blob: 5446da07c68a65a0cde7cf2269bd6485d83626c7 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.griffin.measure.step.builder.dsl.expr
trait LogicalExpr extends Expr {}
case class InExpr(head: Expr, is: Boolean, range: Seq[Expr]) extends LogicalExpr {
addChildren(head +: range)
def desc: String = {
val notStr = if (is) "" else " NOT"
s"${head.desc}$notStr IN (${", ")})"
def coalesceDesc: String = {
val notStr = if (is) "" else " NOT"
s"${head.coalesceDesc}$notStr IN (${", ")})"
override def map(func: Expr => Expr): InExpr = {
InExpr(func(head), is,
case class BetweenExpr(head: Expr, is: Boolean, range: Seq[Expr]) extends LogicalExpr {
range match {
case first :: second :: _ => addChildren(head :: first :: second :: Nil)
case _ => throw new Exception("between expression exception: range less than 2")
def desc: String = {
val notStr = if (is) "" else " NOT"
val rangeStr = range match {
case first :: second :: _ => s"${first.desc} AND ${second.desc}"
case _ => throw new Exception("between expression exception: range less than 2")
s"${head.desc}$notStr BETWEEN $rangeStr"
def coalesceDesc: String = {
val notStr = if (is) "" else " NOT"
val rangeStr = range match {
case first :: second :: _ => s"${first.coalesceDesc} AND ${second.coalesceDesc}"
case _ => throw new Exception("between expression exception: range less than 2")
s"${head.coalesceDesc}$notStr BETWEEN $rangeStr"
override def map(func: Expr => Expr): BetweenExpr = {
BetweenExpr(func(head), is,
case class LikeExpr(head: Expr, is: Boolean, value: Expr) extends LogicalExpr {
addChildren(head :: value :: Nil)
def desc: String = {
val notStr = if (is) "" else " NOT"
s"${head.desc}$notStr LIKE ${value.desc}"
def coalesceDesc: String = {
val notStr = if (is) "" else " NOT"
s"${head.coalesceDesc}$notStr LIKE ${value.coalesceDesc}"
override def map(func: Expr => Expr): LikeExpr = {
LikeExpr(func(head), is, func(value))
case class RLikeExpr(head: Expr, is: Boolean, value: Expr) extends LogicalExpr {
addChildren(head :: value :: Nil)
def desc: String = {
val notStr = if (is) "" else " NOT"
s"${head.desc}$notStr RLIKE ${value.desc}"
def coalesceDesc: String = {
val notStr = if (is) "" else " NOT"
s"${head.coalesceDesc}$notStr RLIKE ${value.coalesceDesc}"
override def map(func: Expr => Expr): RLikeExpr = {
RLikeExpr(func(head), is, func(value))
case class IsNullExpr(head: Expr, is: Boolean) extends LogicalExpr {
def desc: String = {
val notStr = if (is) "" else " NOT"
s"${head.desc} IS$notStr NULL"
def coalesceDesc: String = desc
override def map(func: Expr => Expr): IsNullExpr = {
IsNullExpr(func(head), is)
case class IsNanExpr(head: Expr, is: Boolean) extends LogicalExpr {
def desc: String = {
val notStr = if (is) "" else "NOT "
def coalesceDesc: String = desc
override def map(func: Expr => Expr): IsNanExpr = {
IsNanExpr(func(head), is)
// -----------
case class LogicalFactorExpr(factor: Expr, withBracket: Boolean, aliasOpt: Option[String])
extends LogicalExpr
with AliasableExpr {
def desc: String = if (withBracket) s"(${factor.desc})" else factor.desc
def coalesceDesc: String = factor.coalesceDesc
def alias: Option[String] = aliasOpt
override def extractSelf: Expr = {
if (aliasOpt.nonEmpty) this
else factor.extractSelf
override def map(func: Expr => Expr): LogicalFactorExpr = {
LogicalFactorExpr(func(factor), withBracket, aliasOpt)
case class UnaryLogicalExpr(oprs: Seq[String], factor: LogicalExpr) extends LogicalExpr {
def desc: String = {
oprs.foldRight(factor.desc) { (opr, fac) =>
s"(${trans(opr)} $fac)"
def coalesceDesc: String = {
oprs.foldRight(factor.coalesceDesc) { (opr, fac) =>
s"(${trans(opr)} $fac)"
private def trans(s: String): String = {
s match {
case "!" => "NOT"
case _ => s.toUpperCase
override def extractSelf: Expr = {
if (oprs.nonEmpty) this
else factor.extractSelf
override def map(func: Expr => Expr): UnaryLogicalExpr = {
UnaryLogicalExpr(oprs, func(factor).asInstanceOf[LogicalExpr])
case class BinaryLogicalExpr(factor: LogicalExpr, tails: Seq[(String, LogicalExpr)])
extends LogicalExpr {
addChildren(factor +:
def desc: String = {
val res = tails.foldLeft(factor.desc) { (fac, tail) =>
val (opr, expr) = tail
s"$fac ${trans(opr)} ${expr.desc}"
if (tails.size <= 0) res else s"$res"
def coalesceDesc: String = {
val res = tails.foldLeft(factor.coalesceDesc) { (fac, tail) =>
val (opr, expr) = tail
s"$fac ${trans(opr)} ${expr.coalesceDesc}"
if (tails.size <= 0) res else s"$res"
private def trans(s: String): String = {
s match {
case "&&" => "AND"
case "||" => "OR"
case _ => s.trim.toUpperCase
override def extractSelf: Expr = {
if (tails.nonEmpty) this
else factor.extractSelf
override def map(func: Expr => Expr): BinaryLogicalExpr = {
BinaryLogicalExpr(func(factor).asInstanceOf[LogicalExpr], { pair =>
(pair._1, func(pair._2).asInstanceOf[LogicalExpr])