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package org.apache.griffin.measure.step.builder.preproc
import org.apache.griffin.measure.configuration.dqdefinition.RuleParam
import org.apache.griffin.measure.configuration.enums._
* generate each entity pre-proc params by template defined in pre-proc param
object PreProcParamMaker {
case class StringAnyMap(values:Map[String,Any])
def makePreProcRules(rules: Seq[RuleParam], suffix: String, dfName: String): (Seq[RuleParam], String) = {
val len = rules.size
val (newRules, _) = rules.zipWithIndex.foldLeft((Nil: Seq[RuleParam], dfName)) { (ret, pair) =>
val (rls, prevOutDfName) = ret
val (rule, i) = pair
val inName = rule.getInDfName(prevOutDfName)
val outName = if (i == len - 1) dfName else rule.getOutDfName(genNameWithIndex(dfName, i))
val ruleWithNames = rule.replaceInOutDfName(inName, outName)
(rls :+ makeNewPreProcRule(ruleWithNames, suffix), outName)
(newRules, withSuffix(dfName, suffix))
private def makeNewPreProcRule(rule: RuleParam, suffix: String): RuleParam = {
val newInDfName = withSuffix(rule.getInDfName(), suffix)
val newOutDfName = withSuffix(rule.getOutDfName(), suffix)
val rpRule = rule.replaceInOutDfName(newInDfName, newOutDfName)
rule.getDslType match {
case DataFrameOpsType => rpRule
case _ => {
val newRule = replaceDfNameSuffix(rule.getRule, rule.getInDfName(), suffix)
private def genNameWithIndex(name: String, i: Int): String = s"${name}${i}"
private def replaceDfNameSuffix(str: String, dfName: String, suffix: String): String = {
val regexStr = s"(?i)${dfName}"
val replaceDfName = withSuffix(dfName, suffix)
str.replaceAll(regexStr, replaceDfName)
def withSuffix(str: String, suffix: String): String = s"${str}_${suffix}"