size(); i++) { // iterate them
Node *target = outEdges[i]->getTarget(); // get successor of current succ :)
if (target->getNodeKind() == NODE_DISPATCH) return false; // if it is dispatch node - do not merge
if (pred->getInsts().size() == 0) return true; // empty pred can be merged with any succ
if (succ->getInEdges().size() == 1) return true; // succ has one pred - it can be merged
return false;
// merge two nodes
void CodeLayouter::merge(BbNode *pred, BbNode *succ) {
// copy succ's insts in pred node
InstVector &predInsts = pred->getInsts();
InstVector &succInsts = succ->getInsts();
succInsts.insert(succInsts.begin(), predInsts.begin(), predInsts.end());
// remove pred out edges
EdgeVector &predOutEdges = pred->getOutEdges();
for (int16 i=predOutEdges.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { // iterate edges
predOutEdges[i]->remove(); // remove edge
// redirect pred in edges on succ
EdgeVector &predInEdges = pred->getInEdges();
for (int16 i=predInEdges.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { // iterate edges
predInEdges[i]->changeTarget(succ); // redirect edge
IPF_LOG << " node" << left << setw(3) << pred->getId() << " merged with node" << succ->getId();
// if unwind node does not have predecessors (they could be removed during merging) - it can
// be removed
void CodeLayouter::checkUnwind() {
// find unwind node (it must be predecessor of exit node)
Node *unwind = NULL;
Node *exit = cfg.getExitNode();
EdgeVector &inEdges = exit->getInEdges(); // get exit node in edges
for (uint16 i=0; i<inEdges.size(); i++) { // iterate them
unwind = inEdges[i]->getSource(); // get edge source
if (unwind->getNodeKind() == NODE_UNWIND) break; // if the source is unwind node - we have found it
// check if unwind can be removed
if (unwind == NULL) return; // there is no unwind node
if (unwind->getInEdges().size() > 0) return; // unwind node is alive - nothind to do
// remove useless unwind
IPF_LOG << endl << " unwind node removed" << endl;
void CodeLayouter::makeChains() {
// make edge list
EdgeVector edges(mm);
NodeVector &nodes =; // get nodes vector
for (uint16 i=0; i<nodes.size(); i++) { // iterate throgh it
EdgeVector &outEdges = nodes[i]->getOutEdges(); // get out edges of current node
edges.insert(edges.end(), outEdges.begin(), outEdges.end()); // add them in edges list
// sort edge list by prob
sort(edges.begin(), edges.end(), greaterEdge);
// make chain list
for (uint16 i=0; i<edges.size(); i++) inChainList(edges[i]);
// if there is chain that can be connected with the edge - connect, else - create new chain
void CodeLayouter::inChainList(Edge *edge) {
Node *sourceNode = edge->getSource();
Node *targetNode = edge->getTarget();
Chain *targetChain = NULL;
Chain *sourceChain = NULL;
// try to find chains to add current edge in
for (ChainListIterator it=chains.begin(); it!=chains.end(); it++) {
if ((*it)->front() == targetNode) targetChain = *it;
if ((*it)->back() == sourceNode) sourceChain = *it;
if (targetChain!=NULL && sourceChain!=NULL) { // edge connects two existing chains
if (targetChain == sourceChain) return; // do not merge chain with itself
sourceChain->splice(sourceChain->end(), *targetChain); // merge chains in source chain
chains.remove(targetChain); // erase target chain
if (sourceChain != NULL) { // sourceChain ending with edge source
pushBack(sourceChain, targetNode); // push target back in sourceChain
if (targetChain != NULL) { // targetChain starting with edge target
pushFront(targetChain, sourceNode); // push source front in targetChain
// there is no chain that can be merged with the edge
Chain *newChain = new(mm) Chain(mm); // create new chain
pushBack(newChain, sourceNode); // push source back in new chain
pushBack(newChain, targetNode); // push target back in new chain
if (newChain->size() > 0) chains.push_back(newChain); // insert new chain in chain list
// push node in chain end
void CodeLayouter::pushBack(Chain *chain, Node *node) {
if (visitedNodes.count(node) != 0) return; // node has already been inserted in some chain
visitedNodes.insert(node); // mark node as visited
chain->push_back(node); // push node back in the chain
// push node in chain begining
void CodeLayouter::pushFront(Chain *chain, Node *node) {
if (visitedNodes.count(node) != 0) return; // node has already been inserted in some chain
visitedNodes.insert(node); // mark node as visited
chain->push_front(node); // push node front in the chain
// set layout successors for BbNodes
void CodeLayouter::layoutNodes() {
// sort chains
ChainMap order(mm);
for (ChainListIterator it=chains.begin(); it!=chains.end(); it++) {
U_32 weight = calculateChainWeight(*it); // calculate chain weight
order.insert( make_pair(weight, *it) ); // insert pair weight->chain in map
// set layout successors for BbNodes
BbNode *pred = new(mm) BbNode(mm, 0, 0); // current pred node (init with fake node)
BbNode *succ = NULL; // currend succ node
for (ChainMapIterator it1=order.begin(); it1!=order.end(); it1++) {
Chain *chain = it1->second; // current chain
IPF_LOG << " weight: " << setw(10) << it1->first;
IPF_LOG << " chain: " << IrPrinter::toString(*(it1->second)) << endl;
