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package org.apache.griffin.measure.step.builder.dsl.transform
import org.apache.griffin.measure.configuration.enums._
import org.apache.griffin.measure.configuration.dqdefinition.RuleParam
import org.apache.griffin.measure.context.DQContext
import org.apache.griffin.measure.step.DQStep
import org.apache.griffin.measure.step.builder.ConstantColumns
import org.apache.griffin.measure.step.builder.dsl.expr._
import org.apache.griffin.measure.step.builder.dsl.transform.analyzer.TimelinessAnalyzer
import org.apache.griffin.measure.step.transform.SparkSqlTransformStep
import org.apache.griffin.measure.step.write.{MetricWriteStep, RecordWriteStep}
import org.apache.griffin.measure.utils.ParamUtil._
import org.apache.griffin.measure.utils.TimeUtil
* generate timeliness dq steps
case class TimelinessExpr2DQSteps(context: DQContext,
expr: Expr,
ruleParam: RuleParam
) extends Expr2DQSteps {
private object TimelinessKeys {
val _source = "source"
val _latency = "latency"
val _total = "total"
val _avg = "avg"
val _threshold = "threshold"
val _step = "step"
val _count = "count"
val _stepSize = "step.size"
val _percentileColPrefix = "percentile"
val _percentileValues = "percentile.values"
import TimelinessKeys._
def getDQSteps(): Seq[DQStep] = {
val details = ruleParam.getDetails
val timelinessExpr = expr.asInstanceOf[TimelinessClause]
val sourceName = details.getString(_source, context.getDataSourceName(0))
val procType = context.procType
val timestamp = context.contextId.timestamp
val dsTimeRanges = context.dataSourceTimeRanges
val minTmstOpt = dsTimeRanges.get(sourceName).flatMap(_.minTmstOpt)
val minTmst = minTmstOpt match {
case Some(t) => t
case _ => throw new Exception(s"empty min tmst from ${sourceName}")
if (!context.runTimeTableRegister.existsTable(sourceName)) {
warn(s"[${timestamp}] data source ${sourceName} not exists")
} else {
val analyzer = TimelinessAnalyzer(timelinessExpr, sourceName)
val btsSel = analyzer.btsExpr
val etsSelOpt = analyzer.etsExprOpt
// 1. in time
val inTimeTableName = "__inTime"
val inTimeSql = etsSelOpt match {
case Some(etsSel) => {
|SELECT *, (${btsSel}) AS `${ConstantColumns.beginTs}`,
|(${etsSel}) AS `${ConstantColumns.endTs}`
|FROM ${sourceName} WHERE (${btsSel}) IS NOT NULL AND (${etsSel}) IS NOT NULL
case _ => {
|SELECT *, (${btsSel}) AS `${ConstantColumns.beginTs}`
|FROM ${sourceName} WHERE (${btsSel}) IS NOT NULL
val inTimeTransStep = SparkSqlTransformStep(inTimeTableName, inTimeSql, emptyMap)
// 2. latency
val latencyTableName = "__lat"
val latencyColName = details.getStringOrKey(_latency)
val etsColName = etsSelOpt match {
case Some(_) => ConstantColumns.endTs
case _ => ConstantColumns.tmst
val latencySql = {
s"SELECT *, (`${etsColName}` - `${ConstantColumns.beginTs}`) AS `${latencyColName}` FROM `${inTimeTableName}`"
val latencyTransStep = SparkSqlTransformStep(latencyTableName, latencySql, emptyMap, true)
// 3. timeliness metric
val metricTableName = ruleParam.getOutDfName()
val totalColName = details.getStringOrKey(_total)
val avgColName = details.getStringOrKey(_avg)
val metricSql = procType match {
case BatchProcessType => {
|SELECT COUNT(*) AS `${totalColName}`,
|CAST(AVG(`${latencyColName}`) AS BIGINT) AS `${avgColName}`
|FROM `${latencyTableName}`
case StreamingProcessType => {
|SELECT `${ConstantColumns.tmst}`,
|COUNT(*) AS `${totalColName}`,
