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package org.apache.griffin.core.job;
import static org.apache.griffin.core.exception.GriffinExceptionMessage.INVALID_CONNECTOR_NAME;
import static org.apache.griffin.core.exception.GriffinExceptionMessage.INVALID_CRON_EXPRESSION;
import static org.apache.griffin.core.exception.GriffinExceptionMessage.INVALID_JOB_NAME;
import static org.apache.griffin.core.exception.GriffinExceptionMessage.JOB_IS_NOT_IN_PAUSED_STATUS;
import static org.apache.griffin.core.exception.GriffinExceptionMessage.JOB_IS_NOT_SCHEDULED;
import static org.apache.griffin.core.exception.GriffinExceptionMessage.JOB_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
import static org.apache.griffin.core.exception.GriffinExceptionMessage.MISSING_BASELINE_CONFIG;
import static org.apache.griffin.core.measure.entity.GriffinMeasure.ProcessType.BATCH;
import static org.quartz.CronExpression.isValidExpression;
import static org.quartz.JobKey.jobKey;
import static org.quartz.Trigger.TriggerState;
import static org.quartz.Trigger.TriggerState.BLOCKED;
import static org.quartz.Trigger.TriggerState.NORMAL;
import static org.quartz.Trigger.TriggerState.PAUSED;
import static org.quartz.TriggerKey.triggerKey;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.griffin.core.exception.GriffinException;
import org.apache.griffin.core.job.entity.AbstractJob;
import org.apache.griffin.core.job.entity.BatchJob;
import org.apache.griffin.core.job.entity.JobDataSegment;
import org.apache.griffin.core.job.entity.JobHealth;
import org.apache.griffin.core.job.entity.JobInstanceBean;
import org.apache.griffin.core.job.entity.JobState;
import org.apache.griffin.core.job.entity.LivySessionStates;
import org.apache.griffin.core.job.repo.BatchJobRepo;
import org.apache.griffin.core.job.repo.JobInstanceRepo;
import org.apache.griffin.core.measure.entity.DataSource;
import org.apache.griffin.core.measure.entity.GriffinMeasure;
import org.quartz.JobKey;
import org.quartz.Scheduler;
import org.quartz.SchedulerException;
import org.quartz.Trigger;
import org.quartz.TriggerKey;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
public class BatchJobOperatorImpl implements JobOperator {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory
private SchedulerFactoryBean factory;
private JobInstanceRepo instanceRepo;
private BatchJobRepo batchJobRepo;
private JobServiceImpl jobService;
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public AbstractJob add(AbstractJob job, GriffinMeasure measure)
throws Exception {
validateParams(job, measure);
String qName = jobService.getQuartzName(job);
String qGroup = jobService.getQuartzGroup();
TriggerKey triggerKey = jobService.getTriggerKeyIfValid(qName, qGroup);
BatchJob batchJob = genBatchJobBean(job, qName, qGroup);
batchJob =;
jobService.addJob(triggerKey, batchJob, BATCH);
return job;
private BatchJob genBatchJobBean(AbstractJob job,
String qName,
String qGroup) {
BatchJob batchJob = (BatchJob) job;
return batchJob;
* to start states: PAUSED
* to stop states: BLOCKED NORMAL
* @param job streaming job
public void start(AbstractJob job) {
String name = job.getName();
String group = job.getGroup();
TriggerState state = getTriggerState(name, group);
if (state == null) {
throw new GriffinException.BadRequestException(
/* If job is not in paused state,we can't start it
as it may be RUNNING.*/
if (state != PAUSED) {
throw new GriffinException.BadRequestException
JobKey jobKey = jobKey(name, group);
try {
} catch (SchedulerException e) {
throw new GriffinException.ServiceException(
"Failed to start job.", e);
public void stop(AbstractJob job) {
pauseJob((BatchJob) job, false);
public void delete(AbstractJob job) {
pauseJob((BatchJob) job, true);
public JobHealth getHealth(JobHealth jobHealth, AbstractJob job)
throws SchedulerException {
List<? extends Trigger> triggers = jobService
.getTriggers(job.getName(), job.getGroup());
if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(triggers)) {
jobHealth.setJobCount(jobHealth.getJobCount() + 1);
if (jobService.isJobHealthy(job.getId())) {
jobHealth.getHealthyJobCount() + 1);
return jobHealth;
public JobState getState(AbstractJob job, String action)
throws SchedulerException {
JobState jobState = new JobState();
Scheduler scheduler = factory.getScheduler();
if (job.getGroup() == null || job.getName() == null) {
return null;
TriggerKey triggerKey = triggerKey(job.getName(), job.getGroup());
TriggerState triggerState = scheduler.getTriggerState(triggerKey);
setTriggerTime(job, jobState);
return jobState;
private void setTriggerTime(AbstractJob job, JobState jobState)
throws SchedulerException {
List<? extends Trigger> triggers = jobService
.getTriggers(job.getName(), job.getGroup());
// If triggers are empty, in Griffin it means job is completed whose
// trigger state is NONE or not scheduled.