for (ChainIterator it2=chain->begin(); it2!=chain->end(); it2++) {
if ((*it2)->isBb() == false) continue; // if current node is not BB - it does not need layouting
succ = (BbNode *)*it2; //
pred->setLayoutSucc(succ); // set current node as layouted successor of pred
pred = succ; // current pred is current node
// chain weight is exec counters summ of all nodes in the chain
U_32 CodeLayouter::calculateChainWeight(Chain *chain) {
if (chain->front() == cfg.getEnterNode()) return UINT_MAX; // enter node always goes first
U_32 weight = 0;
for (ChainIterator it=chain->begin(); it!=chain->end(); it++) {
if ((*it)->isBb() == false) continue;
BbNode *node = (BbNode *) *it;
weight += node->getExecCounter();
return weight;
// branch targets have not been set yet. In this method we iterate through each node and
// check if it ends with branch (needs branch target)
void CodeLayouter::setBranchTargets() {
BbNode *node = cfg.getEnterNode();
for(; node != NULL; node = node->getLayoutSucc()) {
IPF_LOG << " node" << left << setw(3) << node->getId();
InstVector& insts = node->getInsts();
if(insts.size() != 0) {
Inst *lastInst = insts.back();
if (lastInst->isRet()) {
IPF_LOG << " last inst is \"ret\"" << endl;
if (lastInst->isConditionalBranch() && lastInst->getComps().size() != 0) {
IPF_LOG << " fix conditional branch:";
if(lastInst->getInstCode() == INST_SWITCH) {
IPF_LOG << " fix switch" << endl;
// thus, it is unconditional branch
IPF_LOG << " fix unconditional branch:";
// set conditional branch target
void CodeLayouter::fixConditionalBranch(BbNode *node) {
InstVector &insts = node->getInsts();
Inst *branchInst = insts.back();
Edge *branchEdge = node->getOutEdge(EDGE_BRANCH);
Edge *throughEdge = node->getOutEdge(EDGE_THROUGH);
// if branch edge target coinsides with layout successor
if (branchEdge->getTarget() == node->getLayoutSucc()) {
// swap fall through and branch edges
Edge *tmpEdge = throughEdge;
throughEdge = branchEdge;
branchEdge = tmpEdge;
// swap predicate registers of the "cmp" instruction
Inst* cmpInst = *(insts.end() - 2); // get "cmp" inst (it must stay right before "br")
Opnd* p1 = cmpInst->getOpnd(POS_CMP_P1); // get p1 opnd
Opnd* p2 = cmpInst->getOpnd(POS_CMP_P2); // get p2 opnd
cmpInst->setOpnd(POS_CMP_P1, p2); // set p2 on p1's position
cmpInst->setOpnd(POS_CMP_P2, p1); // set p1 on p2's position
IPF_LOG << " branch retargeted,";
BbNode *branchTargetNode = (BbNode *)branchEdge->getTarget();
BbNode *fallThroughNode = (BbNode *)throughEdge->getTarget();
BbNode *layoutSuccNode = (BbNode *)node->getLayoutSucc();
// Set target for branch instruction
NodeRef *targetOpnd = (NodeRef *)branchInst->getOpnd(POS_BR_TARGET);
IPF_LOG << " branch target is node" << branchTargetNode->getId();
// if fall through node coinsides with layout successor - noting more to do
if (fallThroughNode == layoutSuccNode) { IPF_LOG << endl; return; }
// create new node for unconditional branch on through edge target node
// branch instruction will be inserted in fixUnconditionalBranch method
BbNode *branchNode = new(mm) BbNode(mm, opndManager->getNextNodeId(), fallThroughNode->getExecCounter());
branchNode->setLayoutSucc(layoutSuccNode); // layout successor of current node becomes layoute successor of new node
node->setLayoutSucc(branchNode); // the new node becomes layout successor of current node
throughEdge->changeTarget(branchNode); // retarget trough edge on the new node
Edge *edge = new(mm) Edge(branchNode, fallThroughNode, throughEdge->getProb(), EDGE_THROUGH);
edge->insert(); // new edge connects the new node and fall through node
IPF_LOG << ", through node generated: node" << branchNode->getId() << endl;; // old search is broken
void CodeLayouter::fixSwitch(BbNode* node) {
Inst* lastInst = node->getInsts().back();
// Find edge corresponding to layout successor and mark it fall through
Edge *throughEdge = node->getOutEdge(node->getLayoutSucc());
Opnd *troughTargetImm = lastInst->getOpnd(POS_SWITCH_THROUGH);
ConstantRef *constantRef = (ConstantRef*) lastInst->getOpnd(POS_SWITCH_TABLE);
SwitchConstant *switchConstant = (SwitchConstant*) constantRef->getConstant();
// Find out which switch choice corresponds to fall through edge
uint16 throughChoice = switchConstant->getChoice(throughEdge);
// Set imm representing fall through choice
// We do not need switch opnds in switch instruction any more. Remove them
void CodeLayouter::fixUnconditionalBranch(BbNode *node) {
// if there is no through edge - do nothing
Edge *throughEdge = node->getOutEdge(EDGE_THROUGH);
if(throughEdge == NULL) {
IPF_LOG << " there is no through edge - ignore" << endl;
// if through edge target coinsides with layout successor - do nothing
BbNode *target = (BbNode *)throughEdge->getTarget();
if (target == node->getLayoutSucc()) {
IPF_LOG << " through edge coinsides with layout successor - ignore" << endl;
// Add branch to through edge target
Opnd *p0 = cfg.getOpndManager()->getP0();
NodeRef *targetNode = cfg.getOpndManager()->newNodeRef(target);
node->addInst(new(mm) Inst(mm, INST_BR, CMPLT_WH_SPTK, CMPLT_PH_FEW, p0, targetNode));
IPF_LOG << " branch on node" << target->getId() << " added" << endl;
} // IPF
} // Jitrino