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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.guacamole.vault.user;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import org.apache.guacamole.GuacamoleException;
import org.apache.guacamole.GuacamoleServerException;
import org.apache.guacamole.form.Form;
import org.apache.guacamole.protocol.GuacamoleConfiguration;
import org.apache.guacamole.token.GuacamoleTokenUndefinedException;
import org.apache.guacamole.token.TokenFilter;
import org.apache.guacamole.vault.conf.VaultAttributeService;
import org.apache.guacamole.vault.conf.VaultConfigurationService;
import org.apache.guacamole.vault.secret.VaultSecretService;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* UserContext implementation which automatically injects tokens containing the
* values of secrets retrieved from a vault.
public class VaultUserContext extends TokenInjectingUserContext {
* Logger for this class.
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VaultUserContext.class);
* The name of the token which will be replaced with the username of the
* current user if specified within the name of a secret. Unlike the
* standard GUAC_USERNAME token, the username stored with the object
* representing the user is used here, not necessarily the username
* provided during authentication. This token applies to both connections
* and connection groups.
private static final String USERNAME_TOKEN = "USERNAME";
* The name of the token which will be replaced with the name of the
* current connection group if specified within the name of a secret. This
* token only applies only to connection groups.
* The name of the token which will be replaced with the identifier of the
* current connection group if specified within the name of a secret. This
* token only applies only to connection groups.
* The name of the token which will be replaced with the \"hostname\"
* connection parameter of the current connection if specified within the
* name of a secret. If the \"hostname\" parameter cannot be retrieved, or
* if the parameter is blank, the token will not be replaced and any
* secrets involving that token will not be retrieved. This token only
* applies only to connections.
* The name of the token which will be replaced with the \"username\"
* connection parameter of the current connection if specified within the
* name of a secret. If the \"username\" parameter cannot be retrieved, or
* if the parameter is blank, the token will not be replaced and any
* secrets involving that token will not be retrieved. This token only
* applies only to connections.
* The name of the token which will be replaced with the name of the
* current connection if specified within the name of a secret. This token
* only applies only to connections.
private static final String CONNECTION_NAME_TOKEN = "CONNECTION_NAME";
* The name of the token which will be replaced with the identifier of the
* current connection if specified within the name of a secret. This token
* only applies only to connections.
* Service for retrieving configuration information.
private VaultConfigurationService confService;
* Service for retrieving the values of secrets stored in a vault.
private VaultSecretService secretService;
* Service for retrieving any custom attributes defined for the
* current vault implementation.
private VaultAttributeService attributeService;
* Service for modifying any underlying directories for the current
* vault implementation.
private VaultDirectoryService directoryService;
* Creates a new VaultUserContext which automatically injects tokens
* containing values of secrets retrieved from a vault. The given
* UserContext is decorated such that connections and connection groups
* will receive additional tokens during the connection process.
* Note that this class depends on concrete implementations of the
* following classes to be provided via dependency injection:
* - VaultConfigurationService
* - VaultSecretService
* Bindings providing these concrete implementations will need to be
* provided by subclasses of VaultAuthenticationProviderModule for each
* supported vault.
* @param userContext
* The UserContext instance to decorate.
public VaultUserContext(@Assisted UserContext userContext) {
* Creates a new TokenFilter instance with token values set for all tokens
* which are not specific to connections or connection groups. Currently,
* this is only the vault-specific username token ("USERNAME"). Each token
* stored within the returned TokenFilter via setToken() will be
* automatically canonicalized for use within secret names.
* @return
* A new TokenFilter instance with token values set for all tokens
* which are not specific to connections or connection groups.
private TokenFilter createFilter() {
// Create filter that automatically canonicalizes all token values
TokenFilter filter = new TokenFilter() {
public void setToken(String name, String value) {
super.setToken(name, secretService.canonicalize(value));
public void setTokens(Map<String, String> tokens) {
tokens.entrySet().forEach((entry) -> setToken(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
filter.setToken(USERNAME_TOKEN, self().getIdentifier());
return filter;
* Initiates asynchronous retrieval of all applicable tokens and
* corresponding values from the vault, using the given TokenFilter to
* filter tokens within the secret names prior to retrieving those secrets.
* @param connectable
* The connection or connection group to which the connection is being
* established.