|CAST(AVG(`${latencyColName}`) AS BIGINT) AS `${avgColName}`
|FROM `${latencyTableName}`
|GROUP BY `${ConstantColumns.tmst}`
val metricTransStep = SparkSqlTransformStep(metricTableName, metricSql, emptyMap)
val metricWriteStep = {
val metricOpt = ruleParam.getOutputOpt(MetricOutputType)
val mwName = metricOpt.flatMap(_.getNameOpt).getOrElse(ruleParam.getOutDfName())
val flattenType =
MetricWriteStep(mwName, metricTableName, flattenType)
// current steps
val transSteps1 = inTimeTransStep :: latencyTransStep :: metricTransStep :: Nil
val writeSteps1 = metricWriteStep :: Nil
// 4. timeliness record
val (transSteps2, writeSteps2) = TimeUtil.milliseconds(details.getString(_threshold, "")) match {
case Some(tsh) => {
val recordTableName = "__lateRecords"
val recordSql = {
s"SELECT * FROM `${latencyTableName}` WHERE `${latencyColName}` > ${tsh}"
val recordTransStep = SparkSqlTransformStep(recordTableName, recordSql, emptyMap)
val recordWriteStep = {
val rwName = ruleParam.getOutputOpt(RecordOutputType).flatMap(_.getNameOpt).getOrElse(recordTableName)
RecordWriteStep(rwName, recordTableName, None)
(recordTransStep :: Nil, recordWriteStep :: Nil)
case _ => (Nil, Nil)
// 5. ranges
val (transSteps3, writeSteps3) = TimeUtil.milliseconds(details.getString(_stepSize, "")) match {
case Some(stepSize) => {
// 5.1 range
val rangeTableName = "__range"
val stepColName = details.getStringOrKey(_step)
val rangeSql = {
|SELECT *, CAST((`${latencyColName}` / ${stepSize}) AS BIGINT) AS `${stepColName}`
|FROM `${latencyTableName}`
val rangeTransStep = SparkSqlTransformStep(rangeTableName, rangeSql, emptyMap)
// 5.2 range metric
val rangeMetricTableName = "__rangeMetric"
val countColName = details.getStringOrKey(_count)
val rangeMetricSql = procType match {
case BatchProcessType => {
|SELECT `${stepColName}`, COUNT(*) AS `${countColName}`
|FROM `${rangeTableName}` GROUP BY `${stepColName}`
case StreamingProcessType => {
|SELECT `${ConstantColumns.tmst}`, `${stepColName}`, COUNT(*) AS `${countColName}`
|FROM `${rangeTableName}` GROUP BY `${ConstantColumns.tmst}`, `${stepColName}`
val rangeMetricTransStep = SparkSqlTransformStep(rangeMetricTableName, rangeMetricSql, emptyMap)
val rangeMetricWriteStep = {
MetricWriteStep(stepColName, rangeMetricTableName, ArrayFlattenType)
(rangeTransStep :: rangeMetricTransStep :: Nil, rangeMetricWriteStep :: Nil)
case _ => (Nil, Nil)
// 6. percentiles
val percentiles = getPercentiles(details)
val (transSteps4, writeSteps4) = if (percentiles.size > 0) {
val percentileTableName = "__percentile"
val percentileColName = details.getStringOrKey(_percentileColPrefix)
val percentileCols = { pct =>
val pctName = (pct * 100).toInt.toString
s"floor(percentile_approx(${latencyColName}, ${pct})) AS `${percentileColName}_${pctName}`"
}.mkString(", ")
val percentileSql = {
|SELECT ${percentileCols}
|FROM `${latencyTableName}`
val percentileTransStep = SparkSqlTransformStep(percentileTableName, percentileSql, emptyMap)
val percentileWriteStep = {
MetricWriteStep(percentileTableName, percentileTableName, DefaultFlattenType)
(percentileTransStep :: Nil, percentileWriteStep :: Nil)
} else (Nil, Nil)
// full steps
transSteps1 ++ transSteps2 ++ transSteps3 ++ transSteps4 ++
writeSteps1 ++ writeSteps2 ++ writeSteps3 ++ writeSteps4
private def getPercentiles(details: Map[String, Any]): Seq[Double] = {
details.getArr[Double](_percentileValues).filter(d => (d >= 0 && d <= 1))