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package org.apache.griffin.measure.sink
import scala.concurrent.Future
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.mongodb.scala._
import org.mongodb.scala.model.{Filters, UpdateOptions, Updates}
import org.mongodb.scala.result.UpdateResult
import org.apache.griffin.measure.utils.ParamUtil._
import org.apache.griffin.measure.utils.TimeUtil
* sink metric and record to mongo
case class MongoSink(
config: Map[String, Any],
metricName: String,
timeStamp: Long,
block: Boolean) extends Sink {
val OverTime = "over.time"
val Retry = "retry"
val overTime = TimeUtil.milliseconds(config.getString(OverTime, "")).getOrElse(-1L)
val retry = config.getInt(Retry, 10)
val _MetricName = "metricName"
val _Timestamp = "timestamp"
val _Value = "value"
def available(): Boolean = MongoConnection.dataConf.available
def start(msg: String): Unit = {}
def finish(): Unit = {}
def log(rt: Long, msg: String): Unit = {}
def sinkRecords(records: RDD[String], name: String): Unit = {}
def sinkRecords(records: Iterable[String], name: String): Unit = {}
def sinkMetrics(metrics: Map[String, Any]): Unit = {
private val filter = Filters.and(
Filters.eq(_MetricName, metricName),
Filters.eq(_Timestamp, timeStamp)
private def mongoInsert(dataMap: Map[String, Any]): Unit = {
try {
val update = Updates.set(_Value, dataMap)
def func(): (Long, Future[UpdateResult]) = {
(timeStamp, MongoConnection.getDataCollection.updateOne(
filter, update, UpdateOptions().upsert(true)).toFuture)
if (block) SinkTaskRunner.addBlockTask(func _, retry, overTime)
else SinkTaskRunner.addNonBlockTask(func _, retry)
} catch {
case e: Throwable => error(e.getMessage, e)
object MongoConnection {
case class MongoConf(url: String, database: String, collection: String) {
def available: Boolean = url.nonEmpty && database.nonEmpty && collection.nonEmpty
val _MongoHead = "mongodb://"
val Url = "url"
val Database = "database"
val Collection = "collection"
private var initialed = false
var dataConf: MongoConf = _
private var dataCollection: MongoCollection[Document] = _
def getDataCollection : MongoCollection[Document] = dataCollection
def init(config: Map[String, Any]): Unit = {
if (!initialed) {
dataConf = mongoConf(config)
dataCollection = mongoCollection(dataConf)
initialed = true
private def mongoConf(cfg: Map[String, Any]): MongoConf = {
val url = cfg.getString(Url, "").trim
val mongoUrl = if (url.startsWith(_MongoHead)) url else {
_MongoHead + url
cfg.getString(Database, ""),
cfg.getString(Collection, "")
private def mongoCollection(mongoConf: MongoConf): MongoCollection[Document] = {
val mongoClient: MongoClient = MongoClient(mongoConf.url)
val database: MongoDatabase = mongoClient.getDatabase(mongoConf.database)