* @param tokenMapping
* The mapping dictating the name of the secret which maps to each
* parameter token, where the key is the name of the parameter token
* and the value is the name of the secret. The name of the secret
* may contain its own tokens, which will be substituted using values
* from the given filter.
* @param secretNameFilter
* The filter to use to substitute values for tokens in the names of
* secrets to be retrieved from the vault.
* @param config
* The GuacamoleConfiguration of the connection for which tokens are
* being retrieved, if available. This may be null.
* @param configFilter
* A TokenFilter instance that applies any tokens already available to
* be applied to the configuration of the Guacamole connection. These
* tokens will consist of tokens already supplied to connect().
* @return
* A Map of token name to Future, where each Future represents the
* pending retrieval operation which will ultimately be completed with
* the value of all secrets mapped to that token.
* @throws GuacamoleException
* If the value for any applicable secret cannot be retrieved from the
* vault due to an error.
private Map<String, Future<String>> getTokens(
Connectable connectable, Map<String, String> tokenMapping,
TokenFilter secretNameFilter, GuacamoleConfiguration config,
TokenFilter configFilter) throws GuacamoleException {
// Populate map with pending secret retrieval operations corresponding
// to each mapped token
Map<String, Future<String>> pendingTokens = new HashMap<>(tokenMapping.size());
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : tokenMapping.entrySet()) {
// Translate secret pattern into secret name, ignoring any
// secrets which cannot be translated
String secretName;
try {
secretName = secretNameFilter.filterStrict(entry.getValue());
catch (GuacamoleTokenUndefinedException e) {
logger.debug("Secret for token \"{}\" will not be retrieved. "
+ "Token \"{}\" within mapped secret name has no "
+ "defined value in the current context.",
entry.getKey(), e.getTokenName());
// Initiate asynchronous retrieval of the token value
String tokenName = entry.getKey();
Future<String> secret = secretService.getValue(
this, connectable, secretName);
pendingTokens.put(tokenName, secret);
// Additionally include any dynamic, parameter-based tokens
this, connectable, config, configFilter));
return pendingTokens;
* Waits for all pending secret retrieval operations to complete,
* transforming each Future within the given Map into its contained String
* value.
* @param pendingTokens
* A Map of token name to Future, where each Future represents the
* pending retrieval operation which will ultimately be completed with
* the value of all secrets mapped to that token.
* @return
* A Map of token name to the corresponding String value retrieved for
* that token from the vault.
* @throws GuacamoleException
* If the value for any applicable secret cannot be retrieved from the
* vault due to an error.
private Map<String, String> resolve(Map<String,
Future<String>> pendingTokens) throws GuacamoleException {
// Populate map with tokens containing the values of their
// corresponding secrets
Map<String, String> tokens = new HashMap<>(pendingTokens.size());
for (Map.Entry<String, Future<String>> entry : pendingTokens.entrySet()) {
// Complete secret retrieval operation, blocking if necessary
String secretValue;
try {
secretValue = entry.getValue().get();
catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
throw new GuacamoleServerException("Retrieval of secret value "
+ "failed.", e);
// If a value is defined for the secret in question, store that
// value under the mapped token
String tokenName = entry.getKey();
if (secretValue != null) {
tokens.put(tokenName, secretValue);
logger.debug("Token \"{}\" populated with value from "
+ "secret.", tokenName);
logger.debug("Token \"{}\" not populated. Mapped "
+ "secret has no value.", tokenName);
return tokens;
protected void addTokens(ConnectionGroup connectionGroup,
Map<String, String> tokens) throws GuacamoleException {
String name = connectionGroup.getName();
String identifier = connectionGroup.getIdentifier();
logger.debug("Injecting tokens from vault for connection group "
+ "\"{}\" (\"{}\").", identifier, name);
// Add general and connection-group-specific tokens
TokenFilter filter = createFilter();
filter.setToken(CONNECTION_GROUP_NAME_TOKEN, name);
filter.setToken(CONNECTION_GROUP_IDENTIFIER_TOKEN, identifier);
// Substitute tokens producing secret names, retrieving and storing
// those secrets as parameter tokens
connectionGroup, confService.getTokenMapping(), filter,
null, new TokenFilter(tokens))));
* Retrieves the GuacamoleConfiguration of the given Connection. If
* possible, privileged access to the configuration is obtained first. Note
* that the underlying extension is not required to allow privileged
* access, nor is it required to expose the underlying configuration at
* all.
