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package org.apache.griffin.measure.sink
import scala.collection.mutable
import org.apache.griffin.measure.configuration.dqdefinition.{RuleOutputParam, SinkParam}
import org.apache.griffin.measure.configuration.enums.FlattenType
import org.apache.griffin.measure.step.write.{MetricFlushStep, MetricWriteStep, RecordWriteStep}
class CustomSinkTest extends SinkTestBase {
var sinkParam = SinkParam("custom",
Map("class" -> "org.apache.griffin.measure.sink.CustomSink"))
var sinkParams = Seq(sinkParam)
def withCustomSink[A](func: (MultiSinks) => A): A = {
val sinkFactory = SinkFactory(sinkParams, "Test Sink Factory")
val timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis
val sinks = sinkFactory.getSinks(timestamp, true)
"custom sink" can "sink metrics" in {
val actualMetrics = withCustomSink((sinks) => {
sinks.sinkMetrics(Map("sum" -> 10))
sinks.sinkMetrics(Map("count" -> 5))
sinks.headSinkOpt match {
case Some(sink: CustomSink) => sink.allMetrics
case _ => mutable.ListBuffer[String]()
val expected = Map("sum" -> 10, "count" -> 5)
actualMetrics should be(expected)
"custom sink" can "sink records" in {
val actualRecords = withCustomSink((sinks) => {
val rdd1 = createDataFrame(1 to 2)
sinks.sinkRecords(rdd1.toJSON.rdd, "test records")
val rdd2 = createDataFrame(2 to 4)
sinks.sinkRecords(rdd2.toJSON.rdd, "test records")
sinks.headSinkOpt match {
case Some(sink: CustomSink) => sink.allRecords
case _ =>
val expected = List(
actualRecords should be(expected)
"RecordWriteStep" should "work with custom sink" in {
val resultTable = "result_table"
val df = createDataFrame(1 to 5)
val rwName = Some(metricsDefaultOutput).flatMap(_.getNameOpt).getOrElse(resultTable)
val dQContext = getDqContext()
RecordWriteStep(rwName, resultTable).execute(dQContext)
val actualRecords = dQContext.getSink().asInstanceOf[MultiSinks].headSinkOpt match {
case Some(sink: CustomSink) => sink.allRecords
case _ => mutable.ListBuffer[String]()
val expected = List(
actualRecords should be(expected)
val metricsDefaultOutput = RuleOutputParam("metrics", "default_output", "default")
val metricsEntriesOutput = RuleOutputParam("metrics", "entries_output", "entries")
val metricsArrayOutput = RuleOutputParam("metrics", "array_output", "array")
val metricsMapOutput = RuleOutputParam("metrics", "map_output", "map")
"MetricWriteStep" should "output default metrics with custom sink" in {
val resultTable = "result_table"
val df = createDataFrame(1 to 5)
.agg("age" -> "max", "age" -> "avg")
val dQContext = getDqContext()
val metricWriteStep = {
val metricOpt = Some(metricsDefaultOutput)
val mwName = metricOpt.flatMap(_.getNameOpt).getOrElse("default_metrics_name")
val flattenType =
MetricWriteStep(mwName, resultTable, flattenType)
val actualMetrics = dQContext.getSink().asInstanceOf[MultiSinks].headSinkOpt match {
case Some(sink: CustomSink) => sink.allMetrics
case _ => mutable.Map[String, Any]()
val metricsValue = Seq(Map("sex" -> "man", "max(age)" -> 19, "avg(age)" -> 18.0),
Map("sex" -> "women", "max(age)" -> 20, "avg(age)" -> 18.0))
val expected = Map("default_output" -> metricsValue)
actualMetrics.get("value").get should be(expected)