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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.guacamole.auth.totp.user;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.guacamole.GuacamoleException;
import org.apache.guacamole.GuacamoleSecurityException;
import org.apache.guacamole.GuacamoleUnsupportedException;
import org.apache.guacamole.auth.totp.conf.ConfigurationService;
import org.apache.guacamole.auth.totp.form.AuthenticationCodeField;
import org.apache.guacamole.auth.totp.usergroup.TOTPUserGroup;
import org.apache.guacamole.form.Field;
import org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleClientException;
import org.apache.guacamole.language.TranslatableGuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException;
import org.apache.guacamole.totp.TOTPGenerator;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Service for verifying the identity of a user using TOTP.
public class UserVerificationService {
* Logger for this class.
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserVerificationService.class);
* BaseEncoding instance which decoded/encodes base32.
private static final BaseEncoding BASE32 = BaseEncoding.base32();
* Service for retrieving configuration information.
private ConfigurationService confService;
* Service for tracking whether TOTP codes have been used.
private CodeUsageTrackingService codeService;
* Provider for AuthenticationCodeField instances.
private Provider<AuthenticationCodeField> codeFieldProvider;
* Retrieves and decodes the base32-encoded TOTP key associated with user
* having the given UserContext. If no TOTP key is associated with the user,
* a random key is generated and associated with the user. If the extension
* storing the user does not support storage of the TOTP key, null is
* returned.
* @param context
* The UserContext of the user whose TOTP key should be retrieved.
* @param username
* The username of the user associated with the given UserContext.
* @return
* The TOTP key associated with the user having the given UserContext,
* or null if the extension storing the user does not support storage
* of the TOTP key.
* @throws GuacamoleException
* If a new key is generated, but the extension storing the associated
* user fails while updating the user account.
private UserTOTPKey getKey(UserContext context,
String username) throws GuacamoleException {
// Retrieve attributes from current user
User self = context.self();
Map<String, String> attributes = context.self().getAttributes();
// If no key is defined, attempt to generate a new key
String secret = attributes.get(TOTPUser.TOTP_KEY_SECRET_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
if (secret == null || secret.isEmpty()) {
// Generate random key for user
TOTPGenerator.Mode mode = confService.getMode();
UserTOTPKey generated = new UserTOTPKey(username,mode.getRecommendedKeyLength());
if (setKey(context, generated))
return generated;
// Fail if key cannot be set
return null;
// Parse retrieved base32 key value
byte[] key;
try {
key = BASE32.decode(secret);
// If key is not valid base32, warn but otherwise pretend the key does
// not exist
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
logger.warn("TOTP key of user \"{}\" is not valid base32.", self.getIdentifier());
logger.debug("TOTP key is not valid base32.", e);
return null;
// Otherwise, parse value from attributes
boolean confirmed = "true".equals(attributes.get(TOTPUser.TOTP_KEY_CONFIRMED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME));
return new UserTOTPKey(username, key, confirmed);
* Attempts to store the given TOTP key within the user account of the user
* having the given UserContext. As not all extensions will support storage
* of arbitrary attributes, this operation may fail.
* @param context
* The UserContext associated with the user whose TOTP key is to be
* stored.
* @param key
* The TOTP key to store.
* @return
* true if the TOTP key was successfully stored, false if the extension
* handling storage does not support storage of the key.
* @throws GuacamoleException
* If the extension handling storage fails internally while attempting
* to update the user.
private boolean setKey(UserContext context, UserTOTPKey key)
throws GuacamoleException {
// Get mutable set of attributes
User self = context.self();
Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<>();
// Set/overwrite current TOTP key state
attributes.put(TOTPUser.TOTP_KEY_SECRET_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, BASE32.encode(key.getSecret()));
attributes.put(TOTPUser.TOTP_KEY_CONFIRMED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, key.isConfirmed() ? "true" : "false");
// Confirm that attributes have actually been set
Map<String, String> setAttributes = self.getAttributes();
if (!setAttributes.containsKey(TOTPUser.TOTP_KEY_SECRET_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)
|| !setAttributes.containsKey(TOTPUser.TOTP_KEY_CONFIRMED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME))
return false;
// Update user object
try {
catch (GuacamoleSecurityException e) {"User \"{}\" cannot store their TOTP key as they "
+ "lack permission to update their own account and the "
+ "TOTP extension was unable to obtain privileged access. "
+ "TOTP will be disabled for this user.",
logger.debug("Permission denied to set TOTP key of user "
+ "account.", e);
return false;
catch (GuacamoleUnsupportedException e) {
logger.debug("Extension storage for user is explicitly read-only. "
+ "Cannot update attributes to store TOTP key.", e);
return false;
// TOTP key successfully stored/updated
return true;
* Checks the user in question, via both UserContext and AuthenticatedUser,
* to see if TOTP has been disabled for this user, either directly or via
* membership in a group that has had TOTP marked as disabled.