* @param connection
* The connection to retrieve the configuration from.
* @return
* The GuacamoleConfiguration associated with the given connection,
* which may be partial or empty.
* @throws GuacamoleException
* If an error prevents privileged retrieval of the configuration.
private GuacamoleConfiguration getConnectionConfiguration(Connection connection)
throws GuacamoleException {
String identifier = connection.getIdentifier();
// Obtain privileged access to parameters if possible (note that the
// UserContext returned by getPrivileged() is not guaranteed to
// actually be privileged)
Connection privilegedConnection = getPrivileged().getConnectionDirectory().get(identifier);
if (privilegedConnection != null)
return privilegedConnection.getConfiguration();
// Fall back to unprivileged access if not implemented/allowed by
// extension
return connection.getConfiguration();
protected void addTokens(Connection connection, Map<String, String> tokens)
throws GuacamoleException {
String name = connection.getName();
String identifier = connection.getIdentifier();
logger.debug("Injecting tokens from vault for connection \"{}\" "
+ "(\"{}\").", identifier, name);
// Add general and connection-specific tokens
TokenFilter filter = createFilter();
filter.setToken(CONNECTION_NAME_TOKEN, connection.getName());
filter.setToken(CONNECTION_IDENTIFIER_TOKEN, identifier);
// Add hostname and username tokens if available (implementations are
// not required to expose connection configuration details)
GuacamoleConfiguration config = getConnectionConfiguration(connection);
Map<String, String> parameters = config.getParameters();
String hostname = parameters.get("hostname");
if (hostname != null && !hostname.isEmpty())
filter.setToken(CONNECTION_HOSTNAME_TOKEN, hostname);
logger.debug("Hostname for connection \"{}\" (\"{}\") not "
+ "available. \"{}\" token will not be populated in "
+ "secret names.", identifier, name,
String username = parameters.get("username");
if (username != null && !username.isEmpty())
filter.setToken(CONNECTION_USERNAME_TOKEN, username);
logger.debug("Username for connection \"{}\" (\"{}\") not "
+ "available. \"{}\" token will not be populated in "
+ "secret names.", identifier, name,
// Substitute tokens producing secret names, retrieving and storing
// those secrets as parameter tokens
tokens.putAll(resolve(getTokens(connection, confService.getTokenMapping(),
filter, config, new TokenFilter(tokens))));
public Directory<User> getUserDirectory() throws GuacamoleException {
// Defer to the vault-specific directory service
return directoryService.getUserDirectory(super.getUserDirectory());
public Directory<UserGroup> getUserGroupDirectory() throws GuacamoleException {
// Defer to the vault-specific directory service
return directoryService.getUserGroupDirectory(super.getUserGroupDirectory());
public Directory<Connection> getConnectionDirectory() throws GuacamoleException {
// Defer to the vault-specific directory service
return directoryService.getConnectionDirectory(super.getConnectionDirectory());
public Directory<ConnectionGroup> getConnectionGroupDirectory() throws GuacamoleException {
// Defer to the vault-specific directory service
return directoryService.getConnectionGroupDirectory(super.getConnectionGroupDirectory());
public Directory<ActiveConnection> getActiveConnectionDirectory() throws GuacamoleException {
// Defer to the vault-specific directory service
return directoryService.getActiveConnectionDirectory(super.getActiveConnectionDirectory());
public Directory<SharingProfile> getSharingProfileDirectory() throws GuacamoleException {
// Defer to the vault-specific directory service
return directoryService.getSharingProfileDirectory(super.getSharingProfileDirectory());
public Collection<Form> getUserAttributes() {
// Add any custom attributes to any previously defined attributes
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(Stream.concat(
public Collection<Form> getUserPreferenceAttributes() {
// Add any custom preference attributes to any previously defined attributes
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(Stream.concat(
public Collection<Form> getConnectionAttributes() {
// Add any custom attributes to any previously defined attributes
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(Stream.concat(
public Collection<Form> getConnectionGroupAttributes() {
// Add any custom attributes to any previously defined attributes
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(Stream.concat(