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(triggers)) {
Trigger trigger = triggers.get(0);
Date nextFireTime = trigger.getNextFireTime();
Date previousFireTime = trigger.getPreviousFireTime();
jobState.setNextFireTime(nextFireTime != null ?
nextFireTime.getTime() : -1);
jobState.setPreviousFireTime(previousFireTime != null ?
previousFireTime.getTime() : -1);
* only PAUSED state of job can be started
* @param state job state
* @return true: job can be started, false: job is running which cannot be
* started
private boolean getStartStatus(TriggerState state) {
return state == PAUSED;
* only NORMAL or BLOCKED state of job can be started
* @param state job state
* @return true: job can be stopped, false: job is running which cannot be
* stopped
private boolean getStopStatus(TriggerState state) {
return state == NORMAL || state == BLOCKED;
private TriggerState getTriggerState(String name, String group) {
try {
List<? extends Trigger> triggers = jobService.getTriggers(name,
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(triggers)) {
return null;
TriggerKey key = triggers.get(0).getKey();
return factory.getScheduler().getTriggerState(key);
} catch (SchedulerException e) {
LOGGER.error("Failed to delete job", e);
throw new GriffinException
.ServiceException("Failed to delete job", e);
* @param job griffin job
* @param delete if job needs to be deleted,set isNeedDelete true,otherwise
* it just will be paused.
private void pauseJob(BatchJob job, boolean delete) {
try {
pauseJob(job.getGroup(), job.getName());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Job schedule happens exception.", e);
throw new GriffinException.ServiceException("Job schedule " +
"happens exception.", e);
private void pausePredicateJob(BatchJob job) throws SchedulerException {
List<JobInstanceBean> instances = instanceRepo.findByJobId(job.getId());
for (JobInstanceBean instance : instances) {
if (!instance.isPredicateDeleted()) {
deleteJob(instance.getPredicateGroup(), instance
if (instance.getState().equals(LivySessionStates.State.FINDING)) {
public void deleteJob(String group, String name) throws SchedulerException {
Scheduler scheduler = factory.getScheduler();
JobKey jobKey = new JobKey(name, group);
if (!scheduler.checkExists(jobKey)) {"Job({},{}) does not exist.", jobKey.getGroup(), jobKey
private void pauseJob(String group, String name) throws SchedulerException {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(group) || StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) {
Scheduler scheduler = factory.getScheduler();
JobKey jobKey = new JobKey(name, group);
if (!scheduler.checkExists(jobKey)) {
LOGGER.warn("Job({},{}) does not exist.", jobKey.getGroup(), jobKey
throw new GriffinException.NotFoundException
public boolean pauseJobInstances(List<JobInstanceBean> instances) {
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(instances)) {
return true;
List<JobInstanceBean> deletedInstances = new ArrayList<>();
boolean pauseStatus = true;
for (JobInstanceBean instance : instances) {
boolean status = pauseJobInstance(instance, deletedInstances);
pauseStatus = pauseStatus && status;
return pauseStatus;
private boolean pauseJobInstance(JobInstanceBean instance,
List<JobInstanceBean> deletedInstances) {
boolean status = true;
String pGroup = instance.getPredicateGroup();
String pName = instance.getPredicateName();
try {
if (!instance.isPredicateDeleted()) {
deleteJob(pGroup, pName);
} catch (SchedulerException e) {
LOGGER.error("Failed to pause predicate job({},{}).", pGroup,
status = false;
return status;
private void validateParams(AbstractJob job, GriffinMeasure measure) {
if (!jobService.isValidJobName(job.getJobName())) {
throw new GriffinException.BadRequestException(INVALID_JOB_NAME);
if (!isValidCronExpression(job.getCronExpression())) {
throw new GriffinException.BadRequestException
if (!isValidBaseLine(job.getSegments())) {
throw new GriffinException.BadRequestException
List<String> names = getConnectorNames(measure);
if (!isValidConnectorNames(job.getSegments(), names)) {
throw new GriffinException.BadRequestException
private boolean isValidCronExpression(String cronExpression) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(cronExpression)) {
LOGGER.warn("Cron Expression is empty.");
return false;
if (!isValidExpression(cronExpression)) {
LOGGER.warn("Cron Expression is invalid.");
return false;
return true;
private boolean isValidBaseLine(List<JobDataSegment> segments) {
assert segments != null;
for (JobDataSegment jds : segments) {
if (jds.isAsTsBaseline()) {
return true;
LOGGER.warn("Please set segment timestamp baseline " +
"in as.baseline field.");
return false;
private boolean isValidConnectorNames(List<JobDataSegment> segments,
List<String> names) {
assert segments != null;
Set<String> sets = new HashSet<>();
for (JobDataSegment segment : segments) {
String dcName = segment.getDataConnectorName();
boolean exist = -> name.equals
if (!exist) {
LOGGER.warn("Param {} is a illegal string. " +
"Please input one of strings in {}.", dcName, names);
return false;
if (sets.size() < segments.size()) {
LOGGER.warn("Connector names in job data segment " +
"cannot duplicate.");
return false;
return true;
private List<String> getConnectorNames(GriffinMeasure measure) {
Set<String> sets = new HashSet<>();
List<DataSource> sources = measure.getDataSources();
for (DataSource source : sources) {
source.getConnectors().forEach(dc -> sets.add(dc.getName()));
if (sets.size() < sources.size()) {
LOGGER.warn("Connector names cannot be repeated.");
return Collections.emptyList();
return new ArrayList<>(sets);