* @param context
* The UserContext for the user being verified.
* @param authenticatedUser
* The AuthenticatedUser for the user being verified.
* @return
* True if TOTP access has been disabled for the user, otherwise
* false.
* @throws GuacamoleException
* If the extension handling storage fails internally while attempting
* to update the user.
private boolean totpDisabled(UserContext context,
AuthenticatedUser authenticatedUser)
throws GuacamoleException {
// If TOTP is disabled for this user, return, allowing login to continue
Map<String, String> myAttributes = context.self().getAttributes();
if (myAttributes != null
logger.warn("TOTP validation has been disabled for user \"{}\"",
return true;
// Check if any effective user groups have TOTP marked as disabled
Set<String> userGroups = authenticatedUser.getEffectiveUserGroups();
Directory<UserGroup> directoryGroups = context.getPrivileged().getUserGroupDirectory();
for (String userGroup : userGroups) {
UserGroup thisGroup = directoryGroups.get(userGroup);
if (thisGroup == null)
Map<String, String> grpAttributes = thisGroup.getAttributes();
if (grpAttributes != null
&& TOTPUserGroup.TRUTH_VALUE.equals(grpAttributes.get(TOTPUserGroup.TOTP_KEY_DISABLED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME))) {
logger.warn("TOTP validation will be bypassed for user \"{}\""
+ " because it has been disabled for group \"{}\"",
context.self().getIdentifier(), userGroup);
return true;
// TOTP has not been disabled
return false;
* Verifies the identity of the given user using TOTP. If a authentication
* code from the user's TOTP device has not already been provided, a code is
* requested in the form of additional expected credentials. Any provided
* code is cryptographically verified. If no code is present, or the
* received code is invalid, an exception is thrown.
* @param context
* The UserContext provided for the user by another authentication
* extension.
* @param authenticatedUser
* The user whose identity should be verified using TOTP.
* @throws GuacamoleException
* If required TOTP-specific configuration options are missing or
* malformed, or if the user's identity cannot be verified.
public void verifyIdentity(UserContext context,
AuthenticatedUser authenticatedUser) throws GuacamoleException {
// Ignore anonymous users
String username = authenticatedUser.getIdentifier();
if (username.equals(AuthenticatedUser.ANONYMOUS_IDENTIFIER))
// Check if TOTP has been disabled for this user
if (totpDisabled(context, authenticatedUser))
// Ignore users which do not have an associated key
UserTOTPKey key = getKey(context, username);
if (key == null)
// Pull the original HTTP request used to authenticate
Credentials credentials = authenticatedUser.getCredentials();
HttpServletRequest request = credentials.getRequest();
// Retrieve TOTP from request
String code = request.getParameter(AuthenticationCodeField.PARAMETER_NAME);
// If no TOTP provided, request one
if (code == null) {
AuthenticationCodeField field = codeFieldProvider.get();
// If the user hasn't completed enrollment, request that they do
if (!key.isConfirmed()) {
throw new TranslatableGuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException(
"TOTP enrollment must be completed before "
+ "authentication can continue",
"TOTP.INFO_ENROLL_REQUIRED", new CredentialsInfo(
// Otherwise simply request the user's authentication code
throw new TranslatableGuacamoleInsufficientCredentialsException(
"A TOTP authentication code is required before login can "
+ "continue", "TOTP.INFO_CODE_REQUIRED", new CredentialsInfo(
try {
// Get generator based on user's key and provided configuration
TOTPGenerator totp = new TOTPGenerator(key.getSecret(),
confService.getMode(), confService.getDigits(),
TOTPGenerator.DEFAULT_START_TIME, confService.getPeriod());
// Verify provided TOTP against value produced by generator
if ((code.equals(totp.generate()) || code.equals(totp.previous()))
&& codeService.useCode(username, code)) {
// Record key as confirmed, if it hasn't already been so recorded
if (!key.isConfirmed()) {
setKey(context, key);
// User has been verified
catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
logger.warn("User \"{}\" is associated with an invalid TOTP key.", username);
logger.debug("TOTP key is not valid.", e);
// Provided code is not valid
throw new TranslatableGuacamoleClientException("Provided TOTP code "
+ "is not valid.", "TOTP.INFO_VERIFICATION_FAILED");